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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]For my Christmas Vacation, I whent to visit my dad up in IL. I Met this girl on new years eve, and I can't get her out of my head. I can't stop thinking abut her. We converse by e-mail, and normal Mail, but not much, Has anybody ever had this happen to you, I know some of you have had to, unless you have no life, or just haven't had that happen yet.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Yes I have.. but she was in a dream, so it's not quite the same thing. All I know is that I couldn't get her outta my head for the rest of the week, although I never got to see what her face looked like because the darn dream blurred it out...[/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]Wow, I went to a few of those as a kid :p When I [i]was[/i] into wrestling. The best one I went to was back when Shawn Michaels fought Deisel for the belt. It was the greatest match ever. Too bad Deisel (now known as Kevin Nash) lost though.. Grrr...![/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]Aw, my poor PIRO HONEY! *hugs him and latches on* Well, at least she didn't say that if she dated you it would ruin her reputation...I got that one not too long ago...talk about ruining someone's self-esteem...that was my all time high, let me tell you...[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Eh, it was her loss really. I liked her back but wasn't ready to get into a relationship with anyone. If she would've learned to wait, I might have asked her out. So ya, it's really her loss. I'm sorry to hear that some guy said that awful thing to you. I would never say that to a girl.. partially because I don't have a reputation to ruin, but mainly because... I dunno, I just wouldn't.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Eh, I've been used and abused... it's what I'm here for I guess. I've also been the person that someone's trying to get to, She used my friends to try to get me to ask her out and I found out what she was doing later on and I lost all trust, respect, etc for her. Those were dark times they were.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Warlock: So what have you been up to while you were dead? Pyro: Eh, not much really, got some training done, met some weird people types- Warlock: I heard you won some kind of tournament while you wereup there? Pyro: Yes I did! The Other World Tournament. It was pretty easy up until the final round then I read had to lay the smack down. [i]Pyro and Warlock laugh a bit, and then Pyro speaks once more[/i] Pyro: Well I have to go get back in touch with the Dragon Gods, so I'll see you later! Warlock: ALl right, see ya Pyro Pyro: Bye! [i]Pyro flies off to go train by himself.[/i][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Well, good luck to you Safer. Much happiness to you and your (to be) wife. May you live long and stay happy together and all that jazz.[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]:rotflmao: That's a riot! :D Lol Man that's good fun. I like it, it's humorous at the first look :p Fun fun silly willy :p[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Stupid Raiha make me ask politely *walks off mumbling swear words* :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro waits in the Other World..[/i] Pyro: Hrmmm.. it'd probably help if I actually contacted these people :p [i]Pyro concentrates for a bit and opens up a direct between him and Raiha[/i] Pyro: Hey Raiha! [i]Raiha: Pyro?! Hey what's up?[/i] Pyro: Umm. not much really, I won the other world tournament over here a long while ago.. [i]Raiha: Ah, making up for your loss here I see.[/i] Pyro: Yup.. say, could you get me back to life now please? I'm ready to come back.[/i][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Well thanks you all for your compliments and such :) I appreciate them very much so. Hehe, you people are silly though :p *gives Asuka a great big hug!!!* :D[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro walks around the Other World, waiting..[/i] Pyro: Gee, I wish I was back on Earth. Maybe Raiha could bring me back :rolleyes: :D[/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]Lol, thank you, thank you! :bow: I was hoping I'd get that spot, I didn't know ti lyou told me though :p Cool. Anyways, I'm waiting for either Raiha or DBZman to post.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]Lol, those are funny! Now just start making ones with stick figures killing each other and you'll be the next StickDeath creator!!! :laugh:[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]-.-; Cutting down on fan sections, eh? Figures. Everytime I try to send in a DBZ fanfic to get it started you people get rid of the section. GRR!! Lol, but anyway, doesn't seem [i]that[/i] different to me. Just centered, but that's a huge plus since I use 1152x864 screen resolution and the old version was aligned at the left. So ya, I like it :)[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Pssssst! DBZman! I'm in the Other World, not Hell, lol. (but let's just say you found your way to the Other World :D) hehe, Raiha, it's not his fault those hospital gowns are revealing :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro bursts through the doors of his room where the nurse still is..