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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Wow, double the ignorance.. not only did Gohan spell it wrong but SuperSaiyan did as well.. It is spelled [b]Potera[/b] ;) (at least to my lasting knowledge, I've seen it spelled this way in many reliable rescources so it has to be, lol) Anyway, as it has been said before yes all do fuse together. Gokou and Vegeta by way of the Potera earrinds where each person put one earring on corresponding ears (one person puts it on right, other puts it on left). Then they are drawn together then there's a big flash of light and BOOM! You have Vegetto. Goten and Trunks use the fusion dance which takes to long to explain in considerable detail so I've attached the follwing animated gif of them fusing with the fusion dance ;) ... ..:: sees that the file is too big to attach...::.. Eh heh.. I'll just post the URL to the gif :D [URL=http://www.gojiita.net/media/pictures2/gotenks/gtt_fusion.gif]Gotenks Fusion[/URL] ([url]http://www.gojiita.net/media/pictures2/gotenks/gtt_fusion.gif[/url])[/SIZE][/color]
  2. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]... :therock: And this has what to do with DragonBall??? Oi, oh well, question has been answered. Topic closed. Please try to make sure your topics are in the right forum...[/size][/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Duckie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]On topic, there isn't really anything that confuses me about guys, except how they can be so mean sometimes. :bawl: SO MEAN! *runs away crying*[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]You sound just like one of my [girl] friends. She's always complaining about how boys are so mean and stuff.. I don't know, I'm not mean to girls at all. She tells me that I'm the only boy she knows that doesn't make her mad...[/size][/color]
  4. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Do you really think they keep the same artists all throughout the whole series? There are three types of drawing styles I could decipher while I've watched the anime: [list=1] [*][b]Art Style One: [i]Plain and Simple:[/b][/i] This form basically speaks for itself. The muscular details aren't really defined, usually drawn with usually a single line that's not connected to any others. Shadow isn't all too eminent and the over all coloring is brighter than normal because of this. This drawing style is mainly in DragonBall, and early DragonBall Z. You may also see it in those annoying "filler" episodes. [*][b]Art Style Two: [i]Fine:[/i][/b] This is the nost often style you see in the 'current' episodes. The muscles are much easier to see now often drawn as if the person had no fat on their body. You can see where the muscles are connected to one another. Shadow is easier to see and blends pretty well to make it look more natural. As I said before you see this in the more 'current' episodes of DragonBall Z. [*][b]Art Style Three: [i]Sharp:[/i][/b] This art stlye really works with the details. Muscles are really defined as if that's all they had to their body. Shadow contrasts are obvious, they'll have a normal skin tone then drop the tone noticably darker, then again noticably darker. This makes the whole scene appear darker. The shadow also tends to be more jagged than usual. This style is most always used in the more important episodes where something important happens or where just a lot of stuff goes on. [/list=1] Thank you for your time...:)[/size][/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]question 2 why diden't goku just instant transmission off king kais planet after he got rid of cell??i mean he could've grabbed king kai bubbles and gregory and transported somewhere else... it's not like he diden't have the speed or time...[/B][/QUOTE][size=1][color=indigo]Because King Kai was too busy distracting him by yelling at him about 'calling first'. Maybe if King Kai would have shut his mouth Gokou could have done that, but nooooo.... lol[/size][/color]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Voodookanaka[/i] [B]its amazing how no-one ever says, heterosexual guys are close to perfect..... most of the gay ppl i know are aragant hypocrits, who think there something special because theyre a minority group. i say most, i know 2 which are pretty cool. and none of them are really that good looking, girls just say they are because they always want what they cant have. i figure id b gay if ever met the right guy, but i dont think thatll ever happen, theyd have to be....dunno, cant explain it.