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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]... I don't know how I did it but I gained an hour of sleep, lol. My mom woke me up at about 10:50 and told me that it was actually 11:50 so I was all [b]WOOHOO![/b] :D[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][b]Dragon Tamer:[/b] Piro [b]Dragon:[/b] Orip [b]Type:[/b] ---------- [b]HP:[/b] 100 [b]MP:[/b] 30 [b]Attack:[/b] 20 [b]Defense:[/b] 20 [b]Item:[/b] Herb [b]Staves:[/b] --- [b]Spells:[/b] --- [b]Age:[/b] Egg [b]Money:[/b] 300G[/SIZE][/color]
What is the weirdest thing you have done in your sleep?
PiroMunkie replied to Ryan's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Eh heh.... I've been told I went to the bathroom in my sleep once... I actually got out of my bed, went to the toilet, did my business, and went back to my bed.. Lol :p Oh my.. I wish I had been awake for that one, of course, it wouldn't have been nearly as humorous..[/SIZE][/color] -
What Did U Think About Fight Club????
PiroMunkie replied to SSJ Gotenks ok's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]... Well what an odd time to bring up the subject being that the movie is not neccesarily brand spanking new :p I thought it was a great movie. One of my favorites for sure. Not many people can actually figure out what Edward Norton's character's real name was, lol. It's really not that hard. It's really obvious actually. And despite popular belief, it's not Jack. It makes you wonder how many people actually noticed that they never gave out his real name. I didn't notice until the second or third time I saw it. It was a brilliant movie though. I enjoyed it a lot. And remember, sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken ;)[/SIZE][/color] -
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]I guess I'll join this schpiel... :D [b]Name:[/b] Piro [b]Weapons:[/b] Desert Eagle, M-16, large combat knife [b]Vehicle:[/b] Four Wheeler Dirt Bike, speeds can be reached as high as 175mph and armored like a hum-vee [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Apperance:[/b] Tall, about 6' 2" 164lbs. Dresses in dark faded camouflage fatigues. Wears a long military trench coat where his M-16 is held inside, his desert eagle at his side in a holster, and the combat knife tucked into his boot... [b]Bio:[/b] Piro never really wanted to join any type of government agency, his parents forced him into it at age 17. He was first sent off to a military boot camp. He didn't actually do anything until age 18. Not long before his 20th birthday he got out of boot camp. In those 2-3 years his view changed on what he wanted to do. Struggles had risen between his country and terrorists and he wanted to help in any way possible. He joined the Anti-Terrorism forces where he was then trained in that field. After his first year there he was moved into the Super Anti-Terrorist branch. For the next year he went through rigorous training in there and was finally released into the field. He has been active in the forces for about a year now, at age 23. And to think I came up with that on the spot :p Lol...[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]:confuse2: Ok, I'm not sure I completely understand what we're supposed to do here... All right.. So when this RPG starts we create a story [i](About what?)[/i] And then.. We would engage in a battle with one of the other RPG members? [i](ie: Me vs Warlock?)[/i] And after the battle is over, each person gains experience points. The winner gains more I assume, and the loser not so much? And then if we fight you and win, we become the all mighty king? And what does being the "all mighty king" entail? Details! I need details! Lol... :p[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][b]Name:[/b] Piro (I don't think I should have to fill this out anymore.. it's a given) [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Height:[/b] 5' 12" Lol.. that sounds about right.. [b]Weight:[/b] 156 lbs [b]Weapon(s):[/b] Light weight battle axe, spike-rimmed reflective sheild [b]Attacks:[/b] [list] [*]Battle Axe - It'll slice ya, it'll dice ya... oh, and there's also this thingy on the tip that fires this stuff that hurts... [*]Sheild - BEWARE OF SPIKES they hurt, the mirror-like surface relfects most magic based attacks. [/list] [b]Special Move(s):[/b] In bed ;) Oh... wait.. Wrong "special moves" heh.. :blush: [list] [*]A-Drill - Axe rotates and acts as a drill. Goes through just about anything ;) [*]Boomarang Sheild - Nothing too special. The shield is rigged to respond to only him. SO if someone picks it up to deflect an attack then they are skee-rude. But anyway, he has it so it will return upon his call, so in throwing it like a disk it can do some damage with its spiked rim and return to him unlike a normal stick :p [/list] [b]Race:[/b] Mostly human, some magic practices but very little. Most of his magic power lies within his weapons. [b]Looks:[/b] Very knightly. Dressed in lightly armor and chain mail.