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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[color=indigo]I read in an article somewhere about the idea of fusion in DragonBall Z. Throughout the entire series Akira Toriyama mainly focused on the Super Saiyajin levels to make the characters stronger. So fusion wasn't even being thought of then. They just used the whole Super Saiyajin thing. Then when the Buu saga was coming about and they were already at Super Saiyajin 3 he thought that a level four would be too monotonous. So he was thinking of a different way to make the warriors stronger. So he asked someone that he's related to (can't remember whether it was his wife or whatever) how he could make them stronger, and they brought up the idea of fusion. So that's how fusion came to be in DragonBall Z :)[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Meanwhile, back with what remained of the group. They all stood silently. Pyro, staring at Dread coldly. His spiteful feeling not exactly quite what they used to be toward the giant, but they still existed. Dread stood propped up against a wall, arms crossed, eyes closed, face emotionless... Time continued to pass. The precious seconds ticking by... Warlock stood with his back turned to the rest just looking up at space. . .[/i] Warlock: Every moment that is gained, another piece of the universe is lost . . . [i]Pyro took his eyes off Dread and looked at Warlock. He was calm on the outside unlike before when he kind of flipped out on Connor; fear was surely on the inside. If not fear than anticipation, anxiety. For at any given moment Earth could be lost just as the rest of the universe was disappearing, at least on a small scale. Looking at the big picture the entire Milky Way galaxy could go as a whole. Maybe the sun would implode creating black hole the size of a period but with masive strength. Everything would be sucked inside. There would be no escape. We would all die. Maybe, Earth would just vanish, without an actual cause. The possiblities were endless as they began racing through Pyro's mind. He took his eyes from Warlock and put them back on Dread who had not moved. As it had been for a while, there was a grave silence. The only thing that could be heard was the occasional blowing of the wind as it rushed by quickly and violently. There was nothing they could do right now... Out of the blue, Dread finally spoke.[/i] Dread: Are you just going to keep staring at me, or will you find something better to do? [i]Pyro glanced away from Dread looking at the ground.[/i] Pyro: How can you be so calm? Dread: Things aren't always what they appear to be. Like Warlock over there, I appear tranquil... but I am just as scared as you are, Pyro. For some reason I'm almost blaming myself for this... Pyro: Why? In order to feel guilty about something you have to know how you're involved in it or at least what exactly is happening. What could you possibly know about the situation? Dread: [sigh] I don't know... It's not neccessarily just blaming myself for this. But I blame myself for you. I'm sorry about your own condition and I will take responsibility for it, but you jsut have to reaslize that I [i]am[/i] sorry for what I did. If I was of still sane mind at the time I never would have done what I did. [i]Pyro stands silent for a moment..[/i] Pyro: I accept your apology, Jugge- Dread: Call me Dread. Pyro: [exhales] - Dread, but you know as well as I do, your apology is not going to change much. The emotional scars still remain. Dread: I know... I know.. Pyro: So what about the disappearing act of the universe? What are we supposed to do about it. . . ? Dread: Just be patient... Something is bound to turn up. There is an answer for every problem and this is no different, and when we find out how to solve this we will all take glory... the fate of the universe, it seems, rests in our hands. Mere mortals, each different in their own way, yet all with common ground. Together, we can get through this... I know it. [i]A gust of wind blew by; Pyro, still at a small distance from Dread, let his spiteful emotions toward Dread fade for a moment. This once heartless, mindless beast now had a warm heart, full of honor. Believing in teamwork. Pyro felt subordinate to Dread now. Despite the fact that Pyro was probably in better physical condition than Dread, he was dwarfed. Pyro had never really been too honorable in his lifetime. Always thinking for himself, constantly trying to find ways to make him better. The only heroic thing he had ever done was partially defeat the creator of those evil androids from long ago. That was so long ago. Everyone had come so far as a warrior, they have grown and becom stronger, faster, and everything that was needed to be a good warrior. Everyone. Everyone but Pyro. He has gained no power, he has gained nothing. All his attempts to make himself better were in vain. He was going backwards now. It seemed he hit the peek of his power long ago; from there, Pyro just became weaker and weaker. He still could remember the glory days when he was among the strongest of the fighters. He was right up there with Sephiroth and Warlock. But now, now he was nothing. Pyro's skills had deminished. If he was to even fight someone such as a mere human, he would be defeated. Maybe not in battle would he lose, but in dignity. Pyro walked sorrowfully over to Dread and sat down against the wall next to Dread who was still standing..