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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [color=indigo]. . . I don't know quite what to make of this, but in all honesty this seems pointless. I am closing this.[/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter[/i] [B]I want a reason dammit![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, it is just like I said. It is to distinguish it as a separate letter from the "s" that makes it plural. So people read it "[b]a[/b]'s" instead of "as" and "[b]i[/b]'s" instead of "is" and "[b]u[/b]'s" isntead of "us". It is just another one of the exceptions to the rules of the English language :p[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kakkarot ssj4 [/i] [B]man..they showed the second ep.. of dbz...today..im glad they did..maybe theyll show it all the way through[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]They are showing all the way through. There is no point in starting over at the beginning of DragonBall Z and just skipping straight to the Adroid Saga, and then back to Furiza or whatever. The whole series up until now should take all summer which is probably what they are planning to do so they can continue with "new" episodes without missing too much of a beat.[/color]
  4. [color=indigo]Ummm.... I'd try video stores like Suncoast and stuff that sell all types of videos and DVD's. They usually also carry related items to the media. I don't really look for the toys, but I have seen those kind of things in places like that.[/color]
  5. [color=indigo]Cell's "core" isn't actually just one thing inside his body that keeps him alive. By "core" he meant any living cell in his body. As long as any libing cell in his body remained he would always be able to come back. He even explained that in his little story after he came back. Every cell in his body holds a memory of everything his body holds, which is why he came in his perfect form. Cause his cell's had the memory of being complete and regenerated from that.[/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I HATE SCHOOL! SCHOOL NEEDS TO END! Hehe...9 more days until I leave...I just have to keep telling myself that [/color] :alcohol:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lucky you, only 9 ndays left :p I have 13 :drunk: and only 3 left for seniors. These 13 days are going by really slow... And it is official now. Plural letters are supposed to be written with an apostrophe. So people saying "A's" is correct. I asked my English teacher this morning :genius:[/color]
  7. [color=indigo]Hrmmmm.... one or two... one or two, two or one... two..... or.......... one.............................................. Ummm... I think this is a trick question. :drunk: Lol, ummm.. seriously though.. ummmmmmmm.... I can't make up my mind o.O they're both good IMO[/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]It's funny, most people who said they are A students typed "A's".... which is possessive, and thus implying the A owns something. There's no apostrophe when pluralizing A, no matter how weird it may look to you.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It doesn't have to be possessive, it could be a conjunction for "A is" lol. It still doesn't make sense. But hey, I never said I had an A in English :p Though I did... but we're not neccesarily learning about grammar right now.. or at any point this year. Though, in the case of "A's" if written as "As" it could very well be mistaken for the word "as". Cause when you read "As" you are most likley going to comprehend the word "as" and not think of it "[b]a[/b]s". Of course this only works with the letter grade "A". I do believe it is widely accepted to write plural letters down as "A's B's C's" because it helps distinguish between possible words that may come about (like "[b]i[/b]s" and "is"). I mean, rarely do I ever see plural letters written without the apostrophe. And when I do, it was written by an undereducated person. There are always going to be exceptions to the rules. If there wasn't, then it simply wouldn't be the English language :drunk:[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Crikey . . . ehh.. to make a long story short, Topaz introduced me to this place :) So those who like me here, thank her, and those who don't, well, she's not around to complain to so :p[/color]
  10. [color=indigo]I get 1's and 2's (the equivalent of A's and B's) mostly. Though I'm trying to dig myself out of a whole in English right now. I have a 4 ( or a D as some may call it) because last semestar we read [u]A Tale of Two Cities[/u] and: 1. I hate reading, and 2. My reading comprehension level is non-existent. So with a book like that obviously my grade it going to plummet throughout the whole book. I dropped from a 1 to a 5. I hate reading, though I don't understand why we are reading [i]literature[/i] in [i]English[/i] class. English is suppsoed to be about sentence structure and vocabulary, not about the different types of stories and prose out there...[/color]
  11. [color=indigo]The Matrix was a great movie :) I can't until this noxt one comes out and stuff :p I've known about it for quite a while now.[/color]
