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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]YES!!! GO WALMART!!!!!!!!!!!! That, and thrift stores, $1 for a shirt!!!!, or less even.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, yeah. I always get my normal clothes from plain label stores. When I feel like some more out of the ordinary I might hold my breath and duck quickly in and out of a hot topic, but that is only if I find something reasonable that strikes my fancy. Unfortunatley, I have really bad luck at thrift stores. I can never find clothes in my size, or gender, lol. Not that I mind wearing certain women's clothing, cause some is really not that feminine looking, it is just even [i]harder[/i] to find the right size, regardless of how feminine-like my body is shaped.. :drunk: I don't alternate my clothes that much anyway.. I usually wear the same thing for a week then swtich to something different for the next week. Then the week after that the clothes from the first week are clean so I wear them again :p[/color]
  2. [color=indigo]I took Judo for one term a long time ago when I was in second or third grade. I still remember some of the techniques I was taught, but not many of them.. I have never really had to use them except when messing around with my friends. I just learn how to fight in a random style from fighting with my friends. Especially when fighting this one friend of mine, cause he took Tae Kwon Do for a year when he was young, too. It's fun :)[/color]
  3. [color=indigo][b]Name:[/b] Prometheus Gorgon [b]Age when died:[/b] 23 [b]Time in Hell:[/b] Several hundred years [b]Position in former life:[/b] Head of a Vigilante group [b]Position in Hell:[/b] Judge/Negotiator [b]Short bio of life/death:[/b] As he lived, he was the hed of a Vigilante group. He never believed in law. Thus he ignored it, hunting down and savagely murdering those who he saw deserved to be victim. On one mission he was killed purposely by one of his own men, but Prometheus managed to kill that man with a single bullet just before he died. Prometheus went to hell. The other man went skywards. Revenge shall be taken in to the afterlife. In Hell, he was appointed as a Judge and Negotiator. When hearing about the mission into the heavens, he quickly volunteered. As said before, [i]Revenge shall be taken in to the afterlife.[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b] A tall, lanky figure, but strong build. Dark, brown hair, and dark, blue eyes with naturally large pupils. Wears dark, beat up type clothing. He wears a heavy, black (non-hooded) pull-over cloak, which can allow him to glide on air. The bones of his knuckles protrude sharply from his fists creating a spike-like formations (only come out about an centimeter). His fingernails are a bit longer and sharpened, and his teeth are all pointy canines. [b]Equipment:[/b] Medium Weight War-Hammer, two Twisted Daggers, Medium Curved Blade.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo][b]Name:[/b] Piro X-51 [b]Alias:[/b] Piro or X [b]Age:[/b] -- (machines don't age :p) [b]Appearance:[/b] A very shiny chrome metallic. A rugged exterior with some inner parts exposed for increased mobility. Very tall and lanky. Its head lacks normal facial features. A long strip around the head act as its eyes and allow it to see a full 360 degrees around it at one time. A voice box planted deep within its body. A unique pelvic-like plate can retract and etend to allow Piro X-51 to walk on either two legs, or its hands and feet. Its main colors are the chrome silver, and black. Personality: Very focused towards its work. A natural machine. It is very stubborn. When it gets a mission, it makes sure it is carried out. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] A long blade that can retract and extend ( 5 feet ) attached on the left forearm.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo][i]The demonic dog creature came burrowing through the thick, moist air and sharply turned around a stalagmite. Pyro trailed close behind it but slipped around the turned and came smashing to the ground. His face cracked upon the ground. His lip busted open as well as a cut on the forehead. Mere scratches were arranged elsewhere. He pryed himself off the ground as he spit out the blood that gathered in his mouth. The hound paced back and forth waiting for him to start again. Pyro nodded his head and the hound jetted off. Pyro followed once again. Pyro had been chasing it for hours; his respiration becoming fatigued. He swung his arm, knocking through a boulder, gaining some ground on the hound (that rhymes, lol). Getting tired of chasing the hound, Pyro put in everything he had. His cuts oozed with more blood as his pulse ran faster. His face streaked violently. The hound just ran faster. Then with one loud, bellowing yell he erupted in a violent red aura. Then next thing the hound knows, it is pinned to the ground. Pyro breathing heavily, he allows the hound to dissipate into nothing.[/i] Pyro: ... Finally... [i]Pyro fell back and allowed his body to heal itself over and to regain his breath...[/i][/color]
