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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]That's a nice tattoo. Not the best pick of character but nice none-the-less :p Looks like it might have taken sometime. Anyway, yes, I do remember your name.. though I don't remember your reputation here. I think it was a bad one.. though I'm not sure.. No offense or anything I just can't remember exactly :p[/SIZE][/color]
  2. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Why do you even ask which we want to hear? Just tell! :D I was at this one site once, it was pretty gisfusting. It had videos of people being tortured, killed, etc. Like there was this one one, where this guy was getting killed. And this one person put a knife through a persons neck from the side in the middle, and then started cutting/sawwing half the neck open. It was really gross..[/SIZE][/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Let's see if my piccie works now . . .[/SIZE] (I have a really, REALLY bad pic . . .) BTW--I'm the only in the pinkish shirt . . . V.V Bad piccie . . . I'll post another when I find a better one(And the other girl is my sissie . . .)[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Well now, aren't [b]you[/b] a pretty one ;) It's not that bad of a picture. I've had worse :p But yes, attractive indeed. :)[/SIZE][/color]
  4. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Heh, well you were off topic in that post. Anyway, I might as well hop on the bandwagon and [i]repost[/i] my picture for those of you that never got the chance to see what I look like, for those who want to see what I look like again (cause I'm just that good looking :rolleyes: ), or for the n00bs who have yet to see me. Here you all go :)[/size][/color]
  5. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro still lay sound asleep on the ground. He was on his back with his hands resting on his stomach. One leg lay flat on the ground while the other was slight propped up. His head slightly tilted back, eyes closed , steady breathing. All seemed tranquil. It seems Pyro's time on Earth had taken its toll on him.. for the most part. But in his dreams, rather.. nightmares.. he was still haunted by his past. Not the fact that he was a Saiyajin. But his father. Killed mercilessly at the hands of that wretched "bus terd" Furiza. But this time, as the memory played in his head, it didn't focus on Furiza killing his father.. rather.. Someone that was there with Furiza. The ngihtmare was too blurry to make out who it was or what it looked like.. but he could hear everything clearly.. ¿¿¿¿: Sir, should we let the kid go? You wanted all Saiyajins dead. Furiza: Let him go.. my brother is up there in space, he'll be sure to finish him.. The nightmare then went silent, but the video still played. Pyro, looking out that window to his pod, watching his father murdered right there before him. The light from the blast then grew quickly and blinded Pyro in his pod as everything then went white. Pyro jumped up in a cold sweat, but not with a look of fear on his face. More so, a look of rage.. Pure. Rage. His father's murder would be avenged by his own hands... somehow. Furiza was already out of the question unfortunately... he would have to find another way.............[/i][/SIZE][/color]
  6. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Well I'm a pyro for one. Secondly, primates are the best species ever, and [b]YES[/b] they [b]will[/b] take over the world! Which brings me to my next point. One of my goals is to teach the primates how to use fire. From there they will then evolve into whatever they may evolve into. And then, they will rule us all except me. I will be their king, for I was the one who brought them to be the way they are. I will be their Prometheus. Of course then they will mutiny and throw me off the throne. They will then soon regret this because now they have no one that will teach them how to do other things and they will all commit suicide in their guilt and the world will end..... Actually that last part really has no meaning. I just made that up as I went along :p[/SIZE][/color]
  7. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro and Xaida appear at the waterfall. Xaida set Pyro against a wall as he was still recovering from his beating. Xaida looked at him in a semi-sarcastic way saying..[/i] Xaida: You let yourself get beat by a girl??? :smirk: [i]Pyro first gave her a glare, but then cracked it into a grin..[/i] Pyro: It wasn't the girl I was fighting.. It was Warlock I was fighting.. Xaida: :therock: Pyro: They're using his power remember? Warlock is stronger thna me for sure.. and they didn't seem to tire.. Xaida: Well they have to wear down sometime.. and don't you worry, you'll beat that b****. Once your done completely healing, you'll be stronger than ever before. [i]Pyro then looks Xaida dead in the eyes, Xaida could see something hidden behind them. He gave an ominous smirk that seemed t be the harbinger of death..