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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. I love the Mighty Mighty Bosstones, and I think I remember liking Mustard Plug. I never delved too deep into ska, though. Mad Caddies seems to be a familiar name in my head.
  2. [quote name='Dragon Warrior'][size=1]What's even more amusing is that if this thread was made back in, say, Version 2 of OB, it'd be a laugh riot and everyone would be replying "OMFG YES!!!11". I swear, it's all a factor of time :][/size][/QUOTE] [size=1]The internet was based on OBv2, imo.[/size]
  3. My preferred mode of communication is none. You're going to get me the way I am regardless of how I'm communicating with you. I like the internet and it's forms of communication simply because I can type a long message like this and not get interrupted, but you still can't beat the company of having people around you. In person, though, you are less likely to get me to talk in great lengths unless there's a topic at hand I know a bit about. This post, however, was about 5 paragraphs long before I realized 4 of them were pointless. :P
  4. [size=1]I pulled into the district, having stalked the mob nearly their entire pursuit. The cherry glow of my cigarette was all that could give me away through the tint, smoke seeping out the crack of the window. I slowed as I came by the angry mob who had gathered outside a strip club. I rolled my window down a bit further and flicked that spent cig to ground.There was an alley just ahead, accelerating foward I pulled into it and shut off my car. I had taken only a step out before I realized I was a bit revealed, pulling my pantleg down to conceal the combat knife tucked in my boot.I stretched my back as I got out. It had been a long, slow trip. Whatever these people were following, it put some ground on 'em. I should probably button my coat together to hide my gun ... "That a nice ride you got there," a voice came from behind me. It's just not this thug's day. "How much would'ya sell it f--!" Sorry ... I had to cut this mugging short. The crack you just heard was your head against that wall. You'll wake up in about a half hour. With my keys in hand I closed my car door, and smiled at the brief song of the car-alarm setting in. As I emerged from the alley I keyed in to some kids stumbling out of an old apartment building not far off, and some desperate hookers trying to pawn their services to the mob. The kids weren't a threat. Nor were the hookers. Move on. As I got closer I could hear some louder voices from the inside. They appeared to be arguing, and from what I could make out, the struggle was within the mob itself. The door to the club was mostly blocked by the backend of the crowd, be I pushed his way through, getting a few sneers but most were so caught up in the action they didn't notice me. "What do you think you're doing?! Don't let that slut tempt you like that! What of your wife?!" ... It was quite the sight indeed. One of the showgirls had herself suspended from the ceiling, her legs draped over the shoulders of who must have been the leader of the mob. He seemed stuck where he was, he couldn't help but be sinful. The little security the joint had was keeping the mob at bay, but couldn't get them out. I made my way to the front. "Listen, tramp! We just want that monster you were pleasing," shouted the same person from before. A lady. "Monster?" I interjected. "What monster?" Suddenly the entire attention of the club was shifted to me. Ironic, but only for those who know. "That [i]freak[/i]! That [i]thing[/i] there cowering against the wall!" The lady pointed to a man staying back in one of the private rooms. He seemed to be looking for the fast way out, not that there seemed to be one with all the people, but maybe he could see something I couldn't. It was at this time I noticed many of the jury were wearing crosses from their necks. Boy were they in the wrong pla-- ... "Do you know him?! Are you here to protect him?" "John 8:1-11," I said. Funny ... I don't remember having ever read up on scripture. Improvise. "Surely one of you can tell me the famous line from that." They grew silent. Some looked confused, others seemed to swallow their guilt. They knew it, and they knew where this was going. "Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone ..." a man uttered quietly from the mob. "Well ...?" I said, enticing them. Seeing who would be so arrogant to claim their slate is pure, but there was not a soul among them without holes. They pulled back a bit, no longer putting pressure on club