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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1]Err..... I clicked on it, and it said the file had been corrupted and it could not open :confused: :drunk:[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][i]Atop a broken down building, a black mist rises from the roof, it grows thicker and thicker and then dissipates into the air, leaving the Mage in its place... The Mage walked to the edge of the roof and looked down. It was too far to fall alone.. The Mage looked at the cornerstone of the buiilding. He concentrated a bit, as the cornerstone steadily began to break free from the building. As it finally slid all the way out the building stood for a moment more, then slowly began to crumble all the way to the street. It fell slowly as the Mage kept the building under his telekenetic power, and soon enough, he was down on the street. The Mage stepped off the fallen roof top and began to walk the streets...[/i][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]:shifty: I'm insulted by that post. I would never stoop to your level of ignorance... *chomp* But you've got to admit, these [i]are[/i] some good cookies... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]After things had settled down, Flash, Pyro, Xaida, Warlock, and DBZman gathered in a huddle as Neil went around the circle looking for a place to fit in.. but to no avail..[/i] Warlock: [i]They aren't neccesarily as strong as we think they are..[/i] Xaida: [i]What do you mean?[/i] Warlock: [i]I demolished the one. They wear a watch like thing on one of their wrists. It holds the power they stole from me the time that I was kidnapped.. If you can destroy that, they become much weaker and a lot easier to defeat[/i] [color=darkred]Pyro: [i]Bah, I don't think they're going to have it in the watch thing the next time they see us..[/i][/color] DBZman: [i]What do you mean?[/i] [color=darkred]Pyro: Before they left I over-heard them saying something about "finding another way".. by this they probably mean, find another way to conceal your power, Warlock..[/i][/color] Flash: [i]Bah! D*mn them..[/i] Xaida: [i]And the next place they find to put it is most likely going to be less consipicuous, eh?[/i] Warlock: [i]Grr.. Most likely.. those b*st*rds..[/i] Neil: WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE SAYING IN THERE!!!?!?!?! Warlock: [i]Well, we'll just have to keep on the lookout for them.. if they catch us off guard they'll immediatly have the upper hand..[/i] Flash: [i]Ya, we got lucky this time, they let us power up before the fight started.. if we were only stronger we could probably beat them one by one if we all ganged up on 'em..[/i] [color=darkred]Pyro: [i]Ya, but the other one will step in and take a few of us away...[/i][/color] Xaida: [i]Not to mention the leader of them..[/i] DBZman: [i]There's another one??[/i] Warlock: [i]Ya.. Probably a lot stronger than the rest of them too.. probably not aided by my stolen power..[/i] Flash: [i]So, let's just keep on the lookout?[/i] [color=darkred]Pyro: [i]Sounds like a plan to me..[/i][/color] Warlock: [i]Ok, let's just keep safe from them..[/i] [i]The group broke apart and just rested from the previous battle, Neil stood impatiently..[/i] Neil: CAN SOMEONE FILL ME IN HERE!!!?!?!?! [i]The others ignored him...[/i] Neil: -_- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: If Pyro's lines are in [color=darkred]Dark Red[/color] that means he's still in his Ultra Saiyajin form. Just don't feel like typing "Ultra" now that the fights over :p[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro looked up in the sky at Neil as he flew around..[/i] [color=darkred]Ultra Pyro: What a moron...[/color] [i]The Pyro looked back at the MW as he got up off the ground, small shards of his broken armor fell off his back.. the other MW walked up to him and whispered something to the other warrior..[/i] MW2: .. but that's impossible..... we're going to have to find another way................. d*mn them............. [i]Pyro was slightly confused at the bit he heard, the MW then turned to Pyro..[/i] MW2: We [i]will[/i] meet again. Maybe then you can prove a challenge.. [color=darkred]Ultra Pyro: Backing down now are you? What's the matter? Am I too much for you to handle?[/color] [i]The MW put one hand out and blasted Pyro with a ball of energy that pushed him against a wall and pumped high intensity energy into his nerves.. almost like he was being electicuted.. but worse.. The ball wore off and disappeared as Pyro fell unconcsious to the ground.. at that, the two remaining MWs disappeared..