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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Hey hey hey, long time no see, Anna. ;) I don't believe I have ever really had any of these situations where I actually regretted not saying what I could have said. I mean, I [i]have[/i] thought of things I could have said like that before, but I didn't dwell on it. I can't even remember a majority of the times that this has happened. Most of the time in my situations it is more to the effect that there's a time when I [i]want[/i] to say something right then and there but I'm far too shy to say anything, or I am weary of the consequences. Hrmm... the only times I can recall actually wanting to say something that I didn't is too my parents. But I can't say what it is or else I'd be breaking the rule of this thread :p[/SIZE][/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trunks02 [/i] [B]Uh...? What rules are you breaking?[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Double posting, typing in all caps (not neccessarily a strict rule but people don't like it, especially authority types)... That's all I can see right now. It doesn't come off like he is flaming anyone.. Anyway, it is possible that they have created another screen name. So you might want to PM these people and ask if they have changed their screen names or what ever else might be going on. I know you're not a "n00b" You've been around a bit longer than I have. By a few days or weeks since I joined 2.28.01. But yes, just calm down a bit and use a more calm way of settling this problem.[/SIZE][/color]
  3. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Xaida, DBZman, and Pyro all stood together in a slightly dissipated group.[/i] Pyro: ... Warlock is gone... Flash and Neil took off... Looks like it is just us three right now.. DBZman: ..Looks like it..... [i]Pyro looked thoughtfully upward into the sky. Xaida stood off to the side looking at him, nd DBZman was facing elsewhere. It was a while before anything actually happened.. it was at this time Xaida took note of something in Pyro as he faded out and disappeared.[/i] Xaida: Stay here. [i]DBZman nodded since he didnt have anything better to do, Xaida disappeared after Pyro. It was fairly far away the Xaida caught up with Pyro who was found just standing in the middle of nowhere, almost like where they already were...[/i] Xaida: What's wrong??? [i]Pyro still looked solemnly into the sky as Xaida took a step closer to him and put her arms around his..[/i] Pryo: ...................Do you ever have the feeling you just can't move forawrd any more.. that you're just stuck in one place, unable to move..? Xaida: ..What do you mean?.... Pyro: ...... It's not over, I can feel it. And if I can't move then I'm going the way Warlock went... That will be my fate... [i]xaida found it somewhat hard to fully comprehend what Pyro was saying, but comforted him in what way she could resting her cheek on his shoulder.. Pyro didn't move, or say anything. They just stood.. in wait for what was to happen next.. whatever it may be.[/i][/color][/size]
  4. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro stood calmy in this nihility he had found himself in. He knew there was a way he could get himself out of this place, he had gotten out of seamless places before.. he just didnt remember how. He had used the technique in fights before... someho he was able to feed himself into another place.. and then come out somewhere else.. It was somewhat of an older ability he could only slightly recall... It was some time that he had been just standing there, thinjking about how he did it but, there was too much he had forgotten about himself.. He knew slowly but surely it would all come back to him, but time he did not have to waste in here. He knew nothing of what was going on back on earth, and he was almost scared of what MIGHT be going on. He knew that Seph had lost his battle with what he (Pyro) only knew as Juggernaut. And he knew that Juggernaut was far stronger then he was... Pyro was forced to ask for help.. a rare occasion. But he had no choice.. he was desperate. He needed to get backto earth as soon as possible.. Pyro closed his eyes, using a great deal of concentration to get as clear of a message to the dragons as he could. [b]Help me...[/b] was all he said. He needed to keep the message short so there would be less of a chance a static hush would silence crucial parts of his message........ A few minutes passed, Pyro was somewhat worried that his plea had not been heard. Beginning to lose hope that he'd be in there for much longer than he wanted, he began to sit down in the air.. As he did that though, a hole opened in the area in front of him. He knew then that he indeed was heard. He stood back up and in the same motion slid himself through the hole which immediatly closed behind him...[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't mind the attachment... :p[/size][/color]
  5. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Hahaha! Bill Engvall is very funny. I like him and then I enjoy Chris Bruer for moreof the stupid comedy :p[/SIZE][/color]
