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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
What is the most embarassing moment in your life
PiroMunkie replied to a topic in General Discussion
[color=indigo]Meheheh, and now you've corrupted those innocent children's minds forever. Just imagine what they told there mom when she asked what happened at school today.[/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blue Heaven [/i] [B]I hate people who hate skateboarders or Jesus/religion. Satanic people suck![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It is very naive to think that all people who hate Jesus and/or religion are satanic. It is also contradictory. If someone hated religion, they couldn't be satanic. That in itself is a religious thing. I hate religion. I'm not satanic, nor do I even believe in satan. Or Jesus for that matter.[/color]
[color=indigo]PlanetNamek shut down a while ago. So no, it doesn't work any more. This should also be in the DragonBall forum...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desiivy [/i] [B]So they basically they measured Goku's power level at birth, to see what class that would be in, since Goku was 3rd he was considered expendable, and that's why he was sent to earth.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Exactly.[/color] [quote][b]Saiyans can't go beyond their limits, If your born in one class, you stay in that class, because they can't train to get any higher??????[/b][/quote][color=indigo]They [i]can[/i] train, but it won't earn them any special promotion. Gokou was born as a third class Saiya-jin, so he stays a third class Saiya-jin. No exceptions.[/color] [quote][b]Since on Earth the more you train the better you get, Goku was able to surpass his class, and become stronger. Which would explain why Gohan, Trunks & Goten have that potential, at birth, because of being half human???????[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Gokou never surpassed his 3rd level class. He may have surpassed every other third class Saiya-jin, but he did not become higher in rank. Training on Earth makes no difference in training advantages. No matter where you train, you are always going to get better and stronger. Gohan, Trunks, and Goten were born naturally stronger because of genetics. Their fathers were really strong and powerful, and they were born strong and powerful. Not as strong as their fathers, but stronger than most anyone else. Being human has nothing to do with it.[/color] [quote][b]with Vegeta not spending as much time as Goku has on earth, his powers couldn't increase in the same way Goku's did, there for he is always one step behind him. ?????????[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Again, it makes no difference where you train, you are always going to get better. Gokou was always one step ahead of Vegeta because of [i]how[/i] he trained. Gokou always trained to reach some kind of another level, whereas Vegeta always trained to be the strongest in the level he is at. So, for example, while Vegeta is training to be the strongest Super Saiya-jin, Gokou is training to attain the level of Super Saiya-jin level 2.[/color] [quote][b]With him training on Earth for the 7 years he did, before the buu saga, he was able to become even more stronger, and almost catch up with Goku. ?????????[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Vegeta never became stronger than Gokou. Sure he beat the daylights out of Gokou when he was Majin, but the whole time Gokou had the potential to transform into Super Saiya-jin level 3. He just never did because he didn't find it neccessary. It goes back to what I said up above. When fighting Gokou as Majin, they were both at Super Saiya-jin level 2. Gokou doesn't train to be stronger in his level, whereas Vegeta does, which is why Vegeta always beat Gokou (contrary to popular belief). If Gokou would have gone up to level 3, Vegeta would have been beat. Vegeta, by training for 7 years, only became stronger than Gohan, who had not been trainining the whole time. Nice theories though. :) Now I know I'm going to get some responses because I said Vegeta always beat Gokou, so I'll explain. In their first battle, many believe Gokou beat Vegeta. Not true. Vegeta beat Gokou to a pulp after transforming into his Oozaru form. It was Gohan who beat Vegeta down, and Krillen who threw the Genki Dama. Gokou just made the Genki Dama, but had no part in actually defeating Vegeta.[/color]