[/i][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]:wow: Raiha?.... A queen???......... :blulaugh::laugh::rotflmao: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]High in the Dragon Realm, much time has passed, where very little has passed on Earth. In a desolate wasteland Pyro suddenly appears out of nowhere as hundreds of highly skilled fighters then appear after him and begin their attack on Pyro. Pyro took them all on at one time with relative ease. His fighting skills have dramatically increased and his power was much higher than before. The fighters have Pyro dogpiled as he still fights them off from the bottom. High beam of energy break through the pile and an explosion occurs tossing every fighter off Pyro.. Pyro powers up in a [color=darkred]Dark Red[/color] as his entire color tone changes to the [color=darkred]Dark Red[/color]. Pyro puts one fist in the air as his flaming aura fades and leaves the fist releasing a mist of the [color=darkred]Dark Red[/color] energy..[/i] [color=darkred]Earth Pyro: [b][u][i]JISHIN!!![/i][/u][/b][/color] [i]Pyro throws his fist into the ground as the earth below him quakes outward knocking all the fighters off their feet and then the entire area goes up in the [color=darkred]Dark Red[/color] energy as all the fighters are incinerated within.. The energy fades and Pyro stands, back to normal.. The Dragons then appear around Pyro..[/i] [color=blue]Ice Dragon: You have come far Pyro...[/color] [color=crimson]Light Dragon: You have learned all that you used to know.[/color] [color=teal]Water Dragon: But there are still things we can teach you..[/color] [color=darkred]Earth Dragon: From now on you will be taught new things, and the challenge will be even greater than before..[/color] [color=indigo]Wind Dragon: Chances areyou will have to find different transformations for your body to handle the different powers you will achieve..[/color] [color=green]Life Dragon: Do you think you are ready?[/color] Pyro: ............ I know... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][u]Tekunikku Meikan[/u][/b] [b]Fusions[/b] ~[i]Ni-yuukai:[/i] A simple fusion between two.(limit:--) ~[i]Mittsu-yuukai:[/i] Allows three fighters to fuse.(limit:1day) ~[i]Shi-yuukai:[/i] Allows four to fuse, very dangerous.(limit:1hour) ~[i]Katsu Chikara:[/i] Diffusion. Splits him, or another fusion apart. [b]Ki Blasts/Beams[/b] ~[i]Bakudan-kaigara Bakuha[/i]: Bombshell Blast, upgraded!(SM) ~[i]Suraisu:[/i] Powerful slicing attack. ~[i]Sesshou:[/i] Self-destruction. (very powerful, very dangerous) ~[i]Oiuchi:[/i] Second in power to the Bakudan-kaigara Bakuha, a finishing maneuver. ~[i]Kokushibyou:[/i] Giant black ball of energy. Not used often. [b]Natural Abilities/Abilities[/b] ~[i]Shikaruni isei:[/i] Ability to train physically and mentally while at rest. (Natural) ~[i]Inbijiburu:[/i] Invisibility. (limit: 15min.) ~[i]Hitoshirezu:[/i] Keeps all aspects of Pyro except visual appearance hidden. (Natural) ~[i]Jaianto:[/i] Increase in physical size. ~[i]Toku:[/i] Ki Shield. ~[i]Anchi Zetsumei:[/i] Prevent personal death as long as physical emobiment remains. (Natural) ~[i]Doragon Kemono:[/i] Pyro's transformed self where he takes the shape of a five-toed dragon. ~[i]Heki:[/i] Ability to split one self into multiple selves all of the same power. ~[i]Tenki:[/i] Ability to completely use a Dragons complete power, he takes the Dragons name also. ~[i]Futeki:[/i] A calming ability, makes Pyro temporarily unafraid of what may happen (limit:5hours) ~[i]Gyou:[/i] Freezes everything in a moment of time for 10 seconds. [b]Dragon God Elemental Power[/b] ~[i]Mizu Nami:[/i] A powerful water attack. ~[i]Jishin[/i]: Uses energy to create destructive earthquake. ~[i]Ichimatsu Jinsei[/i]: Ressurects a dead person. (limit:1perperson) ~[i]Aisu Ibuki[/i]: An ice attack, unknown effects. ~[i]Tenrai Uindo[/i]: A chaotic wind attack. ~[i]Assarishita Kousen[/i]: A intense light beam. ~[i]Museifu Hinote:[/i] Fire, fire... everywhere![/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][i]From deep in the now emptied hole, Reichou rises high into the air until he is level with the others. His teeth gritted together, really pissed off..[/i] Reichou: "You are all going to die at my hands.." Hizoku: "You said that when you first fought us and we're still alive." [i]Hizoku then found himself back face-down in the hole...[/i] Hizoku: "This might be harder than I had anticipated.."[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]:wow: Ok so let me get this straight... I receive the Cera's [u]Hobbes avatar[/u], Transtic's [u]J-Music Knowledge[/u], and Warlock's [u]Moderator Position[/u]??? WOOHOO! I'm going to be the best Moderator this board ever knew!! Lol, but like [i]THAT[/i] will ever happen :rolleyes: *walks away* So as not to make this post completely not yearbook sign-y I think I'm going to "borrow" Krillen's lil' personal addition :) [b]Closest Friend(Girl):[/b] Queen Asuka (Duh), Anna (Of course), and Mystic Babe (She doesn't come here anymore but I still talk to her every so often and stuff) [b]Closest Friend(Guy):[/b] Hrmm... I don't think I really have any [i]close[/i] friends that are guys. But I have semi-known Warlock and Justin for a while. We go way back, lol... Don't talk to 'em that much now, not because I don't like 'em or anything but ya..