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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B]Nope, the son clearly is in the wrong. The situation did not warrant murder. The son should have apologized and gone to bed. This man had problems, killing his father was no way to solve them. The father did what was right, he may have been a little excessive in his lecturing his son, but he was right.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I must say I disagree. There was nothing for the son to apologize about, for one. I have no clue what you're talking abuot there. What is it? "Woops, sorry, dad. I killed you."? This just another case of abusive parents. Just on the same level is that dad was a drunk and beat his son. Except it's not phsyical abuse his son was taking, it's verbal, and from his father. A guy who is supposed to encourage a kid and set a good example is talking down to you. Someone you're supposed to look up to thinks you are worth nothing. That's going to leave the kid with some issues throughout his life. Not to mention being shipped across the world only to come back, and with no change. His time was wasted, and for nothing. He never had any friends, which in any case is a major depressant. Then he would have to come home every night to listen to his father's lecturing. I'm not saying murder was the right way to go, but that father needs to learn that not everybody can be an uptight "smart-guy" like him. Even the pain of death won't measure what kind of mental anguish he has put on his son. Though, I'm sure if the son had found a way to take legal action against him, he could have been emancipated from his father's consent, and lived more peacefully elsewhere. The only question would be where..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by panther3751 [/i] [B]:: later wish, later possible blooper :: When they wished all the people killed by Cell back (after the tournament, this revived Trunks and etc.) why didn't Bubbles, Gregory, and King Kai come back to life as well? :: possibly answering own question :: Is it because, technically, Goku killed them all when he brought Cell to King Kai's planet?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It wasn't Kakarots fault that King Kai and them died. I'm sure Cell could have stopped himself, but it was just already too late. My guess on this one is that the Shenron's power cannot reach the Other World. Cause if it could, Kakarot would have came back with that wish, too.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PrettygurlRei [/i] [B]if mystic Gohan is sooo powerful , then why did he get absorbed by Buu?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Now that's a really easy question. Buu was just stronger than him, even with the Mystic power.[/color]
[color=indigo]Yeah, just about everything in the [i]Dragonball[/i] series is a pun. The Japanese name for Namek means "slug", so then you have Lord Slug and a bunch of Nameks whose names mean certain things about slugs with the exception of Piccolo and Nail.. and Kami. Paragus is a play off of asparagus. There are hundreds more, but they escape my mind right now.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyangohan2002 [/i] [B][color=green]btw - Me and Anna seem to have posted at the same time lol! [/color]:laugh:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If at the same time means 4 minutes apart, then yeah! You're right, by george! Lol... Have fun with GTA 3. I know I did. :) It always helps to have connections to your brother, lol. He always hooked me up with stuff I couldn't get cause I was under age.[/color]
Anime who's a better bad guy? frieza or majin buu?
PiroMunkie replied to DBZanimeFreak3's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]Who's the better good guy!?! Kakarot or Gohan!? Each side will have their opinion leading to a never ending discussion and arguements that will just circle around and repeat itself, which is not something we want.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS3 Majin Goku [/i] [B] um that is wrong cuz if he couldn't go ss3 without a tail how did he do it in buu saga i think that his tail grows back like gohans on another planet )but it's what i think( well ta ta fer now! ^_^ ![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Actually, they pull his tail out. A rather painful experience, but it gets the job done. You are correct on that no tail is needed to go SSJ3 though.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS3 Majin Goku [/i] [B]what the heck are you talkin bout????????? your confusin' but all i never saw the episode where North Kaiosama tells kakarot he could have taught him Instant Transmission what was the episode?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]First of all, settle down. There's no need to get frantic over not remember/seeing an episode where this happened. If my memory serves me correct, I think it was the episode in the Android Saga/early Cell Saga where they were looking for a person to replace Kami since he had fused with Piccolo. And Kakarot went to King Kai's planet and asked him to find Namek for him and then used the instant transmission to get there. Then King Kai made his remarks about how he could have taught him that, but he didn't ask about it. :p Or something like that...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS3 Majin Goku [/i] [B]yeah that's true too ^_^ but i wonder if mystic gohan could have beaten buu cuz i didn't see there fight yet so i'm wondering[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]He puts up a pretty good fight, but still gets stomped by Buu. If Mystic Gohan could have beaten Buu, he would have, and it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble, lol.[/color]