  6. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Hahaha, well it's too bad I believe topics like this are kind of SPAM. So I choose not to accept your challenge. Plus I don't need a mere "fight" to prove my supremacy over you. It takes a bigger munkie to step down beotch :p And no, I will not join your little clan thing. I will protect these boards from your type. Attack and you shall be destroyed. I have the staff on my side.. right? ;)[/SIZE][/color]
  7. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro stood in an envelope of flame surrounding his body, trying to control it from taking over his body and mind once again. The feat seemed impossible. He could feel it burning in his veins. His thoughts would become clouded. He dripped with sweat, every muscle in his body bulging while his face was tensed up as he gritted his teeth together. Pyro could already see way back deep in his mind that scars that the Fire Dragon had left before on him. The shadows of the past loomed over him pushing him to struggle even more... A high pitched frequency shot through his consious. The dragons were again trying to reach him. One word got through. But one word was all that was needed.[/color] [color=green]FIGHT!![/color] [color=indigo]Pyro quickly clenched his fists tighter and widened his stance, closing his eyelids. The fury swirled about him, attempting to make it harder to resist, but Pyro had already gone into a concentration. Slowly but surely one could see that Pyro's torso began to deflate as he let the air out of his body. At this the power around him attacked his body, physically wounding him. The cuts began to leak blood as it trailed its way down the rugged physique. But it was to no avail. Pyro then began to inhale deeply causing a great suction. The chaos of the flames dispruted firing out everywhere. It began then to be dragged back into Pyros mouth. It wasnt long before there was nothing left of it. Pyro stood, swallowing the flame that he had consumed. His body lit up slightly, then faded. He was in control now. It was safe. All he had to do now was find a way out of where he was. But the question was, how would he get out of there...?[/size][/color][/i]
  8. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]You know, I'm positive I at least got a score of 90 on that. Yet the score at the end says 80. Which means some of you information has the potential to be false, which [i]IS[/i] against this forum's rules. So if you would be so kind as to PM me the answers to this quiz so I can check to see how ligit this really is, I would apprecite that. Not to be rude, but I'm not [i]asking[/i] you to do that, if you catch my drift.[/size][/color]
  9. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]How strong was he [i]before[/i] he absrobed the DragonBalls? Hrmm? How do we know that the DragonBalls really hold all the much power when they are absorbed? I mean, they have said that the DragonBalls' power can't overtake their creators power. So the DragonBalls have been around for a long time, and the Namekians are somewhat of a waek race when put up to others. So they couldnt be [i]too[/i] powerful. [looks into the future] I see many repeated posts in this topic. I've seen in many places before that the final power level for Gokou is 1 Billion, and that does seem to be the majority in the answers here. So I'd go with that, and just for the sake of this topic I'm going to close it so as to prevent the same posts from happening over and over again. You know, the "the power level is this" "Ya what he said" type posts :drunk:[/size][/color]
  10. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]... Oooooooooookaaaayy... I really hate to make a point not relevant to the RPG. But the heck is going on?? Lol, I am lost beyond all recognition. I've read thefew posts that have been added but I am lost. What's going on???? :drunk:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]I play the guitar. Well kind of. Haha, I'm not very good or anything.. but it only has four strings right now so shush! :p[/SIZE][/color]
  12. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]If time held any relevence in this place, one could say that much time has passed. This one whole body who's mind indentified himself as... Pyro... still float aimlessly and uncontrollably throughout. Just just as this so-called "time" had passed, had this beings body grown warmer. Little beads of the melting ice ran along the rugged surface of his figure dropping off into nothing when they reached an edge. Slowly but surely his lungs would be able to expand more and more to allow a better breathing pattern then the absent one he had. Consistently he attempted to pull his eyelids open but so far the glaze that had sealed over them had yet to thaw..... It wasn't too long now before another static interception came through into Pyro's mind...[/color] [color=green]Pyro.........not dead..............Fire....... freedom... in you..... can't talk..... bonded..[/color] [color=indigo]This made no sense at all.. he recognized the voice.... it was the Life Dragon, he was sure of it. He tried to piece it together. He figured it first said "Pyro, you are not dead..." By the tone in the voice when the word "Fire" was said he assumed he was mentioning the Fire Dragon.. he had no idea what was meant by "freedom" ........ he couldnt make sense of anything else either. Then, it clicked in his mind. The whole thng that was said came quickly.. "Pyroyou'renotdeadTheFireDragonisyourkeytofreedomandheisinyouThoughIcan'tspeakclearlytoyouwhileyou'rebondedintheice" Then it stopped. Pyro understood what he had to do. But he didnt want to do it because it had caused him so much pain once before.... Again much of this "time" passes by. Pyro finally was fed up. He wasn't going to sit in this tomb of ice. He was going to have to do it.. perhaps even.. he may like a change....... Pyro's breathing slowed and any struggle that was happening ceased. The beads of water that dripped from the ice turned into small streams of water. Pyro's body radiated the deep red color. The ice becoming more and more melted by this activity begins to crack. Pyro manages to took a quick inhale as the pulsating red glow happens more often, going faster and faster. Finally it stops on the glow as it grows brighter though it still cant be seen in the darkness. If sound could carry in this place Pyro would have then released a bellowing yell. Yet all that could be seen was merely the expression on his face. His whole body englufed in flames that shattered his icy home and finally he was free. But now he had resurected that dark power he once had from the Fire Dragon..........[/i][/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=indigo]Heh.. Long time no see.. A lot has happened I see.. Well, read. Oi, now to start typing :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]There was nothing but darkness.. It was everywhere. Nothing could be seen in any possible horizon that one could create. Nothing. Death itself could even hold a light up to this.. It was cold. Temperatures far below anything that could be tolerated by a body.. Everything was just numb. Nothing could be seen, nothing could be felt.. Nothing.. Nothing could be heard. As dead as this place seems, it was very much alive with the frozen bodies of those caught it Juggernauts attack that wiped out half the arena. Though they could not be seen, the bodies floated about. They bumped into each other when the came within that reach. Then they?d just simply move on about their business.. The darkness in this situation would most likely be for the better. Let us shine some light on the subject. In this? place? these bodies were mauled, mutilated, obliterated. A majority of this place was simply filled with frozen pools of blood, most of which simply shattered on impact with another object. No body was complete from what could be seen. Each one had at least one body part missing; the rest of the body was terribly charred black with pus oozing from the wounds.. Of course.. It was not juicy.. It was frozen, like everything else in there. Some bodies weren?t even intact one bit. Half an eyeball would float around. Miles away (if this place could even be measured) you would find the other half of that eye????In the midst there? a body? it remains.. Together. It is still frozen but it remains unscathed. Despite its inability to move, and its inability to even breath correctly.. Something was still very much alive within the frozen tomb for the poor soul inside. It lay unconscious? one can help but wonder.. What is going on in the mind of this sole survivor?? Heh, one cannot help but be nosey as well, let us take a peek inside? Still? it is quiet. It remains this way fro a while. This silence is broken by a static hush. Broken words can faintly be heard underneath the blanket of electricity. ~??. Sephiroth??. Dreadnaut?.. Power?. Death?.. Fate?.. Sealed?.. Nothing left??. Come.. Quickly???????. Connor?.?~ From there the lullaby of the static faded, and all was silent once again.. Suddenly nerves began to vibrate very quickly but very slightly around the brain. This bodies consciousness was coming back. A dramatic shock surged throughout the body as this being was now fully aware of? his.. Life. Though its body still remained frozen, blood surged through its veins, capillaries, and arteries. The beat of its heart pounded in the chest once more. Though no breath could be taken in.. though? no breath was needed.. The body remained thoughtless. It was able to recall the message that struggled its way into the mind.. It caught the general message. An unfortunate wave of melancholy fell upon this figure?It would frown if it could.. In the corners of its eyes, more ice began to build up. Tears from the assumed death of a friend welled up, but couldn?t go anywhere. Underneath the eyelids that now only served as sheets of ice, the eyes of this began moving rapidly? It?s memory of everything that has happened in its past has come back to the senses.. And in the mind.. It muttered one name and one glorious noun?[/I] ----: ?Sephiroth???????? Revenge?[/size][/color]
  14. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]My parents never really talked to me about it... yet. It's just more so that whenever they see a commercial about it or something and I'm in the same room they'll say "Don't have sex before marriage" or something like that. It's pretty dumb cause I already know that.. stupid parents, lol.[/size][/color]