[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro sits down Xaida next to a non-collapsed building and crouches down next to her as she coughs up nothing but dust.[/i] [color=darkred]Ultra Pyro: It's gonna be alright..[/color] [i]Xaida coughed some more, finally expelling some air with the cough, trying to smile..[/i] Xaida: Thanks *cough* Pyro... [i]Pyro was about to speak when an explosion erupted from the rubble and the other MWs walked out... one of them looked at Pyro[/i] MW2: I believe we have some unfinished business.. [i]Pyro put a shield over Xaida and stood up walking to the MW..[/i] [color=darkred]Ultra Pyro: Bring it.[/color][/size]
  9. [SIZE=1][i]This Demon quickly went back to his Mage form and stood in the street with the Warlord's disebowled body below him. The Mage was revolted by the sight but, hey, a Demon's a demon.. The Mage was in need to find a more populous area, and area where people were still alive.. In search of a place, the Mage disappeared in a cloud of black smoke...[/i][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro's eyes slowly opened. The [color=indigo]Wind Dragon[/color] was nudging at his side. As soon as she saw the Pyro was awake she lifted her head back into the air and let Pyro rise again. He stood up groggily and slapped himself in the face a few times to wake himself up.[/i] Pyro: Oi.. what happened? [color=indigo]Wind Dragon: You accomplished what we hoped you would Pyro..[/color] Pyro: You mean........... the... transformation...??? [i]The [color=indigo]Wind Dragon[/color] nodded.. and Pyro powered up quickly then let his aura fade.[/i] Pyro: Okay, what's next? [color=indigo]Wind Dragon: Everything from now on is fairly simple, so you should learn it quickly. After that, we have some new tricks for you to learn..[/color][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]"Do you like sugar?" This was asked while I was eating some of those little tiny sugar packets while surrounded by dozens upon dozens of other already opened and consumed packets.. They really, honestly had no idea if I did or not... Man, I did NOT get to sleep that night..[/size]
  12. [SIZE=1][b]ep-i-taph[/b] (ep' *upsidedown 'e'* taf) [b]n[/b] [[ Gr [i]epi-[/i], on + [i]taphos[/i], tomb ]] an inscription on a tomb, etc. in memory of a dead person. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Member Name:[/b] PiroMunkie [b]Original Member name:[/b] pyrodragon13 [b]Member Since:[/b] circa February 28, 2001 [b]Current Status:[/b] Otaku (almost Extreme Otaku, woopee :p) [b]Favorite Forums:[/b] General Discussion, Games and Stories, and DragonBall [b]Favorite RPG:[/b] Past- [i]DragonBall: The Ultimia Saga[/i], created a long time ago on v1 by Kamakazi (aka Justin); Present- [i]DragonBall:Battle Field[/i], Oh yeah :smirk: [b]Favorite Threads:[/b] I only post in threads I like or like to dislike so there's your answer :p [b]Favorite Smiley:[/b] Bah, I just use 'em at random, but I tend to use :p a lot [b]Most Memorable Moment:[/b] Back in v1 when Topaz was had left the OB for a bit and we conspired and I announced that she was returning, but just under a different name. And everyone wanted to know and SSJ Goten (I do believe) spilled the beans and everyone hated him for it, it was great :D [b]Quotable Quote:[/b] "Crazy? I'm not crazy. I'm Batman."-Me, "I don't care if the glass is half empty or if it's half full. I just want to know if you're going to finish your drink."-Me again, "The less you say, the greater you appear."- Adam's sig at one point. I didn't follow those instructions and look at me now!!! :drunk::alcohol: [b]Words of Wisdom:[/b] Never become part of the staff at Camp Cedar's Boy Scout camp and say the word "Announcement(s)" while making them. Or else you get the song "Words of Wisdom" sung to you really loud and in your face by the rest of the staff.. :D [b]Wish to be remembered for:[/b] HA! Like I'm going to be remembered. Funny. But if I [i]AM[/i] going to be remembered, obciously for my love of fire :flaming: and being generally respective to most members and my funny looking trick picture of myself [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=131429]See picture here[/URL] [b]Desired Epitaph:[/b] I told you all I would die some day!! I TOLD YOU ALL!!! HA! In your face San Fransisco!!! Kiss my donkey New York, and good night!!!!.... I shall return... [b]I will....[/b] ...........[b]My life[/b].... to my lovely wife Queen Asuka... ...........[b]My collection of punk rock cds[/b].... to both Anna and Queen Asuka... ...........[b]My abililty to rip off logos and turn them into cheap banners[/b]... to a scam artist... ...........[b]My heart[/b].... to some playa so that my heart can be stepped upong one last time... ...........[b]Whatever she desires from me[/b].... to Cera, hell, she's I got the Hobbes avatar, I would feel guilty not giving anything in return... ...........[b]My Otaku Member Name[/b].... my it always live within the Otaku...[/size]