[/i] Pyro: That's what I was counting on... [i]Pyro had a plan, that much was for sure...[/i] Xaida: ............ You mean...... You [i]let[/i] the girl beat you??? [i]Pyro gave the slightest nod, almost seemed that he didn't move his head at all. But Xaida saw it. She was confused slightly. She knew he did it to become stronger once he was healed... but she didn't knowwhy he wanted to become stronger.. There was silence for a moment... then Pyro spoke.[/i] Pyro: The answer will be revealed soon enough... until then, I'm going to get some rest. [i]At that Pyro lowered himself to the ground and fell asleep not long after. Xaida just continued looking at him... he was so sure of himself....[/i][/color][/size]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]How exactly did Buu die, was it when Vegeta and Goku unfused indise him, and blew him up from the inside?? or was it a different way.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=4][color=indigo][b]WARNING: This post is a fairly big spoiler to the rest of the Buu Saga most have not seen yet.[/b][/color][/size] [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Super Buu fights a bunch of people [Gotenks, Gohan, Vegeta] Super Buu absorbs Gotenks splitting them apart into Goten and Trunks. Gohan then fights Super Buu but ends up absorbed as well. Gokou and Vegeta use the Potera to fuse into Vegetto. Vegetto fights Super Buu and ends up turned into a milkball [I think that's what it is] and then Vegetto fights Super Buu as a milkball for a bit then gets abosrbed by Buu. They separate inside Buu's body and at one point fight a vision of Buu. Vegeta ends up tearing out the absorption pods the Buu uses to hold Goten and Gohan and them people. They escape to a canyon with the rescued fighters. From here Super Buu disevolves into Kid Buu. Gokou and Vegeta come back and decides who will fight Kid Buu. Gokou fights Kid Buu at SSJ3 and is eventually knocked down. Vegeta fights Kid Buu and gets thrashed. Somewhere in here Kid Buu spits out Majin Buu (the happy go lucky one). So Majin Buu fights Kid Buu while Porunga is summoned to bring Earth back to life. With all the people of Earth back, they riase their has and give up energy to create a genki dama (spirit bomb). Majin Buu continues to fight Kid Buu to keep his attention from Gokou and Gokou eventually nails Kid Buu with the Genki Dama and destroys him. Vegeta wants to kill Majin Buu but Mr. Satan stops him somehow since Majin Buu is friendly. This is [b]generally[/b] the end of DragonBall Z, there's a bit that goes on after this but you didnt ask for this info so I won't spoil anything else :D[/size][/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Xaida: .....the waterfall...[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]..::smacks face::.. Oh great..... -_- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pyro: ....the waterfall??? ....................... Oh great.... -_-[/size][/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Does everyone here forget that Goku bumped his head when he landed on Earth, then was found by Gohan... he forgot what he was on Earth for and he forgot what he was. He was on Earth to destroy all the humans, I think, and he was later told by Kaioshin ( I think it's that), he was training before he went back against Vegeta and Nappa, and Kaioshin told him that he was a Saiyan... I THINK that is it. I [i]THINK[/i]..[/SIZE][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]That's [b]King Kai[/b] that you're thinking of. Gokou was raised a human, he wasn't raised Saiyan. And he thought himself as human for SG's above reason.[/size][/color]
  11. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]The three blast of toward the cavern where they once were. They couldn't find Warlock anywhere so they figured he headed back there where they saw a ship once before. They couldn't help but check back every once in a while to make sure Reichou didn't actually survive and was chasing them down.. It was a while before they returned to the cave, when the arrived they dropped quickly down into the hole where the moonlight shone through enough to see rather well.. They looked around and saw no sign of Warlock...[/i] ????: "Hey! Over here...!" [i]All three snapped their heads in the direction of the voice and saw Warlock, Hizoku fired a harmless ki ball into the air above the Warlock to see what was in the shadows behind him. The light showed that the cave was much deeper than they originally thought, and in the midst of it, was the ship they saw once before. Warlock had warmed it up a bit before they had arrived. They all quickly got into the ship and found their way into the control room.[/i] Hizoku: "Do you know how to fly this thing?" Warlock: "Eh, no... but that's what the auto-pilot is for." [i]The four warriors got everything settled, when suddenly AJ pointed at a radar screen... slightly disturbed..[/i] AJ: "Uhh... guys? There's something headed are way, and fast." [i]Immediatly all rush to the radar where AJ points out a small blip heading towards there position.............