[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Well well, just a little FYI. I've seen it spelled [i]Hiredugarn[/i] much more often than I have seen it spelled [i]Hildengarn[/i]. Both are probably correct to an extent, but who knows except those who do... Anyway, Hiredugarn originally came about created by Black Magicians. Tapion and his little brother Minosha fight the beast. Hiredugarn's weakness is in Tapion's ocarina. It's sound temporarily stuns the monster, Tapion took the time that he had to cut Hiredugarn in half. After he did that, Tapion sealed himself and half of Hiredugarn inside an oracle, which was also a music box. Minosha sealed him and the other half in a separate oracle. Minosha was eventually freed from his oracle along with his half of the monster. He tried to fight it off but he was killed. Now forward in time... One of the Black Magicians, Hoi, came to Earth to find the other half of his creation. Upon finding the oracle he bumps into Gohan. Hoi tells Gohan that there is a great hero sealed within the music box leaving out the part that there is also the other half of Hiredugarn. He says that the power of Shenron (the Dragon inside the Earth's DragonBalls) to open the box. They take Hoi and the oracle to Capsule Corps. where they proceed to gather the DragonBalls and use the dragon to wish that the box be opened. So the box opens releasing both Tapion and Hiredugarn. Tapion is the only one that is seen I do believe. Tapion informs the Z Warriors that upon releasing him, they have also released the monster. Elsewhere, the two halves of Hiredugarn reunite and form a cocoon. The warriors do there best to destroy the cocoon, but are unable to do such. Hiredugarn emerges from the cocoon as a more powerful monster and ends up killing Hoi. Hiredugarn fought the warriors and all seemed lost until Gokou transformed into Super Saiyajin 3. Happy? :)[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Well my sister used to be on here but then I discouraged her about it since I despise my sister :p So she no here anymore :)[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Crikey... gone for *counts on fingers* three days and this goes on :p I have read the entire thread, though I am still confused as to where everyone is and wat exactly is going on. So if someone could bring me in here I would appreciate it very much so, I'm lost beyond all recognition. Once I actually get into the storyline here I won't have a lot of trouble posting.. I just need a little help getting started since this has already started... :)[/SIZE][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Heh heh, well this is kind of an odd thread to come to after my last post in the "Happy Brithday Akira" type thread thing.. But since you are asking andn ot proclaiming I can see my difference.. or something intelligent like that.. :p Anyway, yeah... Pan, eh? One of my favorite subjects :love: Lol... Hrmm... I'm looking for statements that haven't already been answered.. Hrmm... Ah you are correct in saying that GT does in fact stand for "Grand Tour". [i]Why?[/i] you ask? Because all throughout DragonBall GT, Trunks, Gokou, and Pan "tour" the universe in search for the powerful and mysterious(sp?) Black Star DragonBalls [i]*insert oooh's and ahhh's*[/i] And being that the universe is a really big place to "tour", they called it a "Grand Tour" :bow: Thank you all, I'll be here until thursday ;) ... Wow..... I am sooooo done..[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Well well well... Happy belated brithday to him! What a great guy that Akira... Now if girls could only become Super Saiyajin......... [b]BUT[/b] we all know that will never happen, so I should really stop dreaming about Pan that way and dream about something worth while.. So I don't want to see any topics about female Super Saiyajin or I'll have to come in there and whoop some arse :smirk: :p[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick][b]Name:[/b] Piro (Mwuahahaha, you really should have figured.. :p) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Favorite Spell:[/b] [b][i]Hell Hound[/i][/b] - a summon of 1 or more beasts completely created from flame. Virtualy indestructable except by their master. Each beat is about the size of a large dog, very muscular. [b]Looks:[/b] Likes to live in the past. Wears his common rags, mainly consisting of black and gray tattered clothing. [b]Bio:[/b] Abandoned as a small boy, Piro was left on the streets. His original name was merely Rick. His new name [i]Piro[/i] came to him at about the age of 9, the age he discovered he had a deeper power. He was being mugged on the time as had happened to him many times before. He had become fed up with it this time. If he couldn't defend himself he would have to fnid something or someone that could. While in captivity from one of the muggers, he stood concentrating on one spot in rage. Slowly a circle of flame rose from the ground and out crawled a beast of flame. The muggesr took one look at the approaching demon and took off running. He stood unafraid, staring and panting at the creature. It came closer to him and when right in his face, it bowed in reverence to its master. and at the, the boy dispelled the demon back to its home. Merlin had witnessed the whole thing, he appeared to Rick who immediatly became prepared to summon the beast again. But Merlin assured him that he meant no harm. Rick found it odd that the man addressed him by the name Piro and not Rick, but he went with it. The man explained that the boy had been chosen to fight a body of evil... Rick complained that he was too young. But the wizard informed that this event would occur a week after his 16th birthday.. The man disappeared, and Rick from then on only went by the name Piro, because it sounded so much better than Rick in his opinion... It's much later now in Piro's life. It is now six days after his 16th birthday... [b]Personality:[/b] A bit of a trouble maker. He uses his