[/i] Pyro: Are you sure I'm okay??? Nurse: Well, yes. Or else you wouldn't have been able to get out of here. Pyro: Ok! Then I wasn't just seeing/hearing/senseing things! BYE! [i]Pyro runs back out of the room and to the front counter.[/i] Pyro: Hi, I'm Pyro I'm supposed to see you about my clothes? Secretarty: Pyro... hrmmm... ah yes, here we go! [i]The lady pulls out a pink tutu[/i] Pyro: -.-[color=blue];[/color] Ok, I don't think that's me, check again.. [i]The secretary shrugs and checks again[/i] Secretary: Oh *giggles* Sorry about that :blush: [i]She pulls up Pyro's clothes and he grabs them still wearing his hospital gown them running into the nearest mens room.. the secretary looks after him[/i] Secretary: :blush: Cute butt! :blush: [i]Pyro then bursts back out of the mens room in his normal clothes (which consists of bascially pants, and that's all :p) and runs back down thet hallway tripping over someones foot and falling face first into the floor... he gets up[/i] Pyro: Ow! Son of a :angry2: DBZman: Hey Pyro! Pyro: Huh? Oh! HEY DBZman!! Long time no see! DBZman: What's up!? Pyro: Not much really... that I can remember anyway.. I'm ready to get out of here now.. though you're here.. and DragonBalls are down on Earth.... hrmmmm....[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]YA! Anna is an awesome name!!! WOOHOO! :D This is a good night indeed :)[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]Nickname: Yo Quero Age: 15 (almost 16) Allowance (or income from job): Minimum wage *blech* Favorite Smilie (from the boards): Ummmmmmm... I tend to use this one a lot :p Favorite... Umm... Power Ranger ^_^: N/A Time of Birth: Approx. 2 AM Do you think the teletubbies are demonseeds? (a simple yes or no will suffice): YES Favorite Cartoon Cartoon: Dexter's Laboratory Favorite Japanese Anime: DBZ/GT or Trigun :p Favorite Font: Viner Hand ITC or Comic Sans MS What kind of pet do you have, if any? DOG!! (If you said no to last question,disregard this one) What is it's name? ALFIE!!! Favorite "Grown-Up" American Cacrtoon? (I.E. Simpsons, Family Guy, etc.) SIMPSONS/FAMILY GUY! How many wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood, and what did Peter Piper do with his pickled peppers after he picked them, in your opinion? n/a[/SIZE]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]*catches him as he faints and sets him upon a bed or something* NOW Piro Honey, you ARE good looking...please don't put yourself down, that's what [i]I[/i] do and you're not going to do it, too! And you're not a freak either, unless of course, I'm a freak, too....but I was told I was a freakish-punk...not enough black to be a freak, not enough spikes to be a punk...so I'm stuck in between...but anywho.... Those are our kids, HONEY! And they probably WILL beat each other up, too...especially if they're all boys...Anna, we need a DAUGHTER! Give us a daughter! And I do not like those names, Tetsuo..those were SCARY..except for the dog named Vegas *laughs*.[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Well hoe I look is you're peoples opinion so I'll leave that alone :p And, hon, I [i]am[/i] a freak, I've been told so myself :D And spikes don't make a punk FYI... Yes yes, we need a daughter!!! :( Ermm... what shall be her name?[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Hehe, yes, bring the problem and reasoning to his face and talk it out. If that don't work. Knock some sense into his thick, arrogant skull :devil:[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]I used to have this one where I got chased around everywhere by the Abominable Snowman. Which is kinda funny because at the time I didn't even know how to spell "Abominable" :p[/SIZE]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B]If you had a retarded baby would keep it? I mean really really retarded, like it wouldnt never learn to talk and was some what deformed. And partially blind. What would you do?[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I dont know to be honest, I've never had that situation[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro's eyes groggily opened, the bright lights above him blinded him, he squinted hard. After a few moments his eyes adjusted enough and he opened them all the way.. He looked around and found himself on a hospital bed of some kind.. The room was empty, and his body was hooked up to all sorts of weird stuff. Feeling fine, Pyro unhooked himself from the equipment and got up out of the bed, he noticed he was wearing one of those hospital gowns..[/i] Pyro: Ugh.. Where are my real clothes?? [i]Just then a nurse walked in and dropped her clipboard and pen, she was shocked to see Pyro up and out of his bed. She gathered her things and stood back up..