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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]The download of full episodes, I'm pretty sure, is somewhere next to illegal. Very few sites actually have full episodes, and most of the ones I have found don't even work. And I know that posting addresses and other info about illegal mumbo jumbo is against this entire forums rules. So I'm going to close this topic for that purpose.[/size][/color]
Anime that guy in the buu saga who looks like a Frieza transformation....
PiroMunkie replied to Goku213's topic in Otaku Central
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Good ol' Vegeta caught him by suprise, lol. They stopped fighting for a moment caused they sensed Buu's presenced since it had "hatched" from its shell. Gokou says that they should both stop and fight Buu together so they can get it over with, but Vegeta being Vegeta (heh heh) decided to fight Buu alone, though he didn't say that to Gokou. He was behind him and hit really hard on the back of the head and knocked him out. One of my favorite parts indeed :p[/size][/color] -
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]One word: [b]Duh[/b]. Just about anyone who is smart enough to comprehend knowledge about DragonBall in general knows that. Plus theree's no "official English" way to the word. The [i]actual[/i] wayis Saiyajin. FUNi just decided to have it be Saiyan, but if you think about we wouldn't have cared anyway, they sound genereally the same. But oh well, this topic as you said it yourself, is pointless. Closed.[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]A few hours have passed; Piro awakes from his nap. He sits up in his bunk. Looking around he sees a couple more canvas bags arranged over in the corner, and an ID tag on the table pinned down by a glock. Obviously his bunk mate had checked in. Piro let his legs fall over the side of the bunk and then dropped himself down. He moved over to the table and finds a piece of paper also pinned beneath the glock which he hadn't seen. He took out from under the gun and unfolded it and read it:[/i] __________________________________________________ [FONT=courier new]Well it looks like we're bunking together. I came in while you were asleep so I just set my things down off to the side, set up a bit and went above deck so as not to bother your rest. I left my ID tag on the table so you can get to know me a bit before actually getting to know me. Have a nice rest... - Rob[/FONT] __________________________________________________ [i]Piro set the note back down on the table, he left it open just in case he left and this.. Rob.. came back. He wanted to him to know that he had read it. Piro Then picked up his ID tag and read his info:[/i] __________________________________________________ [b]Name/Alias:[/b] [u]Robert Terkin[/u] [b]Rank/Status:[/b] [u]SAT[/u] [b]Age:[/b] [u]21[/u] [b]Height:[/b] [u]6'[/u] [b]Weight:[/b] [u]161 lbs[/u] [b]Sex:[/b] [u]M[/u] [b]Race:[/b] [u]African-American[/u] [b]Weapons:[/b] [u]Glock, M-16, Desert Eagle (2), Machete[/u] [b]Ship/Cruiser:[/b] [u]Sentinel[/u] [b]Type:[/b] [u]B[/u] [b]Your Room #:[/b] [u]#119[/u] [b]Vehicle Deposit ID:[/b] [u]Storage 2a[/u] [b]Vehicle Tag #:[/b] [u]#147[/u] __________________________________________________ [i]Piro set the tag back down and took another look around the room, just for good measure, from there he fixed himself up a bit since he had just woke up. Then he left the room to go above deck to see if anything was going on...[/i][/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Addicted to? Hrmm.. I would say music, but that's more of a love than an addiction. Ummmmm... I'd have to say the internet. I mean, I live in the Omaha. It's a place full of teenagers with absolutley nothing to do. The staff of our school newspaper even put that in an article at one point, lol. So to fill this pathetic void in my life, I spend a LOT of my time online, or at least on the computer in general. Every free moment of my time goes into this thing.. numbing my mind :drunk:[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][b]1. What's worse, drinking problem or gambling problem? maybe both of them are just as bad ?[/b][color=firebrick]Both of them are just as bad, and they work into each other too. If you're drinking then you're gambling with your health/life. If you're gambling then you're probably drinking too.[/color] [b]2. What's better (finally a "positive" question) being merciful or being generous?[/b][color=firebrick]Generous. You [i]might[/i] say mercy is better because then you're automatically generous for being merciful. But think about mercy killing? Is that so generous? I don't think so.[/color] [b]3. Who/what will you take along if you have to travel to a far island all by yourself?[/b][color=firebrick]Zeh... umm.. now this is kind of an ambiuous question. Do you mean I'm completely alone on the island? Like I'm stranded? If so, then I wouldn't travel there to begin with, lol. If you mean there are other people there but they are all native to the island and I don't speak their language nor do they mine, then I would bring the normal neccecities and a translator book thingy :p[/color] [b]4. What do you prefer, Anime or sit coms? (comedy series)[/b][color=firebrick]Anime[/color] [b]5. If you had tons of money, what are the 5 first things you would have bought?[/b][color=firebrick]Knowing me I probably wouldn't just spend it at all. And when I [i]would[/i] spend it, it would just be to pay bills or whatever. And maybe some stuff for myself, but jsut small stuff like CDs and movies... :p[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Oh my..... That's the only thing that comes to my mind after reading that. It's pathetic really, what this world is coming to. I don't know too many people who are completely against homosexuals. But I do know plenty of people who are homophobic. I talk about things that may not neccessarily be "straight" all the time (ie: how I'm not afraid to kiss a guy) and it completely freaks them out. My [i]closest[/i] friends, well, we might as well be gay together, lol. We all have known each other for so long that I think we're too comfortable around each other for our own good, it's really funny. If you people only knew :confuse2: Heh heh.. [i]anyway[/i].. I don't know, it's just really pathetic. Why must these people breathe? I'm suprised with their ignorance level they haven't forgot to...[/size][/color]
Anime that guy in the buu saga who looks like a Frieza transformation....