[/b][/quote][size=1][color=indigo]Well I don't know enough homosexual people to have an opinion statement about how most are "[i]arrogant[/i] hypocrits". Though I do agree with the other part that girls always want what they can't have. My biggest experience with girls like that are the kind that really like guys who still have their virginity (i.e. [b]Me[/b]). I [i]know[/i] about three girls like that, and then they've told me that there are other girls around the school who want me the same way (at my school if you know one person then the whole school will know who you are). It drives them crazy, which I find funny cause they're not going to get anything from me no matter how hard they try. I would rather make love to a homosexual guy who would actually maybe care about me still afterwards, before I'd just have sex with a girl who wouldnt really 'want' me anymore afterwards cause she got what she wanted. I know what you mean about "i figure id b gay if ever met the right guy.." It seems lately guys tend to ask me if I'd ever kiss another guy. I always just say 'Why not?' There just another human being, I don't care if they're gay or not. If it was that big of a problem with kissing a guy just pretend it's a girl. You're eyes should be closed anyways so its not like you'll see each other kissing. So ya, I've been called gay a lot lately, but whatever. Chances are I will never see them again after this school year. But ya, I consider myself about 1/4 homosexual, lol.[/size][/color] [quote][b]what baffles me bout' females is that no matter what time of month it is they still seem to be able to blame PMT.[/b][/quote][size=1][color=indigo]Amazing isn't it?!?[/size][/color]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ4BROLLI[/i] [B]you could have played the games if you had a mod chip or a converter disc. i have a mod chip in my ps and it allows me to play copied(backed-up) games and japanese games. you can buy mod chips online.[/B][/QUOTE][size=1][color=indigo]Yes, but I do believe that only work if you have the normal PlayStation. This one guy at my school said that when he dumped his playstation and got PS2, and he was unable to paly his imported DragonBall games because the converter disc wouldn't work for it.[/SIZE][/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]piromunkie had to have a total of 829 .. *looks around*[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]But you see the thing, it said how much you lift TOTAL, which means I had to add up how much I lift on the bench, on the military, incline, squat, and clean. I weigh 131lbs and I did my height in inches 72" and yes, I am sixteen. The reason I had the highest "power level" is probably because I do more lifts than most...[/size][/color]
  9. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Hrmm.. approximately 16.58, neato. I could woop on all y'all :p Lol.. ..::Knocks Herman Nation over the head::.. Be nice to Nerdsy, lol..[/color][/size]
  10. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Lol, I'm not really big with cars. I really really do wish I had the ability to fly. It would be so much easier. But anyways, I saw a really nice black Lexus on the way out from school.. I was about ready to jack it... :shifty: but then I decided I better not... :p[/size][/color]
  11. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]I have a slight case of vertigo, that's about it. I'm not really afraid of much because I'm way too easily amused.. How can you people be afraid of Nerdsy?? and kuja??? I mean, kuja I might be able to understand but Nerdsy is harmless, lol. I've never seen him do anything that might qualify him as scary.. kuja is just weird but not really scary...[/size][/color]
  12. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Well now, one thing that bothers me about girls is that they always know how to put a good guy down, simply by generalizing there comments about guys, even if they didn't really mean to attack all guys. [list] [*]"most of them want to get laid" - [b]I'm straight edge thank you very much.[/b] [*]"Perfect Men... Why don't you exist?" - [b]You're not looking hard enough, I'm sure you'll find the one for you sooner or later.[/b] [*]"What boggles me the most about guys is that they cannot discuss anything with anyone." - [b]You should have read some of the notes I've written my [girl] friends lately...[/b] [*]"What I find most mind boggling is the fact that they lie all the time...and date lots of girls (including you) at one time and don't tell you" - [b]I have never lied to a girl that I know well enough as a friend since about the 8th grade. I'm a sophomore now, almost a junior. I don't understand why guys will date multiple girls either, I know a guy like that and I just want to punch him in his face every time I see him cause he is really mean to girls in general. It should make him happy that the halls are crowded enough to where there are too many people between us for me to do anything to him (verbal or physical). I'm a one woman man myself, which does tend to have it's downsides. I'm torn between two girls that I'm interested in right now. One already currently has a boyfriend and I respect that, but she says that they don't really like each oter or anything. This girl offers more of a fun/physical relationship type thing (not physical as in sex or making out or anything, she's just not afriad to put her arm around me or anything). This other girl though offers more of the emotional type relationship. We talk all the time about whatever is on our minds and I really enjoy it. It's just really confusing..[/b] [/list] I would do more but I have to go eat dinner right now.[/size][/color]