  6. [color=indigo]I got out of school yesterday. It was nothing too exciting. All day everyone else was freaking out cause it was the last day, and I just sat off to the side not caring.. :p I am not doing too much over the summer. If I am lucky I will get to go to Warped Tour, but that is if I am lucky, lol. Otherwise I will be doing nothing but looking for a decent job besides fast food and grocery stores.. :drunk:[/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D. Dark [/i] [B]Whatever happened to clothes that were just to cover yourself from being naked?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]The media decided to stick their big, fat face in them. It is funny. A company like Abercrombie and make a plain, white shirt and slap their name on it, and sell it for $40; which is pointless, cause I cuold find another shirt, with no name on it, and get it for $5-8. Same quality and all. It is pathetic really...[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]Just a little thought... the Tsufuru-jin. Isn't that the same race as Bebi? I know if that's not it, it something similar. And the race on planet Plant (later called Planet Vegeta) Was not the same as Bebi's race, cause Bebi is a parasite. The dub calls the other race Tuffles, lol. Just a typing error, remember to capitalize Saiya-jin. It [i]is[/i] the name of the race. The moon is full on planet Plant every 8 years. [b]"I would think that the rise of Furiiza came about several centuries later, and I believe him and King Cold to be Arcosia-jin themselves, given their conrtol over the vast interstellar empire created by the saiyajin efforts."[/b] That whole portion I believe should be omitted. What a person [i]thinks[/i] shuld not be in an analysis, only what they [i]know[/i]. Oozaru means "giant ape", not monkey :). [b]"It is my belief that the genetic coding of the saiyajin is very different from any other humanoid race, and probably mutates given certain types of radiation.[/b] Another 'belief' statement. It could be more effectively changed to say, "Apparently, the genetic coding..." And it is not radiation that transforms the Saiya-jins. It is more a type of energy released by things such as the moon. [b]"A small organ in the tip of the Saiyajin's tail collects a type of radiation known as brutz waves, which travel along a nerve-path directly from the eyes - thus why saiyajin must stare at a source of moonlight."[/b] That's a no no. You don't [i]know[/i] that happens. Do not say things you don't know. Make each level of Super Saiya-jin a separate paragraph of analysis. It will be easier to follow. That's all I care to say for now. I didn't want to look too much into it, lol. You're friend has way too much time on his/her hands.. :p[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Oh my... If I didn't have a lot of self-control right now, I'd be flipping out on that mytical elf person... Ugh, people who think punk is a style sicken me. This is a style to punk, but punk itself, is not a style. Go away.... you don't need to look "punk" to be one.. Korn and Metallica aren't punk by the way, but that's a whole different topic..[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]Now compared to a mod I'm a worthless piece of ****. But take my theory to heart anyway. I don't think there is any life. I think all of the human race is dead. Some gigantic cataclismac(spelling?) disaster happened and all of our conciousness' got caught in some strange phenomenon. This world and everything in it is nothing more than memories of our past. I know my theory is singularly bizzare but it is how I think. I may just have an overactive imagination and way too much time on my hands, but..... Hmmmmm. Wow that was a really good theory.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]No one ever said we are better than you.. where did you get that? :therock: But yes, that is an interesting theory. [i]THEORY[/i] being the key word.. but interesting none-the-less... Not saying I believe it though :p Lol.[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]I agree that life in the big picture is pointless. As you said: We live, we think, we die. From that perspective, life does look meaningless. That is why you have to look further into it though. Look at each individual moment. As someone said before: "It is the small things in life that count." Just look at the time you got your first crush on another person. You felt completely at ease, had butterflies in your stomach every time you talked to him/her, couldn't stop thinking about him/her at night... things like that. Even if he/she ended up liking some other guy, you still experienced how it feels to like someone and then felt the heartbreak of defeat. Then you learn from these feelings and experiences. Though it may seem like a twisted idea, I think it would be interesting to take a person and use them as a science project, but never let them know about it. Then just let them grow up how they grow up. Then once they get to a certain age, brainwash them, whiping away their memory and lets them grow up again, and see what changes about them. And then with another person, do the same thing but put them in a different environment after you erase their memory and see if anything stays the same. Trying to prove or disprove that people are influenced by their surroundings.[/color]
  12. [quote][i]originally posted by wrist cutter[/i] [b]Well, I really can't tell the difference between "poser punk" and "real punk" because it all sounds the same to me. But I'm guessing the bands here are the ones you enjoy flaming the hell out of...[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Trust me. There is a [i]nice[/i] [b]thick[/b] line between "poser punk" and the real stuff. A local band here called "Y@nk" is the band I hate most of all, and enjoy flaming them the most :p To see what a "poser band" looks/sounds like, take a good look here: [url]http://www.geocities.com/ya_nk/[/url] You can already tell they are bad because of the geocities address, lol. Even then they can't make at least a decent website. If you look at their guestbook before they delete my latest entry. I'm the one that goes by the name of "Bob" lol [b]WARNING: That site is not for the weak of stomach![/b] I about threw up the first time I looked at it.. seriously..[/color]