[color=indigo]Whoa, that Dolph Lundgren does look like he could do the part of Eddie Brock. At least from looking at him. You mentioned he was in martial arts movies... well Venom isn't really a martial artist, but martial arts are a higher form of fighting. So if you can do that, you should be able to fight normally. I could see him as Eddie Brock/Venom.[/color]
[color=indigo][b]Name:[/b] Piro [b]Age:[/b] -- [b]Affiliation:[/b] Works with Vash the Stampede [b]Background:[/b] Piro is barely even alive in the human sense. His only flesh part of his body being his head, which didn't even have a normal bone structure. The skull was carefully removed, and replaced with an titanium alloy, molded in the shape of his own skull. The brain's memory was erased and replaced with one solid mission: to kill Knives. He was created by a group of scientists who knew of Knives' intent to kill all humans. After a run-in with Vash that started in a violent quarrel, Piro ended up follwing Vash in his search for Knives, and Piro told Vash that he would leave Knives' life in Vash's hands. Piro was built with abnormal strength, two or three times that of a normal human. He is not sadistic in nature so he rarely uses this against others. His enitire body was built very durable to not be pierced by gun shots weaker than a sawed-off shotgun, but he can still be thrown back from the impact (and often is). If shot in the face, the skin will rip off, but his titanium skull will remain. Piro is a care-free individual, but is known to be a bit trigger happy if put in the right situation. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall and lanky. His face with blue eyes, and long brown hair (about down to the bottom of the ear), parted down each side. His clothing consists of tight fitting pants and shirts. Wearing a sleeveless dark grey trench coat. Sturdy gloves and boots are also worn. His arms are a bit longer than a normal persons, reaching down to the knee. Not to mention long legs. His design is mainly meant for speed and agility. His strength only helps himself move around better. [b]Weapons:[/b] Two .40 magnums holding 8 rounds each in a fluted cylinder. One has a shorter barrel for greater power, the other has a longer barrel for greater distance. Spare ammunition held in various places in his robotic body. :: wishes he had Vash's .45 colt long barrel :bawl: :: :p[/color]
[color=indigo]Bah, I say forget Venom and bring on Carnage. He could take Spider-Man any day. Unfortunately enough, without Venom there is no Carnage. Hrmm... the person needs to be muscular, and agile. Though, unfortunatley, Matt Damon kind of resembles Eddie Brock. I would rather [i]not[/i] have that happen though...[/color]
[color=indigo]Chaozu was an emporer. Tien is the bodyguard of Chaozu. It never states which race he is. I can see that this topic will just lead to a lot of repeated posts so I am going to close it. So if you are not fulfilled and what further information about them, look it up online. Why don't you try here at [url]www.theotaku.com/dragonball/[/url] and go into the characters section. You should find what you need there.[/color]
[color=indigo]Gah!! Stop spelling it wrong! It is getting my nerves. It is spelled Tal[b]e[/b]na with an [b][u][i]e[/i][/u][/b]. If you don't believe me, she even has an official website created by a fan who knows her a bit and got permission to call it "official". [url]http://officialtalena.cjb.net/[/url] ::deep breath:: .. Okay, I'm done now..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nekkyo [/i] [B](sidenote for Kittie, i heard that talina quit the band, can someone verify that for me?)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well it no longer lists her among the band members on the [b]official[/b] site, so [unfortunately] I would assume so. It's sad really...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticDarkElf [/i] [B]S.P.A.M! That annoys me da moat.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well now, that is an awfully hypocritical statement. You should take a look at a lot of your own posts. Unless you're saying you annoy yourself.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]I am annoyed when people yell...... I HATE it when people yell, as in when they're having an argument or they're just upset and therefore scream at whatever moves. I can't stand it....[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Ugh, yeah. I know how that is. That is another thing I just can't stand. Yelling like that is just verbal fighting, and fighting doesn't solve anything..[/color]
[color=indigo]He didn't say they were the actual numbers. He just said that they were more realistic as compared to what RiffRaff put in. They are still just an estimate.[/color]