  13. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro(Dragon) curled its long body with its head facing the being. Pyro stood at half the being's size on all fours, but if he stood erect he would be as tall if not taller.. Pyro folded his wings to minimize drag resisitance as the being drew its blade. The being lifted its giant blade high over head and began to bring it down on Pyro who countered with a huge blast of flame-like energy that incinerated the blade in moments.. The being stood stunned and dropped the rest of its blade.. It tryed to punch Pyro but Pyro caught the fist in his mouth and nearly ripped the being's arm arm. Pyro swung his tail around driving its three spike tip right into the flesh under the jaw.. The being coughed up bloodas Pyro ripped out thet spikes and let go of its arm. The being fell to the ground dead but still in its giant size.. Pyro arced his long neck and back and thrusted it forawrd releasing the flame-like energy and disentigrating the being into nothing.. With this complete, Pyro shrunk back down into his more human form. With scars on the tips of his shoulder blades and down his spine where his wings and spines broke through the skin.. Pyro lay on the ground now... asleep...[/i][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][i]In the middle of what was the USA it is completly bare. The streets are empty houses are abandoned. Where did the people go? Dead. All of them. Killed by this evil that has entered this world. The only things walking the streets now are the evil. One seems to stand out from the rest though. A Mage for sure. Appeared more healthy, more... alive. He seemed to be holding his own. Not being bothered. Overhead a huge dragon passed by as a bolt of lightning dropped from the sky landing not far in front of this Mage. As soon as the lightning bolt was gone, there was a warlord in its place...[/i] Warlord: [i]"You sure have a lot of guts showing your face here, mortal..."[/i] [i]From the depths of alleys and sewer systems crawled the undead and demons. This Mage was surrounded. But the undead and demons were the least of his problems.. The Warlord stepped forward and the Mage took defensive action revealing his staff. The black orb on top began to release a dark mist as the Mage's eyes glazed over black.. The Warlord slowed at this. Then stopped and nodded to the undead and demons to attack him first. The Warlord faded out to behind the Demonic circle that encompassed the Mage, who stood calm in the center. The mist being release from the orb intensified. On the other end of the staff was a medium-sized blade. The Mage lifted the staff off the ground and held both hands in the air, one hand held the staff, as the sky above him began to swirl. The pitch black clouds looking more ominous now. The demons and undead that had been closing in on the Mage stopped in curiosity and looked up. The black sky then glowed a firey red-orange color. Summoned lightning struck the Mage in the eyes and left his eyes sparking. But the sparks soon turned to flame and the flame lifted from his eyes and became absorbed into the orb. The orb flashed brightly with the flame as the Mage grasped the staff with both hands as the orb then released the flame quickly into the air as it pierced through the clouds. It was still for a moment and the demons and undead were about ready to continue their attack when suddenly, one of them was beaten down by a magic flame from above. It combusted immediatly and turned to ashes instantly. The rest looked up as more flames of magic rained down from the sky all around. If thery missed the target they would explode upon the ground like molotov cocktail eventually, all demon and undead were nothing but ash, and the sky stopped raining. The Mage's eyes went back to normal and looked at the Warlord, apparently unimpressed. The Warlord drew his sword, and charged the Mage. The Mage smirked evily, for there was one thing about the Mage that the Warlord did not know... The Mage's eyes disentigrated and his skin faded, shriveled, hardened, as he took a more skeletal shape but he grew some. The Mage had showed his Demon side. His... dominant side.. The Warlord stopped in his tracks. He could tell this Demon wasn't like the others. He immediatly turned his tail and ran. The Demon watched him run and put his hand out, fingers outstretched and palm forward. The Demon then began to slowly close his hand as the Warlord grabbed his chest in pain as it fell over coughing up its putrid blood. The Demon then quickly closed his fist the rest of the way and the Warlord immediatly died. The Demon used its telekentic power to crush the Warlord's heart into nothing... The Demon walked to the Warlord's carcass and crouched down and began ripping off the flesh and consuming it..