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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]Well I never actually broke any bones due to sports or anything. But I have had my fair share of injuries. I tend to get hit in the face alot, either that, or fall and hit my back back square on the ground and get the wind knocked out of me. Then for all guys there is the feared low blow :twitch:[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [color=red][b]Her dad won't let any AOL products on her computer, so no AIM. Also, my comp is upstairs, TV downstairs. And the desk is too small for anything but a monitor. But good ideas.[/b][/color][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well now.. I could understnad not wanting AOL products on ones computer, lol. Would it be possible to go onto MSN Messenger? Just trying to help ;). Hrmmm... I can't think of any ways to deal with the TV and homework though... back to the drawing board :genius:[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Aww, poor pooch. I am sorry to hear about your dog. But like Justin said, 15 years old is [i]really[/i] old for a dog. In dog years, it is 105 years old. I would be dying at 105 years old too. Death is a natural part of life. Accept it. You can't change it.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Heh... Remember? We spent two hours or so talking about it and it's dumbness in AIM... I think that's when I was drunk... Cuz...I haven't read more than the first page or so...:drunk:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . Umm.. no, I don't remember that, lol. Well on second though, I do remember talking about it with you, but I can't remember about how long we were, lol. :p My favorite line in the whole book is the last sentence.. jsut because I can know for sure that the book is over. :) Congrats on passing all your finals.. I'm still nervously awaiting my report card.. All I need is a C in English.. >.< !! ::crosses fingers::[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red]Then I do homework, maybe watch some tv, call me gf, then go back online.[/b][/color][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You know, you can do all of those things while you are online, lol. I mean, the computer sits on a computer [b]desk[/b]. And what else can a desk be used for? Homework! :p I am not sure where your computer is set up in your house, but here there is a TV right behind me. And you don't need a phone to talk to your girlfriend, that is what AIM is for ;). It all works out, I do every one of those, lol. The only time I'm not online is either when I'm eating dinner, sleeping, or when my dumb sister is on. I eat lunch while I'm online, and if it is not a serious breakfast, I'll eat while online as well :). If it wasn't for us having one phone line, or even having a dial-up modem, I would never be off.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]It depends on the kind of feeling it is. I express different feelings in different ways. I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. So if I'm mad, you'll know I'm mad. Let's see, if I'm angry, I usually hit things. Not people though, or anything that can easy break. Only hit/throw the unbreakables. But if you hit something, make sure it won't break you. If I'm sad/depressed, I sulk and wallow in self pity until it passes. Even online people can tell when I feel this way cause of the lack of smileys used when I talk (those that I talk to on AIM know what I'm talking about:p). I am usually not one that likes to talk about my problems. I only talk about them to only certain people, and even then I am reluctant. I don't believe on getting help from other people, cause I want to learn how to deal with things on my own, but occasionally you have to ask someone.[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desiivy [/i] [B]Yes it sure does, here (Toonami) I believe 237: For The Sake of My Loved Ones ...Vegeta Falls!!! is 222: Final Atonement. Right??? so 57 more, that good because I am not so sure I want it to end just yet. thanks for the information. If anyone finds a complete listings for all the Toonami ones to be aired, I would really appreciate it!! Desirae[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yes, [i]Final Atonement[/i] would be the same one that I mentioned. So if FUNi decided not to cut any more episodes we should have approximatley 57 left. There is still quite a bit to go through. Majin Buu comes back (obviously), Gohan pulling out the Zed Sword, Gokou transforming into SSJ3, Mr. Satan trying to save the Earth, the Appearance of Evil Majin Buu, Gotenks and his fight with Majin Buu, Gohan's fight with Majin Buu, the fusion to make Vegetto and his fight with Buu, the escape to get out of Buu after being absorbed, Buu begins to fail, Buu comes back, Gokou kills Buu, peace restored after Buu's death, the introduction of Pan :drool:, introduction of Uubu, and then the final episode. Those were just a summary, I didn't feel like going through and naming all the episodes left from the