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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]Pfft! I could care less. I hate drugs of any kind. Legal and illegal (moreso the illegal of course). As long as I don't have to pay for the drug test, I don't care. I don't do extra-curricular activities, just because I'm not into sports or clubs or anything that might involve being organized and having to do some kind of work (probably the resaon I'm slacking off in the job search). Very few friends of mine do drugs, and those that do, don't do them around people that don't. If someone random is smoking and you walk by, chances are rare that you will actually inhale the smoke. If you see it coming, you should hold your breath. If not, you still don't have to be far away to not inhale the smoke. Not too long ago I was at a show, and this person in front of me lit up a pipe real quick and I could even smell it and this person was right in front of me. But then again there are many ways to cheat drug tests. Pickle juice I've heard is a good way of doing that. A nemisis of mine drinks like, 6 cups of pickle juice so he comes out clean on is drug tests.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]Sexism. Blatant sexism. Girls can be just as good at things guys normally do, if not better. When it comes to sports and they want to mix with a team that is dominantly guys, perhaps co-ed football. I'd say take thme to a punk/rock show and throw them in a pit, if they come out in one piece then they're good enough. I have two friends that are girls that love to mosh. They get beat up every so often, but not too much. As for gaming, that's so diculous it's [i]ridiculous[/i]. One of my best friends plays Counter Strike online all the time. He is really good at it, but there is this one girl that always kicks his bum. Even now it is still hard for him to beat her. Not to mention the girl is two years younger than him. He's sixteen, she's about 13/14 depending on when her birthday is.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The One [/i] [B]Yeah I heard that but I also heard that Ketchup help fights against Cancer! Interesting...[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well it seems like I'm fine cause I always dip my potato chips in ketchup. :p No matter what flavor, it's all good, lol. I think a good way to fight skin cancer is not to go outside unless it is neccessary, lol. I have no life spending all my time here in the basement, so my skin has developed a nice pasty white glow. Tuesday I go to the Warped Tour in about 95-96 degree weather outside all day, no sunblock. I come back with a nice tan, whereas my friends are charred. Two of them used sunblock, and still got burned. :p Now I just have to waste more time down here waiting for my nice healthy white glow to return. :)[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Wow, LM... that is pretty bad. Though I must say, if that was me I probably would have been laughing myself silly. I mean, just the thought of jet black diharrea down a hall makes me burst out laughing, lol. And then the thought of it coming from me makes me laugh even harder. But nay, that shall never happen to me cause I don't do drugs. My parents can barely get me to take a damn asprin, lol. Yeah, it's really hard for me to be embarrassed. I guess it is just because I don't really care about much. Like a lot of guys hate it when they act foolish around girls cause they want to be seen as macho or whatever, I adore making a complete idiot out of myself in front of people. Especially when it gets laughs. If it doesn't then I just spite those people for being so uptight that they can't laugh at stupidity. An example of one such situation: I was at a park a long time ago, probably about a year/year and a half ago, and they had on of those merry-go-round things that you have to hold onto and run around in a circle to get it going and then jump on. So yeah, me and my friend are playing with that, and he is already on it, and I'm the one to run around and get it going. I was pretty fast back then, so I'm running around this thing holding onto it to get it going, and it is going pretty fast. So then I try to jump onto it, I barely get one foot on it and the centrifugal force pulls me away, so I'm hanging onto this thing just by my arms going around in a circle and I let go and just get thrown about three feet before I actually landed and rolled some. I'm laying there laughing my head off, and when I get back up, my friend pointed out that there were a couple girls up on a dome cage that were laughing with me. Lol, I felt pretty proud of myself. Oh yeah, feed that ego. :p[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]secondly, i don't really agree totally w/ the theory that goku was having fun w/ vegeta during the majin vegeta fight. 1) he was wasting time he could have spent w/ his family. 2) he knew that every blow vegeta landed would put buu that much closer to hatching. 3) he left gohan & kaioshin to go off & keep buu from hatching all alone, when they really could have used his help. if goku was [i]really[/i] smart, he would have went ssj3 immediately, knocked out vegeta in a few seconds, powered back down, then left to help the others so he could hurry up & go home. i mean, he hasn't had any sex w/ his wife for 7 years & he has never really hung out w/ his son, & he's going to sit there fighting w/ vegeta all day?? come on, people, if that's true then goku is even dumber than i thought.[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You have avery interesting point that I failed to see. I honestly agree with it. Good thinking LM! :) Glad to see you back around here.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]This movie is on the list of things I want to see. That, along with the Bourne Identity. I probably won't get around to seeing either of them until they get out on video cause I'm too lazy to get up, but yeah. It looks good.