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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic]Insert Cera's long posty thing that im not going to show because it's right up there and takes up too much space in two posts :p[/FONT][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Actually, I looked this up, so :p I found a whole webpage about words that end in -gry and this riddle was a part of it, and that was the answer :p[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]The word is [b]anhungry[/b], it's an obsolete word for hungry that is allowed to stay in the dictionary because it shows up in Shakespeare. :genius:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well I can't give a prayer but I will keep her in my best of wishes :);)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]In a small town, far off in the middle of nowhere.. screams fill the air as smoke rises from certain areas as fires burn down buildings.. People lay on the ground alive, consious, but with the inability to move.. as if they've been drained of energy... In an alley a slight moan of struggle is heard followed by a thud, as if something hit the ground... A few seconds later S17 walks out of the alley...[/i] S17: These humans are a small charge, but they will have to do for now. Until I get some larger prey.. Man: Hey you!! [i]S17 freezes where he is and turns his head slightly to his left looking behind him, seeing a human actually trying to stand up to him.. the man runs at S17 and punches him in the back.. of course this had no effect on S17 whatsoever. The man stood froze with his fist hard into S17's back and his mouth gapng open as his skin slowly began to pale and he dropped to the ground like the so many others before him...[/i] S17: Heh... I'm tired of this place.... [i]S17 flies into the air, turning around facing down at the town..[/i] S17: Goodbye... [img]http://home.satx.rr.com/ultimatedbz3/pics/moviegifs/29.gif[/img] [i]S17 flies off looking for something better to do...[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]:therock: Neil, I don't know who you were talking to.. Lol.... Ummmmm.... I'm kinda confused with what's going on exactly and where exactly Piro is at this moment in time.. so until i figure that out... wait, I was waiting for Warlock to post, that's right... *sigh*[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lol, seriously, I know this is your RPG and all, but Forte is right. Good gawd that was a laugh :D But ya, bring it down a notch, krikey.. you even said that the good guys are significantly weaker than the bad guys :p Hey, oh my, that was really funny... sorry, I can't help it... :cross: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]S17 stands on the ground as the last bits and pieces of his body rebuild upon itself and heal over seamlessly...[/i] S17: For a pair of old geezers, Dr. Gero and Dr. Myuu were absolutley brilliant... S13: Well they could have done a better job on me... [i]S13 walks around reattaching the broken pieces of his body..[/i] S17: You're a much earlier model.. what the hell do you expect? Buu: Honsetly, I think you guys are a joke :devil: S17: Watch your mouth pinky :smirk: [i]S17 gives Buu a quick taste of 'friendly fire' by punching him in the face, knocking him to the ground as he was caught off guard.. Buu sat with a pissed off look on his face at S17... S17 just stared back at him.... then they just broke out in uncontrollable laughter.. and eventually settled down..[/i] S17: Ah.. but I'm glad Gohan gave me that beating... It helped me out a lot.. S13: How so? S17: He lost a lot of ki in his attack on us earlier.. I made sure of that.. Buu: Androids... S17: I am living perfection... My power never decreases yet I can absorb energy.. S13: Gah... I wish I could do that part... I actually have to work to get stronger here.. S17: But you still are an android. We don't have the limitations that these pathetic fighters have. They need rest, they need food, they need air... we do not. Buu: *evil laughter* You guys may not be so pathetic after all... S17: You finally speak some truth.. [i]The three stand about silent..[/i] S17: I'm getting tired of this, I'm going to find a city I havn't destroyed yet.. I'm going to have a little more fun with this one though... [i]S17 flies off leaving S13 and Buu behind.....[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lol! I swear, Voodoo always has the most interesting avatars :p And this recent one of his is no exception. Oh my.. lol, that's awesome :p[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lol, poor Pan :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]S17 and S13 arrive at the city where S17 battled Gohan for that bit. He was nowhere to be seen. Probably went home crying to his mommy... it was pathetic really...[/i] S17: Well, this is a disappointment. I was looking for a fight, even it were to be a quick one... S13: .......... [i]A gust of wind comes by blowing S17's long black hair about as it settles back down...[/i] S17: Well... if he's not here... let's give him an invitation :devil: [i]S17 signals S13 to follow him up into the air. S17 looks down at the already destroyed city with an evil grin on his face. It was time to have a little fun..[/i] S17: Once Gohan feels this he'll come running this way, and we'll be waiting here for him.... [i]S17 looks down at the city again.. and fires a huge assortment of ki blasts at it, leveling it to the ground in no time at all...[/i] [img]http://home.satx.rr.com/ultimatedbz3/pics/moviegifs/29.gif[/img] S17: Now we wait :smirk:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]:therock: Wow. I think someone's taking this a [i]little[/i] too seriously. Especially since you refer to this 'kiss' as a real person. Some people these days...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]HAHA! Neil doesn't get a quality home-made meal like Warlock and I got a long time ago. That was the great food ever!!! :p *sigh* I wish Warlock would post soon :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Delian [/i] [B]Piro you seem like you already are a wonderer...mentally speaking of course...hehehe Only joking;)[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Actually, that's really the only place I can wander. The last time I've wandered was not too long ago when my friend and I just went for a spontaneous walk to nowhere really. It was the funnest thing I've ever really done. Not knowing where you're going is really exciting.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I live in USA. I'm mostly a Polack, lol. I have some Celtic and very little Native American.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lol, no I havn't, I don't know why, I've done more than enough to deserve it. Parents must have paid them off or something..