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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B]or maybe TOPAZ because of her drawing skills[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yeah, I thought of her too not long after I had posted my other one. She would be neat to be :p[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Whoa... people actually picked me.. o__O That's just not right, lol. Hrmm, as for me, when it comes to guys, I think I'd want to be Transtic, just for kicks, and he knows all the J-music and stuff. It would be fun. :) If I were to be a girl, I would probably say Anna, so I could play with the drums.:p Meheheheh, and I could do other stuff too... I don't know what though, lol.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]is it just me, or does this fake poster look like it says "dZb" and not "dbz"? what, dragon Z ball?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I can really see how you'd get that, but to me it actually looks like it's saying "DoBZ", lol. Dragon of Ball Z, lol.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajinBuu [/i] [B]I agree, but I can't remember his name either.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That would be Laurence Fishburne. And I do agree that he would make an excellent Piccolo. And that site that has a hypothetical cast of characters is right [url=http://www.pojo.com/dragonball/whowouldplaywho.shtml]Here[/url]. I agree with most of them, but not all of them.[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]If you love this chick, and your friend violated that, your friend doesn't deserve your friendship. Granted, everyone stabs, and gets stabbed, in the back every-so-often. However, I believe there is a certain line one should never cross.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You are not always going to want to lose that friend though. If you have a best friend that you have known since forever, you are not going to want just say forget him/her. Even if the case is this severe. If it was any other person besides a best friend, I would say forget the person and move on. But best friends are special. When all of my best friends stabbed me in the back (at once even, as I stated before), and despite how much I [b][i][u]DESPISE[/u][/i][/b] things being done behind my back, I still didn't want to lose them cause I had known them for a long time. It was just another bump in the road. Obviously some bumps are bigger than others, but if they are really your friend(s), then you can get over it. Vegitto4, if you don't want to just forget one of them, I would find out who kissed who the first time. [i]That[/i] person is the backstabber. The second time was merely done in the moment, whether they knew you were going to be hurt or not, they kissed a second time because they were caught up in the moment. If it was the girl who initiated the first kiss, I'd say just forget her. [i]"There are plenty of fish in the sea."[/i] as the saying goes, and obviously she doesn't care much for you if she would do such a thing. If you best friend was the one who did it, I would talk to him about it. And get the whole deal straight. Why did they kiss? Does he like her? Or was it just a fling? If he likes her, I would give him the choice between you or the girl, and the decision would be final. If it was just a fling, again, let him know that you are hurt by this and he should understand. Also, if ti was your best friend who kissed first, then I would still be somewhat friends with the girl, but obviously not interested in her anymore. She would probably fade away eventually.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I don't really yell so much as I do make fun of it, lol. I'm really just making fun of myself cause I'm controlling it, but I just make fun of the character for doing the stupid things I do. It's like blaming your dog when you pass gas, lol.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Once a cheater, always a cheater. If they realized what it would do to you, then did it again anyway, they aren't worth your time. And this Patrick guy needs to learn what it is to be a man...[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I agree with that for the most part. Once a person stabs you in the back, they will just continue being that way [i]unless[/i] you show them that it really really hurt you. If they are really your best friend they should feel really bad and not do it again. That's how it worked with me anyway.[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by Harry[/i] [b]You're exagerating it. If he was your best friend he wouldn't have done that.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]That's a very naive statement. I had all my friends stab me in the back at once. [i]"Et toi, Brutus?"[/i] My advice is just to let them [u][i][b]know[/b][/i][/u] that what they did really hurt you. Get mad at them, but don't get out of control with it. So don't yell. I mean, you might yell at first, just to let them know you mean business, but once you start talking, just calm yourself down. Just make sure they know you are really pissed off, and crushed by what they did. If they can't understand after you're done talking to them, you are better off without them. But if they really are your best friend, they should understand.