security. "You're all born with it. [i]He[/i] was born with it," I motioned to the man they were after. "There's no one sin that is worse than another ... And regardless of doctrine, you may have this place outnumbered, but you're outgunned. You're in the wrong part of town. Taking one life is not worth what would be sacrificed in the process." The bartender brought his shotgun out from under the counter and laid it across the bar. The mob to great note of it, and slowly began backing away and went out the way they came. The showgirl released the man from her grasp as he left. The reality check had set in. I'm still not sure what this whole thing was about, but it was over for now. We could still see them lingering outside, but this place had become a haven against them. I took my seat at the bar. "Jack, on the rocks." The bartender put his gun away, set the glass up and poured the whiskey. The hustling of the club contiued as it was.[/size]
  5. OOC: About Al. - As was underlined in the sign-up, Al isn't human. He's a biological android, capable of being programmed by those that know how (like Bishop, from the movie [i]Alien[/i]). As such, he cannot be [i]killed[/i], moreso disassembled or destroyed. Even then, he is capable of being repaired and rebuilt. He doesn't need to eat, but he can. Nor does he need to sleep, but he will. It makes him appear normal to others. - Who created him is still rather vague, I came up with the idea somewhat on a whim. Seraph, you can be the judge on who it is since it's mainly your story. Whether it be the conglomerate you spoke of, or just some obscure government facility. Essentially what will remain intact is that he was created to hunt other superhumans that were deemed as a threat to said organization and their goals, but he developed a conscience, and has to fight with what he was programmed to do. - Whichever route is taken about his creation, there will be people looking for him. Trying to get him back to strip him of his free will. - His stealthing ability currently only goes so far as what was listed in the post. Camoflauge, silence, greater sight and hearing. However can eventually expand into being able to raise and lower his body temperature to match the air around him, leaving no trace (so if he were walking in mud or sand, it wouldn't track), etc. Needless to say the biggest battles the character fights are going to be internal. And the fact he can choose to be ally or traitor at any given time will be a good wrench with which to twist the story.
  6. Let's see if I can get back in the groove. I miss RPs. [b]Name:[/b] Al [b]Power:[/b] Al was given the power of stealth. Abilities that make him difficult, if not impossible, to track or detect. These currently include camoflauge, making him and anything he touches nearly invisible if he stands still, and appears sort of like a wave of heat when he moves; silence, so that even the snap of a twig under his foot wouldn't sound off. His sight and hearing senses are also heightened. [b]Personality and Description:[/b] Al is as low profile as they get. Those that know of him wouldn't describe him as superhuman really more than they would [i]inhuman[/i]; not angry or bitter by any means, but cold and emotionless. Though those that know him know what he is, and why he is that way. Al appears 100% human, standing roughly six feet tall and weighing 150lbs give or take. Straight, but messed brown hair, no longer than to reach the top of his ears. Grey-blue eyes. Caucasian. Facial hair is never more than stubble. A smoker. Drinker. Decked out in what looks similar to S.W.A.T. sniper gear, usually covered by a coat. He has no problem walking among normal people. What makes Al dangerous is just what was hinted before. He acts like a military-trained sniper. He's no stronger, nor faster than any human could become, but his superhuman abilities combined with his physical skill make him lethal. ----------------------~----------------------- [size=1]A middle-aged man in a labcoat, carrying a file folder, hurried through the corridors within the complex. He had panic written all over him, sweat coating his forehead. The walls were silent, however. No alarms. No flashing lights. The only sound was the drops of his footsteps, and the burst of doors as he rushed through. He finally came to a large wooden door, bronze handle. At this one, he stopped and knocked repeatedly. Calling for someone inside. "Quiet down!" was shouted from the other side. Moments later an older man in a white suit, red tie opened the door looking a bit preturbed at the distrubance. "What is