[color=indigo]:therock: MiB Ii?? You could have just put MIIB, MIB II, or MIB 2. MiB Ii made me put this topic aside cause I didn't see it as about Men in Black. Anyways, Men in Black is one of my favorite movies of its time. I always enjoy a good sci-fi action comedy. From the previews for the second one, we might even have another sequel that outdoes its original. Very rare indeed. I'll have to see the actual movie though. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]It Annoys Me When... [list] [*]People whine [*]People don't think they are annoying when they really are and they don't drop the fact that they don't think they are annoying. [*]People who Instant Message you that you don't even know and won't tell you who they are or one of the first things they ask is "a/s/l" (Praise the block button) [/list] Basically, annoying people annoy me...[/color]
[color=indigo]Hrmm... well I found this: [url]http://www.pojo.com/dragonball/bebi.shtml[/url] Pojo has always been a reliable rescource. I am thinking that "Tuffle" is the dubs way of saying Tsufuru-jin, it seems to make the most sense in reading about Bebi. I would have just attached the picture, but that thing about Bebi is actually made up of about nine or ten different pictures.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]It's been a little while since I've watched the Bebi saga, but wasn't Bebi made from Tuffles' DNA?[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It's possible, I haven't actually seen much of anything from GT, only a few episode clips. So I am really not sure. I'll look into it..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B][url]http://www.jikannohizumi.net[/url] There's a link on this page for people to get Japanese encoding. Make sure to set your browsers character coding to Japanese as well... for IE, just click the 'View' option on the toolbar, go down to Encoding, and select Japanese Auto-Select.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Ooooh yeah, I remember checking out that site a few times.. so I already have Japanese text support, I just need to have it set. Meheh.. Ooo, new layout. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Well, I just saw Spider-Man today, and I must say it stepped [i]all over[/i] Star Wars like it was nobody's business. I mean, when I saw Star Wars Episode II, I walked out of the theatre a little disappointed. There are more things I can find bad about it than I can find good about it. When I walked about os Spider-Man, I was really pleased and felt fulfilled. I'm going to list my pro's and con's of each movie. [b][i]Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones[/i][/b] [b]Pros:[/b] Good effects, Not as much Jar Jar, Yoda kicked bum [b]Cons:[/b] Jar Jar still exists, the sappy love story between Padme and Anakin, Anakin was played horribly (he tried too hard to act, a "pretty" face does nothing for your acting ability), Anakin and Obi Wan's stories were split up through the whole movie making it pretty choppy by going from one scene to an entirely different one, Jango Fett died [i]way[/i] too easily (Hi! I'm Mace Windu, I'm going to cut your head off! :slice: ), the fight scenes were horrible except for the one between Jango and Obi. It is not that exciting to have the Jedi surrounded in the middle just deflecting the laser shots back. It was also predictable. Overall it was just a big story in a small movie. [b][i]Spider-Man[/i][/b] [b]Pros:[/b] Except for the Green Goblin's costume and MJ's casting the movie was dead on, there was barely even a love story there. Sure Peter Parker loves MJ, but I think they payed more attention to his love for his Aunt and Uncle than they did her. The special effects were great. They didn't stand out from the movie. There were plenty of action sequences that Star Wars couldn't even touch with a hundred foot pole, great plot developement, not as predictable. The only thing I really saw coming was that the guy that robbed the wrestling thing would come back from Peter letting him go, and obviously that the Green Goblin would lose at the end. I could really go on and on about the positives of this movie.. [b]Cons:[/b] Green Goblin's costume was weird looking, MJ could have been played better.