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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo]Why don't you try: [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] ? If you just looking for DragonBall Z/GT related pcitures. Then here's a link straight to the DragonBall section: [url]www.theotaku.com/dragonball/[/url] Not only do they have pictures, but fanart as well -_-[/color]
[color=indigo]Yes, I do believe in those kind of things. I do not neccesarily believe that Sasquatch is one animal in itself. Its myth has been around for ages, it has to reproduce somehow. My whole theory about it that I have thought for a long time is that Sasquatch is man that evolved from apes, but never grew out of the ape phase. So it is basically a bipedal gaint ape. Its size comes from the fact that man is taller than an ape, but apes are physically bigger than man. So if you put two and two together you can see where its size would come into play. I believe they have the inabilty to speak modern tongue, which leaves them plenty of spare time to think and chances are it is much more intelligent and prophetical then us. It knows to hide from humans because all we will want to do is cage it. So to be blunt, it is a biped apeman that lives like a hermit. :) Rarr... As for the Loch Ness Monster, I do not so much believe this one. There is not quite as much proof on this one as there is Big Foot. I believe this is due to the fact that about three fourths of the world is water, so there is plenty of room for it to get away from the eye of humans. I do not believe this one might hold as high as an intelligence as the Big Foot, just normal animal instinct. Spontaneous Combustion? Heh heh, I am a pyromaniac. Of course I believe that one. It may not necessarily involve a fiery explosion, but any explosion is a good one :devil: There are surely reasons for it. For those of you who watch South Park, there was that one episode where people stopped passing gas and exploded that way, lol. Though I think you would be poisoned from that before anything. But there are plenty of chemicals and things in our body that who knows what could happen if they are mixed. Not to mention we have slight electric pulses in our body that I am sure are more than enough to ignite something if itwere to go wrong. Though chances are when it comes to this, it doesn't necessarily happen right away. Something in the body has to be hurting for a while before that. And the people decide not to do anything about it and soon enough they are gone.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I'd wish for a power level of 300,000. You wanna know why? I could become a super sayain. And the ebility to travel back in time. Like other people, I wish I could fly. And that I could shoot energy blasts.[/size][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . Another possible wish is that people weren't this obsessed with things that aren't real... I find it annoying myself.[/color]
[color=indigo]Pyro: Very well.. I suggest that we train below this lookout. There will be more room. Seph: I agree, there will be a less chance of ruining this place. [i]Seph takes off of the lookout as Pyro walks to the edge and lets himself drop straight off. A few moments pass until Seph reaches the bottom. He lands, then looks up seeing Pyro as he continues to drop. Soon enough, Pyro reach the bottom and stopped himself before colldiing with e ground cause a large cloud of dust that settled soon enough. Pyro cracked his neck, followed by his knuckles. Seph did some quick warm-up stretches. Both then relxed in a standing position facing each other.[/i] Pyro: Let's do this. Seph: There is going to be none of what you did to that Saiya-jin back there, right? Pyro: Right. Seph: Good. [i]Seph erupted in a violent aura as Pyro followed in action. They both lunged at each other. Pyro threw a fist at Seph, Seph threw a fist at Pyro. Neither attempted to block each others hit, they battle would be decided on the first hit. They collided, both fist to face. It all seemed to happen in slow motion at first, but Seph and Pyro both flew back from each other from the hit. Seph caught control of himself and let his feet slowly press to the ground as he skidded backwards. Pyro continued flying back, caught himself spinning himself into the right position and landing safely on the ground just as Seph came to a stop. Both warriors loked at each other for a moment. There powers seemingly equal thus far...[/i][/color]