[/i] Siren: "That's him!" Warlock: "You didn't kill him?!" AJ: "We thought we did, but obviously we didn't............" Hizoku: "Warlock... get us out of here now." [i]Warlock rushes over to the control panel looking for a launch button or trigger, something to make the ship go..[/i] Warlock: "I can't find how to make this thing take off!" Hizoku: "If he catches us we're DEAD!! Just [b]LAUNCH!!!![/b]" Computer: "[i]Launch sequence activated.[/i]" Siren: ".......... Go figure, launching is on voice command.." [i]The engines begin to rev up as smoke begins to bellow from the thruster engines on the sides of the ship. The computer begins the countdown from 10 as the four just stand around the radar and watch as Reichou still closes in on their location.[/i] AJ: "Come ooooon......." [i]5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0................ the thrusters burst with flame as the ship slowy begins to take off gaining speed rather quickly. They burst through the cavern roof top just as Reichou reaches that point. Reichou, already slightly tired from their last assualt plus the fatigue from flying while wounded, chose not to go after them.. but to meet them another day..... The ship now broke free from the atmoshpere of the planet and headed out into space... Reichou, still below on the planet..[/i] Reichou: "[b][i][u]YOU HAVN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME HIZOKU!!!![/i][/u][/b]" [i]Up in the ship Hizoku searches the control panel..[/i] Hizoku: "Here!" [i]Hizoku punches down a button as Warlock walks up to him..[/i] Warlock: "What'd you do?" Hizoku: "I sent our friend a little going away present.." [i]From the bottom of the ship, a large ball of unstable energy [about the size of a small state] was released firing towards the planet, straight at Reichou's general location. The Warriors looked out the window to see what happened then.. Meanwhile, Reichou stood staring up at the sky... it wasn't long before he noticed a small light begin to grow in the sky.. Quickly it increased in size as it came closer to the planet..[/i] Reichou: "........ Oh s***....." [i]Reichou built up all the energy he could as fast as possible and thrust his arms outward catching the ball of energy as it came samshing into him. The impact alone almost took him out, but he regained his control of himself. But still, the ball was too much for him to handle. Slowly his body bent back until he fell over trying to continue holding the ball up. It drove him deep into the surface and didn't stop there. Reichou used what last energy he had and fired the strongest ki blast he could straight into it, but the ball merely abosrbed its power and completely over took Reichou and drove him to the core where he was incinerated. Even if by some freak accident he surived the core.. the planet itself was doomed. The unstable ball of energy reacted negatively with the core's heat. It began to throb and plusate violently.. From space, the Four warriors still watched in the far distance to see Reichou's fate sealed.. then, it happened...[/i] [IMG]http://isotopes.lbl.gov/supernova.gif[/IMG] [i]... The planet exploded............ The crew watched pleasingly at the 'fireworks' display and then turned their attentin forward when it was all over...[/i] AJ: "Finally...... Haha! WE'RE FREE!" Siren: "Ya... it is a good feeling :smirk:" Hizoku: "Warlock, where did you program this ship to go?" Warlock: "Some far off planet....... far away from here in an entirely different galaxy.. It's the best one I could find. It's not too big, but it's full of life to support us all.." Hizoku: "What planet...?" Warlock: ".....[/color] [b][color=blue]E[/color][color=green]a[/color][color=blue]r[/color][color=green]t[/color][color=blue]h[/color][/b][color=indigo]...." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued... :)[/size][/color]
  12. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]:laugh: So [b]THAT'S[/b] the whole "Bird Studio(c)" thing you were talking about. How laughable is that [answer is: VERY]. Oh my, some people these days :p Actually, I wouldnt be suprised if Adam mailed this to himself just for kicks :D Lol...[/SIZE][/color]
  13. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro's almost lifeless body lay unmoving upon the dirt ground. The Warrior stood over him checking to make sure that he wasn't just playing dead. She kicked Pyro's body a bit, there was no flinching or any kind of resistance to show Pyro was even the least bit consious. So at that, the Warrior turned around and sensed for other battles going on.. She sensed Xaida's battle and decided to head that way. Leaving Pyro's body still in the dust...[/i][/color][/size]
