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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo][i]The three bring the car to a skidding stop, not far from a side entry to the military base. Prometheus straightened out the car on the road that led directly to the entrance. He then shifted the car into park, still leaving it on.[/i] Gorgon: All right, we can do this one of two ways. One: We can go in silenty, cause a bunch of chaos, and leave. Or Two: We can cause a big commotion when we enter, cause more chaos, and leave. Take your pick. Angel: I don't feel like giong in silently.. Belthazor: ..but we don't want to lose the element of suprise. Gorgon: That's true... I have an idea. But we're not going in there without a plan of what we need. Can any of you fly anything? Angel/Belthazor: No.. Gorgon: Damnit... We'll just have to hope the others can get something that'll hold the six of us. I am going to assume you all know how to drive..? Or at least can learn quickly enough? Belthazor: It's been a long time.. Angel: Yes, I can.. Gorgon: Good. After we kill everyone and destroy most everything, Angel, you and Belthazor go find some sort of ATV, take it around until you find their weapons arsenal, and load it up. I'll find what I can find. After we've done that we'll meet at the main entrance since that leads a direct path to the road we were on. Angel: All right.. so how are we going to enter this base? Gorgon: Loudly, but without losing suprise. [i]Prometheus shifts the car into neutral, opens his door and steps out of the car. The others follow.[/i] Gorgon: Angel. Belthazor. You two go ahead and run up to the base but stay out of sight and stay clear of the entrance gate. Angel/Belthazor: Right. [i]Angel and Belthazor takes off to the base. While they do this Prometheus pops open the trunk of the car. Peering inside he finds a few sand bags, a lead pipe, and a tool that locks the steering wheel in place..[/i] Gorgon: Perfect... [i]Gorgon grabs the tool, opens up on the driver's side door. He makes sure the wheels are facing straight forawrd to the gate and applys the tool, locking it in place. Then he drags a sand bag out and places it on the accelerator as the engine whirrs faster, but softly. He takes the lead pipe and wedges it between the sand bag and the bottom of the driver's seat. Closing the trunk, he walks around and climbs in the driver's seat leaving his door open, and leaves his seat belt off. Quickly he switches the car into drive as the car immediatly takes off straight forward accelerating quickly.When he was near the base he could see that Angel and Belthazor were against the walls. Prometheus leaped out of the car and rolled off the road as the car conrinued forawrd. He got up and immediatly ran for the base. The car crashed through the fence gate and continued on until it violently smashed against the side of an office building. Prometheus quickly ran up along side Angel and Belthazor. It could be heard inside that soldiers stirred about. The destruction would soon commence.[/i][/color]
  2. [color=indigo][i]Along the hard ground in the void, mauled bodies of the risen creatures lay strewn about in disorder. A loud thud sound is heard as a crisp, charred body of another creature plummeted down from above. In the air, Pyro stood with one palm forward, his hand smoking. He closed it into a fist and brought it back down to his side. He then took a deep breath, the whole void seemed to flex outward as he did this, letting it out, the void relaxed itself again. It was eminent he was getting stronger. Working his way back to what he once was. Back before he became so alone with no one to fight along side. Back when they were fighting the androids. He would become stronger. Pyro closed his eyes in concentration as four copies of himself, each as strong as the original, separated from his body. Pyro reopened his eyes..[/i] Pyro: Fight Me. [i]The four copies grinned and launched themselves violently at Pyro..[/i][/color]
  3. [color=indigo]:eek: Settle down dude, lol. It is not neccessarily [i]that[/i] exciting :p. Well from the original Japanese titles, these are the episodes they have left to release: [list] [*]Episode 263: [i]He's Overwhelming Buu. Gohan's Miraculous Power.[/i] [*]Episode 264: [i]Gohan Can't Be Beat! Buu Self-Destructs[/i] [*]Episode 265: [i]Buu Commits a Foul! Gotenks is Absorbed!?[/i] [*]Episode 266: [i]Come Back, Son Gokou! Save the Universe[/i] [*]Episode 267: [i]One More Miracle. The Super Fusion with Gohan.[/i] [*]Episode 268: [i]Vegeta's Pride and Son Gokou's Anger!!! The Birth of the Invincible Hero[/i] [*]Episode 269: [i]The Ultimate Power. Vegetto the Lethal Warrior![/i] [*]Episode 270: [i]The Dimension is Shattered! Is Buu Out of Control?![/i] [*]Episode 271: [i]Buu'a Favorite Technique!! Become Candy!![/i] [*]Episode 272: [i]Buu Fighting SSJ3 Candy Drop, and Losing. Vegetto Gets Absorbed[/i] [*]Episode 273: [i]No More Fusion. Buu's Digestive System Attacks[/i] [*]Episode 274: [i]Is That You, Gohan? Buu's Victims Attack![/i] [*]Episode 275: [i]Buu's Inner Body Experience, The Great Escape[/i] [*]Episode 276: [i]Where's the Exit!!!? Escape from the Failing Buu!![/i] [*]Episode 277: [i]Good Bye, Earth!!! Buu Falls into Evil[/i] [*]Episode 278: [i]Buu, Get Over Here! Finish It off in Kaioshin-Ka!!![/i] [*]Episode 279: [i]Seize the Future! The Big Battle over the Universe[/i] [*]Episode 280: [i]Vegeta's Hats off. Son Gokou, You are #1[/i] [*]Episode 281: [i]Hold on Vegeta! A Minute Flight at the Risk of Life[/i] [*]Episode 282: [i]Don't Tease Satan!! The Original Majin Buu Returns!!![/i] [*]Episode 283: [i]Vegeta's Secret Plan!! Porunga's Two Wishes![/i] [*]Episode 284: [i]Our Last Hope! A Really Huge Genki-Dama[/i] [*]Episode 285: [i]Big Appreciation! It's Here, Everyone's Energy Ball[/i] [*]Episode 286: [i]Son Gokou is the Strongest After All!!! Majin Buu is Destroyed[/i] [*]Episode 287: [i]Peace is Restored! Friend of Justice, Majin Buu!?