  15. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Ugh.. Blink 182 can kiss my... well you know. Song Goten, sorry to break it to ya, but these people are right. Blink is no longer the punk band the once were. Until I hear their music differently these words will not change. Greenday [b]was[/b] good as well. It is a sad thing indeed when decent punk bands go bad. OH well though, there are plent of other much better punk bands out their and I never liked Blink too much to begin with, though Greenday was a loss. But ya, obviously I'm not going to this "Pop Disaster" thing...[/size][/color]
  16. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Hrmmm... I'm not really a loner by myself. But rather my small group of friends tend to exclude others from us. So it's more like our little group is one big loner. We really don't like many other people, mostly because they don't like us. :p[/SIZE][/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I find that, typically, the guy who talks the most about sex is the one who isn't getting any. So boo hoo for him.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Typically, yes, that is true. As in the case of my aforementioned friend, lol. But then again not neccessarily. I know a lot of people that have gotten plenty and still talk about it non-stop... which is why I refrain from being around them.[/size][/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka[/i] [quote][i]Originally posted by Anna[/i] [b]And as a sidenote, I am grateful for guys like you Piro who have their head on straight. Guys like you give me hope! ^_^ lol, okay I'm going away now....[/b][/quote] [color=crimson][b]Latches onto Piro. Sorry Anna, the only decent guy is taken! *laughs* Nah, I'm just joking, but that last statement was very well made and I do agree with it. Piro Honey is the man! :D[/b][/color][/quote][size=1][color=indigo]Lol, and it's girls like you two that give me confidence in a bunch of stuff.. or something like that.. I dunno, it sounded a lot better when I said it in my head :p[/SIZE][/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Mind boggling? Not really anything, guys and girls are pretty much the same except a few minor details. Now, some things I don't [i]like[/i] about the opposite sex are things like (generally speaking.... not everyone is a stereotype) overly excited for sex, sex is most of the time what they think about on a date, sex is what they talk about sex sex sex BLOODY FRIGGIN SEX get your MINDS out the GUTTER! ....... had to let that out...... other than that, it's all good.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]:wow: Ok first off "generally speaking" and "not everyone is a stereotype" don't go together really. "geneally speaking" would include all guys, and "not everyone is a stereotype" would be saying most guys. SO ya, that just didn't make sense, but I'll go with the second one as the one you meant. But ya, not all guys have sex on the mind 24/7. Even the most clean cut guy will make sexual enuendos and stuff. It's just a natural reflex really. I mean, how could I be straight edge and have sex on my mind all the time? It jsut doesn't work that way. But if someone says something that I can make a sexual twist about, I usually say it, and I usually say it before I even know I said it. And when I [b]do[/b] say them it's usually loaded with sarcasm. For example, I have this friend right, and he is a huge pervert and is basically one of the type of guys you mentioned. And he's always talking about porn or something. And recently he was talking about how he was looking at Computer Graphic porn and how they were "hot" or whatever, and to make fun of him I just said: [sarcasm]"Ya, I'd dail-up [i]her[/i] modem." :rolleyes:[/sarcasm] And its not because I always think about stuff like that, it's just because he talks about nothing BUT that, so I have to respond on his own level.[/size][/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Piro Honey, it's great that you are chivalrous...that's always what I've looked for in a guy...but you are my husband and I really don't want to see you making out with another guy...I'm not bashing gay people but what woman would want to see that? That's what you have me for right? ;) Anywho...*laughs* Oh yeah, thing in the world and I aband it gets on my nerves the people who only like people for their looks...I know I'm not the prettiest solutely hate being single..but I'd rather be single than date a guy who only liked me because of my looks and so forth.[/size][/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Lol, I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. Hon, there's no need to worry about my willingness to kiss another guy. I'm not saying that I do it all the time or anything. I'm just saying that if the situation came up, I would have no problem with it. And if you don't want to see it then don't look, lol. To answer your question: "I'm not bashing gay people but what woman would want to see that?" Obviously BabyGirl would, lol. And: "That's what you have me for right? ;)" Yup! Lol :D[/size][/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl[/i] [b][color=deeppink]That is why I respect Piro for admiting his willingness to openly kiss a male, he is someone who seems extremely secure in his own heterosexuality.[/color][/b][/quote][SIZE=1][color=indigo]:) Well thank you BabyGirl! Wow.. that brightened my bad day a bit.. Respect is a good thing indeed. Fun fun.[/size][/color]