  14. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Oh my, this [b]is[/b] an old topic. Please do not bring old topics back. That is bad, and it gets annoying. Thank you. -PiroMunkie[/color][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro stood facing off the Warrior. Pyro ws breathing really hard having wasted a lot of his energy previously. He didn't think he could last much longer up against the Warrior who now still seemed barely even breaking a sweat..[/i] M. Warrior(2): Show me it... [i]Pyro stood slightly confused.. trying to make whatever sense he could while trying to keep himself standing[/i] M. Warrior: I know it's there. I saw it when you overpowered me in the last battle. Show me the whole thing. [i]Pyro smirked..[/i][/color] [color=darkred]Pyro: No....... not now.................... Even... if I wanted.... to.. I don't have...... the energy... to do it.........[/color] [color=indigo]M. Warrior(2): Is that so? Well then, I'll just have to finish you off right here won't I? [i]Before Pyro could even respond his jaw flung open coughing up a small amount of blood as tears [of pain] began to form in his eyes. He curled over clutching his stomach tightly. He then fell o the ground after the Warrior took her fist out of his stoamch. The Warrior backed off a bit and let Pyro cringe from pain.. after a few moments Pyro slowly rose to his feet. He still held his stomach with one hand.. The Warrior laughed a bit as Pyro clenched his one free hand into a fist and put all his lasting energy into a small ki ball. With all his might he threw his amr forward and fired the ki at the Warrior who obviously saw it coming. She charged at Pyro knocking the ball away in the process and nailed Pyro square in the jaw. Pyro lifted into the air arching backwards slowly. His eyes rolled back into his head as he came crashing back to the ground. His muscles shrunk a bit, his hair went back to its normal shape, he just lay there, back in his normal Saiya-jin form...[/i][/size][/color]
  16. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro still remained standing in the middle of the shattered ring. His figure fades out a bit and through the transparency can be seen that he is already standing outside the ring as the rest of his fading body disappears...[/i][/color][/size]
  17. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro and the Warrior continued there battle exchanging fist for fist as the sped about the terrain. Pyro was on the retreat as the Warrior kept pushing him forward. The Warrior threw a punch at Pyro's face; Pyro caught her hand before impact and attempted to return the favor but she caught his fist. Both dug their feet into the ground as it became a battle of sheer strength. They pushed forawrd with all their might but no ground was made. The Earth around them began to crack as small chunk lited up into the air. A crater broke into the ground beneath the two, slowly growing in size. Pyro's tail whipped about furiously as Pyro kept trying to hold back the M. Warrior from gaining the advantage. With a last effort Pyro pushed forward with all that he had. In this process the M.Warrior noticed Pyro's eyes flickered green and his glowing aura flashed yellow, just for a breif moment as he put his effort forth. Pyro easily pushed the Warrior back and threw his feet up into her jaw sending her flying back and landing hard upon the ground not far outside the crater. Pyro stood, still the same as he was before, almost completely drained of useful energy... The Warrior got up with a semi-shocked look on her face..[/i] M. Warrior(2): So you [b]are[/b] keeping something from us.. you weren't just bluffing.. [i]Pyro was breathing too hard to give a verbal answer, but he gave a slight smile in acknowledgement.[/i] M. Warrior(2): This could get interesting...[/size][/color]
  18. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]If you want to bash Toonami/FUNi you could have looked down the page a bit and found this topic: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?=&threadid=8153[/url] Please keep your language clean though. We don't need this forum full of trash talk or anything of that sort. Thank you. -PiroMunkie[/color][/size]
  19. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]Seriously people, this topic [b]has[/b] been done a few times over. Before you post a simple question like this, please go back in the pages to see if it's already been asked. Cause chances are it has. Thank you. -PiroMunkie[/color][/size]
  20. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]In the sky the calm winds blew about as all was tranquil. In the background sounds of a two person battel can be heard. The sound quickly grows louder... louder... [b]louder[/b]. Suddenly Pyro and the female M. Warrior come rushing by disturbing the piece in the air. Their tremendous energy being put forth thundered in the sky. The M. Warrior quickly finds an open spot, double kicking Pyro in the stomach sending him a ways away. Quickly she powered up a ki blast and sent it flying at Pyro who was still trying to catch himself in the air. Just moments before the blast collided with Pyro he caught himself and turned around quickly. An explosion filled the area as the blast hit Pyro. It was a few moments afterwards that the light from the blast began to fade. The M. Warrior looked on intently to see if Pyro had managed to escape the blast somehow. Her line of sight became clearer and clearer until she could finally see normal again. She smiled, pleased. Pyro was not there.. Naturally she assumed Pyro was incinerated in the blast.. She turned around and began to head back to the original scene of fighting..