  13. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Lol, well I'm glad you enjoyed it. Those thoughts/actions are things that I constantly do... well except for the last one, which I have yet to do (I always have to make sure I can get away with it). But ya, hats off to the guillotine :bow:[/size][/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]is it just me, or do a lot of you guys seem to be showing your feminine sides....[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Lol... [list] [*]The thought that maybe one day, they will bring back the guillotine... [*]Just thinking about how fun it would be to steal that car and get away with it. [*]Listening to depressing music when your down in order to make you happy.. [*]The thought of dying... either alone (where you will be rid of the pain), or with the person you love (where you will die happy) [*]Employee theft ;) [*]Thinking about how fun it would be to turn that jock's nice car into a heap of junk.. [*]Actually turning that jock's nice car into a heap of junk... [/list] Better for ya, Seph? These are just a few of mine...[/size][/color]
  15. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]I was never [b]too[/b] into X-Men but I do enjoy it. Gambit and Rogue are the best by far. I mean, Gambit is just one awesome Cajun guy and Rogue, heh, is just Rogue :drool: Lol...[/size][/color]
  16. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]On a smaller scale, I like money, money is great. I don't really like having it for the purpose of having it and being able to spend it. I see money as more of a collectors type item. So I like to save up a bunch of money and just look at it like it's the greatest thing in the world. But then I just go blow it up on a bunch of small stuff instead of one big elaborate thing. I mean, I could probably go through a year and live off of $50. I live at home so my mom feeds me, no expense for food. All I have to worry about are holiday expenses. In the big picture though, money is just bad. People do bad things with money that they could really be using it for better things. I don't think money is all that important to me, I mean, why pay for something when you can go ahead and just take it while no one's looking? I'm just practicing for when I grow up to become a bum on the streets, lol.[/SIZE][/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]from a girl's perspective, i have no problem understanding the opposite sex. men are so transparent about their maleness. i personally have a lot harder time understanding women. then again, i did grow up a tomboy & have practically all male friends. but guys, if you have trouble understanding us, all you have to do is ask. finding a man who understands you is pretty significant, & well worth the effort on your part.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Eh, I'm just like you but vice versa. I have an easier time understanding girls than I do guys. Of course, I did grow up with very few male relatives my age so I was always hanging out with my female cousins and stuff, and I would always have to do the girly stuff since I was obviously outnumbered.... Yes.. I was forced to play with Barbies :drunk: Lol, but spend a few years around the opposing gender and you tend to learn where they come from with certain things. But guys? Guys just sicken me to be honest. I can't stand [most of] them. So along the lines of what Transtic said: which is why I'm glad I'm [b]straight[/b], lol... Though it is fun to pretend to be gay, and make the those homophobics scared of you, lol. Though it hurts when they bweat you up for being "gay". But ya, guys are weird, my [girl] friends tell me about guys they know all the time and how they say things like: "We can make out, but not go out." That's just completely wrong in my opinion. Guys are so dumb, they make me wish I was a girl sometimes...[/SIZE][/color]
  18. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Piro: So howdoyou suppose we go about doing that? Raynor: You wouldn't happen to have radio signal tracking devices would you? Piro: ... No.. Suzuku: ...So how are we supposed to find out where that came from? Piro: Beats me. Sayuri: ..... :confused: Well this just puts a damper on things...[/size][/color]
  19. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Ooooooooo, an actual reason to post! Woohoo! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Piro: Alright where are you now? Sayuri: Umm.. I exited the downtown market about fifteen minutes ago and I'm currently heading northeast... Piro: ..... Would you by any chance be driving a GTO Convertable? Sayuri: Um.. yeah? Piro: Ok, STOP! [i]Sayuri slammed the brakes on out of half reflec and half from jumping from Piro shouting into the phone..[/i] Sayuri: Ok, I know you live in a piece of crap apartment building.. and I don't see any around here.. [i]Suddenly the the backseat passenger side door was opened and Piro climbed inside..[/i] Sayuri: Where the hell did you come from? Piro: Well I was seeing one of my employers in the market and I left there looking for you guys.. and so here I am now.. Sayuri: Where to? Piro: Start heading north west.. take the next left so as to avoid the Mafia that is stationed not far ahead.. Sayuri: Not friends with them are? Piro: No no, I am.. just don't feel like seeing them right now.. [i]Sayuri took the left turn Piro instructed her to make..