[/i][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro sheilds himself from the thick cloud of dust the was pushed out from the collapse of the resturaunt as it finally settled from its collapse. Pyro powered up quickly to blow all the dust away. He could feel Warlock's power on the other side fighting a MW.. but he couldn't feel any of the others. Immediatly, Pyro began seaching for Xiada amongst the rubble..[/i][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Name: Pyro Age: ¿¿¿¿ Race: Demon/Mage Job: Mage Special: Teleknesis, Demon Weapons: Retractable staff made from his own body. It holds a medium-length, wide blade on one side and a black ord on the other. Orb possesses the dark magic of his ancestors Appearance: You really want to know? Eh, see attachment (notice that is not his staff in the pic) He's a dominant demon (obviously). His mage ability is lesser but still extremely powerful and much stronger than that when combined with his demon power. Personaility: Mean, bitter, sarcastic. Fun-loving but in an evil way. Bio: Unknown [edit] Probably would help if I ATTACHED the attachment eh? :D[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1][i]Hizoku sped up behind Reichou but he heard him coming and spun in a roundhouse catching Hizoku right in the cheek and sent him flying off into the rubble. Then from behind Reichou a blast hit him in the back and exploded on contact The smoke settled and Reichou had a ki sheild up to protect him from the blast. Siren took this oppotunity and broke through the sheild as it only protected against ki, people coudl still pass through and shoved a ki ball right in his face knocking him back down onto the rubble where he then dropped the sheild. Right as he did this AJ came thundering from a punched and planted his one fist right in Reichou's stomach and attempted a zanzoken (fast dodge, disappear, call it what you like) but Reichou beat him to the punch, literally and sent AJ far off. AJ's arm is now up to half the forearm. AJ got up slowly and looked at Siren and Warlock who all nodded to each other and fired a huge blast of their own all at Reichou. Reichou powered up quickly to deflect the blasts, then a hand came up from the rubble beneath Reichou and grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him deep under. Hizoku shot up from the rubble into the air and unleashed a barrage of ki blasts into the hole where he had pulled Reichou down as they all exploded and released a flaming hell from the hole and Hizoku stopped firing..[/i] Hizoku: "You people should probably get up here.. he's going to be as mad as a hornet.." [i]The rubble below the others began to bulge as they then took Hizoku's advice and lifted themselves into the air. Beams of energy peirced through the cracks in the rubble as the energy then just exploded into the air incinerating the the rocks and dust above it. Hizoku, Warlock, AJ, and Siren blocked all the they could but were unable to block all of it. The energy died down and left the four warriors slightly charred and somewhat weaker. But still strong and all. The heavy smoke cloud in the hole began to dissipate and they could see Reichou below ever-so-vaguely. But as the could thinned out they could see him better. Some of his armor had shed revealing his bulging muscles which made up for the armor loss and his body was radiating with uncontrolled energy.. Reichou is now at 3/4 his full power...[/i][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro gets up and wipes the small trail of blood away from his lip. He clenches his fist at his sides and powers up causing the ground to cave into below him. His eyes glazed over completely white for a moment and then returned to normal. A sudden bolt of electricity shot from Pyro and nail an unsuspecting MW in the back. It wasn't intentional but hey, it worked. The MW fell to the ground for a moment then got back up and looked at Pyro who had his hair spiked tightly into thin strands. As he dropped his aura his air fell back a bit so it wasn't sticking straight up. It remained the same color. His muscles tighter then ever. And his power was up dramatically, but he has yet to max out.. Pyro had once again transformed into his [color=darkred]Ultra Saiyajin[/color] form[/i] MW2: You're going to pay for the shock... [color=darkred]Ultra Pyro: Fight me.[/color] [i]The MW charged Pyro and quickly appeared behind him and elbowed him hard in the back. Pyro's body flew forward a bit and stopped. Pyro then disappeared as the MW began to look around at the others who were fighting the other warriors, but coudlnt find Pyro.. Suddenly a sudden strike hit his back as the MW stumbled forward. He regained his balance and turned around swinging his fist knocking Pyro in the face pushing him back into a wall of the resturuant which was about ready to collapse.. Pyro lunged forward pushing off the wall with his feet causing the wall to breakthrough. Pyro faded out passing right through the MW and reappeared, kicking the MW in the back of the head.. again, the MW stumbled forward and caught his balance. He turned to Pyro[/i] MW2: You're body may be durable to my attacks, but you lack stopping power yourself.. [color=darkred]Ultra Pyro: When the time comes, maybe I'll prove more of a challenge. Until then, stop talking and fight.