[/i] [*]Episode 288: [i]You're Late, Son Gokou! Everyone's Partying![/i] [*]Episode 289: [i]Grandpa Gokou! I'm Pan!!![/i] [*]Episode 290: [i]I'm Uubu. Now 10 Years Old, Formerly Majin Buu[/i] [*]Episode 291: [i]To Become Stronger! Son Gokou's Dream is to Surpass it!![/i] [/list] Phew! Well that's just kind of a prelude as to what is to come. :) Enjoy.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]*insert Gohan's big long speech that is right above me*[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well if it weren't for the subs and originals, then there would be nothing for companies like FUNi to dub now would there be? So in turn, the subs and originals should be thanked. :)[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]Ok, now calculate how many eps there would be if FUNI kept the same amount left. :: punches self :: Or i could just go to my own magazine and find out....or i could misplace it, and why don't you just tell me youself?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If FUNi decides not to cut anymore, then there are approximately 29 episodes left to release. :)[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]Well obviously I wasn't following which had been released by FUNi. I know they have released beyond what Toonami has shown, I just don't know what exact episode they were on. And Episode 247 I believe is the equivalent to Episode 262: [i]Even Greater, The Remade Gohan Goes To Earth[/i]. :)[/color]
  7. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Even with that love crap it was still a good movie. Bruce Willis dies, that was sad.[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]:therock: That was one of the best parts of the movie. It is always good to see people die in movies. No action movie is complete without it. The death of a main character just happens to be more effective. I just don't think the people who make these kind of movies know that a love story isn't needed for an action movie. Maybe they should take a look back at the classics like [i]Lethal Weapon[/i]. Now [b]that[/b] was good. No love story or anything.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo][i]Prometheus continued down the road. The others far ahead, but still visible only through a small dust cloud in the distant horizon. The sun was no longer visible. The glow of it still remained. Looking forward again, they saw that the cloud of dust dissipate into nothing. The other three had pulled ahead of them. Many hours passed by, with nothing happening...[/i] Angel: Hold on.. what's that? [i]Prometheus diverted his attention off the road far to the right. Peeking over the horizon were several tall structures. There was plenty of activity going on as could be seen from the many lights flooding the area. A loud thunderous sound came from over head. All three looked up into the sky as a fighter plane cruised overhead.[/i] Belthazor: I didn't know those things would still be in the air. Gorgon: It doesn't matter. When we get through with them, they won't me. That's our base. [i]Prometheus shifted into four-wheel drive and turned sharply off-road heading to the base..[/i][/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]Did anyone die on the bus? Not trying to be rude or inconsiderate but I don't think that a car could stand up to a bus...[/B][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Thus the point of Transtic's post on page 1. A car is to a bus, as a bus is to a train.[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=coral]I also know of someone else here who is intensely attracted to me...but I won't embarass her. ^_^[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]::Ahem:: Don't you mean, you won't embarass [i]him[/i], Jamesy? :smooch: Lol, don't think I haven't forgotten about those times in the chats ;)[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]My God..... I had no idea how easily you can just pop out of this world. Remind me to listen to my friends more.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well now, listening to your friends might not always be the best thing. I mean, if your friends decided to try drugs one day and asked you to go, would you listen to them and go along? I understand that weed is all over, but I'm talking about the more serious drugs like LSD, heroin, etc. So listening to your firends won't always be the best thing. I'm not saying drugs will always be the case, but you get the idea.