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Poor Pan :( Such a sweet gal.... Mwuahaha I enjoyed it though :D Good ol' S17 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]S17 appears in a completely destroyed city... not a citizen for miles... he stood on a damaged roof top. He was there to actually see it happen but he remembered it like it was yesterday.. That day.. that glorious day that he was born. He didn't remember much of it.. just the last phase... the actual fusion...... it just replayed over and over in his head.......[/i] [IMG]http://www.members.aol.com/nrage13/images/s17fuse.gif[/IMG] [i]He chuckled a bit, and then broke out in a mad laughter falling to his knees... It was his best day indeed......[/i][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Eh, I have no plans. I just gonna take what comes to me... I always thought being a wanderer would be pretty fun. Wandering is one of my favorite things to do that takes to no real talent or any at all really. Yup.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]What programs do you guys use to make your avatars? [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I just use AOL. It has this od thing where you can drag a picture off the site and into your browser onto a small picture editor, and I just crap it from there. The only downside is that you can't save it from the picture editor and you have to put it into an email (that's what I do anyway) and doing that lessens the quality a bit. That's why mine appears somewhat pixely. As in, the color is smooth or whatnot.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]DBZChickaghan, what's with the quadruple posting? That was unneccesary to the ninth... And shibatku, 60x60 would be the size of my avatar right now.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Oooooooooo.... sounds like fun. I don't even burn CDs so I dont know know much there. The compression thing sounds interesting though. Neato :)[/SIZE]
[quote][i]Originally posted by Warlock[/i] [b][size=1][i]both Warlock and Piro both turned super saiyin[/i][/b][/size][/quote][SIZE=1]Heh, problem with that is, Piro hasn't transformed into a SSJ yet. He has gotten to USJ (Ultra Saiya-Jin) where his speed increases dramtically but this results in his strngth not being able to keep up with his speed, but he's figured out how to use momentum. He could match any SSJ pretty well, but he'd probably still lose in the long run... though Neil is weaker than Piro since he just got in this RPG, so ya, :p ANYWAY! On with the show. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Piro and Warlock remain standing where Xaida and Neil took off... not really knowing what to do..[/i] Piro: ... So.. what the hell are we supposed to do now? Warlock: Ummmmmmm..... I dunno.. I was looking for a fight with this new guy, but it looks like that's out the window... [i]Piro and Warlock stand silent for a while...[/i] Piro: Haven't seen those warriors for a while... Warlock: Ya... it's a little weird.................... a little [i]too[/i] weird actually.. Piro: Ya, usually they're on our tails every chance they get... or at least on my tail.. you don't have one :p Warlock: Heh...... but ya you're right.............. what the hell are they up to now that they're not pestering us?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]:therock: I could have sworn I said I didn't have the cards on me in my last post... *reads lasy post* Yup, I did... Ah, well.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Vash stands on the street, charred black... but still very alive...[/i] Vash: That *****...... Heh.. :laugh: [i]Vash walks into a nearby alley.. as he walks all his 'skin' peels off revealing his chrome/mechanic structure.. I slight beep is heard as skin tissue, muscles, nerves, etc all grow back onto his body...[/i] Vash: Too bad she though I was the [i]real[/i] Vash... dumb broad.. [i]Vash reaches into the back of his coat and pulls out a single card...[/i] Vash: Good thing she only came looking for two.. She's not getting this one. [i]Vash crumbles the card into his fast and squeezes tightly.. he opens his hand back up and the card is gone..[/i] Vash :smirk: She could tear me apart and still, that card will never be found... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And that means [b]NEVER[/b]. None of that magic BS bringing it back. You already pissed me off with your last post.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]This one guy in my drama class has this whole thing about how there are these 7 different ruler 'god'(ess) type things, and they each created their own part of the universe (planets, solar sytem, etc) but then they got bored. So they made people to put on these planets and give them the freedom of choice so that nothing may turn out the way it seemed purely for their enjoyment and stuff. That's not even the fourth of it ,i don't remember exactly what he said. But the way he said it was very believable, that we're all jsut here to humor a greater existence.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]The way I heard the bar one is: "Three men were hanging out. Two of them walked into a bar.... one ducked." :p[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I do believe it's because this boards already has a bajillion members and if registration was open all the time we'd probably have a lot more if thery didn't close registration every so often. Chances are it'll open up after a while, when I'm not sure but it might. But ya..[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B][color=green] LOL, You what?! Its cool, heheh, And I KNEW IT! HA! I remember that! I gotta download that movie again..[/color] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Still not sure if Noodlez is ok with the whole SA13, so you might want to think about changing it.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Pyro: Hrmm... well at least you're still in the tournament.. I probably [i]would[/i] be if that **** fire dragon didn't interfere... Warlock: So that's what that was. Pyro: Yup, I had no other choice but to kill myself... Otherwise I don't think Kaloc would have survived the match... though I'm pretty sure Raiha would have brought him back... but I still would have lost for unsportsman-like conduct or something like that.. Warlock: Ya.. but at least you won that tounrament in the Other World. Pyro: Ya, that was fun... and something good came out of that too.. Warlock: Really? What? Pyro: Heh.... [i]Pyro puts his hands on Warlocks shoulder and taps into his hidden energy. Warlock about crumbles under the weight of Pyro's hand... Pyro let's go, dispeling his power..[/i] Warlock: :wow: That's some dense stuff right there.... Pyro: That's what it took to win the Other World Tournament. Warlock: When did you find that? Pyro: I think when I fought Kaloc.. Warlock: That's far more than enough than you'd need to beat him... I mean no offense to the guy but... holy crap that's some power there... Pyro: That's why I said he probably wouldn't have survived if I didn't kill myself.. Warlock: I see...... Pyro: Well if that next match is going to start soon shall we head there?......[/SIZE]