original Japanese episodes. But if you want me to I will. :)[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Name: Prometheus Gorgon (Pyro for short ;)) Age: 23 Height: 6' 3" Gender: Male Soul: Evil Skill: Pyrotechnics Weapon: Broad Sword, .45 Colt Bio: Prometheus is a product of a broken home since he was a child starting about the age of 4. His parents began to fight constantly. His father would not let his mother leave, threatening to kill Prometheus if she did. When he came about the age of 9. His father was killed in a bar fight. Rumor goes around it was actually his mother that killed him as he sat alone at home with his slut of a baby-sitter. Details aren't needed for that. His mind has been corrupted enough. Often Prometheus would resort to self-mutilation. The pain of his wounds screaming in his mind, drowning out everything that went on aruond him. Often he would do this through burning himself. After a few years, he developed almost an immunity to burning pain. So he began just to play with fire. At the age of 16 he burned his house to the ground. No one died (an unfortunate event in his mind), and the cops just assumed it was and accident. He and his mother moved into a split-level apartment with no plumbing. At the age of 18 he finally went out on his own, even though he had no place to live. He got a job at a pawn shop the sold illegal weapons in back. He didn't care, it made him enough money to afford a decent apartment, even though it was in a bad neighborhood. He bought his own weapon for protection, but stole the ammuntion whenever he needed it. His broad sword is also stolen from the pawn shop. At the age of 22 he quit his job to live one year on his own before everything around him disappeared, and his corrupt and twisted soul was all that was left... Personality/Appearance: [later][/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]And I bet those 20 questions were about A Tale of Two Cities, eh? :p[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Whoa... how did you ever guess that? -_- Lol.. I hate that book with a blinding fury..[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]If you are talking about Super Saiya-jin level 4 (the after act), and Super Saiya-jin level 5 well: The so-called "after act" of level four is nothing different from the actual level 4 so it is not really an actual entirely different level. And Super Saiya-jin level 5 does not truly exist. It is based upon a fan manga. [b]Not Real[/b][/color]
  11. [color=indigo]Been there, done that.. the t-shirt is not too great. All my finals were easy enough except for my English final. One hundred and ninety-eight questions to do in one hour. I got to one hundred and seventy-eight. So I know I missed at least 20 which automatically garuntees me an 89ish%. Oooh how I despise that class.. no matter how fun it was o.O[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]:therock: ... ::hits The One over the head:: What did I tell you foo!? Lol, just kidding :p. I find it weird that your name is John... heh heh, if you catch my drift ;). It is almost like talking to myself ::hint hint::. Well, anyways, agree mostly with the person who said they are addicted to OB more than the actual internet. Every spare moment I get (which is alot of time, mind you ;)) I am on here, yet I don't always post, lol. Recently I have found this neato game that is confusing yet strangley addictive, but it is fun. Heh, it drives my mom crazy that I'm online so much cause we only have one phone line :D[/color]
  13. [color=indigo][i]Prometheus continued to race swiftly through the jungle. His curved blade out, slicing through vines, branches, and brush. He leaped over fallen logs, splashed through water puddles, forged his way through thick mud. After about a half an hour of this he stopped a moment to catch his breath. Looking ahead and up above. Very thing, barely clouds of smoke fumed above the trees. He knew he was drawing close and there was no time to waste if he was going to find the others. Quickly he darted off once again. After a few minutes he could see a clearing through the trees, and slightly beyond that, a village of some kind. It was not long before he broke out of the jungle. Now he ran through a clearing full of tall grass and plants. A beaten path lay behind him. Breaking out of the clearing he entered the village through some back alleys. In the sky he could still see the thin clouds of smoke, closer to the center of the town. Then in the skyline above the village, he saw the steeple of a chruch. He knew that is where they must be if they haven't moved out already. Finally he made it. Looking on the ground he could already see he was too late to have any fun with the mortals. Though, standing in front of him now, were a few of the others..[/i] Gorgon: . . . . Merry meet. I am Prometheus...