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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. PiroMunkie

    Green Day

    [color=indigo]Don't tell me you are just now discovering Green Day.. Of [i]course[/i] they are better the Blink 182. Almost any decent band is. Their older stuff is a lot better than their old stuff. So I'd look more into that.[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]What if Gokou never killed Grandpa Gohan? What if Gohan never snapped and transformed into Super Saiya-jin level 2? What if you didn't post this thread? Oh.. that's right, it would never have been closed. This will lead to nothing but theoretical senseless answers..[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]No summer school for me. My grades aren't that bad. Just my English one, and it is all because of that god foresaken book [u]A Tale of Two Cities[/u]. That book has been the death of me. I went from an A to an F... I worked my way out of the hole into a D.. hopefully my final and theme will get me to a C.. But no summer school.. I wouldn't do it even if I had to. Summer is not for school..[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wing Gundam [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Dude, I'm going to Warped, I'm incedibly excited for Goldfinger and Millencolin, and Anit-Flag, yes they are actually real bands. I bet Piro knows them, Or maybe your a poseur?!?!?, J/K.[/SIZE] :p[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . You better have been just kidding.. :shifty: I was about ready to open up a can, lol. Of course I know who those bands are. If I am lucky I am going to the one that is coming to Omaha on June 25th. The first time the tour has ever stopped here. But this is only if I get a C in English since I had an F and working my way back up into a D before.. I don't think I did too hot on the final, and the only thing that could have saved my neck I don't think was worth a lot. So if I go, it is based on pure luck ::crosses fingers::[/color]
  5. PiroMunkie


    [color=indigo]Ahh, another potentially good action movie ruined by a love story... It would have been so much better if it wasn't for that. Stupid Ben Afleck or whatever his name is...[/color]
  6. PiroMunkie