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I watched a little bit of Nickelodeon these past few days, and I saw things that were just pointless (in my mind). Nick is no longer just Nick anymore. I mean, I was fine with Nick Jr., Nick, then Nick at Night. It generally hit all age groups: Nick Jr. for younger children, Nick for teens and such, and Nick at Night for those with a more classix taste with the shows like "I Love Lucy". But now they have all different forms of it, and I think "Teen Nick" is just stupid. I caught some of that, and it was just... [b]boring[/b]. I don't know what about it was boring, but it just was. There was no point to anything I saw. The only good show on Nick that I find when I flip through channels is SpongeBob Squarepants, lol. Otherwise, I never find anything worth watching on that channel, which is probably why I stick to Disney for children's entertainment.[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Eh...I don't know if you've noticed or not, but this is an [b]english[/b] forum. I really hope you can understand that.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Look at the image in their sig, of course this person understands English. That couldn't have been typed without knowledge of English.[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]That is not tha same dude am i hurting anyone when im doing it at home how can u compare that to shooting a person thats just dumb!!:rolleyes:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]What's dumb is that you don't realize that both smoking weed and shooting a person are both harming a person. They can easily be compared because they are both illegal, and they both harm a person. If you shoot someone you're harming the other person. If you smoke weed you're harming yourself and those who might inhale second-hand smoke.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by prestongraff [/i] [B]maybe the movie will have a female super saiyan. I have no clue who it would be though.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If anyone it would be Pan. She was the only female Saiya-jin fighter in the main cast of characters. Though if they do perhaps do that, I shall spite them all. I mean, sure we would all like to see it, but it is just not how it is supposed to be. Some things are just better left up to the imaginations.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I must say... quite interesting. [u][font=courier]What They Don't Want You to Know[/font][/u] [b][font=courier]In order to understand why toilets flush the other way in Australia you need to realize that everything is controlled by a group of anarchists made up of wallflowers with help from punks. The conspiracy first started during Ronald Reagan campaign in Area 51. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including Boston Tea Party. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by licking ones own elbows. They want to repress fascists and imprison resisters in a Nazi's butt using anal tractor beams. In order to prepare for this, we all must steal a police vehicle. Since the media is controlled by a Radical party we should get our information from Communists.[/font][/b][/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Oh my, if you expect anyone to read through all of that you are crazy. Sure we all have a lot of time on our hands, but not that much. Not too mention it's kind of sexist. I mean. where's [i]Mnemolth's Misguided Guide to Guys[/i]? Lol. You can't have one without the other.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]thank you piro, anna, & dark_apocalyps, & i think aries sent me one, too, so thanks... you guys are the best. i looooved yours piro, you know me so well.[/color][/b][/quote][color=indigo]Heh, you're welcome. I thought you'd like it. :)[/color][quote][b][color=darkblue]everybody can come! just let me know if you're going to be in richmond, va, on july 3rd, lol.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]::looks is planner:: Bah, that's the same week I'm going to Las Vegas, Nevada for no apparent reason.. Lol, just remember lots and lots of pictures. ;) I'm definitely going to want to see them. :)[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Hahaha! Wow, I haven't seen anybody mention these in a looooong time. Soap shoes are shoes that have a special sole which allows you to grind without a skateboard. A long time ago back in v2 there was a member here by the name of soapskillz that adored these things. I thought they were pretty nifty. So I have nothing against them. :)[/color]
  16. [color=indigo][i]Heavy steam rises as a hot welded piece of iron is thrusted into a large pot of ice cold water. A largely built Halbreed stands above holding the piece of iron in the water with heavy prongs. The Halbreed inhaled the warm clouds as it soothed him. A matter of moments passed as the steam began to dissipate. As this happened, the Halbreed looked down into the, now boiling, water. He lifted the prongs up, bringing the piece of iron out of the water. It was a lengthy spike. He tapped it with his free hand, it was warm, but not hot. He followed by grasping the spike and hitting it forcefully against the prongs to test its durability. Since it did not break, he smiled pleasingly. [size=1]This Halbreed goes by the name of Zaius. Zaius ¥undra. He is an older Halbreed, at the age of 54. He lives a simplistic and minimalist life in his medium sized hut. Small enough to live comfortably, but big enough to hold his carpentry and welding materials. It is also not far from the vast, blue ocean. So water is never a problem. This is one reason he chose to live in Thira Town. If you can't tell already, he enjoys making things of wood and metal. He has done it all his life, and has become a favorite past time of his.