[/color] [i]Pyro shot back out through a window and landed out on a desolate street. As the ground shattered below him. From the outside the resturaunt was also a wreck.. the next slight jolt would cause the thing to collapse.. Then, from the ground where Pyro had landed, the pavement began to crack and head towards the resturaunt.[/i] [color=darkred]Ultra Pyro: [b]GET OUT OF THE RESTURAUNT!!!!!![/b][/color] [i]Immediatly after he said that the crakc reached the resturaunt wall as the crack then spead up the wall.. he doesnt know if the others heard him.. the crack reached up to another crack and a small chunk of stone popped out nad fell to the ground, then the whole side collapsed as the entire restaurant began to crumble...[/i][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][i]The gargantuan being took one step towards Pyro from its far distance and was already standing right in front of Pyro. Pyro looked straight up at it as it lifted its foot high in the air. Immediatly Pyro flew the hell outta there as its foot came stomping down right behind him leaving a huge crater in place. It quickly then began chasing him. Since it was able to cover more ground faster than Pyro it easily caught up to him and grabbed him in its fist. It began squeezing Pyro as he screamed out in pain as he could feel his rib cage closing in on his lungs. He closed his eyes tightly concentrating intently on his energy trying to push his body back out, but it didn't help. The thing continued to squeeze harder the more Pyro tried. Pyro then coughed up his green blood his eyes opened and were pure red.. Pyro unconsiously tapping into an old power of his he had long forgotten how to do.. Clenching his teeth together tightly he built up every amount of energy he had and then wailed back screaming loudly as it echoed throughout the plain. His scream transformed into a roar as his teeth began to bare out and sharpen to a point and his tongue split into a fork. His body then throbbed inside the beings hands as it tried to keep Pyro from breaking free.. But Pyro's body began to expand and grow and take a different shape. Dark green scales grew onto his body as he grew himself. A long tail sprouted from his lower back with a three-pronged spike at the end. His shoulder blades bulged and then ripped open as a pair of giant wings unfolded dripping with its bodily fluids. By now, Pyro had become to much for the thing to hold and it was forced to let go as it stumbled back and fell, quickly reutnrin to its standing position. Pyro's neck lengthened and horns grew from his temples and his spine tightened against his back as some of the bone ripped through the thick skin and then it hlead back around the bone creating a long row of 'blades' all the way down his back and to the tip of his tail. From his five toes on each foot grew thick, sharp, black claws. Pyro arched its back and turned to face the being. Pyro was no longer himself. He was in his beast form. This form happened to take the form of a five-toed dragon..[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b][u]Tekunikku Meikan[/u][/b] [b]Fusions[/b] ~[i]Ni-yuukai:[/i] A simple fusion between two.(limit:--) ~[i]Mittsu-yuukai:[/i] Allows three fighters to fuse.(limit:1day) ~[i]Shi-yuukai:[/i] Allows four to fuse, very dangerous.(limit:1hour) ~[i]Katsu Chikara:[/i] Diffusion. Splits him, or another fusion apart. [b]Ki Blasts/Beams[/b] ~[i]Bakudan-kaigara Bakuha[/i]: Bombshell Blast, upgraded!(SM) ~[i]Suraisu:[/i] Powerful slicing attack. ~[i]Sesshou:[/i] Self-destruction. (very powerful, very dangerous) [b]Natural Abilities/Abilities[/b] ~[i]Shikaruni isei:[/i] Ability to train physically and mentally while at rest. (Natural) ~[i]Inbijiburu:[/i] Invisibility. (limit: 15min.) ~[i]Hitoshirezu:[/i] Keeps all aspects of Pyro except visual appearance hidden. (Natural) ~[i]Jaianto:[/i] Increase in physical size. ~[i]Toku:[/i] Ki Shield. ~[i]Anchi Zetsumei:[/i] Prevent personal death as long as physical emobiment remains. (Natural) ~[i]Doragon Kemono:[/i] Pyro's transformed self where he takes the shape of a five-toed dragon. [b]Dragon God Elemental Power[/b] ~[i]Mizu Nami:[/i] A powerful water attack. ~[i]Jishin[/i]: Uses energy to create destructive earthquake. ~[i]Ichimatsu Jinsei[/i]: Ressurects a dead person. (limit:1perperson) ~[i]Aisu Ibuki[/i]: An ice attack, unknown effects. ~[i]Tenrai Uindo[/i]: A chaotic wind attack. ~[i]Assarishita Kousen[/i]: A intense light beam. ~[i]Museifu Hinote:[/i] Fire, fire... everywhere![/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Lol, my posts don't center around your fight so I think I'll continue.. :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro watched as the thing continued to grow. A massive darkness fell over Pyro as the thing's shadow overloomed him. Never-the-less, Pyro stood solid as a rock as it began to slow its growth process and finally stopped.. Pyro knew his chances of evading this thing were slim to none being that Pyro was about the size of a blade of grass compared to it.