[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]I haven't gotten around to that one yet, but I plan on seeing it. It doesn't seem like that "lost my memory, I must get it back" type movie. I don't really know what it seems like to me, but it sure does look good. I'll probably see it sooner or later.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I really don't worry too much about clothes at all. I mean, I must only wear about three or four pairs of pants and whatever t-shirts I can find interchangably. The only time I actually "dress up" (and I'm not talking suit and tie) is when I go to a concert, like yesterday at the Warped Tour (so hot, but so fun). I think when it comes to clothes, I'd spend most of my money on accessories then I would on actual clothes. Most of my money goes to CDs and movies though.[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Why do I have a strong feeling that picture is fake?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I have the same feeling. I mean, for the most part is looks like it could be ligit, but that little screenshot of the Fox logo at the bottom is not something they'd do. They would have something more like a watermark.[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]Ooook, obviously someone doesn't know what they're talking about. The DragonBalls spread a lot more than a few hundred miles around. They can and do scatter all around the Earth. Don't you remember when Kakarot went around the Earth to find the DragonBalls when Dende took Kami's position since he fused with Piccolo? He went all over the globe, you can tell by the different types of places he was in. So if a wish was ever made inside the hyperbolic time chamber, they could spread all over the place far beyond what a mind could comprehend. Even with the Dragon Radar, it could take them forever to find them all.[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]That is a great idea James. :) Though I do agree with Justin that that could be a bit smaller to save on the loading time. Still a very awesome idea. :)[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Keep in mind that I could be at fault. I have not either seen much of GT. What I said is purely off owhat I have read, what I know, and what I had put together to help things make sense. Some of that could be false.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Pud [/i] [B]Are u sure Kami is immortal? In the Galic Saga is'nt he almost killed by Garlic jr and The spirts of past gods (which if they were spirts were not immortal either)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Read my post a bit more carefully, Pud. I said "[i]I am not saying that Kami is god and that he is immortal.[/i]". We are getting off topic with this, so this conversation is over. Continue on with the normal point of this topic.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]Fat buu: paint jabba the hutt pink. (even though it's not an actor) LOL[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]The moment I got done reading that pick I laughed. Then immediatly I thought: Chris Farley. He would have made a [i]great[/i] Mr. Buu. He's fat, he's childish, he's funny, but unfortunately he's dead. :([/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowTrunks [/i] [B]There is a difference between being an immortal, and a god. But, whatever I see where youre going but I am not exactly sure. In any case, I believe you. :p[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I am aware that there is a difference between being immortal and being a god. It's just like... some immortal are gods, all gods are immortal, but not all immortals are gods. In what I said before, I am not saying that Kami [i]is[/i] god and that he is immortal, it is just the implied meaning in the name that is seen in the series.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Just think a moment though. Do you realize how [b]boring[/b] the series would be if they did that? Then you also have to take into play the idea that the DragonBalls might not even be able to function in the hyperbolic time chamber due to the instability of the atmoshpere. It's just like how a compass won't function properly when near a magnet.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]He sure did make Garlic Jr. immortal. And keep in mind Shenron's power is limited to his creator. Shenron was created by Kami. Kami could not have killed the Saiyajins, thus Shenron could not stop the Saiyajins. So, how could he grant Garlic Jr. immortality? Kami means "divine" in Japanese. 'Divine' is a term often used when describing gods, and gods are immortal. Logic owns.. :p[/color]
  18. PiroMunkie

    Green Day

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]I don't like any of blinks newer stuff. i.e., ennema striek back and beyond.[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]And here I thought you would never say such a thing! This goes down in the record books for sure. Perhaps there is hope for you after all. Their older stuff is better, still not that good (in my opinion of course). I would have to say [i]Family Reunion[/i] is the only song of theirs I care to listen to. Best ten words in the English language, lol. As for Greenday, for those of you trying to defend them and say they haven't turned mainstream. Give it up. If they weren't mainsteam, Blink 182 wouldn't have even been mentioned in this thread as much as they have. And those who say Blink 182 isn't mainstream havereally got a problem. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with Greenday, they just aren't what they used to be. [size=1]sidenote: I'm going to Warped Tour!! :D[/size][/color]