PiroMunkie replied to Goku213's topic in Otaku Central
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Just a little FYI, Gokou hasn't transformed into Super Saiyajin 3 yet, so he couldn't have done that against the second level guy. And I do believe he doesn't move to Super Saiyajin 2 to until he fights Vegeta (hint hint). They don't really make a big production about Gokou and Vegeta reaching that level. It was Gohan's thing I guess. I'm not sure I [i]totally[/i] understand what you mean by "how does stage 2 and stage 3 go?" I'm not sure if you mean when it happens or what they look like :p But anyway, for those few who have yet to see the upcoming episodes and you would like to keep the suprise [b]DO NOT CONTINUE READING MY POST. WARNING: SPOILER[/b] Ok, now that I have that out of the way let's move on. So Dabura goes back to Babi-Dee and tells Babi-Dee that he senses an evil inside of Vegeta and that it would be beneficial to make him work for Babi-Dee. Babi-Dee sees that as an excellent idea and so it begins. Babi-Dee starts messing with Vegeta's head through his little magic ball thing and Vegeta freaks out because of Babi-Dee trying to take over his mind. There's a dramatic struggle for a little bit but eventually Vegeta falls into it and is taken over by Babi-Dee. So now he has that patented [b])\/([/b] on his forehead! Mwuahahaha! So ya, he's all evil now. :devil: I like him [i]so[/i] much better that way... :) But there's NO WAY I'm spoiling the next fight, cause that one is way too good to spoil ;)[/size][/color] -
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Will do captain! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take [i]THIS[/i] Imp scum!!! Attack < Defend Spell Staff Item Run Piro attacks the Imp[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]Voltage helps herself into a standing position and motions Piro to come to her. He walks the few steps to her as she puts one arm over his shoulders to assist in supporting herself so she could walk. They make their way towards the group stopping not far in front of them.[/i] Piro: These are some of the other people that old dude mentioned, each with their own power I assume.. Voltage: .. Sounds like fun :shifty: [i]They stand silent, no one really prepared to say anything......[/i] Pyro: Well let's start by introducing ourselves, I guess.. My name is Pyro, I'm good friends with this gal here...[/i][/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]Piro wanders Salvia Kingdom with his new born dragon beside him. They find their way to the Weapons/Items Shop and make their way inside. Piro walks to the Black Smith with a simple request...[/i] [b]Piro:[/b] [u]Weapons/Items[/u][list] [*]1. Wooden Sword < [*]2. Wooden Shield [*]3. Herb [*]4. Wooden Staff [/list][i]Piro hands the Black Smith the 70G for the[/i] Wooden Sword [i]and makes his way back outside. Leisurely they find their way to the[/i] Training Area. Fight a monster? Oh yeah! < NO WAY! [i]They prepare themselves for battle...[/i][/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]Pyro continued to simply stand off to the side watching Warlock and Aldor scarf down the food that was before them... It was only a mater of a few more minutes before they were finished. They stood up from their chairs whiping their mouth clean with their forearms. That's when they noticed Pyro. Aldor wasn't too familiar with him, but he knew that Warlock has known him for a while...[/i] Warlock: Hey Pyro! What are you doing in these parts? Pyro: ... Do I know you....? [i]Warlock and Aldor both stood confused. Warlock thought he was talking to Aldor, but he decided not to ask..[/i] Warlock: Where have you been? Pyro: .. I'm not sure where exactly I was... It was dark, real dark.. and cold.. Warlock: :confused: How did you get there? Pyro: .. I was caught... I was caught in a huge blast from Juggernaut.. And when I regained consiousness... that's where I found myself.. Warlock: Ohh, I see. It makes sense now. Just a little info, Juggernaut became something else, going by Dreadnaut. Who knows what has become of him now........ So you remember Dreadnaut, but you don't remember me.. Pyro: You seem familiar, but I can't put a name to you. Warlock: It's me, Warlock. [i]As Warlock's name registered in Pyro's mind, slowly but surely his memories of Warlock returned...[/i] Pyro: I'm starting to remember now.. Mr. Popo: It seems that Pyro has lost many of his past memories due to Juggernauts attack.. Warlock: It does appear that way.. [i]Pyro stood silent with nothing to say, memories still gradually coming back to him...[/i][/color][/size]
Anime that guy in the buu saga who looks like a Frieza transformation....