[/i] Pyro: Dread... it is I who should be sorry, and please believe me when I say that . . . I am. I really am...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]The humanoid cyborg we know as Pyro continued his rigorous training. Unfortunately to him he could do everything too easily. He knew he was a machine, everything he was meant to be able to do came naturally to him. The only way he could learn something new is to come upon another who can challenge him. Looking up at the blue sky, Pyro found it hopeless to advance his abilities as a skilled fighter. Everyone on this planet was far to weak to prove as any sort of a challenge. It seemed he had thought too soon. Only moments later his sensors picked up some intensity not far from him; a thousand miles at most. The amount of energy was foggy from that distance but he could tell it was fairly significant compared to the petty humans he encounters. Pyro brushed off his tattered clothing; then erupted in a dark, silent aura. He crouched down and leapt into the air taking off into the sky of in the direction of the power he felt. Whether these lifeforms were tame or hostile he did not know. He had the upper hand though, it was one of the perks of being a cyborg to have no power to be sensed unlike living creatures that can at least supress their power level. He would remain hidden until he was sure of these new lifeforms. He was closing in on their location with every second. It wouldn't be too long before this mystery was revealed. . .[/i][/color]
[color=indigo]Eh... I have a certain group of friends I hang out with, but other than that I dont talk to anyone really. Although I don't think I'm shy so much as anti-social...[/color]
[color=indigo][i]In a cavernous area the trenches filled prgressivly with dust and crashing as stone structures collapsed to nothing but rubble. The thick cloud trailed along quickly finally stopping once it reached the gorge's end. A dark light pierced through the sky out of the deep trench and shot off into the distance, forever lengthening the canyon as far as the eye could see and then some. The dust then erupted once more trailing forward. Down inside, Pyro, the cyborg, raced along the bottom plowing thourgh anything that got in his way. Actually easier said than done. He was trying to take as little damage as possible at the speed he was going. He had been doing well thus far. But his flawless run would come to an end. At break-neck speed his foot caught a lift in the ground sending him hurling towards a giant stone pillar. Regaining control he sent a ball of energy at the pillar that drilled through shattering the stone as he flew through the rubble and landed on the ground not far after. The still intact upper part of teh pillar crashed upright on the ground as it then began to slip. Pyro brushed himself off a bit when his ears caught the noise of the pillar falling. He whipped around putting both hands in front of him. A yell bellowed through the air as a huge blast shot up from the gorge surrounded by a blinding cloud of foggy dust and debris. When this cleared enough to see once again, a mammoth crater was seen as a result. Pyro stood. He would be tiring right now if he wasn't a machine.[/i] Pyro: . . . . too close . .[/color]
[color=indigo]Well as for the whole growing up with gay parents thing. I can't say that's justified that the children will grow up to be gay. Being homosexual or bisexual is not neccessary a preference of the other or both sexes. You just orientate that way, it's who you are. And gay people in the military. I would see that more as beneficial rather than a crutch. I mean, back in the ages in some country of which I can't remember, the ruler purposely had gay people as a high majority in his army. Cause he knew they would fight harder to impress him. Sure he was kind of exploiting their homosexuality, but he might have rewarded them soomehow, I dont know if he did or not. But you get the idea. If there are gay people in the military, more power to them. They are going to be twice the soldier of any straight man. Anybody who ridicules homosexuals shouldnt be in the military anyway, due to ignorance and immarturity. Or at least put them on the front line. And Transtic was right in that gay guys won't hit on straight guys if they know they're straight. There's this one guy in my drama class that's homosexual, he's cool and all, but he never does anything. Well, until recently anyway, lol. But that's just because I told one of my friends who said she missed starting rumors to spread a rumor that I'm gay :p So obviously it got around to him. lol. I havn't been ridiculed for it yet though, which is kind of suprising...[/color]
