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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red]Ok. Lets all agree that this movie will blow and get on with our lives....[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I'm gonna see it and I'm going to enjoy it because Scooby ownz!!! I've seen every episode/movie of Scooby Doo [i]and[/i] its spin-offs :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magma Dragoon [/i] [B]They are not "true punk" but more people would classify them punk then wouldn't[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]. . . Maybe where [i]you[/i] live, lol. Everyone I know is like, "Blink 182 sucks! Down with them!" and those who support them get beaten down with sticks o.O[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Anna[/i] [b]As for myself, I find I've been leaning more and more to stuff like Sugarcult and 8th Wave; the really catchy stuff.[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Ha! I ntroduced you to 8th Wave! :D Damn I'm cool, lol (not really). SYLSB! I don't know of any Mp3 sites, I'm sorry. I always use my music downloader thingy o.O[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red]Well, I find that easy. I really don't care what people think about me. So if they think something good, I'm pleased. But if they think i'm a jerk, i really don't give a damn. So I just walk up to any girl and ask if they wanna go out sometime. If they say yes, i'm happy. If they say no, i really don't care. i guess i'm luckey.[/b][/color][/QUOTE][color=indigo]It's not that I'm afraid of what they will think of me, it is that I just do not know how to say what I want to say. Unless I've planned saying it for a long time.[/color]
[color=indigo]Verbally expressing feelings of like and companionship to the object of affection.[/color]
[color=indigo]Dude! I want to see that movie :p They could have characterized Fred and Daffny better, but Velma, Scooby, and Shaggy are awesome! Woo! Matthew Lilliard (Shaggy) ownz :p[/color]
[quote][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok[/i] [b]E[/b]nglish isn[b]'[/b]t hard for me[b],[/b] [b]I[/b] mean[b],[/b] that is my first language.[b][space][/b]I know [b]S[/b]panish[b],[/b] but sometimes [b]I[/b] pronounce words wrong.[/quote][color=indigo]This is the kind of stuff Transtic was looking at when he said English isn't your best language. I would correct your first post, but I would be here forever. :p English is by far the hardest language to learn. Like gokents said, "there are too many grammatical rules, hononyms (sorry about my own spelling/english) and all kinds of other stuff." That's not quite how I'd put it, but you get the idea.[/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ[/i] [b]There's a middle eastern language that has something like 64 letters in it's alphabet, I bet thats mighty hard to learn. Although I can't remember the name of the language, I think it's in the guiness book of records under the longest alphabet in a language...[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Do you want to take a shot at how many characters are in the Japanese and Chinese alphabet? Sixty-four is nothing compared to those.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3 [/i] [B]i don't know any thing about a ougon ozaru, unless you're talking about the golden ozaru.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Ougon is Japanese for golden I do believe. Or at least [i]something[/i] to that effect.[/color]
[color=indigo]Bush is a laughing stock and a half, lol. I cannot say I [i]hate[/i] him, I could really care less. He is just way too easy to make fun of. :p So far we have not been taken over yet during this war, so I guess he is doing a good job. I think it is funny how all countries hate America. Not like funny as in I don't understand why they hate us, but funny as in "haha, you're right!" America is really dumb. I was at concert not long ago and there was an Australian band there and they could not stop talking bad about the U.S. And everyone in the crowd cheered like there was no tomorrow. Though the band did give us some respect because even though we have the most F-ed up system in the world, we are the only ones who can actually do something about it. :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Gackt's new album comes out June 12th.... ::cough::[/b][/quote][color=indigo]Now is this just in Japan, or worldwide? [b]1) How many people have heard any J-Music?[/b] :wave: I have! Thanks to you Transtic :) ..::[b]BIG HUG[/b]::.. [b]2) If yes, how much of it WASN'T from an anime?[/b] All of it . . . unless it was featured in an anime and I don't know about it. But I don't think that's fact. [b]4) If yes, what genre would you like to hear?[/b] Being that my experience with J-Music is not much, I'm going to answer this one anyway. I'd like to hear some more J-Punk and stuff similar to Gackt [b]5) Do guys in drag and lots of makeup (who may or may not look Gothic) disgust you, facinate you, or you don't care what they wear as long as their music sounds good?[/b] I'm assuming the person in your avatar is a guy... but I still can't help but be fascinated by it, lol. But they don't have to look good in order for me to like their music. I mean, Davey Havok of AFI is bi so obviously he's not laways going to wear the "straightest" looking clothes, but one can't help but marvel at times.... [b]6) Straight girls, gay/bi guys, and straight guys comfortable with their sexuality: Does [url=http://jikannohizumi.hypermart.net/pics/gackt3.jpg]this[/url] look sexy?[/b] Not as much as the attached picture.. though it's the same person ;) [b]7) Straight guys, gay/bi women, and women comfortable in their sexuality: Does [url=http://jikannohizumi.hypermart.net/pics/fb-maya6.jpg]this[/url] look sexy?[/b] . . . You're exploiting my weakness for asian women aren't you? [b]8) If you listened to J-Music, what groups/singers did you enjoy the most?[/b] Teengenerate and Gackt [b]9) Does Japanese culture/music intrest you in the least?[/b] Yes!!! OH GAWD YES!!! . . . . :shifty: As for your Top 20 favorite J-songs, post 'em! I'll try to download them if I can find them in a decent enough size for my slow computer to download. :)[/color]