PiroMunkie replied to Goku213's topic in Otaku Central
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Gohan fights Dabura. And due to Gohan focusing on school the past 7 years(?) instead of training, he has a bit more difficult time actually beating Dabura. He doesn't get pounded so much, they seemed pretty evenly matched. After a bit Vegeta gets irritated with Gohan's performance and starts complaining to Gokou about him. He says things like how he(Vegeta) could beat Dabura with ease, Gohan's out of practice, Gohan is too weak too fight, and things like that. From there Dabura overhears Vegeta and drops out of the fight and goes back to Babi-Dee. I'll leave it at that since I don't want to spoil anything ;) That would ruin the whole fun of it! :D Dabura is pretty strong. He probably would have beat Gohan if they would have kept at it. Though Vegeta or Gokou could have taken him, I'm pretty sure of that. I know Vegeta could have, Gokou might be a bit wasted from his fight.. I can't remember if he took a senzu bean or not.. Dabura dies eventually when he is eaten by Buu. Lol, what a way to die... :p[/SIZE][/color] -
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]On the cruiser, Piro went back into the vehicle deposit and opened up a back hatch on his four wheeler. He pulled out a canvas bag full of his clothes and other personal belongings. He closed the back hatch and proceeded out the vehicle deposit and down to the lower decks where he would set up his bunk. While doing so the captain's voice came over the ship-wide intercom announcing that that ship was now setting sail. A few moments later the engines could be heard as a low hum and the ship began to gently sway as it got started in it's movement. Piro continued his way do the halls being sure to maintain his balance. He pulled a tag out of his pocket which was given to him when he boarded the ship. It had his basic information among other info...[/i] __________________________________________________ [b]Name/Alias:[/b] [u]Piro[/u] [b]Rank/Status:[/b] [u]SAT[/u] [b]Age:[/b] [u]23[/u] [b]Height:[/b] [u]6' 2"[/u] [b]Weight[/b] [u]164 lbs[/u] [b]Sex:[/b] [u]M[/u] [b]Race:[/b] [u]Caucasian[/u] [b]Weapons:[/b] [u]M-16, Desert Eagle, large combat knife[/u] [b]Ship/Cruiser:[/b] [u]Sentinel[/u] [b]Type:[/b] [u]B[/u] [b]Your Room #:[/b] [u]#119[/u] [b]Vehicle Deposit ID:[/b] [u]Storage 1d[/u] [b]Vehicle Tag #[/b] [u]#33[/u] __________________________________________________ [i]Piro looked at his room number then looked at the doors around him and as luck would have it, it was right there. He tiwsted the handle to see if it was open, but his bunk mate hadn't come in yet. He used the key attached to the ID tag and opened the door. He threw his bag under the bunk bed and then climbed to the top bunk. He layed down to get some rest...[/i][/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]Reads DBZChikaGhan's post[/i] :wow: I really liked that one :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Piro turned his back to the man(Seth) and walked the streets carrying the fainted Voltage looking for a safe place to settle down. People passed by them on the streets. Most gave odd looks unsure of what was actually going on, others looked as if they wanted to help get her to a hospital or something but didn't want to be seen helping Piro because of his low status in the society. Walking along Piro passes an well lighted alley. He turns into it and goes to about the middle, then sets down Voltage sitting up against a wall of one of the surrounding buildings. He moves arund some crates and boxes and finds a long, thick cloth. Picking it up he shakes it out to get all the pebbles and large amounts of dust off it. He then proceeds to lay it on the ground and rolling one end up a bit. He moves back over to Voltage and picks her up again, laying her down on the cloth, her head resting on the rolled up bit that acted as a pillow. Piro moved to the adjacent wall and sat with his knees propped up. Patiently, he waited until Voltage came back to consiousness... Not far behind them, the man of which Voltage had pummeled earlier walked into the alley way, still beaten and bruised, but well enough. He sits down next to Piro who slightly acknowledged his presence but kept his eyes on Voltage..[/i] Piro: ... What business do you have with us...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bah, you just had to post while I was typing mine...-_- Lol, I did what I could to make our posts kinda flow together...