[color=indigo]I liked v2, it wasn't as slow as v1 even [i]with[/i] my old crappy computer. I was still getting oriented in v1 so I was more focused on finding my way around in that version. So I really got to enjoy v2, more. Plus Topaz was still active around then [woeful sigh]. . . But yes, v2 had some fond memories :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B]Okay, well Piro, if you could, inform me just what type of music those bands are that I stated in my post before... And do it without violence... [/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Hehe, I have uncontrolable violent urges... don't mind me, I bite. [list] [*]System Of Down - hard rock [*]Blink 182 - pop hippie crap, they [i]were[/i] punk way back when. But once they turned from Blink to Blink 182, it just went downhill [*]Sum41 - *see Blink 182* Just without ever being punk [*]Drowning Pool - hard rock [*]Lost Prophets - I havn't really heard of this one before so I won't get on your case about this one. I've heard the namej ust never the music. [*]Alien Ant Farm - A very light form of punk, I don't count them too much as punk but im not going to say they aren't [*]Linkin Park - a techno/rock hybrid (whoa, your name, lol) [*]Puddle of Mud - rock, slightly alternative but keeps more on the rock side. Not quite hard rock though. [/list] Now go tell all your friends :D Lol[/color]
[color=indigo]Eh... they're ok. Not the best for sure. Being that the don't fall into the punk category they're buried under a jillion other bands. Adema is too much like Korn, though I find them better than Korn. Though, if Korn would go back to their old sound everything would be just fine then :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B][i]THEY?[/i] I'm only one person there Piro, not to be corrective or anything, it just caught my eye while I was reading your post... [/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Heh, I not knowledgeable of whether or not you're a boy or a girl (no offense I just don't know you that well). So I used 'they' as a general term.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B]I am a punk rocker... I listen to System Of Down, Blink 182, Sum41, Drowning Pool, Lost Prophets, Alien Ant Farm, Linkin Park, Puddle of Mud, and a few other, I do not wish to post them all, because I'm :sleepy:[/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]-_- :stupid: :twitch: ..::strangles Hybrid::.. Ok... that was a light punishment cause I havn't had a problem with you before... but do your homework. A high majority of the bands you just listed are [b]NOT[/b] punk. Don't make me beat you any more senseless than you already are. Have a nice day :)[/color]
[color=indigo]Be wise with your words or you might have people beating you down. Many people who really listen to punk music are very loyal to their music and flame those who are ignorant. I am one of those people. Fortunately for you, I have a good amount of self-control. Korn, Adema, and System of a Down are not punk. Korn and Adema are a grunge, and System of a Down is a hard rock. I guess you could call me punk if you will. I don't label myself as such. But if I were to put myself anywhere, that's where I'd belong. I can't wait til those little pop-punkers get in here and start claiming Blink 182 and Sum 41 to be punk... I like telling people off. It's fun, mwuaha :devil: And just for some spelling corrections, LTJ would be Less than Jake, not LTG. lol. The Ramones only has one 'm' and it's Good Charlotte, lol.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson].... Do you mean System of a Down? Or am I off a bit... -Ken[/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]Heh, I think they meant System of a Down, lol. It would only make sense that way. And SSJ Goten, you [i]really[/i] don't want to get into that with me. Blink 182 [i]was[/i] punk. They were just called Blink back then. All they are now is a little boy band, Backstreet boys with instruments. FYI Im being nice about this, I know many people that would beat you senseless for saying Blink 182 is punk. I bit the head off of some kid who had the guts to compare them to the Ramones. Normally I don't do that but the line has to be drawn somewhere. But I'm ending this discussion on the boards right here, if you want to take this into any greater arguement, PM me. I'm trying to be as nice as I can Cera ;) Lol[/color]
[color=indigo]Vegeta was being so kind and caring because he changed. Goku made him remember all those he cared about by yelling at him about Bulma and and stuff remember? That's when Vegeta became all self-sacrificing. He apologizes to Gohan and them for all the pain he has cause them. It's simply a realization made. Vegeta isn't [i]all[/i] evil ya know ;) As for the second question, I think i might know the answer, but I'm 50% unsure so Ill wait to see if someone else knows it.[/color]
[color=indigo][i]Along the sidewalk in a bustling city, a lone . . . man... walks straightforward, not diverting his eyes for anything. People bump into him or he bumps into people, he doesn't care. He was a machine, in the literal sense, so it also worked metaphorically. People gave him odd looks in fear, his appearance was deathly. Tired of drilling through the crowd, the man turned into an alleyway where a group of local delinquents gathered. Upon hearing his footsteps the delinquents turned their attentioned to him. Immediatly they brought out what primitive weapons they had (bats, chains, etc.). The man stopped, looking at the little punks. A slight smirk lifted at the corner of his lips. He was thrilled at the challenge even though it was a petty challenge. The children approached him, in attempt to intimidate him. He was circled by them slowly, there were five of them. The one that seemed to be the leader stepped up to