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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I'll say one thing, I don't understand beer. People say it's an "acquired taste," but why do you acquire the taste of something that doesn't really taste that awesome to begin with? It normally doesn't get you drunk or buzzed enough to matter if that's what they're after, when you could just take a shot or two of your favorite liquor (mixed or otherwise) and get a good vibe going that much easier. I'm drinking a Fat Tire, right now. Mostly because of this topic, lol, reminded me that I have some beer in the fridge (I knew a guy who always sung praises about this brand so I figured I'd give it a go). It's okay I guess (I actually think it's been in there too long and lost some of its edge), but I'd take some scotch/vodka/whiskey any day over this, lol.[/font][/color]
  2. [quote name='AvalonAngel' date='30 April 2008 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1209589800' post='653085'] [FONT= "Franklin Gothic Medium"]I'd also like to see another Viewtiful Joe game, but Clover was disbanded :animesigh:[/FONT] [/quote] [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I'm definitely going to have to second this. Viewtiful Joe was probably one of the more entertaining games I've sat down to play, and given that it was [i]supposed[/i] to be a trilogy I was really disappointed to find out there wouldn't be a Viewtiful Joe 3. I also miss old school, side-scrolling Metroid games. The Prime series just wasn't the same. I'm hoping [i]Metroid: Other M[/i] delivers that old feel a bit better from the third-person perspective (which is how a 3D Metroid should have been done in the first place, imo).[/font][/color]
  3. [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]You're all terrible for not having mentioned [b]the Smashing Pumpkins[/b]. Their work since their reunion (though Billy Corgan being the only original member now) has yet to really live up to their '90s reign. Recent project [i]Teargarden by Kaleidyscope[/i] has a good feel, though. Umm ... let me go through my iTunes for other bands I listen to fairly often, lol. Styx Stone Temple Pilots The Presidents of the United States of America Muse Luna Sea Journey Gorillaz Foo Fighters Dream Theater David Bowie Coheed & Cambria (sort of underrated, I think, glad to see them on a few other people's lists) Blue Oyster Cult Billy Joel Apocalypse Hoboken (once a local punk band from Chicago) I also don't mine some old '90s rap/hip hop, but I don't really have anything extensive in that regard. Maybe just a few songs here and there.[/font][/color]
  4. [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I don't even remember when I first started here. This Aug '01 is misleading, the forums moved or restarted at one time or something and whatnot, not to mention I changed my name (+1 Internets to any oldbies that remember my first name). I had to have been like 13 or 14, and I'm 24 now. Given, I haven't been at OB that whole time by any stretch of the imagination, but yeah ... There's a lot of nostalgia here for sure. I know in another topic someone mention that OB practically raised them, lol, and that's really not too far from the truth. A lot of awesome memories here, and made some great friends.[/font][/color]
  5. [color="#A0522D"][font="Arial"]I don't drink often (actually used to be one of those people who were against it), mostly due to just not having the money for it, but I'm not opposed to it if it's available. Probably one of the times I've drank the most was at a friend's birthday. He had a bunch of liquor available and a website with a bunch of different mixes, so he just started putting together anything he could find and giving them to me, lol (oddly, even though I was probably the least experienced drinker there, I had more than anyone). If I'm by myself and feel like drinking it'll only ever be like a shot or two. I've only ever taken in a lot more when I got blindsided by some ... news. I'm not even sure of the best word to describe it ... but it is up in the top three most upsetting things I've ever been told. [i]However[/i] Much more often than not, I drink because I'm feeling particularly euphoric and getting a little tipsy helps expand on that, lol.[/font][/color]
  6. [quote name='Raiha' date='23 July 2010 - 07:53 PM' timestamp='1279932823' post='697724'] [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#9932cc"]Primarily frost, with some arcane mixed in, just for giggles. And, it's on an RP server, so pretty much the only thing I do is run dungeons for fun. And I don't think it's nearly as weak as it should be. I was fire for the longest time and got really tired of doing almost no damage at all. Either I was doing something wrong with the talents or ...something. But I went from doing less damage than a petless hunter to the most. Blizzard [the spell] is my new best friend, even if it's a mana guzzler. [/color][/size][/font] [/quote] [color="#006400"][font="Arial"]Ah, I see. Heroics can definitely skew results since (assuming people have decent gear) nothing lives long enough to matter, which can definitely hurt a Fire Mage considering its longer cast times and dependence on RNG (Hot Streak). If you look at Web Logs of people in end-game content and gear Frost is like ~30-40% behind Fire and Arcane, though. I can only imagine people were using it for the lulz, or because the raid didn't have any other form of replenishment at the time. And yeah, Blizzard is some nice AoE, especially if you even have just one point in Improved Blizzard (then combined with the benefits of Shatter and Fingers of Frost).[/font][/color]
  7. [color="#006400"][font="Arial"]That video blew my mind. There's just no way dramatically manipulating an image can be that easy. Everything is shopped now. There are no more legit photos. I won't believe it, lol.[/font][/color]