[color=indigo][i]Pyro and Dread still remained inside the city not far from the tournament ring area. Fortunatley they had it easy with the drones, only having to kill off the ones that found their way inside as the city began to fold... Pyro and Dread stood in the center of a chaotic ambush. Dread was getting better; well enough to fight. Thoguh he still was not in top notch condition. The drones slowly peered out from behind obstacles, creeping they way in. Pyro and Dread stood ready in defense keeping an eye on all the drones they could...[/i] Pyro: Are you up to it? Dread: To be honest, you're going to have to do a majority of the work. I am yet to fully recover. Pyro: I will do the best I can.. [i]Dread nodded in acknowledgement... Pyro whispered softly[/i] Pyro: Gods. . . help me out.. [i]By now the drones were had a tight circle closing in. An invisible force set down upon Pyro. The ripples in the air were eminent as they spread upon the ground slowing most of the drones down at it passed; knocking down others. Dread looked over at Pyro, slightly confused. Pyro closed his eyes as he tensed his body up. Suddenly he let loose yelling loudly into the air as flame-like energy engulfed his body, then quickly receding. Leaving Pyro looking different, but in a familiar form. The red tint to his figure showed he was fully into his power as the Fire Demi-God. No sooner had Pyro finished his quick transformation, did a drone drop violently from the air landing right in fron of Pyro. It arced back in preparation to strike as it exploded out of nowhere. Pyro remained with his hand smoking as he put it down.[/i] Dread: I always assumed you were a Saiya-jin. . .[/color] [color=red][b]Pyro: No... I'm something different.[/color][/b] [color=indigo][i]Pyro and Dread sprang into action as the ruthless drones charged violently upon them. . .[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Isn't the fusion dubs of gotenks out on vid and dvd yet???? Gotenks iz the funniest!!!![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . :therock: Did you [i]NOT[/i] read my post or what? I swear I said that in there.. ::looks down at posts:: Yup, I did say that. :rolleyes: And no I did not go back and edit, that was for something else.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]Okay, I'm going to answer the only one I can. Here goes. In Gt Goku is on the planet Gohan came to with the Elder Kaioshin and another Kaioshin, (not sure which one,) the Elder Kaioshin ask Goku to show him his butt, Goku thinks it's a joke but the Elder says he is going to pull out Goku's tail. The Elder and the other Kaioshin grab some tongs and try to pull out Goku's tail, after a while it still isn't working so Goku tells them that he has a plan and needs to be untied. Goku ties the Elder Kaioshin to a rock, with the tongs and he thinks Goku is trying to escape; Goku asks him to hold onto his tail with the tongs. Then, Goku flies forward and voila! out comes his tail.[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . :wow: That's [i]amazing[/i]! Lol, well you learn something new everyday folks. :) That must be a pretty disturbing sight though. Gokou's butt that is. :p[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Pyro and Seph scorch the fading light as the rip through the air on their way to the eminent lookout. Closing in quickly, the texture and colors of the sky-high pillar became known to the eye. A thick cloud of dust fogged the air behind them even though they were high above the ground. They came upon the tall structure and immediatly they both shot straight upwards at break neck speeds. Quickly they made their way up, having to arch outwards as they past a mid-way balcony. They could see the top platform as it grew bigger and bigger the closer they came to it. It was only a few moments before the finally arrived as they both shot up high above the platform and let themselves drop freely down to the ground; first Seph, then Pyro. A green, young adult-looking person walked upon them.[/i] Dende: Newcomers, who are you? [i]Seph and Pyro looked at the odd creature emotionless before they actually decided to answer his question.[/i] Seph: I am Sephiroth. Dende: And you, sir? [i]Dende looked almost frightfully at the dark man...[/i] Pyro: Just call me Pyro... Dende: What is your purpose here? Seph: I have heard of a place.. where one can get a year's worth of training in a day. We believe this place is here. Dende: Yes. Yes it is here. Pyro: Let us use it. Dende: It is occupied at the moment, you are unable to enter. [i]Pyro tensed up irritably. He had flown all this long way to have to stand in line...[/i] Seph: Then we will wait. [i]Seph glanced back at Pyro who was walking off toward a lone tree to stand alone while he waited...[/i][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]If I could, I would go to school looking like Hizumi from [url=http://jikannohizumi.hypermart.net/pics/despairsray3.jpg]this picture[/url].[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . Lol, the one on the far right looks like it could be done simply enough. Wear a bunch of tight clothing and have someone spray you down with silly string :p Lol But clothes in school... Clothes seem to be important to a lot of people there.. Most of the people I hang out with and myself could really care less. I mean, all I ever usually wear is jeans some shirts and a hoodie ( usually wear a few layers of clothing, whether it's hot or cold ). It is pretty blah, but I'm not one to worry too much about my image, plus my mom won't let me go out of the house if I look weird... -er than I laready do. I would probably wear different clothes that appeal to me more if I had the money to get what I want, but I don't. Nor do I know where to find them without going into hot topic ::shudders:: And the goodwill never has anything in my size. I'm not [i]too[/i] gender specific with my clothes, at least at places like a goodwill store. Though then it is [i]REALLY[/i] hard to find your size because of the difference in sizes from men to women. Sometimes I tend to fall into phases wear I will only where certain kinds of clothes. Most often I'll start wearing all black (which I've been told I look sexy in ;)) and other times it something kind of odd.. Like, wearing pants under shorts, cause I don't like to wear shorts, but I feel like if I have them, I should use them at least every so often.