[/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]:therock: You had to [i]ask[/i] who that was? You didn't [i]know[/i]? The most over-rated religious icon worldwide and you don't know who it is? You don't even have to be part of the religious community to know that one.. I'm just fairly shocked here...[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]My room?? It's.. err.. organized in a chaotic manner :confuse2: Lol, umm, it's about the size of a typical mosh pit. Ummm... Ah hell I'll just make you people a pretty picture :) [i]13 minutes later...[/i] Here you all are!! Obviously it's not drawn to scale but you get the point :p[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]A modern live action DragonBall movie, eh? Sounds interesting enough. If it's due out in 2004 then they must be taking their time with it so I would be expecting some good special effects. As for who plays who. I would want Robin Shou as Gokou. He could probably pull it off the best. Dicaprio as Trunks??? Pardon me while I vomit. I could do a better job as Trunks than him. I bet he doesn't even know what DragonBall is. In repsonse to Justin's List.. I couldn't really see Jennifer Love Hewitt as Pan :smirk: The age difference is way off there, lol. I don't think a twenty-some year old woman can fit the role of a 12-13 year girl. It might jsut be me though :rolleyes: Hrmm... I don't know eho could play Pan. That's kind of a tough one.. Possibly that one girl from [i]Matilda[/i] But she even might be too old for the role now days. Plus she's not attractive enough :bellylol:[/SIZE][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]I choose Numero Cinco (#5)[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Lol, normally that would work. But I already chose 5. The only numbers left are [b]4[/b] and [b]6[/b] Take your pick and wait for DW to tell you what you got :)[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]Along a dirt path a gaitn dust cloud tacked behind Piro as he continued his trip to the coast. By now he could see the watch towers in the horizon. At seeing this he put his four wheeler at full speed kicking up chunks of the dirt path behind him. It was a matter of about five minutes until he came into the final stretch to the Naval base and in such he dropped his speed enough so he would loose control in switching terrains. Going from a dirt path to smooth concrete just doesn't work. Piro entered the base reaching the pre-opened gate. Looks liek they were expecting him. He rolled through only going about 5mph around the base now. A commander walks out of a building and calls Piro over[/i] Commander: You are that SAT Piro correct? Piro: Yes, sir. Commander: You cruiser in down to the far right at the end of the docks. It leaves in 15 minutes. Now go. Piro: Yes, sir. [i]The two salute, and Piro takes off down to the end of the docks and rides his four wheeler up the ramp on to his cruiser. It was the biggest ship there by far, but they wren't planning on making a big enterance. Piro received instructions on where to store his vehicle and he did so. As he came out a handful of his fellow SATs were arriving onto the ship. It was now 5 minutes until their departure.[/i][/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Warlock - -_- Why did I actually think that "rumbling" was actually something bad happening.. But I'm glad this your hunger was heard down on the Earth below. Gives Pyro something to look for.. FINALLY! :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro flew quickly over the land persistant in finding the area that was the arena. It was a few moments, then some made his ears perk and Pyro stopped and listened. It started off as a low thunderous sound. Piro looked to his left and saw a slight sound wave in the air come at him. His eyes widened and he crossed his arms in front of him in defense. The wave hit him, and it hit him hard. The once low thunderous sound had become an all out raoring chaos. Pyro was able to hold his own for a bit, and as it began to die down he just let himself go and flung back a bit. As quickly as it came, it had left and all was still once more..[/i] Pyro: That was... not normal.. [i]Pyro knew something had to create that. Things like that don't just happen. And whatever it was it was something powerful. Pyro took off in the direction of which the wave came from in search of what power source created that. Unknown to him was that it was just Warlock's hunger... -_-[/i][/color][/size]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]Piro and Voltage walk the streets together after there odd encounter with some guy with a sword in hopes to coincidentally run into one of the eight other people chosen to fight. Both were interested in finding out what other powers had been discovered in these other people... Piro's stomach growls..