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nekkyo [/i] [B]kittie rocks my everlasting socks. i swear i'm going to marry Talina Atfield:love: . in case you dunno who that is, she's the bassist. smashing pumkins are dandy dandy too, apc.. i heard a song or two from them and their dandy. but i like listen to j-rock. like MALICE MIZER and Dir en Grey. and the new Goo Goo Dolls album, Gutter Flower, is great too. i got it yesserday. Cradle of Filth rocks my socks:devil: . i have a thing for really really wierd music.:D i'm just an odd person weeee[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Meheheh, there is no Talina Atfield in the band KiTTiE, but there [i]is[/i] a Tal[b]e[/b]na Atfield if [i]that[/i] is who you meant, lol. Trust me, I went through this whole phase late last year where I was obsessed with her. Cradle of Filth is good sometimes too.. evil evil music :devil:[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I'm pretty sure Bebi is a tuffle, right? I may be wrong though.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Meh.. Bebi was a Tsufuru-jin or some crazy thing like that. :p Although "Tuffle" might be the dubs way of saying it, but Bebi and the Tuffles don't looks alike at all, so I wouldnt think so. I mean, Bebi is really short, gray-ish skin, with a little schpiel like Majin Buu coming off his head; and the Tuffles were nearly human.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]In the void, Pyro stands inactive while he allows his body to rest and heal itself over. It took time, but soon enough, he was finished. He decided to go back to the normal realm; to see how things were going.. At this decision he opened up his portal and walked through... Aboard the ship, Connor walked calmly. Not far behind him Pyro entered.[/i] Connor: Welcome back, Pyro. Train well? Pyro: Yes. Connor: It would be wise to follow in the footsteps of Warlock and attain armour. You can find it far down the hall, near the middle. It is labeled above. Pyro: I'll see what I can do. [i]Pyro was never the biggest fan of armour, but he knew he would need all he could against Xero when it came time to face him. Pyro came to the door, in small letters was it labeled, he almost passed it up. The door was left open by DBZman, who was already in there.[/i] DBZman: Pyro?? Pyro: Hey. DBZman: Long time no see. Pyro: Yeah.. it's been a while.. [i]Pyro looked around the room at the variety of armour. He strayed away from the lighter colored armour, and just looked at the darker ones. A black armour piece caught his eye. A Saiya-jin model, without the shoulder plates. It was an improvement off the earliest model of armour, the style of which was used by lower class Saiya-jins. This was much different though, he felt for the durability. he took a step back and looked at it. DBZman watched him curiously as Pyro took a strong punch at the armour.[/i] Pyro: Stand back. [i]Pyro lifted the armour off the stand and tossed it in the air, firing a small ki blast at it. It fell back into his hands. Hlooked at it again, not a scratch.[/i] Pyro: It'll do. [i]Pyro slipped it on over his head and secured it on over his body. Breathing deeply to stretch out the elasticity of the armour so it didn't feel so tight against him. He then silently walked out of the room...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]Gorgon: Keep in mind that was just one bunker. There are still plenty of other soldiers around. We just killed off all of these before they could set off the alarm. Angel: Right. Belthazor: So what do we do now? Gorgon: ...... We're going to split up. You remember the plan, right? Angel: We find a ATV of some kind and load it up with weapons. Gorgon: .. And I'll see what I can do. [i]Prometheus looked around the base from their standing point. Off to one side he saw the runways and landing pads, and to the other was just more buildings.[/i] Gorgon: You two go off that way toward the heli-pads and runways. There is a greater chance you will find what you need over there. I'll head off this way. Try not to cause too much damage or attract much attention, but kill any soldier on sight. We will wreak our havoc upon the base itself once we are well armed with their own weapons. Belthezar: Right. And we meet at the main gate. Gorgon: Yes. [i]Gorgon nodded and turned, silently walking off. Belthazor turned to Angel with no exchange of words, and they turned, walking to their destination.[/color][/i]
[color=indigo]... You [i]do[/i] know that not everybody's computer is able to read Japanese text, right? That looks like a bunch of non-sense to me...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Unholy Newt [/i] [B]WHO CAN NOT LIKE GREEN DAY!!!!??? GREEN DAY IS THE BEST BAND IN EXISTENCE!!!!!!![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Now we all know that's not true. Sure I like Greenday, but their newer stuff is crap. They were good back in the "Basket Case" days, but there are many bands who aremuch better than them.[/color]