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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]I don't think it is so much over-used, as it is misused. People probably aren't clear with its full meaning, and thus don't use it right. Happens with a lot of things.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]This friend of my broke something in her foot at the arc, I think it might have been a tendon, but she had to get a screw in her foot for some reason or another. Meheh, just imagine the pain she went through when I put a magnet to her foot :p It was funny, even she thought so after she got over it, lol.[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]and the director/thinker/pervert for the LOTR skit will be personaly shot repeatedly by me....buy your tickets now![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Meheh, how much you want to bet Jack Black had something to do with its creation. :p I think Kelly Osbourne might have done better if her brother didn't set high standards (in my mind) for her performance. During the pre-show he said it would probably be very punk rock-ish, and for me that puts the bar way up there. Go figure she had to duck under it. I usually expect that though. Not to be sexist, but girls tend not to do so well when trying to be a punk band. The only band I know that can pull it off is the Distillers. :devil: Meheheheh..[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JCBaggee [/i] [B][color=red][size=3]Of course, the obvious DBZ quote... "Darn it Frieza!" Yeah, the toughest guy in the universe screams Darn You! in the heat of battle...[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Heh heh, yeah, I always found that pretty funny. I mean, I don't even have to be seriously fighting someone, and say I get pushed into a wall or something. Chances are the first thing out of my mouth is, "Ow! @#$%!!" Gokou is a man of serious self-control. :p[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]I would try going into [url]www.images.google.com[/url] and typing in key words there. If you're looking for pictures of Bardock, I'm not sure why you want shots from Coola's Revenge. He isn't shown in there at all, for the most part. Only in the very beginning for a few seconds and that's it. I'd just search for pictures of him. And Coola is Furiza's brother. :)[/color]
  6. [color=indigo][i]In the midst of the air a fierce battle waged on between Pyro and his copies. No where could they be seen, for they were moving too fast for the naked eye to catch. The furious sounds of explosive punches and lightning kicks filled the area. All around the walls rattled, stone structures collapsed into rubble. Three blurs suddenly whizz by, smashing into the stone wall. Pyro's copies forcefully climb out of their holes. Looking up in the air at Pyro. He stood breathing heavily, his muscles bulging, sweat dropping steadily off him. He watched his copies as each of them floated in the air some good distance away from him. Each copy looked at the other, grinning. Two of them put their inside arm out and grabbed the others hand. In a moment a bright light overtook both of them. When the light dimmed, there were only two copies left. One though, appeared much stronger than the other. Then, those two copies did the same thing the previous two did. The light overtook them, and when it dimmed there was only one left. He was much more powerful.[/i] Pyro: They're taking advantage of my Trifusion technique I see.. It's going to be tough. [i]Just as Pyro finished his words to himself, the copy appeared right in front of him. Pyro jolted back in suprise as the copy delivered a swift uppercut to Pyro's jaw, sending Pyro hurling uncontrollably at an upward arch. As soon as he took control of himself Pyro felt a pounding pain in his stomach as the copy drove Pyro backwards with its fists. Pyro's body was forced painfully into the rough wall as the copies fists drove them selves deeper into Pyro's stomach. Pyro keeled over grabbing the copies trying to drive it back so he could set himself free. It was no use. The combined strength of the three copies was two much for his tired body. Finally the copy removed its fist from Pyro's stomach. He took this chance and zanzokened out of the way as another flying fist was driven straight through the wall. The copy turned around to be greeted by a energy beam to the face. The copy stumble backwards hitting its head hard against the wall. Pyro stood in the air some distance. He threw his arms out to either side, and widened his stance...[/i] Pyro: [b]Bakudan!!!... Kaigara!!!... BAKU-!![/b] [i]Before Pyro could finish his technique he was knocked back by the copy with a powerful punch. Pyro slid back in the air, caught himself, immediatly shooting up narrowly doding the copies tackle. Pyro faced down at the copy rapidly firing miscellaneous ki blasts. The copy forced it way through them, but was slowed down by the sheer number of them that there were. Above, Pyro once again prepared..[/i] Pyro: [b]... Bakudan!!!...[/b] [i]The copy began hearing this, immediatly fighting harder to get through the explosion of the ki blasts..[/i] Pyro: [b]Kaigara!!!...[/b] [i]The copy was frantic as it was so close to getting through. It was well aware of the power his signature attack held.[/i] Pyro: [b]B A K U H A!!![/b] [i]Pyro thrust his hands forward as his copy burst through the flames. Everything seemed to slow down as the copy saw that the attack had already been prepared. Its eyes widened as the large energy ball formed in one pulse. The copy took its last chance and put its hands against the ball as it was released. Everything now seemed to be going fast. The copy could feel the burning sensation of the energy as he was slowly pushed back. Even though he was three times stronger than Pyro, the magnityude of the attack was still almost too much. Pyro pushed it harder and harder at his copy. Unwilling to give up the copy punched on the ball. Its efforts helped. The ball was pushed back to Pyro. The more the copy punched it the more it began to collapse. This only made Pyro push harder. In a last effort, Pyro threw the ball into the air out of either of their control and zanzokened high above it. The copy looked up as Pyro raised both hands over head in one enclosed fist. The ball came upon him and he struck it back down hard at the copy who didn't have enough time to react once it figured out what was happening and was struck in the torso by the ball. The copy was driven all the way to the void floor as a gigantic explosion followed that filled the entire area. It was a while before anyone could see anything again... but when everything was clear, Pyro's three copies lay beaten on the floor. Pyro dropped down to their sides and took them all back in.[/i][/color]