  12. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]With Vegetto (I spell it with two T's)... again, it's a mix of Gokou's name with Vegita's.... however, more so Vegi's than Son-kun's.... Veget - Vegeta... O - Gokou.... In Vegetto... Vegita is the dominant body, thus, like above, he control him and Vegetta looks more like Vegita than Gokou.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . I never thought of it that way. I always though it was spelled from the Vege - Vegeta and then they used Gokou's Saiya-jin name and took the tto - Kakarotto. That is what I always thought, it just made more sense that way...[/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shibatku [/i] [B]Yeah, how exactly did Buu manage to absorb Gohan and Gotenks? They're so powerful I'm just wondering how Buu did it.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well obviously he overpowered them . . .[/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]As for the whole language thing, it's definitely gotta be either English or American.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]So are you trying to differ between old English (like they speak in England) and the English we use here in America? Cuase that's the only difference I can make between the two, lol.[/color]
  15. [color=indigo]. . . Hrmmm... I have never had to deal with this, so I am a bit unsure on how to how to help you with your situation LM. The most I have ever experienced is witnessing the random fights that happen every so often in my school. Though the reasons.. pardon me, [i]excuses[/i] for these fights are really no different then the exuses used for the gunshots you here. Shoelaces, money, clothing, CDs, etc. But these random acts of violence are going to happen, which is sad enough and true. The world is too full of apathy and selfishness these days that no one cares about taking another's life, which [i]can[/i] be good if you plan on becoming a hitman, but I know that applies to very few of anybody. I wish there was a way I could help you with your problem LM, give you some advice or something. But I'm really not sure what to say.[/color]
  16. [color=indigo]"[i]Showgirls[/i], absolutley frightening." Randy ([i]Scream 2[/i]) I really havn't seen too many 'scary movies' but I would have to say that the original [i]Scream[/i] is the best that I have seen. The second one was good too, but it seemed more focused on humor than the first one :p The third one when down the tubes though...[/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]Rarely, some good bands make it out of the sess-pool of American music. Green Day...Um...Sum 41, Swollen Members are Canadian(not Green Day)but anyways. We have out own type of music, and burning a country about it's choices don't do any good. Do what I do. Don't listen to the radio.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]My favorite band from Canada is Finger Eleven :p Previously known as Rainbow Butt Monkeys, lol. In fact, I even semi-know James Black, their guitarist. Some of my friends met the band when they came here in concert about a year or so ago at a local venue and he gave them his AIM screen name, then later told him to IM me. He is kind of an ***, but he can be pretty cool once you get on a subject you can both relate to. I could tell you his little "pet name" for me but I don't think the people on the boards would take nicely to it, lol.[/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red]I would go for it. What do you have to loose?[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Dude... think for once. Her reasonable sanity, dignity, a lot of good feelings, etc. There is a lot that can weigh on a situation like this. Anyway, first off, long time no see Ginny :) I don't know you [i]too[/i] well but it is still good to see you around. As for your predicament, I can somewhat relate. Though in my case, the girl I like knows I like her and I know she likes me. This is all thanks to horoscopes! Woo! Yeah, her horoscope for one day told her to confront the person she admires and tell them how she feels or something like that, so she did :love2: And then I came out of the closet with my feelings as well the best I could (which is not too well since my words to people I like come out sounding like trying to pronounce 'qytakvf') I am probably pretty similar to this "Dan" of yours, I am really shy about things, especially emotions. Which is why I never said anything to the girl I like until she told me how she felt, cause then I knew I wouldn't get shot down or anything. I myself would also not go with the whole flirting until he makes a move thing. I personally don't reall condone flirting, lol, because of its meaning . . . Well I can't find my handy dandy dictionary right now to give you the word for word meaning but the definition basically makes the word "flirting" a synonym for "deception"; to make one think you have intentions you really don't have. So that is why I'm not for the whole flirting thing. I think telling him face to face is by far the best way someone could ever do it. I probably would go on about this whole aspect, but I have to go eat dinner now, lol. So good luck with "Dan". :)[/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by spike speigel [/i] [B]I think gohan is so much cooler then every one else.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]And I think Vegeta owns all, but what does that have to do with anything?[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Kouberei[/i] [b]That's what I thought. Maybe it's because they're not full saiyajins. Wait, what about Goku and Gohan, why could they do it? I is confoosed.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]I'm assuming you are talking about fusing. The original plan in the Buu saga for the earrings was for Gohan and Goku to fuse with them, but Gohan became absorbed by Buu, so Goku had to talk Vegeta into fusing with him. Which Vegeta decided to do obiously, thus creating Vegetto[/color]