[/i] Piro: Ok now keep going straight until you can't go no more.. and then take that right turn that will be there.. [i]While they drove along this long road Pir explained the whole Possessor incident that happened the past few years ago... He explained what it was, what it did, and that it was almost impossible to actually harm it when it's in its natural state. That you have to get it when it's inside a persons body, or else you'll have a much harder time defeating it. And that this time, there was definatley more than one of these things.. which was bad.. very bad.. If you feel yourself controlled by it, threaten it that you'll kill yourself, normally and most times it will get out. Mosto f the time though you won't have the slef-control to threaten suicide, especially if you weren't heavily nvolved with the first Possessor incident. If someone you know is suspected of being possessed and you dont want to kill them on the spot.. ask the questions, like their name.. their age.. the possessor won't know these things and will bail out cause it knows you'll just kill the person right there, and in killing the person you'll kll the thing thats inside that person. It takes the possessor a second or two to fully leave a persons body. If you kill the person quick enough you'll completely kill the possessor in the body, but if you catch it as its exiting, you'll only injure it. Which is rather pointless being that it tends to slowly regenerate. That is the general jist of the possessor,. anything else you'll learn from experience.. Sayuri came to the end of the straight road and turned right..[/i] Piro: Are you a good driver? I mean.. at high speeds? Sayuri: Yeah kinda.. Piro: Get up to about 70mph and stay at that speed. When you get up the road much farther there's going to be a difficult left turn. I want you to take it and start heading down that way and don't take your eyes of the road. Drive as striaght as you until you reach the overway, from there I want you to peel out and driver back down the road and then take a left at the intersection you entered the road from, got it? Sayuri: Yeah.. but.. why? Piro: No questions. Suzuku. Vinn. Keep yours heads down. [i]Sayuri pciked her speed up to 70mph and cruised down the road. It was about 7 minutes when the turn that Piro mentioned came into view.. this area had many people in it, all of which appeared very similar.. and all packing heat..[/i] Piro: Put your heads down.. [i]Not knowing why they had to, Vinn and Suzuku slouched lower into their seats as Sayuri kept a good eye on the road. Piro took out his high powered uzi and loaded it with a fresh clip.[/i] Piro: Get ready... [i]Sayuri camed to the turn and winged the car sharply to the left and floored it to get back up to 70, Piro flung his arm outthe window and fired the uzi consistently. Many of the unsuspecting people died right there, their heads blown clean off their body, or their chest emptied out.. immediatly gunfire began to return.. Sayuri came to the overway and slammed the brakes on and turned the wheel as hard as she could as the car spun a 180. Sayuri floored it once more as people armed with 9mm came running straight the car..[/i] Piro: Don't stop.. [i]Sayuri made those people roadkill in a matter of seconds. Piro chose not to fire any more bullets as it was needless.. Sayuri came to the the turn where she turned left and awaited further instruction...[/i] Piro: Ok then. You can slow down now, and take the next right, then take the next right after that and keep goign straight.. from there you can find my apartment its pretty obvious... [i]Vinn and Suzuku sat back up in their seats somewhat freaked out...[/i] Suzuku: Possessor??? Piro: No.. just some business I had to attend to.. Vinn: You are so damn lucky you didn't ruin my car or I'd have your head... Piro: I've had this planned for a while... lets just get to my aprtment and rest for a few minutes...[/size][/color]
  20. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Hrmmm... I'm pretty sure this isa rather semi-pointless topic that could result in a lot of repetitive posts. I'm going to close it just so we don't get all these repeated posts. I'm sure if/when Transtic [or some other Japanese knowledgeable SM] looks in this thread he'll post the correct Japanese names of whatever characters you asked for, if not, no biggy, just look them up online at a reliable web rescource.[/color][/size]
  21. [quote][b]2) No more topics concerning "Who's your favorite character?":[/b] Chances are, the same topic is only a scroll down on your page. Please, by Kami-sama, we don't need anymore of that crap.[/quote][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Yes, be sure to read the rules. It's at the top of the page so you should really read those if you're new here, it's not like you actually have to look for the rules.. Thanks.[/size][/color]
  22. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Piro [b]still[/b] remained just outisde the ring. All this time contemplating on how he could ever get this power.. this power that could make him forever strong.. it would surely help out against Juggernaut.. even though he knew even this power would have its limits........ Well, he had been standing around thinking about it for about a week or so now and he had gotten nowhere. He figured he'd have to do some kind of research to get more info.. Pyro took one step backwards as he just faded and disappeared.. Pyro had gone off to study somewhere... ................ wait......... Pyro?? STUDYING?!?!?!?!?! WHAT THAT [b]F[/b]?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?! These are some crazy times indeed... -_-[/i][/color][/size]