[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]It is not [i]that[/i] bad of a show. I'll watch it if there is nothing else better on. Though I usually watch Comedy Central so that keeps me entertained more than anything, but it is not like [i]Ed, Edd, and Eddy[/i] is the reincarnation of [i]Barney & Friends[/i] :nervous:[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Aries is right, There have been several topics about this already. Look back in the pages to find out info on it.[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ProudClod [/i] [B]No, Goku has got six forms, you forgot to mention the golden oozaru. That is the last one before ssj4, and it happens after seeing a bright light while super sayain, goku then becomes ssj4 after keeping a clear mind while in the golden oozaru form.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]He was just talking along the lines of being a Saiya-jin and Super Saiya-jin. Though he did manage to leave one out so you were right on the six forms. Gokou also gets to the Ultra Super Saiya-jin stage, between Super Saiya-jin and Super Saiya-jin level 2. In the way you are talking, ProudClod, Gokou would actually have eight different forms: Saiya-jin, Oozaru, Super Saiya-jin, Ultra Super Saiya-jin, Super Saiya-jin level 2, Super Saiya-jin level 3, Golden Oozaru, and Super Saiya-jin level 4.[/color]
  17. [color=indigo]Yeah, I don't think there is any way that America would have the balls to make it have an [b]R[/b] rating. There would be so many angry fans, they would be flooded with hate mail. It would be an accurate guess to say [b]PG[/b] or [b]PG-13[/b]. Although I agree that Courtney Cox is too [i]young[/i] to play Chi-Chi. Her look is almost pretty accurate. If you watch the TV sitcom [i]Friends[/i] and can think when her hair was just completely black, I think she could easily pass for Chi-Chi. They are both pretty demanding as well. Their personalities are almost parallel.[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]I don't understand why some of you people have problems with the name changes. I mean, Kuririn and Furiza are basically pronounce nearly the same as Krillen and Freiza. I could understand not wanting to call the Androids 'jinzoningen juunanagou' (Cyborg #17) but those minor ones are kind of stupid to be "glad" they changed them, because you know what? If they [i]wouldn't[/i] have changed them, you wouldn't think anything of it. You would just go on watching the series knowing how it is spelled and not having any problems with it. So just because America has to be dumb, and worry about things like that, doesn't mean you have to as well. I am not exactly sure which 13 episodes they got rid of, but I think there were some in the Saiya-jin Saga they took out. I think I have heard most about that. I don't know if they took any others out of other places. :) [-edit-] From the looks of in this Episode listing, it looks like they took out the very [i]first[/i] episode of DragonBall Z. Cause if I remember correct, the first episode Toonami shows is when Raditz arrives, and that Episode is number 2: [i]History's Greatest Warrior is Gokou's Older Brother[/i]. The first episode being: [i]A Sheltered Boy: My Name is Gohan[/i]. If my memory serves me right, then that is one of the episodes they took out..[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]No. I have never been on a blind date. I personally would never go on one. I am a pretty cautious person, and do not like not knowing who I am going to meet, since relationships aren't things I liked to have messed with. If I ever somehow got myself into a blind date, I'd jsut act real weird and try to scare the person off. Hopefully that would work, lol. :)[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]It is interesting the this topic has begun talking about Communism and somewhat on selective breeding. Both of which we talked about in my biology class this past school year. Selective breeding, although dangerous, can be useful. I mean, this is kind of an odd example, if it was for selective breeding, the mule would not exist. The mule is a product of selective breeding between a male donkey and a female horse. I believe I have heard a rumor that some mules are actually able to reproduce on their own, which they are not supposed to. So it might have some interesting results if that is true. The mule is beneficial for agricultural area that need animals that can carry heavy loads (donkey), and travel long distances(horse) at the same time. So you can see how selective breeding [i]can[/i] be useful, [i]if[/i] it is used correctly. "can" and "if" being the key words there. As for Communism, my actual biology [i]class[/i] didn't talk about this, but on the second to the last day of school our teacher just let us talk, and me and three other kids around me started talking about Communism. I wasn't in it to begin with. One kid supported Communism, saying it is not a bad form of government, and the other two said it was a bad form of government. The supporter asked my opinion whether or not it is a good form of government. I agreed. Although, I am not too familiar with it, I know the basic principle of it. And like you people have said, it is a good [i]idea[/i], but not one that can be carried out easily. There is always going to be something wrong with the system, no matter what it may be.