[/color][quote][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy[/i] [b]Fifty dollars is plenty for a pair.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I never go above twenty dollars :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Amphion [/i] [B]Have you ever seen anyone stoned out of there mind robbin someone or raping someone. They can barely walk around with out seeing three of everything.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Have you ever known somone who tripped on acid and tried to drive? I do. That promotes more chaos than anything. I have also known people who were high when they were driving, they crashed too. I don't see any peace in that.[/color]
[color=indigo]Furiza [i]is[/i] a guy. Just because [i]he[/i] is from outer space does not me [i]he[/i] does not have a specific sex. The Saiya-jins are from outer space, and they have men and women. If they did not count them as a guy or a girl they would refer to [i]him[/i] as it, instead of he or she. The Nameks are predominantly masculine which is why they are assumed male, but they reproduce asexually (without a partner) being that, as the name pun goes, they are slugs. Notice that the Nameks never used the words "mother" or "father", it was always "elder". Furiza on the other hand, [i]he[/i] always called King Cold father, and where there is a father, there has to be a mother, or else it is just a parent (or an "elder") because you can't put a sex to it. And King Cold always called Furiza his [i]son[/i], and if someone is a [i]son[/i] of somebody else, they are [i]male[/i]. If it were to be an asexual being, they would be called "child" not [i]son[/i]. The Nameks also did this, they always called the youth "children", never son or daughter. Furiza is a guy.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]It missed Vegeta when he first used it. Kurririn or Gohan had to deflect it in order to make it hit Vegeta[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It still hit him didn't it? I didn't say it hasn't missed its target. I said it hasn't not hit it ;)[/color]
1) What happened to three-eyes and the porceline-doll character? I assume that they died, but why weren't they brought back? [color=indigo]Chiatzu (midget clown guy) stops showing after the androids arrive. Tien (3 eyes) is last seen when he goes all out against Cell with his Tri-beam attack. They just knew they were no long strong enough to compete in any battle anymore.[/color] 2) How old is Dragon Ball Z, anyway? Dragonball? [color=indigo]DragonBall first aired in Japan February 12, 1986. I'm not Sure about DragonBall Z, but obbiously it was sometime after that.[/color] 3) Is Freiza a guy or a girl? [color=indigo]Furiza is a guy. He may sound and look like a girl, but he is a guy. After all, he is King Cold's [i]son[/i]. I think that gives it away.[/color] 4) How many scales for mesuring power are there? By the Buu saga, they're mesuring it on Killis (Or some variation of that word), but Dabura says that 300 Killis are needed to destroy a planet, BUT at the begining of DBZ Goku had somewhere around 300-500 for a power level (Didn't catch if Raditz said his specific power level, so I'm assuming). Does that mean that Goku could've destroyed a planet at any time durring DBZ? [color=indigo]I'm not so sure at scales of power, it has always just been, "this person has such and such a power level!! AH! We're all gonna die!" to me. Though, logically, I'd think that Gokou could always destroy a planet since the beginning of DragonBall Z. After all, Vegeta blew up Arlia on his way to Earth. Though Gokou was slightly weaker than Vegeta at that time, it didn't seem to take that much effort to blow up the planet.[/color] 5) What was Goku's power level at the very end of DBZ? The begining? I'd prefer an actual power level as opposed to 'he could do this', but if that's all you can give me, cool. [color=indigo]Don't know, they can hide their power level remember? So just say, really strong, and really weak. Could you imagine if Gokou fought the Saibamen now?[/color] 6) Merging, or molding, or melding, or whatever it's called - when Saiyjins do it, do they act like two minds in one body (i.e., "We're gonna get you!"), or one mind in one body (i.e., "I'm gonna get you!")? [color=indigo]Fusing. They act as one mind, one body.