[/i] Nurse: Well it's good to see you up and well again.. ermm.. Pyro? Is it? Pyro: Yup... how long have I been in here? Nurse: Well it'd be the equivalent of 12 Earth days.. Pyro: Really? Whoa.. that's a long time.. Nurse: Mmm-hmm Pyro: So am I free to go? Nurse: Well I don't see why not, you're back to health boviously, go ahead and leave, ask the lady at the front desk for your clothes! Pyro: Ok, good, I don't like this thing.. [i]So Pyro opened the doors and walked out of the room down the hall in his hospital gown.. his rear showing and all :blush:[/i] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :rotflmao:[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1]Woody, I understand that you're just being nice :) It was my modesty kicking in, I don't think I'm good looking Asuka my dear, yes I am a freak :freak: And I'm proud of it! :D Chester as the guy from LP huh? I like Chester Cheetah better :p Hehe.... hrmmm... Dexter huh? Like from Dexter's Laboratory!!! WOOHOO! :box: :rotflmao: Anna! Oh my, that was HILARIOUS!!! :rotflmao: Oh that's going to be so true.. Although if I would have been there I would have been like "KICK HIS ***** CHESTER!!!" lol.. I promote violence among children, cause I know they can't really do much damage to each other :p And if they do, then that's where I step in and lay the smack down :therock: And Asuka hon, let's see.. so we have Chester, Dexter, and Orli????? Oh my.. that's three.. :wow: *faints*[/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Nevermind, I had this whole long message typed out here, but it was rather mean and I was just venting and now I feel better so I don't really need to post it :)[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Was it about what I said :( If it was I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you in any way. I would feel really bad for getting you down, cause I don't like making people (especially girls) feel bad, angry, etc. And if it was what I said, please understand that I'm really really sorry, I was just expressing my opinion. :( Anyways.. (so as not to be completely off the actual topic) You're mom colored your hair huh? How bizarre :therock:[/SIZE]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by *GaLxY-GiRl* [/i] :rotflmao: OMG.... Do you really want to look like Trunks, [b]that[/b] bad?! He's practically a FREAK! Or a weird, bulgy guy on steroids... ..... Wait a minute.... :shifty: Heh heh.... You're a fun one to tease....[/QUOTE][SIZE=1]:therock: Ok, I never said I wanted to look like him. I said that I [i]resemble[/i] him, there's a difference. The "lol" when I said "And Woody, thanks for believing me on the whole resemblance to Trunks thing! lol" denotes a lack of seriousness about the topic at hand. :p It's not my fault I was born that way. I mean, in hair styles, I've been Trunks all my life. Like Chibi Trunks, when I was a kid my hair was parted more to the side, then as I got older, I started puting it in the middle. And then I saw Trunks when I started to get into DBZ and I was just like, THEY COPIED ME!!!! So it's not that I look like Trunks, it's that Trunks looks like me :D And yes, I [i]am[/i] a freak, woopdeedoo! What else is new??? WOOHOO! And yes, I am fun to tease :smirk: I do it often :p Hehe, woody, "good looking freak" :rotflmao: It's not the "freak" part that's funny, it's the "good looking", lol[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Lol, funny DBZman.. :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Nikui stood half-stunned in one corner of the ring. Even after his strongest attack, Pyro was still standing, and with spare energy to use. He had never sense anything like it, and deep down, he was somewhat afraid... and deeper down.. he was terrified. Pyro, he stood in his destroyed half of the ring, not taking his eye off Nikui.. To explain more about this advnced energy he was using, it's not something he's had all along. He found it inside him recently somewhere inbetween the time the Fire Dragon possessed him and when he self-destructed fighting Kaloc. He believes it was right after he was taken over by the Fire Dragon, he hadn't done anything special to himself since then. It was the dramatic upsurge of enrgy he got that allowed him to find inside himself. It was this power he used against Kaloc, though, to be honest, he didn't have to use much of it at all. Kaloc still wouldn't have been much of a challenge even if he hadn't used it. But it made beating him to a bloody pulp that much easier.. he didn't want to hurt like that.. he wasn't in control of himself at the time. While he was fighting Kaloc he learned of its power, its conservative ability, its immense density... its risks... And now, it was time for him to use it against a stronger opponent than Kaloc was...[/i] Pyro: Nikui! Power up to your max. [i]Nikui expression dropped into awe and confusion..[/i] Nikui: ...huh?......... Why do you want me to do that? Pyro: I want you to be at full power. So you can at least stand a chance against me. [i]Nikui stood upright and gave a small but loud laugh. Obviously he didn't believe that Pyro could be that much stronger than him right now. But he decided to go along with it any way.