  20. [color=indigo]. . . "pyro's character[b]s[/b]"??? There's more than one of me? Lol :p Weird... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro and Seph charged through the air, neither in any big of a hurry. There was no pride trying to take over one another's speed. Pyro kept a very slight lead on Seph since he knew the general whereabouts of this training area. Vast fiellds over green grass and patches of soft dirt pass by quickly below. There were hill in the horizon, what was beyond that so far could not be seen. The time passes as they continue to fly straight. Pyro looks back at Seph who keeps his attentions forward. Looking back, Pyro and Seph begin to peek over the hills as what lay on the other side slowly become visible. Still miles away, but able to be seen, a tall structure that reached to the sky with a platform on top stood in the falling light of the sun.[/i] Pyro: . . . I do believe that is it. [i]Seph looked at Pyro then followed the line of sight where Pyro was looking and saw the lookout.[/i] Seph: There's only one way to find out. [i]They looked at each other and nodded, then kicking it into high gear, both blasting off faster than before towards the lookout.[/i][/color]
  21. [color=indigo]:nervous: I don't think I've seen any form of the word "trend" used so much in one topic before. :nervous: Anyway, I do agree that, in general, America's music scene is very pathetic. I say that in general, because there are certain parts of this country that have a fairly big music industry in them. Omaha, is becoming one of these places and we're talking about actual music not that pop hippie crap. Although you still don't see a lot of people talking about music from other countries or anything. Though, I was at a concert not too long ago, maybe a month-ish, and there was a band from Australia there. I thought they were awesome, though James doesn't seem to think so :P lol. The band is Frenzal Rhomb if anybody cares to know. As for techno, I don't really dig techno too much. I don't really know why exactly, it just doesn't do anything for me. Not too mention the whole rave culture that you can tie certain drugs into as well, so I'm not really for that. But I don't mind it, it's not like I don't want it here. When I was young I never listened to the radio too much, because I didn't really know what music was at all. I experimented with the different types of music for a while, so yes, I have been through pop, rap, jazz, classical, but fortunately those dark ages are over. I would very much listen to music from other countires and such, [i]IF[/i] I could get it here. I'm not really for buying things online so I'm pretty much screwed in the department. Though think of it like this. Many American bands/groups/whatever have gone and toured in other countries, but rarely now days do I hear that a band from another country is coming here to tour. I mean, they don't really have to be the headlining band, but just like, open for another band or whatnot. When we here in Omaha get more well known bands to come and play at our all age venues, they people who line up the show always throw in a local band as an opening band so people can get a taste of the local music scene if they don't already know about it. So I think maybe having "foreign" bands come and play with American bands here in [i]America[/i] might help bring down this barrier the U.S. seems have blocking out other cultures of music. I'm not blaming the other countries for not coming here, so don't get me wrong. I'm just saying you don't really see that now days. I'm not sure if anything of what I just said made sense. I just kind of think while I type :drunk:[/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [b][color=red]I used to LOVE that song. I got the cassett(OMG!) single somewhere....[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo] . . . :wow: Of all people that could have adored that song like myself, I least expected you. Hrmmm... lol, well I guess "that's that one thing we've got." *falls over laughing* .... Damn I'm cool.. :rolleyes:[/color]
  23. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magma Dragoon [/i] [B]I am not saying I like them, just ask VolcomStone, he is like one of my best friends.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I never accused you of liking them. I was just saying how it goes over here :p Lol[/color]
  24. [color=indigo]The song "Breakfast at Tiffany's" by Deep Blue Something. Brings back TONS of memories. :) Although, I don't have many memories. I suffer a memory loss... brainwashed is my theory.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [color=red][b]All I do is walk up to them and say "Hi (there name here). I think your cute. Do you wanna go out sometime?" You can't get more simple than that.[/b][/color][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well I'm sorry if I'm not as blunt as you. I don't ask a girl out unless I can really see the relationship going somewhere. And so when you really like a person that much you're going to want your words to sound right, [i]even though[/i] you know they'll like you no matter how you say it.But you are going to want her to have th best of everything so you're going to try and make it sound good, which is something I can't do. I'm good at having the right place to say it, but it's just hard to say it. Like I plan on asking this one girl I've been involved with for a while at my dad's wedding (I think it's appropriate, kind of symbolic ya know?), but it's just saying it right that is going to be difficult, which is why I paln these things far in advance, lol.[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth[/i] [b]hmm, trying NOT to get a stiffy in a strange situation, lol....[/b][/quote][color=indigo]. . . :blulaugh: It's funny cause it's true. :D[/color]
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