[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]How often do you see a person who watches the subbed episodes give false information about the show? ::I'm going to let you think a bit:: ................. Ok, now how often have you seen a dubbie give false information about the show? The answers are: [b]Not too often if never,[/b] and [b]most always.[/b] Now, not all dubbies are alike. For example, I am what some may call a "dubbie". This is because I don't have the money to buy fansubs, I don't live in Japan so I could never have seen the original thing, and my computer modem is too slow for me to download pirated episodes offline(which technically is illegal). [i]But[/i], even though I am a "dubbie", I still know a lot about the series in its original form. How you ask? Research, my friend. I have a credible magazine that has a lot of info on it concerning characters, which I use to help witgh things dealing with characters. It also has a complete listing of all the original Japanese names for the episodes, which can also be useful. It also has other miscellaneous other information. And that information that I [i]don't[/i] know, I look up online. So I am a "well-informed dubbie", lol. Then you always have those dubbies who think they know it all, but don't, and annoy us all. There [i]are[/i] differences between the the original, and dubs. Just look around the posts here in the forum. You should really be able to tell who knows what they are talking about and who doesn't.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Well, Toonami has about 57 episodes to go if they do not cut any out or anything. I am going by the original Japanese episode list here. They stopped on episode 237: [i]For The Sake of My Loved Ones ...Vegeta Falls!!![/i] and then it goes all the way to episode 291: [i]To Become Stronger! Son Gokou's Dream is to Surpass It!![/i] Those are the original Japanese titles for the episodes. So the American ones won't be the same. I hope that helps. :)[/color]
  23. [color=indigo][i]Pyro stood up, his body healed over now. He brushed some dirt off himself, and looked around. Just before he could continue his training, a loud, booming voice thundered aimlessly throughout the void.[/i][/color] [color=green][b]"Pyro..."[/b][/color] [color=indigo][i]Pyro jerked his head into attention as the voice had caught him off guard and startled him a bit.[/i] Pyro:[/color] [color=green]Life[/color][color=indigo]... It has been a while since we have last spoken.[/color] [color=green][b]"Indeed. Pyro, we know this power that you have craved for so long. The power that triggered your greed. That made you shun yourself from the others. We have been watching you. Your humility has increased. Selfless acts have been done."[/b][/color] [color=indigo]Pyro: I have realized those faults within me. It figures it took a near death experience to pull the shroud away from over my eyes.[/color] [color=green][b]"Just as it took a near death experience to make you realize your faults. It must also occur for you to attain the power."[/b][/color] [color=indigo]Pyro: . . . Why?[/color] [color=green][b]"I know the pain of death is severe, Pyro. This pain you will experience will not even be able to measure to the potential of your power after you are finished. It must be at the point where you would die. The power is wise and powerful."[/b][/color] [color=indigo]Pyro: Is there a catch?[/color] [color=green][b]"As there always is. One: You will lose all contact with us, for we will be you. This is not too much of a loss since then you will be much more wise and powerful. Two: Your body will remain flesh. You will not be able to ever reach higher potential unless you constantly train your body to get stronger and be able to hold more power. Also, you will not look the same. Your body image will be forever changed."[/b][/color] [color=indigo]Pyro: At this moment, can my body withstand the change?[/color] [color=green][b]"No. You must train, Pyro. Train hard."[/b][/color] [color=indigo]Pyro: Understood. I will train. Farewell,[/color] [color=green]Life. [b]"Farewell, Pyro. Good luck to you."[/b][/color] [color=indigo][i]The conversation ended. Pyro looked around once more and watch as several monsters rose from the ground. The gravity intensified even more.. He will train...[/color][/i]
  24. PiroMunkie

    Green Day

    [color=indigo]Lol, :whoops: I meant their older stuff is better than their new stuff :p. My fault. I am glad to hear you didn't JUST discover Green Day. I would have had to knock some sense into you if you had.:p[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Or it will just be the third time the charm. As they said before, you are just shy. I am shy. And I am pretty sure a lot of other people on this board are shy. There is nothing wrong with it. The more you get to know her (if you see her again) the less shy you will be around her. Good luck ;).[/color]
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