[/i][/color] [color=darkred]¿¿¿¿: You underestimate me...[/color] [color=indigo]M. Warrior (2): [b]Hu-??[/b] [i]Just the the M. Warrior felt a numbing sensation in her spine as Pyro had taken a clean shot at the back of her neck, rattling the spine and the nerves that lay within. They both waited until feeling returned to her body and she turned to face Pyro...[/i] M. Warrior(2): Yes... It seems I have..[/color][/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B]Yeah, yeah, I know, it's just that it still pisses me off that they show the same exact crap, watching it isn't the problem, it's just that Toonami insists on starting it back to those episodes that everyone and their brother has seen a zillion times that pisses me off. They should start it back to the beggining, and I'm about to send them a nasty comment on what I think of what they're doing, cuz they're loosing viewers.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]Actually, they probably keep re-running the episodes to [b]keep[/b] the viewers watching for when they show new episodes. And go figure people actually fall for that. I know, I did at one time. But now I just watch the episodes once or twice over and just stayed tuned to this forum to see when someone creates a topic getting all excited abou the new episodes coming out on such and such a date. Companies are cruel the way they handle things but there's not much we can do about it.[/SIZE][/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]there really isn't any swearing in the series, so you can say to your mom that it is the people who subbed it who are evil, lol....[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][color=indigo]I'm well aware that there's really no swearing in the series, I remember Transtic talking about that somewhere... the "Favorite Quotes" topic to b exact. I think I'll just let my mom think it's "evil". It's probably better that way.[/SIZE][/color]
  23. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Now far off from the original fighting area, Pyro and the female MWbroke their fight and turned back to where the others were. The sky aruond the area was so much brighter than the rest of the sky. It just stayed that way..[/i] M. Warrior(2): Heh heh.. chances are your little friend is dead. [i]Pyro [b]could[/b] feel that one of their powers had disappeared, but he couldn't tell if it was dead or just hiding. He hoped for the best. But the thought that one of them just [b]might[/b] actually be dead filled him with rage. His muscles tensed, his teeth gritted together, his hands squeezed tightly into fists. Pyro was slowly raising his power to its max in that form. He couldn't do it too quickly, he didn't know if his body could take the increase in power since it was already beaten up a bit.. the Warrior watched in slight confusion. Slowly, the Warrior began to be pushed back, its feet dragging along the ground. She didn't try to stop herself from being pushed back, she just let it happen. The farther she got pushed back the more resisitenace there was on the ground as the takcks her heels were making became deeper. Pyro's power increase seemed to be fluctuating the gravity in the general area. Far behind the warrior a large stone structure crumbled to the earth. The gravity returned to normal and Pyro relaxed himself..[/i][/color] [color=darkred]Pyro: Let's continue.....[/color][/size]
  24. [SIZE=1][color=indigo]My mom got me [b]"Cooler's Revenge"[/b] for my brithday, on DVD even. So I got to watch it un-cut and in Japanese with subtitles. Lol, it drives my mom insane when I do that :p And whenever she [b]did[/b] decide to take a look at the subtitles, they'd always be saying [b]"d*** [blah blah blah]"[/b] and so she think DBZ is evil, lol. Over all it was a pretty good movie, some aspects could be improved upon but ya, overall it was good. I really want to see movie six though. These DB movies just aren't the same without Vegeta. :D[/SIZE][/color]
  25. [SIZE=1][color=indigo][i]Pyro continued to stand silent in the middle of the ring. He noticed Warlock pass by not long ago, but he didn't acknowledge the presence of him. Pyro could tell something was different about Warlock as well......... It was like, it wasn't Warlock that he saw.. It was someone else. Something bad may happen soon... Inside Pyro smirked in delight, outside he kept his stone face the way it was.. it had been a few hours that Pyro had been back to Earth, and he had not moved an inch at all... Everything was getting weirder by the minute. First Connor, then Pyro, then Warlock............ Something was brewing for sure, but chances are one thing does not have to do with the other....[/i][/color][/SIZE]
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