  23. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]As much as I'd like the doggy biscuit, I don't think it would be fair since you told me how to translate it :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Piro strolls down the alley way keeping a firm hand on his pistol. He came upon a stack of boxes piled on top of each other. He looked around to make sure there was no one around and then knocked on the boxes. He stepped back a bit and waited. A few moments later, a portion of thew boxes opened like a door. An abnormally tall Chinese man stepped out and looked at Piro. The man's name was Chong.. that wasn't his real name but that's the name Piro was given to address him as..[/i] Chong: Ah, Piro. We just phoned your apartment and you weren't there. Piro: I had some unexpected business to attend to with some old friends. Chong: Come, Mr. Ani has some business for you... [i]Chong leads Piro into the secret area, even though he had been through it amny times before, they weren't known to take chances. Mr. Ani also wasn't the real name of the guy he was going to see. Everyone was given a false name. Even the gang's name was given a more American name "Firebirds". This was to keep a low profile on the streets since the Chinese weren't the most welcomed gang in the city and they were small in numbers. Piro knew the real name of the gang, it was simply the "Dragon Clan". Which worked into their Americanized name "Firebirds".. Piro finally came to an open, well lit room. Chong stopped him neaer the entrance and walked up to a cluttered desk at the opposite end of the room that had a chair behind it that was facing backwards. Chong whispered something to Mr. Ani who was in the chair. After a few seconds the chair turned around to face Piro..[/i] Mr. Ani: It's been a long tim Piro... Mr. Ani: Recently I've been hearing news about people being possessed and causing chaos among the public.. do you know of this? [i]Piro nodded his head, though he didn't like where this was going..[/i] Mr. Ani: Lately the Blank Clip have been giving me some trouble.. [i]The Blank Clip were another gang in the northern part of town. Their name comes from what would be left in their gun after they were done with you. Cheezy maybe, but they weren't a gang to take lightly..[/i] Mr. Ani: Those bastards have been running through our territory all month, knocking over our fish stands and what have you.. literally. You saw the five we have out there right?.. There used to be twenty!! Countless money has been taken and countless money has been expended to repair what damage we could afford! Our business has been cut back for too long now! I want you to head up to their turf and empty your own damn clips on them!!! Either that, or you find what's driving people to shoot this random fire and give a taste to them!! That way their deaths won't be traced to you or us! Now go!!! [i]Piro nodded and turned around heading back down the long hallway of twists and turns. Piro finally found the door and let himself out back into the alley. Just as the door closed behind him he felt a sudden chill go past him. He knew what it was.. he just wished he knew where it was headed.. Piro shook it off and walked to catch up to DBZman who was still out in the fish market supposedly...[/i][/size][/color]
  24. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Piro and Suzuku finish their phone call with the others and agreed to meet at the downtown fish market. A place that's usually booming with people, less likely the possessor will show up there, being that it mainly stayed in suburban area.. at least, that's how it was last time.. Piro jacks another car this time without killing the driver and take off to the fish market.. About fifteen minutes pass as they finally arrive. They get out of the car and beginto walk around the area. They pass by a large open alley and Piro stops walking.[/i] Piro: Go on. I'll catch up with you in a moment, I have some business to attend to. Suzuku: All right, watch yourself though.. who knows where it may show up. Piro: Right. [i]With that Piro took off down the alley and Suzuku kept walking...[/i][/color][/size]
  25. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]-_- Chances are that if a person doesn't know that D&D is Dungeons and Dragons, they've probably never played it before.. Anyway, ya, I've played it before. Usually with a bunch of friends and it's funny cause my friend who's always the DM is biased and lets us get away with things and stuff. Although this one time we were all over at his house and his mom was the DM, and it was funny too cause she wouldn't let us get away with stuff. :p And another friend of ours came over so we had to work him into the game andhe was an elf that we found in an empty wine cask, lol.[/SIZE][/color]
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