  7. [color=indigo]If I don't recognize the email address I just delete it. Heh heh, I'm my own Anti-Virus system. :p[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I would like to see how Tekken could be put into a story line, being that it is mostly just a fighting game like Mortal Kombat. Though, Mortal Kombat did turn out to be a good movie (can't say that much for the second one), I'm just curious as to what they'll do with Tekken.[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]I don't know what Pg-13 is in America, but over here in Britain I hope it would be rated a 15, as if it was rated any lower I doubt there would be any of the true DBZ fight scenes that we all know and love.[/B][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]PG-13 is Parental Guidance for anychild under the age of 13... or something like that..[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shinobi [/i] [B]LMAO!!! NO WAY! I'm from the UK and we havent really heard of Calvin and Hobbes but in school we had to do adn essay on a book out the school library and Calvina and Hobees *funny lil' blonde and tiger, just sitting there on the shelf* i had to take it and I had never heard of it before... What a Coinsedence[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]:therock: I would have thought something like Calvin&Hobbes would have found its way in the UK. I think every comic shoudl be translated into every language and sold in every country all over the world so that everyone can enjoy the classic humor. :p I wish [i]I[/i] had a stuffed tiger that seemingly is alive and get me in trouble.... :rolleyes:[/color]
  11. [color=indigo][i]In the still air a blur flashes by. Straight from it piece of the rock wall shattered. In a closer look, the original Pyro climbs out of the wall beaten and battered. He disappears as four ki blasts pierce through his decoy image. The other four copies are noly slightly beaten. Pyro has had yet to reappear. The copies stand silently in the air trying to find him, unable to pick him up. A sliver of light catches one's eye. He turns around quickly facing a giant blast of energy. It zanzokens out of the way as two follow. Before the fourth could move, it was nailed by the blast and forced clear across the void and into the wall where a mighty explosion followed. The smoke and dust cleared after a few minutes. Pyro stood in the air facing the gigantic hole in the wall. He watched the copy's charred body fall to the ground. Pyro flew over to it as it began to get back up. He put his hand to its back where it disappeared in a flash of light as it returned to Pyro's body. Pyro turned around to face the other three who all stood no more than ten feet away now. The training shall continue...[/i][/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B][color=royalblue]My favorite aspect of the 'Net would have to be the social communications. IE: Message boards and MSN chat :D.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Oh gawd... you know you're addicted when you start to read "ie" as "Internet Explorer" when the person is just starting a list of examples... -_- I fall victim to this...[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]It is never really told which fusion is stronger than the other. They are weighed against each other mainly by their advantages and disadvantages. With the earrings (I'm unsure how to spell their actual name so I'm not going to try and come off looking like an idiot) the fusion is permanent as it won't wear off after a certain amount of time. This fusion also takes less effort to perform since you just have to put one earring on each warrior. The fusion dance however, it only lasts so long, and you have to get the dance correct or else you're going to end up really fat, or really thin and old like. :p Overall, the earrings provide the most convenience, but they can only be used once between a pair of warriors. Whereas the dance fusion you jsut have to wait a half an hour or an hour before you can do it again. I would say that if Vegetto were to fight Gogeta on the same level, Vegetto would win because he stays Vegetto, but Gogeta will go back to Gokou and Vegeta after a period of time. In the long run though, Gogeta is stronger because he eventually gets to the Super Saiya-jin level 4 stage.[/color]
  14. [color=indigo][i]Calvin&Hobbes[/i] is the greatest and best comic in the world. I have a severel of the books.. ::runs off to go check which ones:: I have [i]The Essential Calvin&Hobbes[/i], [i]The Days are Just Packed[/i], [i]The Revenge of the Baby-Sat[/i], and [i]Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat[/i]. OH! Cera drew and colored a picture of Hobbes and it's [i]really really [b]REALLY[/b][/i] good!!! You can go check it out in the Artwork/Graphic design forum in her topic "School's Out" (or something like that :p.)[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Son Goten[/i] [b][color=red]I love them, but it's only great for so long because Bill Waterson stopped making them. So once you read them all...that's it.:([/color][/b][/quote][color=indigo]I disagree. :p They are great all the time and once you read them all, you read them all over again!!! :)[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Eh, I broke down and tuned into to it. I didn't actually watch it and pay attention to who won, and all that jazz. I just payed attention whenever Jack Black was on, when the White Stripes played, and when Kelly Osbourne performed. Though I wasn't too impressed by her performance. It could have been better. The White Stripes were great. Jack Black is hilarious as always. MTv can fall down stairs for all I care..