[color=indigo]But [i]anyways[/i], add some of those country bands trying to come off as rock :drunk: I've never heard anything more annoying in my life... well, besides some techno-country stuff I've heard before... :sick:[/color]
[color=indigo][size=1]Geh.. I didn't intend to come off too powerful. If I [i]really[/i] wanted to do that I would have used ki blasts and such. I even mentioned my punch to you was not that strong. It doesn't take a lot to take the wind out of someone. And being that my character has metallic structure it's going to leave [i]some[/i] mark on the body. As for Seph... I don't know if you've ever free fallen and smashed your head on concrete... but it hurts :drunk: As for your character, I apologize for getting him wrong. I will make a note of his character.[/size] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Kamakazi, Pyro, and Seph still remained standing about. None of which really knew what to do next. Becoming impatient, Kamakazi spoke.[/i] Kamakazi: I'm tired of this! I'm going to take over this planet! Then I' going to destroy it! I'll see you two in hell!! [i]Kamakazi took off into the air and disappeared into the sky. Seph and Pyro stood alone. Pyro still stared in the sky where Kamakazi had rushed off to.[/i] Seph: He'll be back... if there is something coming, he will want to fight it. And we'll be there too. Pyro: I don't care of him. He won't be able to do much, he is weakened. Seph: What did you do to him? [i]Pyro smiled with a hint of evil looking at Seph.[/i] Pyro: I am out of practice. I feel this thing is strong. Do you wish to train with me, or train alone. I promise I will not do to you what I had done to him. Seph: How good is your word...? Pyro: Take it or leave it.[/color]
[color=indigo]All pop culture crap. Most rap, I mean I can tolerate the more mellow rap music, but all cracked out stuff has got to go. All country. Anything by Blink 182, but their music as Blink can stay. All Sum 41. I could go on but you kind of get the idea.[/color]
[color=indigo]Of course I've heard of them :p They're all right and stuff. Fun to listen to. I've only head a few of their songs, but ya they're good enough.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Magma Dragoon [/i] [B]The [B]ONLY[/B] band you listed that was a punk band is Blink 182.[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]And even they are not punk... Anyway... it's almost funny you bring up the Sex Pistols, because all of my other punk-type friends don't like them that much :confuse2: It might just be American pride with the Ramones, but if my statistics are correct, weren't the Sex Pistols around beofre the Ramones? Which would make them more credible. I met this one guy at a show not long ago who looked just like Sid Vicious :p It was funny. I kept calling him Sid instead of his real name. But ya, Sex Pistols are great. They seemed way to over-obssessed with anarchy though, lol. Woohoo! Volcomstone! Ya! We have another one. They're aren't a lot of us around OB.. nice to have another..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]yeah... all the time. i usually turn on the radio while i'm taking a shower. then i sing at the top of my lungs. you get great acoustics in the shower... with the tile & everything.[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Well I don't sing at the top of my lungs... nor do I listen to the radio in fear of possible electricution, lol. But I sing whenever I enter the bathroom, whether I'm just going to the bathroom or taking a shower, because of the acoustics you can get in them.. the rest rooms in my grade school were great for that.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ TRUNKS 18 [/i] [B]pyromunkie, you are the master either that or their incompetance in the area of punk rock makes your incredibly small mind stand out like a diamond in the rough[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]I am neither. I've only learned from the best (that I know) and caught on quickly. My mind is not that small, lol. But yes, compared to these fools I'm the Jebus Christmas of punk... [sigh] If they could only understand. The only competent one here would be Lady Macaiodh. Thank gwad she posted something intelligent or else I probably would have really blown my brains out... if I had a gun handy.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Seph and Craig stood in awe. They did not understand what had just happened. One minute Kamakazi was a fighting frenzy; then when hands are palced upon him, the warrior falls.[/i] Craig: Unbelievable. It is as almost as if he is death himself. One touch and you're gone. Seph: His physical appearance would make that theory believable. [i]The dark figure clenched his fists tightly. He stretched out his body then relaxed. He looked down at the fallen Saiyajin; then up at the two standing warriors. His cold blue eyes chilled the air as a wide, evil grin grew from ear to ear.[/i] Seph: Watch yourself. There's no telling what this thing is capable of. Craig: I hear you. [i]Craig and Seph stepped apart in attempt to slightly divert the figure's attention, ready for what may happen. It just stood with its smile, not taking its eyes off of them. A small detail Seph and Craig didn't notice; the figures eyes moved independently from the other. He could keep an eye on both at one time.