[color=indigo]Lol, I was like, the biggest Michael Jackson fan back in day. Way back when I was just a wee tyke. :p I even had the [i]Moonwalker[/i] movie. I probably still do somewhere in this house. I really don't like any of the new stuff at all. Old stuff is good.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]Despite the fact that most o the funny parts have already been shown in the previews.....[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yeah, I think that is kind of taking a part in its low ratings. It was still a good movie though. :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiya-jinro [/i] [B]Its pretty cool. I agree that the voice acting is good. What was the movie about?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I believe the movie was actually what started everything. It was a movie before the cartoon came along. I don't remember what the plot was really, but yeah...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]buy M rated video games.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You have to be 18 for that? ... I've gotten an M rated game before, I'm 16 right now, and this was a year or two ago. I guess cashiers just don't care... which also explains why I am able to buy parental advisory CD's when I'm technically "under age". I think the main the I look forward to when I turn 18 is finally being out of my parents' consent. That's all really. Then eventually I'll move out and probably do the same thing I am now. Sit down in a chair nad play on the computer. :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]The kaioken and the instant transmission take to much power. And maybe Kakarot was the only one who could use it. (?) At least: Instant transmission would kill them for sure. It takes to much strength.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Please tell me you're joking. The instant transmission takes no effort what-so-ever. Kakarot said that the Yadrattians were not that strong, why didn't it kill them? Cause the instant transmission doesn't take all that much power (if any). If anything, it would be the Kaioken that would kill them, like it basically did to Kakarot when he first fought Vegeta.[/color]
[color=indigo]Good gawd, this topic has been done time and time again. Please make sure your topic hasn't already been done [i]before[/i] you post it.[/color]
[color=indigo]I used to watch that a long long time ago. It's a pretty good cartoon I guess. I just grew out of it. I think I still have the movie though, lol.[/color]
[color=indigo]Really, any music can be foreign. It just depends on where you live. Someone who live in India can say they listen to American music, and that is forgein to them. But anyway, thanks to Transtic Nerves' influence and persistence with Japanese music, I'd say that is the main "foreign" music I listen to. And then I know a couple Australian bands, so I guess that's "foreign". It's all on the same level to me though, I don't really think of them as foreign. I only think of something as foreign if it is a completely different style or form that what I am used to... and that isn't really the case in the "foreign" music I listen to.[/color]
[color=indigo]Yup, I saw it yesterday. I thought it was worth it. The first one was a bit better, but MIB II is still just as good as to be expected. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Well, vegeta rocker, I went that site you PMed me and all it did is give me ages, and no dates. And SSJ obj of envy, I'm really doubting those are correct. If they were definite facts, every DragonBall site and its mom would have them. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]I would just like to know what source vegeta rocker got those statistics from. Having everything within the 700's doesn't sound possible since they have flying cars, and here we are in 2002 without flying cars, lol. Dinosaurs were still roaming the earth, and humans didn't exist at the same time as dinosaurs. The dinos you see in the DragonBall series were probably genetically engineered. But yeah, I'd like to know where you got those statistics from. :p[/color]
[color=indigo]Well thanks for the update, thuogh technically the episodes aren't "new". New to Toonami, but the episodes have already been released on DVD and VHS. Not to mention the entire series has been done and over with for some time now. By any chance does anyone know which episodes they're going to show before they decide to stop and start replaying old episodes again? Lol..[/color]
[color=indigo]Ah yes, good ol' people from other countries. :) Just as a cultural question for those of you in other countries, do you have a similar holiday at all like the 4th of July here in the states? Just asking out of curioustiy and interest. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Yikes, sorry to hear about your dog Amp. Especially on such a great holiday. What I think is funny in this forum is that people are sort of making a big deal about illegal fireworks, lol. If it was any other day but today, I'm sure the cops would mind and bust anyone using them. But I have never heard, or heard of, a bunch of people getting arrested or whatever for shooting off illegal firewokrs on the 4th of July. Sure it may happen to some, but very few. Shooting off frieworks, legal and illegal alike, on this day, is just a show of patriotism. Any cop that would stop a person from being patriotic and showing pride in his/her country is an a-hole... :p[/color]
[color=indigo][i]It had been some time since Zaius had begun working on repairing Kallabow's blade. At last he had finished, working on the impurities is what had taken the longest. He dipped the heated tang into some water to cool it off quickly. Kallabow was not far away lying on Zaius' handmade furniture. Upon hearing the loud hissing sound, Kallabow arose for his seat and made his way toward Zaius who was now drying off the blade and reattaching the handle over the tang.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kallabow_Avatar2.gif[/img][b]Kallabow:[/b] Thank you... [i]Zaius handed the blade to Kallabow. Upon receiving it he immediatly turned and headed for the door.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] It was nice to see you, Kallabow. Feel free to drop in any time.. [i]Kallabow stopped for a moment, and slowly nodded his head. Then continued his way out the door, closing it behind him. Zaius let out a sigh, and began organizing his tools as he was finished working for the day. He was in need of some rest...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]The Fourth of July, now this is [i][b]my[/b][/i] kind of holiday. :devil: I only regret that I'm poor and can't afford good fireworks. :) If it can't clear the roof of the houses around you and/or rattle the windows of every house within a mile and a half radius, they're not worth it. :p Anyway, fortunately, I'm over at my dad's house this year and he lives in a wealthier neighborhood so there were plenty of good fireworks to see. :) I inhaled about............ a lot of smoke, lol. There were so many fireworks going off the smoke from them was just rolling down the streets of the neighborhood. :p[/color]