magic on a regular basis, and practices it every day to help perfect his skills... This sounds like fun :D[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]They never actually show when Gokou kills Grandpa Gohan but they do mention it in the early episodes of DragonBall. As fore being able to transform into an Oozaru still in DragonBall Z? Yes they do, in the earlier episodes. The last time it happens is during the Saiya-jin Saga When Gohan transformed into Oozaru from the false moon that Vegeta created. Piccolo blew up the moon earlier in the series to prevent Gohan from "going ape" again since it was very hard to stop him while he was in Oozaru form. They never "go ape" again until DragonBall GT, but it's not by the moon. I believe Gokou transforms on a different planet from a full Earth or something, I could be wrong, but this is just what I've read/heard. And then Vegeta does it twice, once as Bebi Vegeta, and a second time using the brute ray to transform into Super 4 (aka SSJ4 Call it what you like..) This is just what I know, I could be wrong on some aspects, mostly just when I get into GT. But I believe most of it is pretty accurate. :p[/SIZE][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B][FONT=courier new]Oh and is that all that can join O taku Triad?[/FONT][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Honestly people, let us use some thinking skills. Ok? So let's break this down. [b]Otaku[/b] - The first word of this two word name. In this sense it refers to this board and not neccessarily its real meaning. [b]Triad[/b] - A group of [b][i][u]THREE[/u][/i][/b], hence the [i]Tri-[/i] in "Triad". It is the same case as in the word "tricycle", a bike with [b]three[/b] wheels. A collection of two would be called a Duo, and a gathering of four has a different name that I'm not sure of what it is, but chances are it will include the prefix [i]Quad[/i] meaning "consisting of four parts". Do you get it now? Do you get why a Triad only has three members? Let's hope so, cause I spelled it out pretty well.[/SIZE][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Well, I usually won't get into an actual relationship(in b/f-g/f terms) unless I actually already care about that person. For instance: I may date a girl a few times, but that doesn't mean I'm am or I am going to form a relationship with her. The g/f I have now is someone I've known and cared for for a very long time. Not just some chick who's phone number I got at the mall or something. Having said thus, I won't waste my time in a relationship with someone I don't care for. If I'm not going to have feelings for the girl I'm commited to, I'd rather not be commited and be able to roam freely until I find one that I will have feelings for.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]Bra-vo my good man! You remind me of myself. I also won't date a girl until I'm sure that the relationship won't be something that's just there. I want it to mean something. I mean, I was thinking about going with this one girl I know for a long time. But again I was making sure that it would be something that would last. But as time went on I noticed that every time we talked to each other the same things were said each time. It became very monotonous. So I figured it probably wouldn't be worth it. I have a good friendship with the person already and I don't what to ruin that with a bad relationship.[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]there was this one thing...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka [/i] [B]hahahahahaha lol look what i found, bring back memories :) [url]http://members.aol.com/vudukanaka//theotaku.gif[/url][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=firebrick]And what fond memories they are :whoops: Man, I havn't talked to Topaz in a [b]long[/b] time.. Soapskillz too! They were both some of my favorite people back then.. I think I lost Soaps AIM name though.. But I still have Topaz's so its all good. Lol, and you can never forget the infamous Ultimia :rolleyes:[/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=firebrick]I could really care less either way. I'm not sure what the plot really is to the movie either.. It seems too much like [i]The Mummy[/i] from what I've seen. I don't know.. plus I don't fee like having to look at the Rock's half naked body for a couple hours.. :p[/SIZE][/color]
[size=1][color=firebrick]"My son"?? Oooooh.. the [b]plot [i]thickens[/i][/b]... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro continues flying over the ocean. Off in the distant horizon a shoreline comes into view. Knowing his is finally near some land again he slows down. His dramatic decrease in speed allows the sound he was making to finally catch up with him as a loud [b]boom[/b] thunders around Pyro rippling the air all around... Pyro stays solid until it is over and then continues his flight. Now coming over land Pyro looks for anything foamiliar he might have once known, some place that could jog his memory of what he was doing at the time he was hit... It was sometime before any kind of civilzation came by. At a first sight of a town Pyro decided to land there. He was pretty famished.. he hadn't eaten in who knows how long.. SO at that, Pyro took his decent and landed in a small rickety town full of what seemed to be a hunter/gathere society..[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have [b]NO[/b] clue where this is going... :rolleyes:[/size][/color]