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Just to let you know, cramming all your feelings inside you and never sharing them doesn't help. I know from experience. I do this. Not too long ago, I can't remember when, something just broke (not snapped) inside of me and I was as close to dead a living person can get. I'm not saying I was close to killing myself or being killed. I just, shut down. I didn't talk (at [i]all[/i]), my breathing was [i]really[/i] slow, my heart rate was really slow, I didn't move, I didn't take my eyes out of a blank stare, and all the while my mom was right next to me scared to death. Then every once in a while I would just burst out crying for no apparent reason. Then I'd just go back to how I was. This went on for about three hours. Then finally I came back to life and started talking, but still severely disturbed. Although, it all turned out good for me.. kind of.. Cause my mom made me quit my job, which I hated but she wouldn't let me quit before. She started being more careful around me for a little while. Although things are back to the way they are now.. Hopefully I'll be out of this house before that happens again.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]Heh, I have a similar experience. I was getting a ride home from school one day on my good ol' 32 bus that I always took home. So it stops at my bus stop, there are a few other cars around waiting to get through the intersection. I get out of the bus, take about five steps then I hear these two really loud noises that sounded like gun shots. So I though it was a drive-by. When I turned around, it turned out that a car came speeding (about 80mph) down the road my bus was on and smashed right into its front right side. The bus took minor damage. The headlight wasn't there anymore, and there was a dent along the side. The front of the other car was totalled. Luckily no one was hurt. But when I got home, it just kind of occured to me. What if I had to cross in front of the bus to get to the street that led to my house? Heh, I wouldn't be talking to you right now. Looks like we're a couple of lucky ones :)[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char! [/i] [B][color=teal][size=1]Exams aren't that hard; they're just boring. I see now why they don't have them all in one day: We'd all scream from boredom...[/color][/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Actually, I would rather have them all in one day. We had ours spread out through 3 days. [i]THAT[/i] that boring. I just wanted to be out of school. Having 7 finals in one day is fine with me. They were all easy except for my first one ( English ::shudders:: ). It would just make it all the easier for me if they were all in one day.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Hrmm.. just out of curiosity, do you know what they used to poison the dog? There are a number of things that could poison an animal. Antifreeze, poison ivy extract, and all sorts of other stuff.. Good luck with your dog.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Heh, KiTTiE is one of the two bands whose members are all girls that I actually like. I'm not a big fan of "chick bands". I haven't heard anything from them in a while. But I do enjoy their music. :)[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The One [/i] [B][B]:laugh: LoL that clears up a lot, heheh so hold on, I am free to make comments about asukas beauty if I want woohoo!:D[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Heh, well I wouldn't go [i]that[/i] far. I can still flame the life out of you and e-smack you, lol :p. You're not the only one that comments on here, lol. SuperSaiyan IMed me once and said something and gave him a big e-smack, lol. Asuka is my very beautiful wife :love2: ::clings to Asuka:: ^^![/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ProudClod [/i] [B]Well, that depends there piro....mortal kombat was probably the best film which derived from a game, for its violence and cool storylines.But people can only see mortal kombat through a violent perspective, where only fighting exists, which is why it was a 15. On the other hand, people may think dragonball is for children, since it is animated, comes on cartoon network, there are loads of bright colours, and the fact that violent parts are cut out. So what im trying to say is that this may have an impact on the producers of the film, making them have a feel to aim this film at mainly children.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Which is why I said [i]something[/i] like [i]Mortal Kombat[/i]. The producers are not naive enough to think that only children watch the DragonBall series. I mean, just take a look at a lot of the DragonBall sites out there. There is no way a child could make a lot of those unless they are prodigies, which I doubt is true. They will know that they have to please a bit older audience as well. So it won't be too child oriented. Producers may make dumb shows, but they aren't dumb themselves.[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rogue Shadows [/i] [B]Toonami also said Piccolo used to be a villain. When is THIS?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]In DragonBall, though he was known as Piccolo Diamo back then. He was the evil half of Kami. There is this whole big story about it that I don't feel like getting into but he was evil in DragonBall :p[/color]