the man, looking him in his eyes. The boy dropped half his chain to make it longer and swung it hard across the man's face. The man didn't flinch. His skin didn't bleed, bruise, or even redden. He just stood, unmoving. He lowered his head looking down at the boy who had struck him, then quickly grabbing the boy firmly by the throat with his left hand. The boy stiffened as he could feel something being removed from him. His skin began to pale and drop to a light gray, his eyes rolled back into his head, then his body dropped limp and the man dropped the lifeless body on the ground. Frightened, the other four boys slowly backed away and then took off running. The man let them go. The challenge wasn't quite was he seemed. . . The man continued his walk down the alley and entered the sidewalk on the other side. The street here was not so busy, making it easy to walk smoothly about. Meet Pyro. A cyborg humanoid. He has a simply complex past which will not be discussed at this moment. He just wants to live his life as normal as he can get it to be, with the occasional battle of course. As a cyborg, Pyro does have the ability to absorb energy as seen earlier with that little punk in the alleyway. But that was behind him. Pyro walked across the street, bored of this normal life he was leading. It had been so long since he had fought a decent battle. He wished he could come upon one who could challenge him on the smae level . . . This wish couldn't have come at a better time. Pyro stopped in the middle of the street, eyes wide open. He flipped his head up towards the sky ignoring the blaring horns of the cars having to stop for him. Something was coming... He sensors could feel it. Whatever it is, it is big. Pyro let off a wide smile, then immeditaly took off down the street then took off flying into the sky. He had to find some open ground to do some intense training. The time was now.[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An image of Super 17 recolored to look more like Pyro is attached :)[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]I like punk, but HATE pop. My fav. band is Blink 182[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE][color=indigo]So you like punk. . . but your favorite band is Blink 182 . . . I'm so confused. I don't feel like firing up that discussion again, but I have to bring that up everytime I see that. Just ignore this part of my post. Oi, but anyway, I listen to punk/hardcore/alternative/emo/ska type stuff. My favorite band has to be AFI. Followed by Rancid.[/color]
[color=indigo]Ya, that Weird Al is kinda fun to listen to. My brother got me into him when I was little. As such, I inherited those CDs when he grew out of him. I have, [i]The Food Album[/i], [i]ALapalooza[/i], [i]Even Worse[/i], and [i]Running With Scissors[/i]. And may I add that my [i]Running with Scissors[/i] CD is autographed by the man himself ;) That's right, I've met him.[/color]
[color=indigo]Well now . . . It seems I'm ever stuck with a problem. When 60x60 was the limit, every image I found was to big to make a decent avatar from. Now that 80x80 is the limit, every picture is too small -_- And I always take advantage of my priveledges, so I have to make it 80x80, lol. :D[/color]
[SIZE=1][color=indigo][b]Woo! I'm doing absolutley NOTHING all summer! Ya! GO ME! . . . Actualy it's not that exciting. If I'm lucky I'm gonna go to the Warped Tour in June but that'll be about it :p I'm such a loser :freak:[/b][/color][/size]
When OtakuBoards was reborn, I was once again given life. A big [b]OI![/b] to James and Adam, Adam and James! :)
Dark, crazy, smart, or just outcast
PiroMunkie replied to Ravenstorture's topic in General Discussion
Well, I've said it before but maybe not all at once. I'm freakin' proud of who I am and what I've become. No one can tell me otherwise. I'm not proud of me in an arrogant way though. It's just that I am happy with myself. There's nothing about me I would want to change, cause then I just wouldn't be me. People can try and put me down by calling me what names they may. Most of the time I'll agree with them, just because: 1) I admit to it cause if they call me weird, I'm not going to deny what I am, 2) to avoid unneccesary confrontation. I hate people. A person is nice, but people as a whole are just dumb. Thus my anti-social tendencies. I don't really label myself as anything cause I prefer not to. So categorizing myself in a 'subculture' is something I don't really do. I'm too apathetic to care about what I belong to. Who I am will determine what 'crowd' I get involved with. I'm not going to shun people just because of who they are and what 'crowd' they may belong to. I'll shun them because I don't agree with who they are or what they do. If they conflict with who I am then I prefer not to know them, which is why I don't make friends with people who do drugs, or those people who have sex 24/7, or anyone else like that. I'm not saying just because (for example) since I listen to punk/hardcore/metal/alternative stuff, I'm not going to push someone away just because they may prefer techno, or rap or whatever. Will I frown on that aspect? A little bit, but not enough to make me think less of them. . . . . . I have no idea what I just said... But I think it made sense. :stupid: -
ridiculous weather (global warming?)