[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyangohan2002 [/i] [B]The Yellow Ribbon ehlps individual teens 5throught there problems and they put pamphlets in schools and Fundraise for counselling. The Fight for life is presented in a boxing match, and the proceeds of the 0900 number (automatic $20 donation) go to yellow ribbon. It raised over 1 million last year, I dont know the results for this year.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I don't really see how pamphlets are going to help someone prevent themselves from commiting suicide. Counseling I know would help a bit more, but pamphlets would work basically just for those people that think about suicide, but don't actually act upon it. Which is just pointless anyway, since they're not going to do it, it's useless to waste money on them that could go to those who are seriously contemplating suicide. Pamphlet won't work for them, they'll take it and be like "Ooh, paper, I can use this to silt something open."[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Yeah, I think it is doubtful they will do the Super Saiya-jin hair like that, [i]if[/i] they do in fact make the characters go to the level. You don't need special effects to make a person hair stand upright. All you need is certain kinds of gel and hair spray and what not. Though, I'm curious if they would do this, how would they show them transforming into a Super Saiya-jin. That would certainly have to be special effects since a person hair just can't magically turn yellow...[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B]and, funimation dubbed his name so the 4 and 6 year olds that like dbz wouldn't start worshiping satan. LOL[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I think you are forgetting how many people [i]don't[/i] like Mr. Satan. All it would supposedly show kids is the "Satan" is an arrogant weakling who doesn't shut up, lol. I think the only people that would like him for having that name are older people like me that falsey "worship" "Satan". I don't really cause I don't even believe in the fool, but I like to see people reactions to it :).[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]I believe I have heard of that somewhere before, or something like it. It just sounds familiar. Suicide is a very big concern. Though I take no pity on those people that commit suicide. Suicide is for those with weak minds; who think that death is the only way out of whatever problems they may have. It is not the only way out. It is just the easy way out. Those who commit suicide are cowards. What exactly does the organization who runs this Fight for Life thing do to help people prevent themselves from commiting suicide? Is it just counseling or what?[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]Heh, yeah those are funny. I think the one that made me laugh the most was: HOW WOULD THE WORLD BE DIFFERENT IF PEOPLE DIDN'T GET MARRIED? There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn't there? --Kelvin, age 8 :p Now that's a straight edge kid waiting to happen. :)[/color]
  21. PiroMunkie


    [color=indigo]::smacks face as a revelation occurs:: Of [i]course[/i] it was Uubu the took pity on Mr. Satan.. Pan would naturally let Mr. Satan win out of respect cause he is her grandfather. I have no clue where my mind was.. And ProudClod, I don't know what you're on, but Gokou Jr. and Vegeta Jr. are not the same as Gokou and Vegeta. Gokou and Vegeta both live at the end of GT, Gokou submits himself to the good Shenron, but doesn't technically die. Vegeta Jr. and Gokou Jr. are the grandchildren of Pan. It is unknown who their parents are though.[/color]
  22. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]I heard that, that was Uub/Uubu that did that. I guess my sources were wrong. Hasn't she won a turnament once? I thought she showed Goku, (when he was in the Golden Oozaru form,) a picture of herself and she said it was when, "I won the tournament". Or did she say "match" and not "tournament"?[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well [i]someone[/i] did it.. lol. I'll have to look again. I could be mistaken.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Vegeta is a Saiya-jin Prince, part of the Elite Class. If I'm not mistaken I believe somewhere along the lines it said that Gokou was a Third Class Saiya-jin. Gokou's father didn't reject him. Even a person who watches the dubs could know that. In the flashback where it shows Furiza destroying the planet Vegeta. It even shows Bardock right as he is dying saying "My son lives on." Not quite the thing you'd be saying if you rejected your son. Not to mention in the Bardock movie special he keeps having future visions of Gokou.[/color]
  24. PiroMunkie


    [color=indigo]First off, Pan does not, and cannot, reach the level of a Super Saiya-jin. This is primarily due to the fact that she is a girl. And Toriyama himself said in an interview that female Saiya-jin cannot become Super Saiya-jins. Why? We don't know, but that is how it is regardless what you've read, or seen online. As for her being the strongest in the family, that is not neccesarily true. Gokou was probably just exagerating, but it is known that she is the fastest. You don't have to be strong to be fast. Some might argue that Gokou is the fastest since he can use the instantaneous movement (instant transmission) technique, but keep in mind that he is not actually moving when he does this. That's why he always appeared in the same position he left in whenever he used it. If Pan and Gokou were to race on foot, there is a good chance Pan would win. Though, FYI, it would be innaccurate to compare Pan's speed at the end of DragonBall Z, to Gokou's speed at the beginning of it. Gokou will have become faster by then. Pan doesn't win the World's Martial Arts Tournament. She had the chance to because she was up against Mr. Satan, but she saw how much the fans loved him and would be disappointed in him if he lost. So she took pity on him and threw the match.[/color]
  25. PiroMunkie

    Jay Leno

    [color=indigo]Eh, I used to watch that stuff when I was younger and stuff. Though I rarely watched Leno. I was more of a Letterman fan :p.[/color]
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