  8. [quote name='Raiha' date='23 July 2010 - 06:17 PM' timestamp='1279927027' post='697717'] [font="Times New Roman"][size="3"][color="#9932cc"]So I retooled my mage to be frost/arcane and suddenly it's doing more damage than I've ever seen it do. I'm a little worried that I spent all this time not doing much damage only to spend a cool 25g just to see my toon become god. What does this say? [/color][/size][/font] [/quote] [color="#006400"][font="Arial"]You mean you respec'd to primarily Frost? Or primarily Arcane? PvE (my guess since you're talking about damage output)? Frost doesn't make sense given your claims, as it's been the weakest Mage PvE spec since forever (though from videos I've watched of Frost PvE, those Deep Freeze hits are nice and big and fun to look at). Arcane makes sense because it's ridiculously easy (though Frost PvE is probably easier still) and can put out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. So, if you're talking about PvE, and are noticing higher DPS as Frost, chances are you were previously doing something horribly wrong. Or maybe it's just a gear issue, but it isn't hard to really have a nice setup these days. If you're talking about PvP, then it sort of makes sense. Frost still doesn't do massive damage, but has more survivability and other BS to leave you open to freecast more often.[/font][/color]
  9. [color="#006400"][font="Arial"]I used to play, but have been trying to wean myself from it. So much that I probably shouldn't even be posting in this topic in fear of a relapse, lol. I started playing a few years ago (Thanksgiving/Christmas before the release of Burning Crusade) when a friend introduced me to it (was playing a Ragnarok Online private server before that). My first and main character for the bulk of my time in WoW was my Undead Warlock. I chose Warlock mainly because I thought the [url=http://www.wow-europe.com/shared/wow-com/images/basics/armorsets/tier3raid/warlock/undead-male.jpg]T3 armor[/url] looked awesome (though, the T7 WotLK recolors were much better, particularly the higher end set), and Undead looked best in it. I don't even know why I liked it so much, aside from the fact it made me laugh because it looked like a Tusken Raider in Easter garb. I was primarily a PvE'r, and like most people I was absolutely terrible at understanding wtf I'm supposed to be doing to maximize my performance. It wasn't until like a year later after I had rerolled a Tauren Druid and healed for a little while that I came across the resources that went in depth about how to play your classes the right way. After that, I went back to my Warlock, geared him up to the best of my knowledge and ability with the limited resources I had back then and applied for one of the better guilds on our server. I got accepted and was able to help them get Black Temple on farm, Amani Warbear (best mount ever) runs through Zul'aman, and then progress through Sunwell when it was released. Come WotLK I stayed with the same guild all the way through the Tier 7 content, but then had to stop playing for a while. When I came back I actually started up on a different server with a character transfer of my Rogue alt, and ended up joining a guild there through the bulk of Ulduar and Trial of the Crusader. Then again, I had to stop playing for a while, and when I came back I dusted off my Warlock, my guild took me back as a raider and cleared most of Icecrown before I had to stop playing again. On my account I have all but a Paladin (Level 71) and a Mage (Level 50-something) at level 80 across two servers. >_>[/font][/color]
  10. [size=1]I'm not going to sit here and pretend I keep up with the latest world news and politics, but it seems their oil spills have very little, if nothing, to do with us as a country. Why don't we help them out? Is it an oil tanker painted with stars and stripes blaring the 'Star-Spangled Banner' and carrying American passengers that cause the spills? Exactly. Are we asking for help from countries whose waters weren't polluted from the BP spill? I doubt it. It's an "environmental disaster" as they put it, not an international incident (barring neighboring Gulf countries). Why is it such a big deal when it happens to us, when apparently it's been happening there for so long? Because we can afford to make it a big deal. I can't see the US Government taking the resources to help the situation in the Niger Delta. Maybe some American-based philanthropies will pop up ... though probably not until the dust settles in the Gulf. I imagine a lot of people won't see the point in helping clean up another country's mess regardless of how long it's been going on when we have the same or similar problem facing us right now.[/size]
  11. [size=1]Because I know Neil misses me. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/PiroMunkie/beentryintomeetyou.jpg[/IMG][/size]
  12. [quote name='James' date='21 July 2010 - 07:45 AM' timestamp='1279716331' post='697582'] [font=palatino linotype]Three words: Big Pappa Hump. His infamy is probably second only to Shinji.[/font] [/quote] Please no. I only recently had a breakthrough with my therapist. [size=1]*rattles chains in the OB attic* Hi guys. [color=gray]edit - I just happened upon the VV YouTube video and rofl'd when Shinji's name was on the "Member Blocking" part.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1]Perhaps, in the extreme long-run, we're just meant to go back to a system of grunts. Brevity is the soul of wit. :P[/size]
  14. I wouldn't have even thought of their existence if no one had ever mentioned it, lol. Though it was a good start into the whole web design thing, at least for me. I use Notepad for all my needs nowadays. The only thing I wish it had was that color-coding stuff that things like FrontPage do. Kind of lame that they're leaving current hostees in the dust, though.