[/color] 7) I've heard that there were 13 DBZ episodes never shown in the US due to eccesive violence, language, and/or sex. But wouldn't that be kind of impossible? Wouldn't that kind of mess up the entire series, considering the fact that it's basicly a soap opra with death? [color=indigo]America is really dumb. I don't know why this is except that this show is aimed toward kids so kids don't really need to see that stuff I guess. You can always buy fan subs or DVD's if you want. You can watch the original Japanese version then.[/color] 8) No one call me a dubbie. Oops, that's not a question. Well, as long as I'm on that subject, no one call me that. [color=indigo]Show us that you know more than what they show in America and you won't be called that.[/color] 9) is DBZ the longest running series ever, the longest running anime, the longest running on Toonami, or am I compleately missinformed on it's longest-running-ness. [color=indigo]So far it is the longeast running in Toonami. I'm not sure about the others.[/color] 10) How long does it take a Saiyjin's tail to grow back? I mean, in order to go to SSj x4, they'll need to be able to become a Golden Oozaru, but they can only do that if they have a tail, right? And as far as I know, Goku doesn't have one, at least not in DBZ, so what's up with that? [color=indigo]Gokou had a tail in DragonBall when he was a kid. It was removed so he wouldn't transform into an Oozaru. Though it can grow back at sight of the moon again as seen in DragonBall Z when Gohan grows his tail back when training with Piccolo. But being the Piccolo blew up the moon, that's not too possible on Earth anymore. I am stil unsure how Gokou regrows his in GT.[/color]
[color=indigo]I would probably wish for the ability to fly, just because I hate driving and there is a hell of a lot more space to maneuver in the air then there is on the streets. It would just be that much easier. . . [sigh] Stupid gravity... And DuoGod od Death, your third wish option doesn't need a wish. It just needs to be found.[/color]
[color=indigo]-_- This is the third topic like this in the past [i]four[/i] days. Why don't you scroll down a little bit and post there instead of making a whole new other topic saying the same things? One of the topics is still open. I'll even give you the link to make this that much easier: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11121]DBZ Restarting[/URL] Have fun.[/color]
[color=indigo]As Crazy White Boy said, technically they [i]have[/i] already fused. The entire DragonBall series has been over and done with for a while. Though, here in America, they have yet to show the episodes on Toonami, though I have seen the video tapes for when they fuse. So it boils down to this. If he is speaking technically, he is right, they have already fused. If he is talking about here in America, he is half right, the videos are out for the episodes where they fuse, but they haven't showed it on Toonami yet.[/color]
[color=indigo]Eh, I have got a recent new one for me. I went to see a movie tonight with a friend of mine, a girl, I have mentioned her before. She's the girl I'm involved with right now (we're not technically boyfriend/girlfriend... yet) And she was driving cause I don't have my license yet, nor do I have an accessible car to drive even if I did. Anyway, so after the movie she drove me home, and we sat there in the car for a fairly long time. Not [i]long[/i] long, maybe five to ten minutes. There was a long hug before I got out of the car, which abled me to leave the car with a smile on my face. But getting out of the car was too difficult. I wish I never had to leave her side...[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G/S/B Master [/i] [B]Goku is more deadly if he battles someone on the sun.Because the sun's flares counts as a living right??? Also the sun is huge star but has some surfaces. So Genki-dama has MORE then enough to destroy a planet.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]If Gokou battled someone on the sun they'd both be dead -_- And he does not have to be on the sun in order to draw energy from it. Remember on Namek when he created the Genmki-Dama against Furiza he drew it from the whole Namekian solar system. This is why King Kai told Gokou to be careful using the Genki-Dama when a sun is present, cause they hold a lot of power.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B]that is not what i would expect paragus to look like.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I could see where you could get that idea. Since Bardock looks just like Gokou and King Vegeta looks almost just like Vegeta (just with brown hair and a a beard thingy). But ya, that's him.[/color][quote][b]brolly is mad. i think he is not evil because he is mad. he is not good either. he is mad.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . So he's a ray of sunshine right? :p[/color]
[color=indigo]The Genki-Dama would still be more powerful. As it has been said, it draws a bit of energy from [i]all[/i] living things, whereas the other attack would just be coming from Gokou.[/color][quote][b]That, and Yamcha can control his move. Goku just throws it, and says" I hope it hits him. "[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I haven't seen it not hit its target yet.[/color]
Anime Would you say Vegeta is a cheater and crybaby?
