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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. PiroMunkie


    [SIZE=1]o.O I had my exams last year :p Before break, I don't have any now :D[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]You could always make one like I did :D Of course you need to be [i]extra[/i] talented to find a picture and crop it to its correct size, lol :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]One time, last year, my parents called me normal and I about soiled myself over that :nervous: :worried:[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro stands amongst the rubble and debris fully renewed from the super charge of reuniting with his other embodiments...[/i] [color=teal]Water Dragon: Pyro, I sense I newer found power in you? What is this?[/color] [color=blue]Ice Dragon: Yes, I sense it too. You did not have it the last time I checked.[/color] Pyro: It's pretty new to me too, but it is an awesome power. [color=darkred]Earth Dragon: And by awesome, you mean dangerous right?[/color] Pyro: Of course! :D [color=indigo]Wind Dragon: So your sense of adventure comes with a risk does it?[/color] Pyro: Oh come on, you should know me well enough so you wouldn't even have to ask that question. [color=crimson]Light Dragon: I would like to see this new found power of yours...[/color] Pyro: Well if the time ever comes where I need to use it again, you'll see it then...[/SIZE]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]Since I doubt we'll be moving to Version 4.0 anytime soon, I'm introducing changes which I've wanted to see for a while. So I guess this is a kind of "Version 3.5". :)[/size][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]All riiiiiight! Lol, that means whenever you switch to a different banner you need to have Otaku Boards 3.5 right? Lol, that's be a nice change :p But ya, you're the greatest James. (Mwuahaha, I was the first to enlarge my custom avatar!! :D)[/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]WOOHOO!!!! Thanks James!!! Wow you're just full of suprises these days. First the new stuff in G&S, now this!?! What do you have in store for this place next? Huh? :D Lol, thanks a bunch James, you're the greatest ever! *gives James another great[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][b][u][i]BIG[/i][/b][/u][/SIZE] [SIZE=1]hug!! and then runs off to increase the size of his avatar :p*[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]Lol, I showed that to a friend of mine and she said she about fell out of her chair :D She didn't even see what it was but it scared the daylights out of her :p[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Like this!: (the one in the middle everyone says I look high and about to cry...BUT I AM NOT!!)[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, I remember that pic. The girl in the foreground doesn't look too bad, lol :D You look like you're about to laugh :laugh:[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Bah, I'll make it easy for ya and just post my pic :p You lucked out that I'm in a good mood (not that I'm ever NOT in a good mood... usually anyways) I'm just in a particularyly good mood now :) So [i]anyway[/i] enough sensless babbling, on with my picture: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=131557[/url] or you can [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=131557]go here![/URL] Take your pick! :D[/SIZE]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]anyway, my brother jon moved to florida. i've never lived in a different city than him before. i miss him so much already! :bawl: :bawl: who am i going to harass now? & who's going to beat up the guys that mess w/ me? :bawl: :bawl: what am i gonna DOOOO??[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Well I'm sorry to hear that LM. My brother moved out last year I do believe but he lives only about 5-7 minutes away or such from me, within walking distance even probably if I wanted. Though if you think about everything is within walking distance, some places just may take longer than others. But ya, anyway, off topic real quick a small spider just crawled into my key board, lol, I hope I crush it when I hit one of the keys, it'll serve it right :p Anyway, back on topic, I'd be more than glad to beat up the guys that mess with you. I know I can't do that physically but if they have AIM you can just slip me there sn and I'll flame the hell outta them :modrod: And you can always harass me, lol, it's what I'm here for :p[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro continues his flight finally finding a deserted area where he can rejoin with his 'brothers' and 'sisters'. Pyro stops above the terrain and drops himself down landing softly amongst the dirt. Pyro stands silently eyes closed arms crossed.[/i] Pyro: ............................ Saihatsu.............. [i]Suddenly the temperature aruond him become nothing, there was no heat, there was no cold, it was just blank, high winds picked up everywhere knocking anything and everything down to ground level, except Pyro. The dirt came caught int the winds and blew everywhere making it impossible to see through it. But inside the dirt, the spirits of the dragons flew about, appearing and disappearing. Soon enough they drilled themselves into the ground and all was silent.... then all earth around Pyro was lifted up and destroyed as each of the Dragon Gods/Goddesses erupted from the ground and quickly each took their turn coming over Pyro's figure and flying straight down upon him, and seeminlgy 'swallowing' him, each disapperaed after their turn. The immense pressure Pyro was being put through was unbearable, the only thing keeping him up was the fact that the Dragons came one right after the other with no spaces inbetween them. But after the last and final one passed through Pyro was thrown to the ground as the ground beneath him smashed into a giant crater... he layed their breathing heavily for a few minutes. Then became in control of his breathing and stood up, now at least 100-200 times stronger than he previously was(Pyro's power when he came back to earth was nil compared to everything else, it was basically his power when he first was created)...[/i] [color=green]Life Dragon: It is glad to be back, Pyro...[/color] [i]Pyro said nothing, but smiled a wide smile in agreement.[/i][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Those are cool :p Lol, I now remember playing that game cause I recognize some of the bosses :D Very nice though[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Lol, you people are funny. So tense :p I thought it was awesome. Lol, Voodoo, that [i]is[/i] a funny expression :cross:[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Anime show: Trigun Name: Vash the Stampede II Age: N/A Description: Basically an cyborg replica of the actual Vash, wears a black coat instead of the usual red and has silver hair instead of the normal blonde-ish color, otherwise, the same. Personality: He one wild cat! Don't let his ominous appearance fool you, he's not really all that scary.... unless you piss him off :demon:[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]Oh no, Dave Thomas has just died today:(. Such a tragedy:(. He won't be in any more Wendy's commercials now... Rest in Peace, -Adam[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I knew I knew that name from somewhere. Poor dude :( He's probably in Wendy's haven right now though, he runs the resturant in a better place :)[/SIZE]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B]Edit- For those who don't get it... It's a gif, if you stare at it for a little bit,something will happen... And it is freaky...[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Oooooooooooooooh, I see now :p That was awesome!!! Ya, the first time I looked at it I looked away to type something to someone on AIM and I saw something I thought, but I just put it aside, but now I know what I saw, hehe, that's cool :freak:[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Well, luckily, my friends and I don't have the same taste in girls really. except for one, I've mentioned her before in one of these topics recently, I'm not sure which, but it didn't bother me cause we never really went out or anything, but ya.[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Lol, it looks like my basement, only a tiny bit messier :p What's it supposed to be exactly? As in, what's that actual point here?[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Well if you get in a fight, you're going to be suspended so you should have seen that coming. And if you ever do get into a fight, let the dude beat you up a bit first [i]then[/i] fight back, don't just fight the guy from the beginning. Cause if you hold back your fighting, you can plead self-defense which can work at times, especially if you have witnesses that can say that the other dude started the fight and you were acting on self-defense. I, myself, prefer not to fight so I don't start anything. But ya, if someone else starts it I have no other choice but to fight fire with fire. It's not that i'm [i]against[/i] fighting, it's that I prefer not to cause there's always a better way to solve matters, but when you have someone attacking you, you can't stand there and let yourself be beat up. You need to teach them a lesson so that they don't do it again. Hint if you're going to fight someone: Go for the throat, knees, and eyes. There's my two cents for ya.