[/i] Nikui: All right.. it's your funeral.. Pyro: I'm already dead. [i]Nikui just looked at him somewhat stupified, then changed that into a cocky smirk. Nikui bent down and started with a low growl as his power level began to increase rapidly. He then erupted in violent red "flames" as his power increased 100 times more rapidly than before. The ground shook first, then the arena, then the air around them, then the small planet itself shook. Yet with all this shaking and opwer increase, nothing really broke or fell. The ground beneath Nikui crumbled a little but not much. After about five minutes of this, Nikui finally came to a close letting out one last pulse of energy that knocked all spectators out of their seats. He looked at Pyro who stood solid as a rock, he was still very injured from Nikui's blast, but he didn't seem to be minding it.[/i] Nikui: So? Do you like? Pyro: I'm very disappointed actually.. I expected more. But if that's all you've got, then I guess it will have to do. [i]Nikui was upset by these words, he didn't know how strong Pyro thought he was, he didn't know how strong Pyro was period, actually. He figured his blast took a lot out of him, maybe half of his power or so, but he couldn't tell because Pyro seemed fine. Pyro stood still flaring with his ki aura. he stood silent for a while, and then spoke.[/i] Pyro: Ok, let's get back to fighting. [i]Without Pyro stopped his violent aura so it was just him. He quickly went into fighting positino where his whole body glew bright green for a moment and Pyro thrusted his arms forward firing a thick beam of energy right at Nikui. Nikui put his hands out and caught the blast, but the sheer power of it brought his hands back to his chest as he then began being pushed toawrd the edge of the ring. Then soon enough, he was off the ring, but floating above the ground. He was just about backed into touching the corner of the stands, but then he gathered what power he could and flipped the beam up into the air. As the beams tail followed the 'head' of the beam and got out of Nikui biew.. Pyro was gone, not in the ring. He looked all around the stadium for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. "Up here!!!" Nikui suddenly heard, and he looked up, saw Pyro for a split second, and then he was gone again.. Nikui kept looking around as he felt a sharp pain in his lower back and found him self face first in the ring with Pyro walking beside him. Nikiu pounded the ring with his fist, shattering the floor as he got up. he then charged Pyro throwing a punch, but Pyro caught his fist and kicked his elbow up, breaking his arm. Nikui screamed in pain and fell to his knees. He grabbed the broken arm with his other hand and reset the bone, as he wasn't human and he had the ability to do so. Nikui threw his fist and foot out at the same time from his position. Pyro ducked the punch but tripped up on his foot and fell to the ring floor, smashing his face. Pyro scrunched his face in pain.. his body couldn't handle being hit, not in the condition it was in. He was going to have to be more careful. Pyro leaped up quickly so as not to sustain any more damage. Pyro closed his left fist and it burst with green flames as Nikui began to charge him. Pyro, from the other side of the ring, charged Nikui, both with fist ready to go they were coming to the center of the ring and Nikui threw his punch, but Pyro passed straight through him and disappeared. He quickly turned around saw nothing, and then felt every wind taken out of him as he keeled over at his waist holding his stomach and fell limp in his legs. The only thing keeping him up was Pyro. Pyro had his fist lodged in Nikui gut, he had hit him so hard that Nikui back bulged out a great deal. If Pyro would have hit him any harder, Nikui would have a hole straight through him. Pyro stayed in position for a bit, to make sure Nikui didn't do anything, and then took his fist from Nikui's stomach, and Nikui's numb body fell to the floor like a ragdoll. Pyro stood up and looked around, the spectators jaws were dropped and were saucer-eyed. Pyro then went over to Nikui's body and picked him up by his belt with one hand and walked to the edge of the ring.. Pyro held out Nikui, and just dropped his body out. And that was that. Pyro had won. There was no cheering at first. The audience still could not believe that Pyro had taken out Nikui with only two real hits that did any damage. There was still silence, until finally everyone woke up and realized their new champion and broke out in a huge roar of excitement![/i] Announcer: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! You're new Other World Tournament champion! PYRO!!! [i]The crowd cheered some more and Dai Kaio was overjoyed and could not stop laughing. King Kai was shocked, but cheering none-the-less. Pyro stood at the edge of the ring still, looking around to see everyone cheering. He smiled lightly.. and turned, walking to the center of the ring. He let go of his hidden energy that he was using, and fell to the floor, unconsious... and over on the outside of the ring.. Nikui's body faded. Pyro had killed him, even though he was already dead. He would never be seen again.[/i][/SIZE]
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