  20. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Somewhere in the stands in the arena, Pyro appeared silently. No one noticed his sudden presence except for a mere child who just began to cry. Pyro crouched down and quickly sprang back up leaping clear down to the side of the ring, landing without a single noise..[/i] Pyro: It's hopeless... I can't figure it out... [i]Pyro solemnly walked to the lobby and looked at the Tourney chart to see what was going on... Seph and Juggernaut....... Pyro looked over at Seph who was sitting with his eyes closed...[/i] Pyro: [whisper] Good luck... [i]Seph slighhtly nods his head in acknowledgement and Pyro walks out of the lobby..[/i][/size][/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]O.o Only if it's with TN, Safer, Rico, or Voodoo... and if you agree to let me, Baby Girl, Queen Asuka, Anna and LM watch and take a bajillion pictures... It'll be fun... [i]All the females on the board begin to fantasize[/i][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Lol, well if one of them agrees to it and you can get us all in the same place at the same time than ok, I'm up for it ;)[/size][/color]
  22. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Far off in a rather cast library, Pyro of all people studies his but off. With all sorts of books stacked to the ceiling. His eyes still glued to a dozen other books. His eyes were blood shot from the strenous contant reading of the small type that was in a majority of the books.. He had read everything about all types of gods.. native american.. greek.. celtic.. roman.. Nothing could give him a clue.. In a fit of uncontrolled rage he slammed the book shut and threw it off to the side. From there he just disappeared with a loud banging noise following that startled the peopel in the library, thinking it was a gunshot..[/i][/size][/color]
  23. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Why don't you try being friends with a/the girl that you are interested in. Get to know her, see if she;s actually worth your time, see if she's actually interested in you. You know? I mean, I've been interested in this one girl for about five months now and I still haven't "asked her out" yet. I'm still getting to know her and how she acts and stuff. I mean, for a few weeks I've had started to become unattracted to her because even though she does offer a great emtional relationship type thing, it wasn't very physical (as in hugs and stuff, not making out or anything). But in a recent note she wrote to me she somehow got on the topic on how her parents never hugged her as a child and when they went to a psycologist or something that they SHOULD give her hugs and stuff. And how from then on she couldn't leave anywhere without them giving her a hug or something. So then she'd always start hugging her friends and they'd think she was weird so she stopped. So ya, get to know people before you start dating them or whatnot.[/size][/color]
  24. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Whoa whoa whoa... we were actually supposed to trust the media??? And all this time I havn't :rolleyes: I've never trusted the media. When I was a kid I was taught about subliminal messaging (though it's illegal nowadays) and all the bad things that people have done in the media. So ya, it was just like, these people must be really desparate if they try to tamper with people subconsious minds.. Tsk tsk tsk.. but ya, rarely do I EVER watch TV anymore, and the only radio I listen to is a public service station that doesn't even really advertise. The only thing it rarely has commercials for are homemade commercials about upcoming concerts and info about what's going on with the radio station. So ya, media bad, Vandals good..[/size][/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]ps...I'm not saying that you're gay Piro, just so I make myself clear :)[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]I would take no offense to it even if you [b]were[/b] saying I was gay. There's nothing wrong with being gay, which is why I really hate the "f*g bashers" at my school.. But anyway..[/size][/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka[/i] [b]thats his 1/4 side that shows through :)[/b][/quote][size=1][color=indigo]Lol, that's not neccesarily true. I'm always nice to girls and stuff cause that's kind of the way I've taught myself to be from watching too many movies and shows about those knights in shining armor when I was a wee tyke, lol. I kinda picked up on the whole chivalry thing. ;) When I mentioned my "1/4 homosexuality" I was more referring to how I'm not afraid to kiss a guy or anything. Hell, I'd probably make out with a guy if I wanted, lol.. But that's as far as I'd go. I'd never go so far as to having a boyfriend, or "hopping on the good foot and doing the bad thing" lol...[/size][/color]
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