  15. [size=1]I'm half-tempted to post the video of the guys head exploding from Scanners just to appease some of you, but that might be a bit graphic even though it's not real, lol.[/size]
  16. [quote name='Nomurah!'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="hotPink"]Stuart, something about that just reminds me of Fight Club. Not bad, not bad at all. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I got more of a 'Dexter' vibe from it. [u][url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/PiroMunkie/MeSisBro.jpg]This is probably the most recent picture of me.[/url][/u] It was from my sister's wedding. For those of you who don't already know me, I'm the one on the left, lol. Stop staring down my sister's dress (I only say this because other guys have commented on this before lol). And my brother is technically our half-brother which is why he doesn't look much like my sister and I. Enjoy it. By the current pace of pictures being taken of me, I'm not due for a few years now.
  17. [quote name='Haku877']Ever get bored of your address bar? well this site is just one of those things to give you something to read, do, or talk about so check it out! [url]http://www.randomwebsite.com/[/url][/QUOTE] It's much like [url=http://www.stumbleupon.com/]StumbleUpon[/url], but not as awesome.
  18. I often forget 'important' holidays as my sense of time is extremely poor. Everything is just a blur. I won't be doing anything for Mother's Day because frankly I don't care. I might give her a hug or something now that I'm aware of the day, but meh ...
  19. [quote name='DeLarge'][SIZE=1]They're usually slightly better than the last fortune cookie I got, which simply read "You are confident and interesting at parties." Thanks for that, fortune cookie.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] You forgot to add "in bed." I don't put much faith in horoscopes. Like most here, it's just for comic value.
  20. [quote name='Nomurah!'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="#EDEDED"]I bought a dildo, a ferret, condoms, period pads, cheese sticks, and an Adam Sandler Movie... Judge me if you will, but ferrets are cute. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] I'm pretty sure if you found a way to incorporate all those things together, even MacGyver would be impressed.
  21. Anyone else ever have to eat soap when they mouthed off too much?
  22. [quote name='Japan_86']I really love these guys: Ska on a train with pocky. Doesn't get any better than this.[/QUOTE] [size=1]Enough is [i]enough![/i] I've had it with these mother ****ing skanks on this mother ****ing train! 'Skanks on a Train'. Coming to theatres this Fall.[/size]
  23. [size=1]If I actually decide I feel like making breakfast, it's usually some form of scrambled eggs, with sauage or bacon, and some toast (preferably wheat). If I don't feel like taking the time to cook bacon, I'll see if we have any bacon bits lying around. It's even better when I have left over sausage from dinners. I'll usually cut those up into thin slices and mix them up with my eggs. Melt some cheese over it and drizzle on some salsa. Good stuff. Eat it with some toast or roll it up in a tortilla.[/size]
  24. [size=1]For the record, wearing gloves is [i]not[/i] required when handling food, and wearing gloves is really no different than working with your bare hands. I used to work in food service and we were required to wash and sanitize our hands about every 30 minutes or when switching to certain tasks. Interestingly enough you do pretty much the same thing when wearing gloves. You have to wash your hands before putting them on. You can only wear one pair for so long, and you need to dispose of them or change them if you switch to other certain tasks. In either case, people can and will forget or neglect to take the proper precautionary measures when it comes to food safety. That person handling your food may be wearing gloves, and sure it probably makes you feel a little more secure, but you have no idea if he just finished doing some cleaning while wearing those same gloves, working with raw meats/poultry, collecting cash, or just simply hasn't taken them off in a long time. I've worked both with gloves and without. From an employee perspective, gloves not only usually make it harder to work with your hands, but they take [i]way[/i] longer to change out than simply washing and sanitizing. They're pretty much there to create a sense of comfort for the customer. Subway is probably the best at this. They change and dispose their gloves right in front of you. I think even their handwashing sinks are within sight. More on topic, the worst fast food experiences are the ones you don't know happen to you. Yes you, the customer. Don't aggravate the people who handle your food. I've personally never done anything in that regard, but I know someone who has done it on a variety of occasions. I'm pretty sure a messed up order pales in comparison.[/size]
  25. [quote name='Pumpkin;836904][quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson']New rule: Always have your swim trunks and your flippy floppies.[/color][/quote] [size=1][font=tahoma]What about the women? Bikinis? What for? Or wait...do I even want to know the anwser of that question?[/font][/size][/QUOTE] Normal women just aren't enough, they'd need to be mermaids. And no, I'm pretty sure you don't want to know what they're for.
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