PiroMunkie replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Darn right it's confusing... Hell, I dunno, the US should go Metric... :P[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]I totally agree with that. Why do we have to try to be different -_- the metric system is so much easier. But 15 Celsius.. not far from freezing which is 0 degrees Celsius. So I would say maybe.. 40something degrees Farenheit.[/SIZE][/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rainez [/i] [B]That just proves that Brolli is the ultimate Saiyan :devil:. In 8, doesn't Brolli find his father??[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]If Brolli was the "ultimate Saiyajin" he wouldn't have been defeated. Yes he does have a father, Paragus I do believe is the name. But try to stay on topic, and don't respond to this part of my post. Anyway, I did figure the Gokou created an energy shield when he was pushed into that lava pit thing. If I do remember correctly he even had one around him when he came out of it. So ya :p[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][b]name:[/b] Pyro [b]age:[/b] appears to be in mid-twenties [b]race:[/b] Cyborg [b]appearance:[/b] Very dark, very pale. Tall, lean but muscular. A humanoid creation. Long, black hair. Ice blue eyes. Tight fitting shirt, baggy pants. Resembles Super 17, but more on the goth side. [b]bio:[/b] The last and secret creation of Dr. Miyu, the co-creator of Hell Fighter #17. After Dr. Miyu was destroyed, a long forgotten back-up system was triggered in his long forgotten laboratory. This back-up system was connected with his mind. It took in the events of his death, and was instructed to make one final android, stronger than all those who were present in the events of Miyu's death. It took a few years to build, but eventually... Pyro was born. He was born without a name. Dr. Miyu didn't leave any message of that. Pyro received his name on his first act of distruction. Burned down an entire city within a half an hour. All over the news he saw and heard the word "pyro, pyromania, pyromaniac, etc etc" So he took the prominent name of Pyro and has kept it ever since. A very ominous figure, and frightening at the first sight. There is good reason being that he has killer tendencies. Over the years though, he calmed down as it became more and more boring, nothing was a challenge anymore. Every so often he mingles with the humans of Earth, he only has a couple friends, both of which had grown "older" than him and left him. He wanders alone, but is open to becoming part of a group. He isn't neccesarily good, but he's not bad. He fights to fight. And he fights those who challenge him with their power, not their words. Though I'd try something a little different :p[/SIZE][/color]
ridiculous weather (global warming?)
PiroMunkie replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Char-Char,Mander-Char! [/i] [B]I hear you, bro.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Dude.. Lady Macaiodh is a girl -_- It would have been more correct to say "sis" isntead of "bro". I don't know, there might have been a post that got deleted before yours that was of a guy.. but that just struck me as odd :drunk: Anyway, eh, Omaha likes to stay hot for the most part. We usually vary between 75-90 degress F over here. Every once in a while we get a cooler day. Like tomorrow!! A high of 50ish for us! Woohoo! I think what really bothers me the mosti s that: 1) My room is the hottest room in the house during the spring and summer (coldest in winter and fall) 2) My school has no air conditioning! It has a [i]million[/i](exaggeration) kids in it and no A/C!! *faints*[/size][/color]