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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]I never got the chance to use Napster. I would have used it, but I had a really bad computer back then that wouldn't support the software :p. So my friends got to brag and make fun of me, lol. I just had to download from normal websites.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]Just to let you all know I saw this exact same thing on the back of a box of Lucky Charms. So well you know.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Geh!!! You took away my fun, I was going to say that :p. That's where I saw it too, lol. Weirdo Lucky Charm's... Hrmmmm... : [i]Kenjo Yeoma[/i] Crikey... I almost sound... weird o.O Lol. I'm almost proud of my Jedi name, it's just fun to say :p. [b]Ken[/b]-joe Yeh-[b]oh[/b]-mah Lol, a little pronunciaition key. I would want my lightsaber to be either purple or green in color. Those are the best colors of lightsaber that I've seen :). It would be neat if there was a black one :wow: And I must agree with Transtic, Jar Jar is [i]definitely[/i] one annoying useless character. But you CAN'T denounce the Wookie! I mean, who [i]else[/i] would be Han Solo's co-pilot type deal. I mean, Chewie is like, 800 years old in the episodes 4, 5, and 6. And for his age he is one some pretty good shape, lol. And the Ewoks? Sure they can't speak understandable dilect, but how else would they have taken on the Stormtroopers, and the AT-ST's ans such. I mean COME ON! Lol. You have to have the natives helping you out cause they know the land. Anmd having them be more primitive doesn't make it seem that the good guys have the complete upper hand, which would make it too one-sided. The Ewoks are crucial, lol. :p[/color]
  3. [color=indigo]Wow, several songs on here have been covered or parodied :drunk: [b]10. 99 Luftballoons-Nena[/b] - Covered by Goldfinger! But renamed [i]99 Red Ballons[/i]. Nena was a German band, and "luft" meant "flying" or something, lol. One of the verses in Golderfinger's [i]99 Red Balloons[/i] is in German! Wowie! [b]9. Rico Suave-Gerardo[/b] - Parodied by "Weird Al" Yankovic. His version was called [i]Taco Grande[/i] which is off his [i][u]Food Album[/i][/u]. Neato! [b]4. Too Sexy- Right Said Fred[/b] - Covered by the One Hit Wonders :p [b]3. Come On Eileen- Dexy's Midnight Runners[/b] GO FISH!! This has been covered by the ska band Reel Big Fish. It features the females voice.. don't know who that is though :p [b]2. Tainted Love- Soft Cell[/b] - I think we all know this one...[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B][size=1] Hey, hey, Piro, that was when I was a newbie, and now I actually TALK to people on AIM, ask anyone that talks to me on it, so take it back, I'm trying my hardest to repair my [i]less[/i] than perfect reputation that have [/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, I will agree with that. You have gotten better with your conversations, and your post quality has improved... as you know from our AIM conversation earlier, I didn't even know you were you here on Otaku :drunk: Lol.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]*Phew!* Finally :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b] [b]P[/b]rometheus [b]I[/b]ke [b]R[/b]iley [b]O[/b]dess (pro-[b]me[/b]-thie-us, [b]i[/b]-kee, [b]ri[/b]-lee, o-[b]dess[/b]) [b]Alias:[/b] Piro [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Height:[/b] 6' [b]Weight:[/b] 131 lbs [b]Historical Background:[/b] Piro was born into a broken, low class family. He was orphaned at the age of three. His parents, he never really knew. We know, though. His mom worked for scraps of food, change, clothes, anything she could get offered to her. A plus side to her was that she was loyal. She never cheated on her husband. Although, the same could not be said for her husband. Piro's step-father. He cheated on his wife night and day. She knew about, but did nothing. Piro's stepfather was very abusive. Piro was actually born with a caved in chest. His step-father did not want him, so he beat his wife in attempt of an abortion without a doctor. The doctors at the birth put Piro in critical condition. It was a miracle that they were able to reset his rib cage back in place. It took months in respiratory rehab to inflate his lungs properly and make sure his breathing pattern would stay. Then finally he spent three weeks in cardiac transplant. His heart his not his own. A pregnancy for an abortion was used for this. They took the baby, and placed its heart in place of Piro's. Another miracle it worked. Piro was released from the hospital around his first birthday. All the medical expenses left his mother and father in shambles. His mom had to work more, his father cheated more. Often left home alone, he became malnurished. For this he had many visits to the hospital once again. The doctors gave his parents prescription pills that would feed him when they did not have the time. Even these were neglected. Finally, when he was about three, he was put into an orphanage. Nobody ever wanted him. He always appeared sickly. Infected. In reality that is just the way he was. The orphanage babied him, making sure he was fed well, and got plenty of attention. This continued until he was about seven years of