PiroMunkie replied to Trunks02's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]As far as Cheating goes... It's not his fault Babidi took over him and made him Majin and gave him this excess power. It's not his fault BULMA created the brute ray and then blasted him with it. And even so... if you had the opportunity to be MUCH stronger with the press of a button, you'd do it in a second and you know it. I'd call that strategy, not cheating. As far as throwing sand in Zarbons face... hey, you're fighting for your life. If you see an opportunity to get the upperhand, by golly, you'd better take it, or else You lose, you dead, you go bye bye.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Actually, it [i]is[/i] his fault that he was possessed by Babidi. He even said that he let Babidi take over so he could become stronger. And if my sources are correct, didn't Vegeta ask Bulma to build something that would allow him to get stronger? I think I remember seeing that somewhere. But yes, even so, it is still just a type of strategy.[/color] -
Anime Would you say Vegeta is a cheater and crybaby?
PiroMunkie replied to Trunks02's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo][b]1.[/b] Vegeta doesn't cheat. He just fights dirty, and finds the easy way to do things. Why does he fight dirty? well for one he is a Saiya-jin, and Saiya-jins are naturally ruthless S.O.B.'s. He is also a Saiya-jin Prince, so he has that good ol' pride hanging over his head, and he will do whatever it takes to keep that pride. Why does he find the easy way to do things? It's faster with the same results. :p [b]2.[/b] Just because Vegeta cries does not mean he is a baby about everything. He cries in the Furiza Saga. Why? He is telling the story of the Saiya-jin demise. His whole entire race murdered. How would [i]you[/i] feel if I came and killed everyone in your family and laughed about it? Chances are you'd be crying to. He wasn't mad at the time because he knew there was nothing more he could do, he just had to convince Gokou to kill Furiza and not let him off. He cries in the Buu Saga. Why? His Saiya-jin pride being trampled on. Simple as that. If someone stripped you of your pride you would be crying to. I have not seen any of the movies with Brolli in them, but I'm sure there is good reason for his tears.[/color] -
[color=indigo] The Makyo star was Garlic Jr.'s thing. Brolli is not neccessarily evil, he just doesn't like Gokou. I think it is because Gokou made him cry when they were really young. I'm not sure, I tihnk I've read that somewhere. Here's is a picture of Paragus, Brolli's father. It's not the best pciture but it's the first one I found so :p[/color]
[color=indigo]Ok this topic is out of hand. I told you to stay on topic once before, and it looks like you didn't listen. IQ#1, I'm not sure if you have been warned/banned or not, but if not, YOu have been warned. You have done nothing but show your IQ=1. Topic Closed. [edit]..::notices IQ#1 has been banned::.. Well... hrmm.. oh well..[/color]
[color=indigo][Ahem] [b]Pan[/b] - Gohan and Videl's daughter. [b]Bra[/b] - Bulma and Vegeta's daughter. [b]Totepo[/b] - Member of Bardock's team. [b]Seripa[/b] - Female member of Bardock's team. [b]Panbukin[/b] - Member of Bardock's team. [b]Toma[/b] - Member of Bardock's team. Oh, and Burori's father is [b]Paragus[/b][/color]