    [color=indigo]They are a pretty good band. I do not listen to them that often, and I only have one of their CDs, which I got from my brother when he grew out of them. I don't even know which one it is. I would have to say my favorite song of theirs that I can think of off the top of my head is "Down", but I know there is another that I can't think of...[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]It's 8? I coulda sworn on my KaZaA Shared Folder that it was 7...:p[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well when King Kai told the Saiya-jin story to Gokou he said that a full moon happened every 8 years. So that is what I am sticking to for now :p[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]The funny thing is that I have seen those before. Not to mention there is only a nine minute lapse between your two post that you posted [b]in a row[/b]. Which in NO case should ever be done. I am going to delete one of those posts. Shame shame. I am closing this topic due to lack of coherancy and just plain spam.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo][i]It was getting dark as the firey sun began to set in the distant horizon. Prometheus took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then something caught his attention. His ears perked. Anger could be heard faintly. He peered down the cliffside, saw nothing. His eyes slowly scanned over the terrain below. Through heavy brush, a small, flickering light shimmered through. A civilization layed in the far distance. He would have to mingle sooner or later. He figured sooner. At that he dropped down the steeply inclined cliff side digging his heels into the ground while attempting to maintain his balance. On the way down he managed to quickly grasp a vine. Holding it tightly, he lept off the side of the cliff into a free fall. A few seconds passed by and the vine reached its fullest extent and jerked back at Prometheus who let go, now only about 150 feet from the ground. In the fall he grabbed the furthest edges of his cloak as the air caught in the thick of the cloak, and he floated gently. He broke through the branches of a few trees and just fell the rest of the way, hitting the ground hard. He stood up, now confronted by a vast are of trees, bushes, and wildlife. He could no longer see the flickering lights through the jungle canopy. He would have to go off instinct. At this he began to run swiftly through..[/color][/i]
  10. [color=indigo]Coolems :p. That is a very interesting quote and idea. And I know from experience what they mean by 'Maximum efficiency for minimal effort'. That is what I liked most about Judo. Is that it did not take much energy to throw the person around, but it did the job well. Our teacher also made good examples of how their is a complete reverse for everything. He would always have his "guinea pig" try to do something to him, and in the blink of an eye, the other guy was on the ground :p. It was great.[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B][B][FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkblue]I really think that all wars would be better if everyone fought them the way they did in the old world years ago. Two opposing armies stood on opposite sides of a field. They rushed toward eachother with swords drawn and shields raised. They would crash into eachother and fightout the battle and both sides would have virtually no people left. If wars were fought like that nowadays everyone would have enough sence not to do it. But now everyone sits behind computer screens and pushed missile launching buttons. Hmmmmmm... Why don't people have enough sence to not push the button anyway.....[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Not too much mention that would also help with the over-population problem. Though, do you [i]know[/i] how many people would die? Just imagine the size of a countries army.. then wipe it out. That is a LOT of people. I think too many people would be afraid to do it anyway. It is like sending your men out on the front line..[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]I believe it is just spelled Uub or Ubuu. None of this Uubuu or whatever you people are posting. Silly people :p.[/color]
  13. [color=indigo]gokents: Ok, I see what you mean. It was kind of a mistake on both our parts. I was unaware of how Ju Jitsu is performed, and you semi-left out that Judo [i]does[/i] use grapples, their just not as violent. I understand now. :) I will have to look into them more ;)[/color]
  14. [color=indigo]Ugh... I doubt WWIII will actually happen. And even [i][b]IF[/b][/i] it did. It would be those two countries that most likely started it (India and Pakistan). Even then, they have plenty of nuclear weapons. Using them would be the catalyst of WWIII. And being that they have a lot of these weapons, it would be useless to even try and stop everything after they have used them. There would be a nuclear fallout and we would all die anyway. We would all go the way of the dinosaur.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]like judo is good for people with bad joints or children because it doesnt use grapples like other forms such as ju jitsu.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Ok, now I [i]know[/i] that is not true. Every move in Judo is done out of a grapple. I distinctly remember our teacher using that word everytime he talked about us starting the move. I never knew what it meant cause I was so young, so it bothered me, that is why I remember. I do not quite remember the exact position the grapple was in.. It was something like.. Grab the persons shirt in the middle of their chest with one hand, and grab their shoulder with the other. Every technique we learned was done from that position. With the exception of pins, of course.[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]I am soooo happy! After one failed attempt I finally got my drivers license yesterday![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I got my driver's license yesterday (May 31). All I had to do is go in there take an eye test and get my license :p. I took a Driver's Education class so I got all the technical mumbo jumbo out of the way. Though I turned 16 a few months ago :drunk: My picture is horrible. I wasn't even ready. lol :p[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Padme Amidala [/i] [B]I never really liked the show, I thought it was pretty lame. Some of the episodes are ok, but I never really liked it.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]... You [i]are[/i] the anti-christ aren't you??? That show was great! How anyone could not like is beyond any comprehension. :p[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]OOC: Just for everyones convenience, when having my character speak, just put his name as Gorgon, instead of typing out Prometheus. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Prometheus stood crouched upon the ground, picking up the coarse dirt and letting it run through his fingers. It had been so long since he could last feel like that. So many years, he had forgotten what it was like in the mortal world. He stood up, holding his cloak up from touching the ground. This exposed the twisted daggers tucked in each boot. When he was standing upright, the swift, curved blade could be seen sheathed at his right hip. He dropped the cloak free as it flowed to the full extent of its length. In back, the mighty War-Hammer he called "Justice", strapped onto his back with the full shaft and grip slipped into a hole near the top of his cloak, so all that showed was the hammer head.[/i] Gorgon: Central America... Where the hell is that? [i]He looked at the people around him, all seemed to be getting acquainted with their new surroundings, just as he was.. What to do from here, seemed to be a plan unknown..[/i][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B]then how come they allways call them androids???.. i guess it sounds better...o well.. so noone knows what planet or race frieza was??[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]The American dubs and I think the subtitles might call them androids as well, I can't remember. The Japanese word "jinzoningen" ( I think I spelled it right ) means "cyborg". And if you ever watch subs when the androids are around you will hear them call the androids 'jinzoningen juunanagou' (Cyborg #17), 'jinzoningen juuhachigou' (Cyborg #18), 'su-pa jinzoningen juunanagou' (Super Cyborg #17), just to name a few. Furiza's race was never stated, nor the planet he came from. It can only be assumed innaccurately.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]and im not really sure, how do you spell janenba?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]My belief is that it is spelled Janemba. That is what I have seen it most as. I could be [i]slightly[/i] wrong since that is probably the dub name, and there would be a slight spelling alteration in the original name..[/color]
  21. [color=indigo]There is no need to make a separate thread. Just do this in your quiz thread. And you better make sure [i]your[/i] answers are right, cause creating quizzes you don't even know the answers to is highly frowned upon. Topic Closed.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]1. Bardock 2. Gohan 3. Goten 4. Brolli 5. Goku sacrificed his life by holding Raditzu in place while Piccolo shot through both of them with his Special Beam Cannon. 6. Gogeta 7. Goku 8. The final [i]normal[/i] stage of SSJ is Super Saiya-jin level 3. The final [i]other[/i] stage of SSJ is Super Saiya-jin level 4. That is a vague question. 9. Unfortunately, Goku 10. Genki-Dama ;) Some hard quiz. :rolleyes:[/color]
  23. [color=indigo]No. There is no normal Super Saiya-jin form past level 3. Nor will their truly ever be. The only "Super Saiya-jin" level past 3 is 4, which only appears in GT, and Akira had no input on GT.[/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arikel [/i] [B]Piromunkie, You cannot place an analysis of complete truth's from something fictional unless you personally speak with the creator about the entire subject and since that was not necessarily possible, he merely used what he would have thought would have been the best information.. :P[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Actually you can base plenty of information on fact. Enough to give a decent analysis. You just have to do some accurate research or ask around to people who know a lot about the series and whatnot. DragonBall is not the vague of a series. Plenty of information can be given as fact without consulting the creator.[/color]
  25. [color=indigo]Ha! That show was great! The baby rocked. It was the only baby I knew that had plans to take over the world and attempted to take down the Mr. Rogers show :laugh: Wow, that was great :laugh:[/color]
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