  20. [color=indigo][i]Prometheus watched the could of dust made as the other three sped off. All who remain was Belthazor, Angel, and himself. He walked through the multiple carcasses. Well, not so much through them. More so, on them. Stepping upon their bodies he put down as much weight as possible, crushing whatever part of the body he was on. Parked next to a curb he approached a decent vehicle. He peered through the window to find a mother and her child cowering in fear in the back seat. Prometheus grinned exposing his mouth full of canines. At this sight, the mother immediatly burst out in tears of fear. Prometheus opened the door which clumsily had not been locked. Grabbing the mother by the hair, he pulled her out of the car. Belthazor and Angel now approaching. The woman pleaded for mercy from Prometheus. Of this he took, but handed her off to Belthazor and Angel, who held her still as Prometheus grabbed the young child by the leg and picked her up out of the car. The child dangled, bawling her eyes out in panic and fear. The mother screamed cause she knew the fate of her child was set. With his free hand, Prometheus grabbed the child by the back of the neck and turned her right side up, facing her mother. Both with their faces drowned in tears. Prometheus gave a twisted smile as he tightened the grip on the childs neck until there was heard a *snap*. The mother screamed in terrible agony which was cut short by Belthazor as he drew his blade out of the woman's heart. They dropped the woman and child to the ground. Prometheus climbed into the driver's seat of the car. Belthazor into the passenger seat. Angel in the back. The doors were closed, seat belts secured.. no keys. Irritated, Prometheus drove his fist through the dash and played with a few wires, hotwiring the car. The engine purred gently as he floored the acceleration following in the same direction as the other three.[/i] Gorgon: Passenger and back seat. Names. Belthazor: Belthazor. Angel: Angel. Gorgon: I have already introduced myself as Prometheus. You give me directions, I'll get us there. [i]The two nodded in acknowledgement as the car continued its way to the north..[/i][/color]
  21. [color=indigo]:blulaugh: :rotflmao: -_- Wow, that is really funny that you thought Asuka and I were [i]actually[/i] married in real life, lol. I am almost kind of flattered to have a topic that kind of deals with us. With Asuka and I, there was an actual marriage ceremony and reception type thing. The member AJ2K1 4 Life is our little Otaku Minister, lol. He handles all the marriages here, he even has a site about it :p. Though a lot of marriages I don't think were consented by both partners :drunk:. Cause I remember this whole big deal with Cera that just apalled me.. Hrmmm.. Asuka and I are just an online couple :). Free to have relationships in real life. We even tell each other about our real life people. As of right now I'm taken both online and in real life :p. But yeah, Asuka and I are just online, with a little pretend family that she drew a picture of, which you can see by going to the Artwork/Graphic Design forum and looking in her topic. Our family is the greatest :D.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]What was that poisoned your dog? And you think him just lifting his head to see you is something special? Well, it is, but one of my friend's moms had a cat. And she always took good care of the cat, played with it. The cat hated my friend but liked his mom, lol. But sometime earlier this year, the cat was acting a bit sickly one night. My friends and his mom went to sleep. The cat stayed up all night, and in the morning when my friend's mom woke up and picked up the cat in her arms, it died right there. The cat stayed up all night just to make sure it didn't die alone. Now [i]that[/i] is loyalty to the owner if I'ver ever heard it.[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]Hey now, newbies to martial arts aren't that bad. Technically I was one when I took my class of Judo. I remember in sparring against another person we kept moving around in a circle while in our grapple. OUr teacher saw this and pointed out how that is helpful to lead into your technique. Unfortunatley, I was on the receiving end. :p[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]:twitch: the low blow....ever since last year I wore a cup in baseball for a reason! Yeah I think that glows without explanation...I sang saprano for awhile :twitch:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Heh, never had a problem with baseball cause I never played it. But wrestling with friends, and when I used to play soccer and having the ball drilled at me at high speeds brings much pain :drunk:[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I doubt the plot (or lack there of) to the movie will be directly based odd the series. In my mind I kind of see it as one of the animated movies for DragonBall Z. Where it doesn't really take place in chronology to the actual series, but it deals with the same characters and the same types of enemies and such. Overall I see this movie turning out to be something like [i]Mortal Kombat[/i]. In which case, it might actually be a decent movie if they can pull everything off right.[/color]
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