[/i] Pyro: Oi... This is going to hurt.[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][i]While the Warriors have their attention on Xaida and Pyro, Warlock and Flash quickly power into super saiya-jins which catch the Warriors' attention right away..[/i] MW1: It looks like we're ready to go now aren't we?[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][i]Hizoku, Siren, Warlock, and AJ walked into position from far off around Reichou who slowly turned in circles eyeing them all evily. Reichou already had to reisist the urge not to use his ki at this moment.. Hizoku nodded at the others as they all then charged at Reichou who was in the center, as the closed in Reichou took off into the air and the four met in the middle nearly colliding but turned upwards in time to continue their pursuit of Reichou. Reichou was able to keep well ahead of them when AJ suddenly appeared right in front of him and fired a quick ki ball into his stomach pushing him back a bit but Reichou quickly caught himself and disentigrated the ball and punched AJ right in the face knocking him far off. Siren had caught up to Reichou and attempted to tackle him from the side but Reichou stood solid and swatted Siren. Then both Warlock and Hizoku appeared in front and behind Reichou and fired blasts right at him, Reichou was forced to put up a shield since he didnt have enough time to react any other way. Then from below a beam of ki shot up and engulfed Reichou then faded. Leaving Reichou slightly toasted and AJ down below, who had fired the beam out of his one arm. By now AJ's other arm was healde to the hand.. he still has the rest of the arm to go. Siren appears not far away from the side of Reichou..[/i] Siren: "I knew you wouldn't last long.." Reichou: "This fight had yet to begin.." :flaming: [i]Reichou erupted in a quick shot of power releasing a huge shockwave of ki, too strong for any of the fighters to get through and take advantage of his weakness. This shockwave was actually his power up, he was now only at a fourth of his true power..[/i] Reichou: "Let us continue..."[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]:rotflmao: ".................going Super Sayjian's alot less painful....." :laugh: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MW3: Well, it looks like the little girl is ready to go.. [i]From behind them the warriors feel a large upsurge of energy and turn around to see Pyro, slightly different. His was only slightly spiked out but it remained the smae color, his muscles were a bit tighter, and his power had raised a bit more...[/i] MW1: That makes two little girls.. Pyro: :flaming: [i]Pyro erupted in a violent green aura..[/i][/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]*saves topic from extinction*:D Lol, the funny part about Siren's post in that his weakness is not a specific place on his body :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]The warriors blasted out of the cavern, Hizoku still carrying the almost lifeless Siren. They flew far off into some craggy area where they could take some cover...[/i] Hizoku: "We'll lay low here for a while.." [i]Hizoku lay Siren on the ground and placed one hand on her forehead as a light blue misty aura enveloped her body.. then faded. Hizoku took his hand away as Siren's eyes opened.[/i] Siren: "Ugh.. where am I?" [i]Siren looks around..[/i] Siren: "Oh yeah.. how did I get bakc to health?" AJ: "Obviously Hizoku has a healing power.." Warlock: "Wait.. so.. couldn't you bring Neil back with that?" Hizoku: "....No .. I can heal, but not revive." Warlock: "D.amn.." AJ: "Soo.. Hizoku.. err... do you think you could fix my arm here?" Hizoku: "Yes I could." AJ: "Would you?" [i]After he said those words the space where his arm used to be was occupied by the shape of his arm in a light blue aura, but it was still not usable..[/i] AJ: "Err.. how come I can't move it?" Hizoku: "Being that it's your whole arm it's going to take longer to heal. And until it is completely healed you won't be able to use it. It will just remain that light blue, and as it begins to heal it will take the shape and color and wholeness of your arm again.. See?" [i]AJ looks down at the hand where the very tips of the fingertips had become the flesh color they were before..[/i] AJ ":wow:" Hizoku: "Ok, we're going to need to find some shelter.." [i]The four walk about the stone structures looking for a decent cave or something..