[/size] As Zaius moved over to his work table, a female Halbreed entered his hut, and walked silently to his side. Her name is Linea [lynn ? a' ? ah][/i] [b]Linea:[/b] I've never known you to use a spike on a hunt, Zaius. -_^ [i][size=1]Linea is a common guest at Zaius' home. She is much younger than him at the age of 38, but provides great company being that Zaius lives by himself and warmly welcomes any and all visitors. Her voice is soft, and very feminine. She has known Zaius almost as long as he has lived in Thira Town, which is close to a little over twenty years.[/size] Zaius smiled as if to laugh, and spoke in his deep, eloquent voice...[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] It is for the children. [i]"For the children." Zaius has always been a warm and compassionate fellow. Enjoying helping others without expecting anything in return. Linea giggled quietly.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] I don't think giving children a spike is very safe. ^_^ [i]Zaius enjoyed Linea's way of twisting around a situation, letting a soft chuckle.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Neither do I, which is why this is only part of the game. [b]Linea:[/b] Game? [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Yes, game. [i]Zaius let a slight smile out of the corner of his mouth and cocked his head beckoning Linea to follow him as he slowly walked off. [size=1]From this point of view, now that Zaius is no longer leaning over at his work table, one can see his, or most any other male Halbreed, great size over the more petite females. Linea standing upright, only reaching his upper arm. Right in the bicep area. When it came to sheer mass, males also were greater in size. Linea is only about of fourth of what Zaius is.[/size] Zaius set the spike down next to a series of twenty heavy wooden balls split up into five groups of four. Each set a different color. Each about the size of a baseball, although weighing nearly 25 pounds each.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] This is a clever game I thought of for the children. [i]As he is saying these things he is examining the balls and smoothing their surfaces.[/i] [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] The spike will be driven into the ground, by an adult of course, in a wide open area. The kids stand far from the spike, to where it can barely be seen. Then they proceed to take these balls here, and throw them towards the spike. After they are done throwing all four of their balls, they go and average their distances from the spike, and whoever is closest wins. [b]Linea:[/b] Sounds like it is a quick to finish game. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] Not in the least. Only the fool will make haste in their turn in throwing. The spike is small and the distance is great. To get anywhere near it, one must concentrate for accuracy. One must also be calm, so they do not over power their throw with tension. This game while being able of entertain, also allows the children to develope their keen sense of sight, learn to control their strength, and keep relaxed under pressure. Not only that, but it also developes an intelligent mind in having to measure and average the distances. [i]Linea stood astounded at the hidden point of the game. She was very happy at how Zaius was so kind, and yet so cunning.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] Well it sounds great, I am sure the kids will enjoy it. [i]Zaius put everything down and turned to Linea, placing his giant hand on top of her head softly, then bringing it back to his side. This is merely just a sign of thanks and gratitude. Since a Halbreed female cannot reach the head of a male, they return by placing their hand on the arm, which Linea did do. Linea smiled, and spoke once more.[/i] [b]Linea:[/b] Well, I must be going now. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] All right, it was nice talking to you. [b]Linea:[/b] Yes, it was. Have a good day Zaius. [img]http://www.itsmysite.com/j-otaku/images/Zaius_Avatar.gif[/img][b]Zaius:[/b] You as well. Feel free to come back any time. You are always welcome here. [b]Linea:[/b] Please, this place is practically a second home to me. You know I will be back, if not later tonight, then definitely tomorrow. : ) [i]Zaius smiled. Then walked her to his door opening it up for her. She smiled back at him and walked out. Zaius looked after her until she turned a corner not far off, then he closed his door, but not locking it. He then continued about his business...[/i][/color]
  17. [color=indigo]I have something that I would like to inquire. All the races live on different continents. [i]How is it that they will be able to affect one another?[/i] Especially since the Hume are the only ones able to use technology. They would be the only ones really able to get anywhere, whereas it seems that all the other races are basically confined to their respected continents. This is something that kind of confuses me.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][color=darkblue]& we're kind of doing a punk/goth theme..[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]:wow: And I'm not invited... I am sooo missing out. I would really enjoy seeing the wedding, lol. And you're going to visit Anna and Asuka.. I'm so left out over here in the middle of this damn country. :p Anyway, congratulations Lady Macaiodh. :) I am very happy for you. With all the crap that you have mentioned to us on this board about what has happened to you, it is great to finally see something like this happen for you. :) I only wish I could actually be there to see it. Oh man, wow, lol. I'm just kind of at a loss for words now... I made a present for ya ;) It's not all that great, but I'm only stuck with MS Paint. :p[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]You tell them my brother! lol Yeah, i dont but cd's anymore, at all, since if got KaZaA and a cd burner, what mroe do you need[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Burned CD's I find useless. I mean, even when you burn a CD of a band you wanted, it still would leave me longing for the real thing. I can't even burn CD's on this computer, so I have my friends do it for me. The only burned CD's I have are full of songs that aren't released on CD's. Other than that I just get the real thing. That way you get what you want and you also help keep that band in business.[/color]