it?" the suited man questioned, his eyes drilling the assistant. "Sir, AI Project - 23:13 is missing!" The suit's eyes widened. "What do you mean, missing?!" he said as he turned back into his office, the assistant following and letting the door close behind him. The door, though, stalled shortly before closing completely. The assistant handed the file to his superior who opened it and glanced over its details. "The patrol was found unconscious, key and gun missing." ":13 wasn't supposed to be released for another two days..." mumbled the suit to anyone who was listening. "That was the one we were having personality problems with wasn't it?" asked the assistant. "Not so much personality as it was its ability to think independantly of our input ..." The suit eased back into the chair at his desk, closing the file in front of him. The assistant still was a bit edgy. "Sir, with all due respect, this seems a bit urgent, and yet you seem to have calmed yourself." The suit smiled. "It's only a temporary problem which can be resolved at a later time. 23:13 has its mission. Despite its mental capability, it won't be able to ignore the more pressing matter of which it was programmed to resolve. When that problem is done, we will know where 23:13 is, and send our people to bring it back so that we can correct its malfunction." He stood and walked with his assistant out of the office, continuing the conversation. On his desk, the file opened briefly, but was shut just as quickly. "And you can put this back with the rest of their files," said the suit, handing the file back to the assistant. "Get a medical team to the 23: block's guard. After that, continue on as you normally would." The assistant nodded in agreement, but was still shaken about the situation. "Sir," the assistant said in closing, "I apologize for my nerves, but it just creeps me out knowing that it could be watching us at this moment ..."[/size]
  7. [quote name='BKstyles][font=tahoma]I wonder if anyone else used to watch a cool little show called [b]Pirates of Dark Water[/b']. It showed on CN for a couple of years, yet the series never finished. I loved that show...[/font][/quote][size=1]I freaking loved that show. I even remember the game for Super Nintendo. It was fun. I really miss old Cartoon Network, though. I miss Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Wile E. Coyote, Road Runner, Elmer Fudd, Foghorn Leghorn, Porky Pig, Taz, Marvin the Martian, Secret Squirrel and Morroco Mole, Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Smurfs, The Snorks (Snorks > Spongebob), Scooby Doo (and A Pup Named Scooby Doo), Popeye, Pepe Le Peu, and all those random cartoons that never really starred any major characters. I could go on. My first anime hook was DragonBall Z. I think I got into it when they were originally finishing the Freiza Saga, which was fortunate because I got to see everything else from the start again (I freaking taped them because I wasn't able to get back from school in time. >_>). Began reading and semi-obsessing about it to the point where I practically knew everything about it regardless I hadn't seen nearly all the episodes or movies. Became the ruling moderator of Ye Olde DragonBall Forum that used to be here. Then my interest slowly declined after Cartoon Network finished the Cell Saga. I saw some of the Buu, but they just made it all last too long. I got into other anime besides that, but DBZ was my main fix. [/rant][/size]
  8. I saw this a couple weeks back, and I must also express my disappointment with it. The villains left nearly everything to be desired, and they didn't use the "Our name is Legion ..." line very well. One of my most favorite parts of the Bible and they squander it. Stephen King's [i]Storm of the Century[/i] used it way better. But yeah, deus ex machina runs the [i]Ghost Rider[/i] movie from start to finish.
  9. [size=1]One of two things ... only one of which is possible, but not probable. - Considering I'm wearing a heat suit, I'd just set myself on fire and start flailing around. Demanding hugs if need be. - Control of entropy. Nothing like being able to plunge their bodies into a state of disorder and render them utterly useless. :D[/size]
  10. [SIZE=1]When people don't know what they want when they pull up to my menu board. When people don't know what they are actually ordering off my menu board. When people don't have their money ready when they get to my window ([i]especially[/i] if they have waited a little bit). When people sit at my window and start eating their food. When people call in and claim we messed up their order, the [i]entire[/i] thing. All wrong. The fact we have to replace it no matter what as long as it's under $10. Yeah, I work fast food. Customer service breeds customer hatred.[/SIZE]