[/i] Piro: Ugh.. I'm hungry.. Voltage: -_- Why does that [i]not[/i] suprise me. Piro: Come on! We have to stop in somewhere or else I'm going to starve! Voltage: Do you even have any money to get anything?? Piro: Ehh.. no... But that's what friends are for right!? Voltage: I'm not loaning you anything :smirk: Piro: Good. I wasn't talking about you anyway :p [i]Piro takes off in a light jog across the street, Voltage following not far behind him. Piro opens the door to a noodles restaurant and walks in and up to the front counter.[/i] Piro: [b]HEY GUS!![/b] [i]There are a few moments that pass..[/i] Voltage: ... Gus? Piro: A friend of mine here.. good for two things. Friendship and free food :p Voltage: Right... [i]A man about the age of 19 walks up to the counter in front of Piro. This is Gus. He was once a bum like Piro but became tired of not having any money and cleaned up a bit and got himself a decent job. Though he still sleeps at the Salvation Army...[/i] Gus: Hey Piro, long time no see. And who is [i]this[/i] lovely lady with you.. Voltage: :therock: Say anything like that again and I shall smite thee.. Piro: .. Don't mind her. Do you think you could spare some food. I'm hungry.. Gus: Hold on. [i]Gus walked off to the side and into a back area beyond Piro's sight... Voltage stood silently, humorously annoyed by the situation...[/i] Piro: .. Do you want anthing? I'm sure he can provide for you if you like. Voltage: I have apples remember? Piro: Riight.. You and your apples. :p [i]Gus came back around with a cup of noodles and a fork to go with it.[/i] Gus: Here you are, and just to let you know. Next week this place is getting security cameras so I'm not going to be able to do this anymore. Piro: I understand. That's all right, there's always her and her apples :D Voltage: :confuse2: [i]Piro loks down on the ground and bends down picking up a nickle he found. He stands back up and hands it to Gus[/i] Piro: Here's a tip for your services. Gus: Haha, very funny. So will you be sticking around? Piro: I'm afraid not, I have to go save the world from certain doom with my magic powers :p Gus: Riiiiight.. I'm sure you do Piro :rolleyes: Well have a good time "saving the world" Piro: Stay alive Gus.. [i]At that Piro and Voltage exit the restaurant and continue their walking...[/i][/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][i]Piro was in a ground vehicle storage building fixing up his four wheeler from his meek last house raid. He was just putting on the finishing touches when a command came over his radio.[/i] ---- : This is for all of you SATs (Super Anti-Terrorists). Recent info has come in and bin Laden has been located traveling over seas. We're not exactly sure of his destination. But get to the coast a.s.a.p. and there will be a military escort awaiting you. You have until 21:30 before it departs. If you're not there, then you've missed it. Over and out. [i]Piro quickly put his tools away and threw on his trench coat and took out his M-16 from the inside and clipped it on to his vehicle. He pulled out a set of keys and used them to mechanically open the garage door. Other SATs around him were still bustling around trying get there things together. He started the engine of his four wheeler and darted out the storage unit and on to a beaten dirt path that leads directly to the coast..[/i][/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Chronic writer's block...? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Piro landed in the village. Business was booming, everyone was somewhere it seemed. A few people saw Pyro as he walked about, but payed no attention to him. He walked around gradually entering the more wealthy class section of town. After a few minutes a short pudgy man, dressed well, came up to him and greeted him...[/i] Man: Well heeloo thar stranger! [i]The accent on this guy was really thick...[/i] Pyro: Where am I? Man: Why you are heere! What is your name? Pyro: ... Pyro... Man: .... Pyyro, eh?! What an odd name you have thar... I am the mayoor of this heere town! Welcome! Pyro: I need some help finding my way... well, home.. I guess.. Mayor: Well now! What kind of place would you be a'lookin fer? Pyro: In what direction have you felt recent tremors...? Mayor: Hrmm.. over thar! [i]The man pointed east... that was all the Pyro needed[/i] Pyro: Thanks. [i]Without saying a good bye, Pyro took off into the air leaving the man dumbfounded from seeing someone fly... Pyro was on his way to what he hoped was once the arena...[/i][/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]I chooooose....... Hrmmmmmm......... [b]5[/b]! :p[/size][/color]