[size=1][color=firebrick]"Tight"??? I'm sorry but Pyro is not the kind of person that would say that, lol :p [i]I[/i] don't even say that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro slowly strolled around the lake with a slight look of awe on his face. He found it odd that as clear as the water was, he was still unable to see the bottom...[/i] Pyro: ... How deep does this go? Xaida: It was created to reflect the person who looks upon it.. How deep it appears to someone else will not be how it appears to you...... Can you see the bottom? Pyro: ....... No.. I can't.. [i]Xaida smiled.. Pyro stretched his arms and let out a large yawn. He settled again, appearing very drowsy..[/i] Pyro: .. I'm tired.. I'm going to get some sleep.. [i]Pyro stepped backwards until he finally ran into something and then sat down..[/i] Pyro: .. Wake me.. *yawn* in an hour or so... :sleep: [i]Pyro fell asleep against a wall and rested silently...[/i][/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=red]Types of Love: [list] [*][b]Puppy Love[/b] - A crush on a famous person or person of authority [*][b]Infatuation[/b] - Sets the persons emotions before their own. Only cares to make the other person happy no matter how they feel. [*][b]Addiction[/b] - Can't live without the person [*][b]Romantic[/b] - Ruled by the heart, not the head [*][b]Erotic[/b] - A purely sexual and physical relationship [*][b]Mature[/b] - A combination of physical attraction with a solid freindship and commitment. One could call this "true love" [/list] Any of those sound familiar to any of you? Like James, I also do not really believe in "love at first sight". You can't just meet a person for the first time and just be thinking "this is who I'm going to spend the rest of my life with". Chances are it is more to the effect of "Holy crap, she/he is so freakin hott! I wonder if she/he will go out with me..?" That is probably the truth in a high majority. For all you know this person is homosexual if you are straight, or straight if you are homosexual. Therefore it could never work out the way you would want it to. The kind of love you want to feel when you know you've met the person you want to marry is the "Mature love" described above. ... I hope that made at least a tiny bit of sense...[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Well, I et in fights alot. But I just call people uncle ******* **** masters. that seems to shut them up. and if it doesn't, I start to tell everyone that that kid dresses up in his mothers underwear and tries to seduce his father. :D I'm evil. :D :D[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]I could have sworn the only rule to this thread was no profanity..[/color][/size]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Piro, it looks like your hand because I travelled foward in time, cut your hand off, sketched it, then went to the year 4500 and reattached it with high-tech lazer surgery, and then travelled back to present day and zapped you with an Amnesia ray. Does your wrist feel tingly, by anychance? ;)[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Mwuahahaha! Now you have been foiled! You just revealed your entire scheme to me and now I know why my wrist has been tingling! .... Though.. I can't reallydo anything about it now since it has already been done.. one question though: Why did you go forward in time to get my hand when you simply could have just teleported over here? It would have saved you some [i][b]time[/i][/b] :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Now far from where he once was, Pyro bursts through the clouds high over the ocean. Which ocean he was over he was unsure. Even at the altitude he was at the power he was emitting still shredded the surface of the water as he flew by. He flew over a small island unintentionally terrorizing the docks and disturbing the peace inland with a booming thunder. Seeing that he had just passed over land Pyro knew their had to be a mainland nearby. Pyro took of into the distance as fast as he could go. Many offshore fishing boats and cruisers saw him come and leave [b]minutes[/b] before they heard him pass...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *bows to Warlock* ......... By the way, I believe it is spelled "sugar" :p[/size][/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]And for your viewing pleasure, here is a Xero Drone.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]... The scary part is, that thing is about the same size as [i]my[/i] hand :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Deep in the middle of a barren desert the air is slashed open as a flash of light pierces its way through and Pyro slides out falling a good 200 metres before embedding himself in a sand dune on impact. He digs his way out now standing upon the massive hill of sand. Fierce winds blew about throwing the bits of stone in Pyro's face. Since he wasn't wearing a shirt, Pyro bent down and ripped a good sized piece off his pants down near the ankle. He tied the tattered piece of cloth around his face covering his mouth and nose. Pyro was clueless as to where he was. Being knocked into that place where he once was took a lot of his memory away.. He had completely forgotten the geography of the Earth. He figured his only hope was to take off in one directio and see where he could find himself. So that is what he did. Pyro erupted in a flaming aura and took off high into the air going against the wind but still maintaining his speed...[/i][/color][/size]