  11. [quote name='Fyxe][size=1']And no one can give me the whole abstinence thing, either. I mean, if you don't sleep with the person before marriage... how do you know if they'll keep you sexually satisfied? Plus, as they say, sex stops after marriage anyway. And on your honeymoon... no one wants an awkward sexing if you are both virgins. Come on.[/size][/quote] While I understand the general tongue-in-cheek air of this post, realize that you just contradicted yourself. "... if you don't sleep with the person before marriage... how do you know if they'll keep you sexually satisfied?" "Plus, as they say, sex stops after marriage anyway." If sex stops after marriage, then it isn't necessary prior to marriage to figure out if a person will be a suitable sexual mate. And in regards to "no one wants an awkward sexing if you are both virgins" ... what do you think the internet is for? :P Just because someone's never had sex doesn't mean they don't know where things are. A little fooling around can let you know how to please your mate a great deal without ever actually having sex. Yes, I'm still a virgin. Yes, I'm proud of it. No, there's nothing wrong with it. In regards to you chewing out your friend's sister ... probably not the best move. Honestly, I would have cheered her on or something, lol, like, "Woo! Go !!" The embarassment will be good enough. :P
  12. [size=1]Parents are funny. My dad usually assumes that if I even so much as go hang out with a girl, that we are dating. Which is funny considering I did theater at an all-girl high school. So I must have dated a lot of girls, at the same time even, according to that logic. Rushing into a relationship isn't bad as long as you slow down right away. Keep it an open-ended relationship at first, and 'test the waters' so to speak to make sure there's nothing that would end the relationship faster than it even started. Once you [i]both[/i] think that being exclusive to each other is the right idea, then you're good.[/size]
  13. [quote name='Desbreko][color=#4B0082']No, never. Nobody else can even compare with my hair.[/color][/quote] [size=1]Now that's a lie. We all know mine is far superior.[/size]
  14. [QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1][b]You just broke my [i]mind[/i].[/b] It doesn't work anymore, and that is your fault. Do you understand how serious this is?[/size][/color][/QUOTE] [size=1]We can [b]rebuild[/b] her. We have the [b]technology[/b]. We have the capability to make the world's first [b]Bionic woman[/b]. Sara [b]will be[/b] that woman. [b]Better[/b] than she was before. [b]Better[/b] . . . [b]stronger[/b] . . . [b]faster[/b]. Jealousy among friends makes for no friends at all.[/size]
  15. A good place to start is not asking to be one. Only when there is a need, will new moderators be chosen. And even then, it is the Site Director, Team Leaders and such who collectively decide who they think would be best fit for the position. At least, that's how I remember it when I was a mod here. Think of it like a job promotion. It might be a while before you get it, but all you can do until then is be the best employee you can and hope you get noticed.
  16. [size=1]ehesthac = cheetas >_> [b]New Scramble:[/b] nzefnialu [b]Hint:[/b] I had a little bird, Its name was Enza. I opened the window, and ...[/size]
  17. [size=1]If I told you I am who I am, would you believe me? That's like asking the question: Are you a liar?[/size]
  18. [size=1]'Tonight, Tonight' by the Smashing Pumpkins. The entire album of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness is more or less the story of my life. 'Tonight, Tonight' is particularly relevant to me, though.[/size]
  19. [size=1][b]Name:[/b] Wilder Ben. (the 'i' is pronounced like in the word 'ill') [b]Age:[/b] 20. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Human. [b]Physical Features:[/b] Wilder has no distinguishing features other than the fact that he is one of the few humans found in the magnificent worlds. [b]Height:[/b] 6'1 [b]Weight:[/b] 140 lbs. [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Brown. Cut relatively short, with a part down the middle. [b]Place of Origin:[/b] White Fire's Empire. [b]Appearance:[/b] Wilder stands tall, but is built like a bean pole with enough muscle that he isn't a total geek. He keeps himself clean cut - shaven, nails trimmed, clean. He has spent a lot of time around creatures of Fae, so much as to have been raised by one, and thus adapted their Renaissance-esque attire. He often wears a white shirt with a ruff around the collar and billowy sleeves under a deep blue vest. A pair of long, dark-brown breeches cover his legs to just above his ankles where an old-fashioned pair of boots covers the rest. [b]Loyalty:[/b] Iris [b]Personality:[/b] Thinks of himself as a bit of a swashbuckler and adventurer. He is very bold, very daring, and confidence so astounding that it almost comes off as arrogance, or just plain stupidity. Even in the bleakest hour, he can never understand how things are going wrong. To him, everything is as according to plan. His sanguine personality has blessed him with an entourage of contacts throughout the worlds, and given his ruffian lifestyle, just about everyone he knows is looking for a good fight. He is a master of his words, and can influence nearly any given situation with a few simple words, throwing people into loops of thought. A skill that comes in hand when his boisterous ways get him into trouble and needs to talk his way out of a given situation. Yes, his tongue is just as sharp as the sword. As with any man of reknown, he is a great leader to some, and a ruthless manipulator to others. Some say he is the most honest person one will ever meet, while others believe he lives life under the guise an infallible bluff. [b]Weapons:[/b] A whip and a rapier. [b]Magic-Type:[/b] Summoner. [b]Short History:[/b] Why a human of all beings existed in any of the magnificent worlds, and not their home of Earth, is a mystery to just about everyone. However, Wilder has been in the White Fires Empire ever since he was only months old. You see, he was an accidental baby, left to an orphanage. It was one night that he lay awake, just as an infant, several creatures of Fae appeared around him, and in an instant he and the mysterious creatures disappeared from that world. Despite the facts, Wilder was never told of his original birth. In fact, his real name isn't even Wilder Ben, it's Ben Wilder. His adopted Fae mother read his name in his room, but, like humans do in some cases, the first and last names were reversed - "Wilder, Ben." He never once questioned why he was raised by a species different from his. He never once questioned why there were so few humans where he lived. There were enough there that he simply figured he was one of a select few. He has always been a forward thinker and never cared to dwell in the past. He was raised in the White Fires Empire, and that is his home. The Fae who raised him, by the name of Lilith, was a semi-powerful Summoner, and recognized from the very first night they met, that Wilder had the same power deep within him (it's the only way he could have made the Fae come to him in the Earthen world). When he was only a few years old, Lilith began teaching him of the Summoning power. It wasn't until he was seven years old that he was able to consciously summon his first creature: another fae from the same world. It wasn't until he was fourteen that he became able to summon creatures from all the magnificent worlds. From there he met several Psyconicists who knew Summoners in their lands and he began his own travels and individual study of the Summoner magic-type, no longer under the tutelage of Lilith. By the age of eighteen he realized something about his power that would separate him from all other Summoners, and put him in the rankings as a 'Master Summoner' by the time he was nineteen and a half years old. He discovered the ability to summon [i]himself[/i], enabling him to dance between the worlds at his own free will. He described it simply as a kind of ... a 'reverse' summoning. Not to say he didn't discover that the ability came with its own degree of risk. For he must know where he is going (either have seen it, or preferably have been there before) to ensure a safe arrival, otherwise he might find himself (as he has done before) stuck in a solid object. If too much of him is caught in a wall or other solid form, it could kill him instantly. *** [b]Note:[/b] I hope you don't think I took too much liberty with the Summoning power. I think it adds a unique edge to an otherwise redundant ability.[/size]
  20. [quote name='shinji172']cougeixdiciiarsfilpualiatsolipcsre=Supercalafragalisticexpealidocious (From Mary Poppins for those who dont know). I know its only one word but i cant get rid of the gap between the fragal and the istic.[/quote] The spelling is: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. But yeah, you're right, lol.