  19. [color=indigo]If I were to ever wish for immortality, I'd wish for immortality with the ability to spawn both genders and create things... so basically I'd wish to be god, lol.[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Well as it has been said before, this probably takes place during the Bebi era, so Gohan and Goten are possessed, Kakarot is not, and Goten is possessed being forced to fight Vegeta so he can weaken him and Bebi can take control of Vegeta. After all, Bebi can only enter through some type of opening in ones body, and just walking up to one of the strongest people on the planet and trying to possess them woulf be pretty hard. :p[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]The "PrtScrn" thing doesn't work for videos, it'll just show up blank when you paste it. So far it seems we're pretty sure it is Gohan or Goten. So I'm going to attach the following file. Choose your culprit: There is a chance that I accidentally got two of the same person. I know that's Gohan, but I'm only pretty sure that's Goten on the left. It's really hardto find a decent picture of him from GT.[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GotenksSSJ343 [/i] [B]I finally finished the book and (spoiler) Scrappy quotes : "They kicked me out of the group and I wanted to be the leader." Then Shaggy says : "Like dosen't mean you can act like a jerk and try and destroy humanity." Finally like all the other villans Scrappy says, "And I wouldn't of gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids....." But his voice trails off after.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Meheheh, well obviously the book is a bit different than the movie. That is not quite what is said. :p[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][b]Character Number:[/b] 73 [b]Name:[/b] Zaius ¥undra [ Zay' ? us Uun' ? dra ] [b]Age:[/b] 54 [b]Location:[/b] Thira Town [b]Bio:[/b] Zaius ¥undra originally lived in Antakan City. At quite a young age he grew tired of the city's dense population. He went on a long and tedious journey clear across his people's lands, all the way to Thira Point. The journey took him many years as he traveled on foot. He even had to create a small wooden boat to cross the water from one island of Almaran to the next. Traveling across he had many adventures through wild life which in turn hightened his senses and his ability to control them. Once he reached Thira Town he was welcomed in. From then on he has lived fairly peaceful for the rest of the life that he has lived thus far. Though, upon hearing of the disaster of Oleron he has become upset. He fears the potential of great battle, and hopes for the reign of peace. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his age, Zaius ¥undra is one of the greatest Halbreeds in his particular town, not to mention great wisdom. He much prefers to stay out of confrontations, only fighting when absolutley neccesary. He is exceptional in the hunt and a skilled craftsman. His physical ability is often doubted, but he is no lesser able than any of the other younger Halbreeds. He is very strong both phsyically and in will power. [b]Items:[/b] A thin, soft leather utility belt holding[b]:[/b] Basic tools [small hammer, pliers, sharpening stone/filer] ? First aid ( pouch ) ? Small rations (pouch) [b]Weapons:[/b] Large, blunt club [ length: 4.5' ? weight: approx. 150 lbs ? circumfrence: 27" at its widest ] [b]White Magic Spells:[/b] N/A [b]Black Magic Spells:[/b] N/A [b]Ability1:[/b] [i]Focus:[/i] Zaius ¥undra has grown the inate ability to focus his senses to increase their use. He can see as far as 100 miles over water* with crystal clear picture. He can hear things from great distances and even through objects, such as walls, but he must be in close proximity. His sense of smell is similar to his sense of sight. Only one sense can be focused at a time, and it isn't just automatic. Also the ability to focus them depends on his health condition. (ie: if he is sick, he won't be able to focus very well if at all) [b]Ability 2:[/b] [i]Durability:[/i] Due to the Halbreeds exceptional strength, and Zaius ¥undra's wilderness experiences, he has developed very coarse, thick skin making it rather difficult to be pierced. Pain is also rather difficult to inflict upon him. *over water: For those of you unsure of this term, it simply means as long as there is nothing obstructing view, things can be seen that far. If there is a mountain in the plane of view, obviously one can't see any further than that.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]First you need to douse yourself with three whole bottles of different kinds of cologne. Then proceed to the hair gel: if you don't use half the tube, you're being too careful. Then go and buy a turtle. Roses are very old-hat, and you always want to present yourself as fresh and new in today's scoiety. When you're all nice and smelly with this turtle under your arm, walk up to her like you see spies do in the movies; hide behind every single obstacle you can find: trees, bushes, lamposts, mailboxes, parked vehicles, etc. This is what will attract her attention. When you finally catch up to her speak with authority and dignity, this will show your confidence. DEMAND she except the turtle, and when she takes it walk away. [i]This[/i] will then cause her to call you back and inquire what in the world it's supposed to mean. And there you have it! You're on your way to candle-lit dinners and hours of deep conversation.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]:rotflmao: That's just crazy enough to work. Although it could really go without the cologne and hair gel. :drunk: I cringe at that stuff. Although, how can she call you if she doesn't know your number?[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Lol, yeah, she wanted to wish for a boyfriend but found Yamucha instead. :p As for what I'd wish for, I don't know. I haven't been put in that situation, lol. Never will either.[/color]
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