[/i] Craig: All right. [i]The figures face quickly became focused as he threw a hard left elbow backwards. Craig reappeared narrowly dodging the elbow from behind slowly flying/falling under the arm. The figure quickly reacted twisting his body and thrusting a right fist into Craig's chest, bolting him to the ground. The man disappeared as Seph's foot smashed into the ground just as he slipped backwards slamming his head on the pavement. The ominous figure stood from his sweep. He looked at those he had taken down. All three lay still. Craig was trying to regain his breath, a bruise was already eminent in the middle of his chest. Seph held his hands over his face trying to stop his head from spinnging. Kamakazi still lay on the ground unmoving. Moments passed. Craig and Seph finally slowly began to stand up. The figure stared at them once more.[/i] Seph: You fight well. [i]The figure gave a slight nod in acknowledgement.[/i] Seph: Do you have a name? [i]There was a breif silence before the figure spoke in a slghitly deep, leathery voice.[/i] ----: I have taken the name, Pyro. Craig: I am impressed with your ability to handle to at once. Pyro: It is part of my design to have the ability to handle many opponents at one time. Seph: What have you done with that man? Pyro: He is alive. He should be up shortly. Craig: I can tell you are not human, your blow was not too strong but it was still able to bruise me as well as knock the wind out of me. Explain. Pyro: I am a machine. [i]Everything started to make a little more sense about this... Pyro. Behind Seph and Craig, Kamakazi slowly rose to his feet.[/i] Kamakazi: Why did you not kill us? [i]Pyro looked back at Kamakazi who seemed a bit... drained... Seph peered back turning to see Kamakzi, as did Craig.[/i] Pyro: You are not what I am after. There is something bigger on its way here I can feel it. Kamakazi: Then what means do you have with us? Pyro: I wanted to find out who was behind these powers that I was sensing. [i]The three remained silent...[/i] Pyro: Now that you seem to have nothing much else to say, tell me who you all are. . .[/color]
[color=indigo]. . . . . ..::Reads Spikey's post::.. . . . . . Pardon me while I blow my brains out . . . . .[/color] [color=red][b]Now that I have painted the walls with the pain of your words, I am through. You will never learn the word's meaning. I am tired of trying to teach what you will not hear. I have suffered the ignorance, this salt for my wounds. I leave you wandering in your own ignorance forever to be lost; insulted and ridiculed behind your back. Feel the knife as it twists further into your back. This is the life you live.[/b][/color] [color=indigo]End[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by JangoFett [/i] [B]You got it signed! I hate you. I only saw him in concert![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Lol, he performed at this big boy scout even thing. And my friends mom knows the person who was overlooking the whole event and he needed someone to be the 'welcoming commitee' so my friend's mom got her son and me to do it and so we were able to meet him and stuff :p It's always good to have connections.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MatsuriSkyy [/i] [B]I have this pic of Vegeta and Trunks fused together, i dont know if its a fake or not... but that would be a cool mix... strong too. Y didnt they think of that? maybe they did... i dont know...[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]That would be a fake picture. Vegeta and Trunks never fused. Why? Because Marai Trunks was no longer around when fusion was introduced. Then, fusing with Chibi Trunks would be impossible in the fusion dance, and pointless with the earrings. It would be impossible for the fusion dance because the two people fusing have to be of similar height, power, etc. And there's an obvious difference there. And then using the earrings would be pointless because Chibi Trunks isn't really all that strong so the power increase would be not all that much. So why go for a small increase when you can slap Vegeta and Goku together? :p[/color]
[color=indigo]It was Voodookanaka who had one as his avatar. I remember it :p I'll have to check out that site and stuff looks like fun :p[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]What magazine did you find this in? I want a subscription![/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]-_- Don't you think I would have said that if I knew??? Lol. I just remember reading it. :p On a side note: Ooooooooooo, Pan avatar :drool::love::drool:[/color]
[color=indigo]Dude, I watched the one in your sig! Now [i]THAT[/i] is freakin' awesome! I showed it to my friend and were both like freakin' out over it, lol. :p I wish I could fight like that :D[/color]
[color=indigo]Ummm.... before I even think about joining this, I find it flawed. goron /o / o / x / x zora / o / x / x / o deku / x / o / x / o Kokiri/ x / o / x / o Hylian/ x / x / x / x term./ x / x / x / x gerudo/ x / o / o /o One mistake found here was in the Gerudo's. They're fighters as well as thieves. Don't you remember Ocarina of Time? Remember going into Gerudo's fortress and every time you came upon a jail cell with one of the carpenter's inside you had to [u]fight[/u] a Gerudo in order to get the key? And then I wouldn't really think the Zora have much fighting ability cause you do all the work for them usually. Just something I noticed, I'm just trying to help the accuracy of this RPG.[/color]
Anime The Kame Kazi Ghost Attack!!!!!!
PiroMunkie replied to SSJ Gotenks ok's topic in Otaku Central
[color=indigo]Lol, yeah. That attack is kinda funny. I've seen a clip of it being used. As funny as it is, it really doesn't come off as that powerful. And we know that because it couldn't stop Buu. It seems like the equivelant of Chiaotzu's self-destruction thing he tried to pull on Nappa[/color]