  21. lawilmi oisngb = William Gibson New Scramble: cougeixdiciiarsfilpualiatsolipcsre Hint: Something quite atrocious. You have to be the coolest of the cool to get this one, lol. (and by cool, I mean lame)
  22. [size=1]Well, technically "insane" is not a medical term, nor is it meant to be associated with the various mental disorders. There is no one group you could classify was "insane." We all have our own uniqueness, as well as our own problems. Insanity is simply something that deviates from the norm. Whether it's good or bad, it can be described as "insane." It is synonymous is "weird," "bizarre," and "impractical." If there was an entire society that always wore blue pants, and one day someone decides to wear orange. That would be insane! When Christopher Columbus proposed that the world was round, the very thought of that was insane. After all, the world was flat! It's not really a matter of "thinking outside the box." It's more like people are too busy trying to think outside the box, that they fail to see what's actually in it. But eh, that's just insane, right?[/size]
  23. [size=1]First, I would wonder why the heck they are using a sword. Then, I would wonder where I got the gun. Finally, I would realize that this situation would never happen, and just forget it.[/size]
  24. [quote name='KatanaViolet']- One of the ten commandments is that "Thy shalt not worship any other God than the one true God Lord" or something to that effect. So, does that mean if I worship, say, Allah. Or Buddha. Does this mean that because I chose a different deity to worship that I'm not granted a pass to eternal bliss? What if I worship no god at all? How is that blasphemous?[/quote] [size=1]Question 1: Yes. However, Christianity is based on the belief the Jesus Christ is our Savior. Given, God the Father and Jesus the Son are one in the same, you are granted into Heaven based on the fact that you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. That's the very surface of it, anyway. Question 2 & 3: Worshipping no god is just the same as worshipping a different one. God isn't Allah. He isn't Buddah. He isn't Zeus. This is pretty simple to comprehend. Try putting yourself in His shoes on that matter. Let's saay ... you were cloned. And you had to convince other people that you were the real one. If other people believed the different clones of you were the real you, or even believed that none of you were real, there's a definite degree of "blasphemy" there, so to speak.[/size] [quote]- Where do black people come into play in the bible?[/quote][size=1]Where do Asian people come into play? What about Mexicans? Jamaicans? Spaniards!? The Irish!? The events of the Bible take place in a pretty centralized area. You can't expect the rest of the world to even be so much as aware of what was going on.[/size] [quote]- How the hell (no pun intended) is Jesus supposed to be resurrected? I'm sorry, but people CANNOT come back from the dead. It's a bummer, but it's true.[/quote][size=1]First, keep in mind that Jesus was the mortal incarnation of God. And even if he wasn't, it was Jesus who ressurected him. It was the Father. If God wanted someone to live again, I'm [i]pretty[/i] sure he could rig that up without a hitch. It kind of goes with the territory. The purpose for Jesus' life was to be the ultimate sacrifice. He died for the sins of all humanity, both then, now, and forever. So by accepting Jesus as the Savior, when you are called to judgement, you are cleansed of your sins and allowed to enter Heaven. This is where that whole idea of [i]faith[/i] comes in to play.[/size] [quote name='Ziggy Stardust']Ah-ha, you bring up another point... it says God is everywhere, and than says that evil is the absence of god, which would mean that there is no evil, but god often says man is evil at its heart, which means that either A, god's lying, or, B, god doesn't exist anywhere.[/quote] [size=1]Keep in mind people are given free will. If a person does not believe in God then God does not exist in them, and therefor are marked with "evil." Given, they may not be walking around worshipping Satan, so "evil" may seem like a pretty heavy term. His "presence" is a gift that is always before you, whether or not you choose to accept it is up to you.[/size]
  25. [size=1]I would say the biggest thing is, like someone mentioned, make sure you definitely know for sure. If you think it's awkward to tell people now, try and imagine if you realized you weren't and had to go back. There would be a lot of "I told you so's" and other crap like that. Homo/bisexuality seems to have been very trendy in the last few years. Bisexuality more than anything. I have a lot more respect for homosexuals than I do for bisexuals (nothing against the individual people). I have homoerotic tendencies, i.e. I'm not afraid to hit on guys, and such. Heck, I've even slept in the same bed with a gay guy who I [i]knew[/i] was attracted to me. I trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't do anything, and he didn't. I know that homosexuals aren't at all different from other people except for their sexual preference (which really seems like a weird thing to differ on ... I really just can't imagine being gay at all, but that's another topic) Not everyone is that understanding. You also might run the risk of being kicked out your college (it being Catholic and all). Maybe, maybe not. I believe I've heard stories of stuff like that happening. And lastly, if you truly believe you're homosexual, don't let that be a gateway for other life changes. I'm assuming you're Catholic since you're going to the said college. Just because the Church doesn't agree with homosexuality doesn't mean you shouldn't agree with it. All I know is that I've known a handful a homosexual people in my day, and most of them were in to other things that I just really couldn't agree with at all. And it just seems that it's a psychological thing. When you're shunned from one area you go to the other. I don't know ... just be smart about what you're doing. I don't really have any tips on how to come out to people, being that I've never had to do it for obvious reasons, but I hope all that helped.[/size]
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