  13. [color=indigo][i]Pyro walked into the center of a vast cave-like domain. He had trained here many times. It had been a while though. He would have to master controlling this rea like he was able to once before. Pyro stood, now in the center. He looked around him. The deep red glow luminated everything; there was no source to this light. It just was. Pyro closed his eyes and concentrated within. Concentrating harder, his eyes twitched slightly. The temperature of the area fluctuated. Heat waves were visible. Ice cold wind blew about.. The gravity intensified. Pyro's feet broke through the ground as his muscles began to bulge to resist the gravity. Giant stalagmites broke through the ground, creating obstacles around the giant room. Pyro took a deep breath; then let it out, opening his eyes.[/i] Pyro: It has been a while... I shall start small.. [i]At that, Pyro looked at the ground in front of him as a small demonic-looking dog-like creature crawled from the gravel. It looked at Pyro for a moment and then took off running at incredible speeds. Pyro waited a second, then took off after it..[/i][/color]
  14. [color=indigo]That is kind of vague, they mention many types of ruling systems/social class type of stuff, lol. I'll just type what I know. imperialism, autonomous collective, "We're living in a dictatorship: a self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes-- ", anarcho-syndicalist commune, and then there's always the good ol' repression ;) Haha :p Take your pick. The rabbit dwells in the cave of ________ ?[/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sarsy [/i] [B]eh..only one small problem with that...all the other times (Old Gotenks a laught, and Gotenks a little brat) they had the figers not the fists, so it was Goten that had it wrong. PS soz about my spelling of piccallo but me dislexic[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Dislexia has nothing to do with spelling Piccolo, Piccallo. Dislexia mean you think of things backwards. Meaning you would put Oloccip rather than Piccolo. It is like that joke that goes: What did the dislexic, agnostic insomniac say while lying awake one night? ... "Is there a Dog?" Haha :p [i]Anyway[/i], I haven't seen when Piccolo points out the mistake.. but I have seen when they do fuse wrong and Piccolo yells at them... He called them Troten, lol.. or was it Trunken? I dont remember.. but it was funny :p[/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B]you for got ultra ssj 2 (also known as stage two ssj) which is between ultra ssj and ssj2. attained by trunks false ssj. weaker than ssj but stronger than kao ken. attained by goku in lord slug legendary ssj. between ssj2 and ssj3. attained by brolly if you want more info about these levels tell me so. and i realize trunks never went ssj2 now.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You are high. There is no such thing as Ultra SSJ2. It is just Ultra Super Saiya-jin like I said. Trunks is just the only one who pushed his power to its max. Gokou got there, But he didn't waste his energy getting it as high as he could. Vegeta didn't truly get there cause his speed was not affected. Brolli got there, but his speed wasn't affected cause he is "special". There is no such thing as "False SSJ". Stop making things up. That was just a really pumped up Gokou in Lord Slug. No where credible, will you find information that says that was a 'false Super Saiya-jin' level. If [i]ANYTHING[/i] it would probably be called Ultra Saiya-jin, like USSJ but without being super. But it is not an actual level. Legendary Super Saiya-jin is not a real level either. He is just Legendary because he was the first. Thus they make him "special" and more powerful. Not to mention it can not be between Super Saiya-jin 2 and Super Saiya-jin 3 when Brolli never even reaches Super Saiya-jin 2. Brolli is just "special". That is the truth.[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B]man, you guys are smart. any way, i was asking if he went ssj2 in the movies thinking he might have over looked that. what is asended saiyan trunks?(man i feel stupid)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, okm [i]listen closely[/i]: [b]Trunks, in NO WAY, ever attains the level of Super Saiya-jin 2.[/b] That means, neither Marai no Trunks (aka Future Trunks) OR Chibi Trunks ever reaches that level at ANY time in the series. Marai no Trunks only attains the following levels: Super Saiya-jin, and Ultra Super Saiya-jin. Chibi Trunks attains only the following level (not fused): Super Saiya-jin An "Ascended Saiya-jin" is the same thing as an Ultra Super Saiya-jin. "Ascended" is just America's way of saying it. Just for common knowledge of everyone, I'll go through the Levels of Saiya-jins: [b]Super Saiya-jin:[/b] Dramatic power increase, hair stands up (if not already) and turns a golden yellow and their eyes are green. The muscle mass increases but does not slow them down. The (non-fused) Saiya-jins to attain this level are: Gokou, Vegeta, Brolli, Gohan, Marai and Chibi Trunks, and Goten [b]Ultra Super Saiya-jin:[/b] Power increases a lot along with muscle mass which slows down the Saiya-jin making him less effective in battle. The hair stiffens