  20. PiroMunkie

    Music Trivia

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Offspring...one of my favourites...Would their first album be called The Offspring by any chance???? ;) It's either that or Ignition...but i'm pretty sure it was The Offspring[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Actually their self-titled album [i]the Offspring[/i] would be incorrect. It was the first one they [b]released[/b], but [i]Ignition[/i] was the first one they [b]made[/b]. :p Told you it was tricky. :D I don't know Jesus Chicken's or Delian's answer..[/color]
  21. PiroMunkie

    Music Trivia

    [color=indigo]::looks the answer up online:: Lol, I should have guessed, [i]A Perfect Circle[/i]. Ummm, what was the first album the Offspring made? (this is kind of a tricky one) And Anna, it's "coolems" not "coolies". :p[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Lol, Altron, we are fully aware it is just an anime. You just have to remember that a lot of us have very sad and pathetic lives, lol. I'd say the series has imapcted my life. I'm still young and impressionable, but only by things I enjoy. I'm not [i]that[/i] hardcore about it where when I work out I think of it to keep that drive in me. But I also admire how Trunks' hair was when he got out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. I'm working on it, lol. But I have to watch out for my mom cause she does like long hair on me. Right now it is only down to the bottom of my ears. It is all just to humor myself though. Like when/if I get it that long. I want to spike it and possibly bleach it to see how close I can get to looking like a Super Saiyajin, lol. It affects me like that, but not in such a serious manner.[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]Also, I'm actually considering doing something unique...in the sense that I might use the sign up thread to actually explain different technical parts of the RPG itself (like Sky Hockey), so that I don't need to clutter up the RPG itself with technical explanations. ;)[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That concept has crossed my mind many times in looking at the mutliple sign-ups and RPGs this board has. It is a shame people do not do that. It would make things a lot easier to follow.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Personally, I think the pledge would be much better without that line. It will not affect reciting it at all. Say it to yourself real quick without saying that line: I pledge allegiance, To the flag Of the United States of America. And to the Republic, For which is stands. One nation, With liberty and justic for all. It even just sounds better. I would really like to see that line omitted from the pledge. Although, I'm kind of weary as to what a victory like that would bring. I mean, if people can remove a line from the pledge, which has been around for a very long time. They might try and do many other things, and become power hungry. Trying to rid any kind of religious favoritism from everything. Some people might just take it way too far.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I have a question for some of you... In school, are you forced to say the pledge of alligence?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Not really. I mean, it is, but it isn't. It is just moreso encouraged. I mean, every morning they'll recite the pledge, which was only inserted because of 9/11. At first I think it was kind of like, we had to do it, but some people started complaining because it was against their religion or whatnot. So they said you don't have to do it. So then a lot of people jsut stayed seated during the pledge and then the teachers became irritated cause they were juset sitting just to be "against the grain" but really they are probably part of the majority. I, myself, just stood up out of respect for the country, but I didn't recite the words, because I don't agree with a lot of what happens under that flag. As for the whole " under 'God' " deal, that is just another smaller reason I don't recite the words to it. As most have said, almost everyone knows it is unconstitutional. Those who say differently believe in "God" and don't want it taken from the pledge. This whole thing about those words being in the pledge isn't something that has just been noticed. I think people have brought it up before, the government jsut over-ruled it cause the pledge is "tradition" and has been around for so long that it wouldn't be right to change it. Most government officials, I'm sure, believe in "God" so those who are against "under God" are really on a bad position, because those officials are already biased to their religion. I don't agree with "under God" at all. I say if they're not goig to remove that line from the pledge, at least change it to something more general. Since a higher majority believes in some kind of god(s), it would probably be more satisfactory to the people if they said something like "under divinity". But still I find it pointless, and that whole line shuld be omitted from the pledge.[/color]
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