[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Elite DBZ [/i] [B][B]I was just visiting a website that I know of and it had a flash movie that I didn't notice until it started playing, It's just slightly down from the top of the page, the first update notice it should have a little black box saying loading on it, wait for it to load, I found this very funny, I hope you do [url]http://www.neogohan.net[/url][/B] :laugh: :rotflmao:[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]:rotflmao::rotflmao: Oh my, that was hilarious. Whoever created that has way too much time on there hands :laugh: Oi, that was funny :p[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Here's a pic of him anf gokou. It's a bit harder to see him because he's a bit behind gokou but ya, you can see him ok enough :p[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro continues to fly along looking for a decent non-populated area to rejoin with his other parts then remembers something he forgot and stops dead in his tracks[/i] Pyro: :whoops: [i]Pyro turns around to where he came from and takes in a deep beath[/i] Pyro:[/SIZE] [SIZE=4][b][u][i]THANK YOU RAIHA!!!!!![/i][/u][/b][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][i]Pyro turned back around and continued his search[/i][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Hrmmm.... I have a dog that can walk on three legs? :D :freak:[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Yes, I would date a good friend. I prefer to get to be 'good friends' with a person before I think about dating them. I disagree with the "lack of discovery" concept, cause you may discover that you don't really like the person at all and then you break up, and you may do that over and over again wuith a bunch of other people, I honestly don't like the idea of having a lot of break-ups in my past. I like to get to know the person better to see if the relationship could actually go somewhere. I do this with every girl I become interested in, which really isn't many, but still. I am interested this one right now. She just makes me so happy all the time, just everything about her. We've gone on 'dates' a few times already, but they were just as friends. We went to hockey games and stuff, andI missed most of the game because I was just kinda watching what she was doing, andi noticed that she plays with her hands a lot, or whatever she may have on her wrist at the time (watch, bracelet, etc.). It's one of the funnest things, just watching her play with her hands. It's just one of the many things I enjoy about her. But at the same time it makes me kinda sad, because if she's playing with them, then it's like they're alone. And I always want to reach over and hold them so they don't have to be alone, but I know we havn't really crossed that line yet so I don't. But it is something to look forward to. I like to take things slow to be honest. I mean, just starting off dating, you don't need to start kissing just because you're boyfriend&girlfriend now. Holding hands is a good way to start. And by the time you get to the point where you want to kiss each other, it won't seem so weird because you've already gotten used to each other. A relationship with me wouldn't ruin my relationship with my other friends at all. I don't actually hang out with them too often, I just see 'em at school and whatnot, and talk to them on the phone/internet whenever I do. So dating a good friend wouldn't really ruin anything there. There are 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There's plenty of time to do stuff with your other friends. And the worst break up ever? Not with me really. If I feel things slipping I bring it up and talk about it, it's mostly my fault, cause I've been in a relationship before and it was and I admitted to that. Of course she was the witchy type (witchy is just my less vulgar way of saying something that ryhmes with it) and didn't talk to me ever again, but her friends still did, so that was cool enough. And they didn't really talk about the break-up or anything, and it really didn't bother me that we broke up. There's a song that goes along with that kinda. I'll just type them for the heck of it, skip down if you don't care to read it: [b]"Won't Say it Again"[/b] the Fonzarellies [i][b]i don't want an answer i don't wanna know how far can you take me how far can this go? you planned ahead but you failed to realize that what i said won't last all night i meant every word i said won't say it again i wanna get out go through it again i've gotta learn i'm way too young to fall in love like this now you're way too blind to see the things you'd miss want it all? i want it all now i'm seein' through dead eyes and i'm watching you fall it don't take long to realize baby and break throught the walls when i leave we'll have such lonely nights but you'll find another guy and i'm sure he'll treat you right and all those promises i never seen 'em through now i can't find the words i need to say to you it'll alll be o.k. life's a lesson, anyway i learned i wasn't good enough for you[/b][/i] You can also hear the song if you want by clicking the 'MP3' link in my sig by the name 'the Fonzarellies' it'll take you to a site where you can listen to it if you wanna. Anyways, in a nutshell, ya I would date a good friend.[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Lol, ok, here's something about the England episodes of dubbed shows I've always wanted to know. Do they put English accents on the characters? Lol, I couldn't really see someone like Vegeta talking like that :laugh:[/SIZE]
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