age. Finally he was in fine condition in the nurishment area. Occasionally breathing problems would occur, so he was prescribed an inhaler which worked fine. Once he got the inhaler, the other kids always made fun of him. Calling him names. Pushing him around. A kid such as Piro, with his background, could only take this for so long. After several months of the torment he snapped. Beating the life out of a ten year old kid who tried to pull his chair out from under him. He got counseling for this, but he did not mind. No one ever bothered him again about his inhaler. In fact, a few children asked the nurse if they could have an inhaler too. Of course this was denied, but you get the idea. There was always a few more confrontations as new kids came into the orphanage. He beat them up too, and then got more counseling. At the age of fifteen they let him out of the orphanage and into a juvenile center. Not because he was too old any more. He actually put someone in critical condition. This person insulted in family. As dysfunctional as he could remember it, he still loved them. No one was going to talk bad about them without getting punished. That moral was implanted in his mind. In his opinion the juvenile center was more enjoyable than the orphanage. He could actually take interesting classes in there. This was not a detention center, so he was not taught good morailty or anything, more so just for older kids who had no where else to live. Fights were a common occurance here. They had self-defense classes here, Piro took them as often as possible. Fighting his way as far to the top as possible. There were kids who were older and stronger than him that could beat him up, so he was never the best. He was able to put up a good fight still, he was more rescourceful. At the age of seventeen they let him go on his own. Since fighting had become part of his life, he joined many martial arts classes. He did those for three years, attaining either a black or brown belt in all. It was during his last year in the classes that they fiercly taught him how to fight with weapons. His rescourcfulness and cunning in this area suprised his teachers. For example, when learning to fight with the stick, the teacher was engaging in a fight with him and broke the stick in half. Piro evaded attacks and came upon the stairway which had a wooden railing. Piro broke the railing and used a piece in place of his pole, and won his fight. That is just one example. In the latter months of his age of twenty he often liked to go into bars that would serve for people under twenty-one. These places were full of corrupt people. Often he got in fights, often he kicked every one of their.. well, you know. One time, a shadowy man was in the bar and saw one of these fights and was impressed by Piro's skill. He offered him jobs to make hits on people. Piro accepted the offer and made much money. After working for this man for about seven months, Piro learned that the shadowy man was worth something. A lot of something to be more precise. So Piro created his own mission. To kill his employer, and collect the bounty. The mission was successful. His employer was skilled, but Piro took him easily enough. Not too mention he also had the element of suprise. This event got him into the bounty hunting business. He has made more money than he has ever thought he would ever make, and lives nicely in modest hotels. He has made more than five hundred successful missions, and only a few failed attempts. All within three years time. Now he is twenty-four. Ready for anything that comes his way. He has a few contacts around the place. Mostly though, he lays low. [b]Appearance:[/b] Piro wears tight-fitting black clothing. His chest covered with light-weight but durable armor. On most missions he has a light helmet he puts on to hide his face. He has dark brown scraggely hair, and chilling blue eyes. His skin is somewhat pale, but with a decent enough tan to it. For kicks, he often paints his fingernails black and/or purple. [b]Weapon[s]:[/b] Always with him: .45 colt long barrel [located on the right hip in a holster] Combat knife [located tucked in a sheath in his left boot] Random explosives (mostly concussion grenades) [located around the waist on a belt] Poison-tip darts [firing mechanism on right wrist] His is also proned to using what random objects that he may find around him when all else fails. [b]Other Devices:[/b] Grappling hook [attached on the left wrist] The line is made of strong wire at 750lbs test. Self-retracting. [b]Personality:[/b] Piro is in it for the fun of the money. He is a bit of a trouble-maker and is a bit arrogant, but does not lose his sense of reality. He knows what he can and can't take on. He is not really a silent person when he says things, but is very deadly and is a master of camoflauge. Blending in with his surroundings. On the streets he is known as the Chameleon, but most who know him personally just call him Pyro.[/color]
  6. [color=indigo]It was enjoyable :). Real metal is nice to listen to when your in the mood for it. Though, metal is not my prime music. As you probably know I listen to punk more than anything else. Really fun stuff to listen to. So bands like System of a Down are more fun to listen to, than real metal which is just nice to listen to. I am not saying anything bad about it. Just not too often is it my cup of tea. I liked it enough, after waiting for a long while for it to buffer. Lol. :)[/color]