[/i] Warlock: "Hey. Over there.." [i]Warlock pointed out a small hole in the side of a cliff.. The four flew over and up to it. It was just big enough for each of them to fit inside one by one. When each was inside they walked down a thin but tall corridor into a large, vast, open room.. completely black except for a small hole in the roof where the moonlight shown through and created a small patch of light in the center of the room... Suddenly footsteps were heard..[/i] Hizoku: "One of you please tell me that's you I hear walking.." Warlock: "No, I thought it was you.." Siren: "Not me" AJ: "Nope.." [i]There is silence for a moment except for the foot steps. Then, into that small patch of light in the center, stepped an ominous figure..[/i] Hizoku: "Sh|t..." Reichou: "It's no use running away.." AJ: "How'd you find us?!" Reichou: :demon: "I have an omnipresence ability.. I'm anywhere I want to be.." Hizoku: "Ya well you can have any ability you want, but I know your weakness..!" [i]Reichou steps into the darkness once more[/i] Reichou: "You can't attack me if you can't see me.." [i]In the darkness, Warlock holds up on hand and fires a ki blast at the ceiling as it begins to crack everywhere and then crumbles and collapses in dropping debris and dust on every one.. As the thick dust cloud settles all that can be seen is a huge pile of rubble. No sign of life anywhere.. Then near the enterance to what is now a hole, a chunk of rock is lifted up and pushed to the side as a hand comes out. It knocks some more rocks out of the way, and Siren lifts herself out of the rubble and stands in the now moonlit hole (the moon is not full). Soon enough, the others arose from the debris; Warlock, Hizoku, and AJ who had had a harder time getting out with only one arm. AJ's lost arm now was healed where his fingers were their fleshy selves again, but the rest was still healing. Then, far off in the center, a huge amount of rock burst into the air and Reichou rose from the hole that was made...[/i] Reichou: "You'll pay for that..." Warlock: "Well it looks as though we can see you now.." Hizoku: ".. [i]and[/i], I shall reiterate, I know your weakness.." Reichou: "Bah!! Enough with this 'secrecy' about knowing my 'weakness'. If you know it, why don't you share it with us!?" Hizoku: :smirk: "My pleasure. Back in the main cavern we attacked you. You delfected both Warlock and Siren with ease. I came down from above and you stepped out of the way where I landed right in front of you. So to prevent any close range attack from me you fired a ki blast into me pushing me far off. And it was at this time that you were hit by a small ki blast from both Siren and Warlock. I saw the whole thing, and you know what I noticed? I'll tell you. I noticed that while you were in control of the blast you fired at me you were locked into place-" Reichou: "SHUT UP!!!!" [i]Hizoku keeled over after being punched in the stomach by Reichou.. Hizoku teleported to the other side of the whole and continued talking even louder...[/i] Hizoku: "[b]So when you were in control of this blast you were hit, and at the moment you were hit you were in control of that blast you had fired at me. So in putting two and two together, your weakness i-[/b]" Reichou: "NO!!" [i]Reichou appeared in front of Hizoku and fired a quick blast at him which Hizoku narrowly dodged, but he took this time to kick Reichou in the stomach knocking him back to the center of the hole..[/i] Hizoku: "Your weakness is that you cannot defend yourself while in the control of ki." [i]Reichou stood up completly pissed off that his one weakness has been exploited..[/i] Hizoku: "All these years...... ever since I was a child...... and I just now figure it out." Reichou: "You're not making it off this planet alive...!" Hizoku: "You can't fight us all at once without having to use some ki tactics.." Reichou: "Over my dead body." Hizoku: "So be it."[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][i]Both Pyro and Xaida quickly stood up out of their seats as did Warlock and Flash both staring intently at the Masked Warriors.. All these sudden events of destruction have caused the customers to flee the resturaunt in fear. The total of seven warriors stood alone in the desolate room...[/i] Warlock: What do you want? MW1: :rolleyes::devil: We've come for a meal.. but it looks like that's out the window.. MW2: So we might have to make our own food.. tenderized [i]chicken[/i] sounds good.. [i]When saying the word "chicken" it eyed the four warriors..[/i] MW3: Of course, to tenderize a chicken, you need to pound it a little.. Xaida/Pyro/Warlock/Flash: :flaming: Pyro: Bring. It. On. MW2: Come get it. [i]Pyro quickly appeared behind the warrior only to soon enough find himself in a wall.. He stood up easy enough, and faced the warriors again..[/i] MW2: You should have seen that coming kid.. Pyro: :smirk: I did... MW2: :therock:[/SIZE]
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