and spikes out a bit more also. This level is also known as an [i]Ascended Saiya-jin[/i]. Saiya-jins that reach this level: Gokou, Trunks, Brolli, Vegeta* [b]Super Saiya-jin 2:[/b] Like in any transformation, the power increases multiple times. The hair stands up a bit more, or if it is already up, it stands closer together. It also is more spikey. The muscle mass increases slightly from the Super Saiya-jin level, as well as the speed increases. The only Saiya-jins (non-fused) to reach this level are: Gokou, Vegeta, and Gohan [b]Super Saiya-jin 3:[/b] This is the most powerful [u]normal[/u] Super Saiya-jin stage. In this stage the hair grows extremely long down to about the back of the knees, and the eyebrows disappear, pushing the eyebrow ridges out. The muscles grow bigger, but again do not effect the speed. The power level also increases dramatically as well. The only Saiya-jin to reach this level are: Gokou, Gotenks(fusion) [b]Super Saiya-jin 4:[/b] This is agrued not to be a [i]true[/i] Super Saiya-jin level. In this level, a tail is needed to transform, and the tail is kept after the transformation. The Saiya-jins hair goes back to it original color and only changes a little bit as it grows slightly longer in the back down to about the middle of the back, and rests over the shoulders a bit. Red fur grows over the Saiya-jin's torso, but keeps the chest and most of the abdominals showing. The power increases dramatically and the muscles are equally as big, but speed is kept as always. Saiya-jins to reach this stage are: Gokou, Vegeta, Gojita(fusion)** *Some people argue that Vegeta ddi in fact reach this level. This is technically false. He never pushed his power to his limit which is bascially what the level is about. Even Trunks says this when Cell reveals the limits of the Ultra Super Saiya-jin form. **Gojita at the Super Saiya-jin 4 level appears slightly different. The difference is that has brown fur over his body and red hair. Enjoy :)[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]I am not one to be embarrassed that easily... I'll tell you one thing that can be embarrassing for a modest person though. [b]*COUGH*[/b][size=1]randomwood[/size][b]*COUGH*[/b]. Heh heh...[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Finish the quote: "What is the air speed velocity of an unlaiden swallow?" [/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]"Is that an African Swallow or a European Swallow?" "What? I don't know tha-WHHAAAAAAAA!!!" "How is it that you know so much about swallows?" "You have to know these things when you're king." :laugh: One must lob the Holy Hand Grenade on the count of....?[/color]
  20. [quote][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve[/i] [b]Colin always great esspecially with Ryan...[/b][/quote][color=indigo]:blush: You can imagine what I thought that meant at first... hehe.. Anyway, Ryan Stiles is by far the best of the show. He was the one who started the idea of picking on the host :p And he seems to put in the most hilarity to the show. Colin comes in at a close second. In my opinion, Wayne tries too hard, and I find that really annoying. With Ryan and Colin it is much more natural. Also, for those of you who said Wayne was one of the originals.. well, you're wrong. He didn't join the show until it came to America. It was originally in England. Ryan and Colin were the two originals that are still on the show today. They were accompanied by Greg Proops, and this other guy I can't remeber the name of... I think it was Chip Esten. And then occasional there was that one girl.[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I dont think it was made for kids most of all the anime i would say was made for young adults and adults.:D[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]You would be mistaken then. For one, we are talking about [i]DragonBall[/i], when Gokou was a child. That series was clearly made for kids. Also, not all anime was made for young adults/adults. Only the anime that have an actual plot are :p Children's anime include ::shudders:: Pokemon, ::shudders:: Digimon . . . I'm getting sick, so I'm going to stop, but you get the idea...[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Doesn't look like anything too special. I could find all that stuff on other sites just as easily and probably more accurate too. It is just another DragonBall Z/GT site...[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Denny didn't spam... We were on the topic of Mystic, and he asked a question... Denny, you did nothing wrong.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yes he did. He had 3 posts talking about his signature all right after the other. Which not only had nothing to do with that topic, but was also triple posting. I have gotten rid of them.[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]1) Do you feel more comfortable... a) in the crowd b) in the outer edges of a crowd [b]c) away from the crowd on the back wall[/b] 2) If you could be one of any of these three jobs, which and why? a) fireman [b]b) policeman[/b] (a corrupt one at that;)) c) airplane pilot 3) What size shoe do you wear? [b]o.O Umm.. 11 1/2[/b] 4) (Ah I can't think of anymore) What happens at the end of [u]Monty Python & The Holy Grail?[/u] (God Bless them all) [b]They all get arrested (and set free by me ;))[/b][/color]
  25. [color=indigo]I have incredible apathy. Good luck or bad luck, it makes no difference to me. Luck is luck.We're all lucky in our own ways...[/color]
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