  7. [color=indigo][b]Save a spot for me, I'm working on my Sign up[/b][/color]
  8. [color=indigo]I've only been to three concerts my whole life, lol. My first was in the December of my Freshman year in highschool. One of my friends invited me to go with her to see The Union Underground, Spineshank, and Downshift (local). The next was on my birthday of my Freshman year I saw Tantric, Dust for Life, and Diffuser. They are okay bands, I just mainly wanted to go cause it was on my brithday :p. And then most recently was my first punk show, lol. It wasn't too long ago, I can't remember the day. But it was Fabulous Disaster ( chick band :sick: ), Frenzal Rhomb ( Aussie band :wave: ), Mad Caddies ( Ska band :beer: ), and [b]NoFX[/b]!! They were :drunk: off their :flasher2: the whole time which resulted in some disturbing sights :p :flasher: ::continues hoping to go to Warped Tour::[/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]what about those people that will hang around or ride their bike or drive by or whatever... out side your house until they catch you leaving or something.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Yeeaah... Those are the kind of people we like to call, "stalkers". Have a nice day.:)[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]The infamous Forte Aim conversations: Forte: hi Me: Hello, what's going on? Forte: nm Forte: u? Me: Nothing too exciting... Forte: coo THE END So very, very annoying :twitch:[/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]freeza, maybe most feared, but not for long; ever seen movie 12? janenba would be the hardest and if not him, buu.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]f you are talking about DragonBall Z, then yes, Buu would be their toughest opponent, Furiza still remains the most feared. I doubt Janemba has a history of blowing of the Planet Vegeta and killed all but a handful of the Saiya-jin race, and then also taking over and pirating many other planets throughout the universe. Furiza would strike greater fear into the hearts of a Saiya-jin than would the name Janemba. Even [i]after[/i] they thought they killed Furiza, once they felt his power signal again, they were about ready to soil themselves. Though in what I said, I was referring to the whole DragonBall series, throughout GT. Ii Shenron is the toughest, Furiza was the most feared.[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Geh.. the tail was never an energy source, they could live and fight fine without it, they just couldn't transform into Oozaru. Besides enabling them to transform into Oozaru, the tail was also a weakness, for if someone grabbed a Saiya-jin by the tail and squeezed it, it would render them helpless. This weakness disappeared after Vegeta and Nappa 'evolved' from it. They just meant they didn't have that weakness anymore.[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anime_gal15 [/i] [B]"Gee, I don't know." -Goku I just wanted to say thanks for reuining the next few weeks of DBZ for those of us that are watching it on TV.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I am betting a lot of us have not seen all of DragonBall Z/GT, yet we still know all this already. It was your choice to read this topic, we didn't force you to do anything. Once you figured out it was going to spoil your TV fun you should have stopped reading. We didn't [i]ruin[/i] anything for you, you ruined it for yourself.[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rogue Shadows [/i] [B]I saw somewhere up there that someone said that Brolli was the most powerful enemy. I love re-stating this opinion over and over again, so: WRONG. FREIZA. Opinion, of course, but then again, consider this: When Freiza was in his Psycho-White-And-Purple-Monkey form, and Goku was weaker then him, Freiza beat the living crap out of Goku. However, when Goku became a Super Saiyjin, and as such more powerful then Freiza, the fight suddenly became fair. Freiza was weaker, but he still almost beat Goku. From that information, I think that, if both Freiza and goku were at an equal power level, Freiza would eventualy win.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I understand yours is opinion but understand this fact :p. Furiza could not take on Gokou is his Super Saiya-jin form, how could you expect him to take on Gokou in his Super Saiya=jin 4 form? Let alone the addition of SSJ4 Vegeta and such. Furiza was not their toughest oppenent. Though, he probably was their most feared opponent. But not the toughest.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]Currently, well, I've said it before, Marai Trunks from DBZ. Just parted down the middle and to the sides. And when I was a kid it was like Chibi Trunks... Coincendence? ........ Yes. :p If I had my way though, my hair would be purple (another coincedence) and spike in thick spikes... like that one guy from SLC Punk.. I think Stu was his name. It was the guy with the green hair who was caught selling acid, and accidentally tripped on all of it, lol.:hippy: Ya, that would be great to have hair like that or something like it... stupid parents -_-[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]Heh heh heh... maybe we should switch schools :p Not really though. I have a similar yet different problem. You see, I like punk! And most bands that form in my school try to be punk, but can't. They are all "We are gonig to sound just like Blink 182!!!" Even then they only have heard the 'latest' songs by them :sick: It is fun though, to find their cheapy little geocities websites and sign there guest books and flame the hell out of them :devil:!! Though there are plenty of decent local punk bands here, I'm just talking about at my school :p[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Aries [/i] [B]I didn't have cable for a couple weeks, when are they showing the new episodes? midnight?[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Assuming you live in the U.S., they start new episodes sometime this fall...[/color]
  18. [color=indigo]The download of full episodes is somewhere next to illegal. Very few sites actually have full episodes, and most of the ones I have found don't even work. And I know that posting addresses and other info about illegal mumbo jumbo is against this entire forums rules. So I'm going to close this topic for that purpose.[/color]
  19. [color=indigo]Is that so? I would like to where that person who wrote that article got that info from. I never saw it anywhere on the show. And I have never seen the info on any websites. Chances are that person made those statistics up.[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rogue Shadows [/i] [B]Um...well, they haven't shown GT in America, and I know a modest amount about that. That good? Case and point:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That is why you look go to DragonBall Z/GT related websites and look at more than just pictures, lol :p. You don't even have to see an episode of the not to be considered a dubbie. If you read up on summaries and stuff like that, watch a few clips of certain events, you are good to go. And everything esle you just pick up along the way :p[/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I'll get em if they got the original uncut japense audio with subtitles.Do u know if they do??? And all those episodes are tight!!!:D[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It is the DVD, I think it would be hard not to find one where they do not have the original uncut version on the disc. It is just the VHS tapes that you have to look for uncut ones.[/color]
  22. [color=indigo]Umm.. Well there's that one song by that one guy "I'm too sexy for my shirt" or whatever.. "I'm turning Japanese" is another one. "That thing you do".... Heh, there is/was a band called the One Hit Wonders and they just remade a bunch of songs like that. :p[/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *-- RagnaroK--* [/i] [B]OK my dear, dear friend, this thread just keeps on comin' back at me. YES, I agree, i would run sh*t scared if i was about to die, BUT IT WAS HIS PRIDE MAN, HE STRONGLY DAMAGED IT!!! WHAT WOULD HIS FATHER SAY?!! A sayin must stay loyal to his pride, till death do them apart, but running away is cowardly, especially for a man like vegeta. And no, i would not ask someone to shoot an energy beam right through me, because it is cheating........ and it hurts. lol![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]The difference between Vegeta and his father is that King Vegeta didn't know what Furiza was capable of, and Vegeta did. So Vegeta had a reason to be scared and try to avoid death. Yes it is cowardly to run away, but that still doesn't make him a crybaby :p And no that still was not cheating, lol. It may hurt a lot, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Cheating would be making himself incredibly stronger and then doing something to make Furiza incredibly weak, and then ganging up on him :p[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]Ok, you have become very far off topic, and this question has been answered. Closed.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *-- RagnaroK--* [/i] [B]For one CWB, you are wrong! In the freeza saga, Vegeta attempted to run away from him, shouting out in this words," No im not ready yet, I cant die now!", but Freeza teleported in front of him and forced him back. And there have been many ways in which all the Z fighters have cheated, one example of Vegeta though is asking Krillin to blast him and making Dende revive him so he can become stronger than before. (remember? a sayain becomes stronger when revived from death!!)[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]First off, if you were about to be killed and there was nothing you could do about it, you would try to run off too, scared out of your mind. That doesn't make you a crybaby though. That is simply fear of the inevitable. If Vegeta was a crybaby, like Crazy White Boy said, he would cry at every little thing. Like when Gokou became ill in the android saga, he would have cried at that. Being threatened would make him cry, but we all know that is not how it is. And asking Krillen do blast him so he can be revived is strategy, not cheating. You know you would have done it too if you were in a similar situation.[/color]
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