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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B]Maybe thats why u haven't become a MOD yet Piro.[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]:devil: Hehe... nah, I wouldn't do that to this board. I don't have the mad skills it would take to do enough damage, plus I like this place and it has done nothing wrong to me to deserve a beating if I [i]did[/i] know how to take it down (which I don't). I don't really care if I ever become a mod or not, sure it would be a plus, but I don't really care even though I may whine about it sometimes, though it's a more light-hearted whining, not a complaining whining :p If that makes any sense at all. Ah yes. I would say go to the Army there woody :p[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hehe, I would go to the Army, learn how to destroy things, and come back home, and wreak havoc :devil: Although, why go to the Army to learn that when you can find how to do that on the net.... Hrmmm.... I still say the Army, and try to get kicked out! Ya, bring some disorder to the system, take it down from the inside...[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo [/i] [B]its like saying an object the size of a pea with the weight of the planet jupiter. now how will something of that weight move?[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Well look at Jupiter, it's not the size of a pea but it has the same weight since this is what you compared it to. Jupiter moves and had to be moving at some point in time or else it wouldn't be orbiting the Sun. It would rather just be sitting still. Though it [i]was[/i] moving at some point and along the lines it got caught in the Sun's gravitational pull causing it to orbit. And Jupiter still continues to move forward. It doesn't matter how big something is, if you put that forementioned pea in outspace, we could move it, because its weight (or at least a lot of it) would be gone because of the zero gravity.[/SIZE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin[/i] [b]Well, maybe "grinded" wasn't the proper terminology, I meant that perhaps the unstoppable force could push its way through the immovable object. Or, if that isn't possible, then maybe the unstoppable force would work its way off of the immovable object over a period of time. Thus, the immovable object hasn't been moved, and the unstoppable force, hasn't been stopped. -Justin[/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I see you're point, [i]but[/i] then again. Who says that the Immovable Object is penetrable? Although, no one ever said it wasn't. I do see your reason here, and yes, I understand now. And the only way the Force could work its way of the Object, is if it were not a head-on collision that occured. If the Force hit the Object straight, the Force would not move from its spot, and neither would the Object. Unless the Force was moving itself, like if the Force came in the shape of a sphere and it was rotating and hit it straight on, its rotation [i]would[/i] eventually work the Force's way off the Object.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]The crowd now is very angry with the non-progress of Pyro and Nikui. Concessions are being thrown into the ring, and some of the "macho" Other World onlookers are threatening to come in there and start the fight themselves. But all is suddenly silence when the area between the two fighters lets off a huge spark trailing a huge booming sound. Pyro and Nikui themselves then begin to spark themselves allowing their energy to grow quicker than is thought by the crowd. In unison, Pyro and Nikui lower their heads as a flaming aura of violent energy engulfs them. The fight... was about to begin.[/i][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anime Elf [/i] [B]I see the logic in that statement, but what if time were conquered by the speed of light, then causing light, which was the unstoppable force to then become the immovable object according to what was said about an immovable object not being able to be moved by force by will (strange coming from light, but this is all hypothetical). So, this could end up having light trying to conquer itself. By George, [b][i]really[/i][/b] think we've got it! :genius: The next challenge is to either challenge e equals mc squared or conquering time travel. J/k [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, wow, whoever thought science could be so fun :cross: But there is a problem with your post here. The very first sentence. In my explanation above, Light has already conquered Time. It has done so by stopping the objects movement in Time by moving at the speed of light. This Phenomena as which it can only be described really, is stopped in time because it moves at the speed of light. And because it has stopped aging, it has become that state of Zero I mentioned earlier, just not in the same sense I thought it was at the time. So its last is infinite because I won't age so it won't die. And this infinite state of Zero, combined with its Force make it Unstoppable. Unless, it were to meet an even stronger Phenomena, its increased power coming from that it moves faster then Light. BUT, if you move faster than light then you bend time and end up somewhere else at a different time. So it's not possible that these to Phenomenas will ever meet. So each of these are all Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects in their own respective area. Yup yup, we have solved it I do believe.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I've heard it's basically like rollerblading on ice. The sharp edge to the ice skate keeps your standing position and from there you just go with it. If all else fails just tell him youve never really done it before and ask for him to show you the ropes and stuff ;)[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo [/i] [B]im taking physics AP (advanced placement for all you losers that don't know) and there is no such thing for either the only unstoppable force is the speed of light and nothing can ever achieve the speed of lght because its density would drasticly increase which would make it immoveable. so that would make it all the same thing. the immovable object is the unstoppable force. this is the theory of Tetsuo [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]That makes sense enough. For it is also known that anything traveling at the speed of light stops in time, it won't age. And since it won't age it will go on forever, cause it can't die because it's Unstoppable. And since it is Unstoppable, you aren't going to be able to [i]move[/i] it from its path, thus it is also the Object. So the Immovable Object is just the physical (I hate to use the same word within the deifintion but) object that is stopped in time, it the thing that doesn't age. The Unstoppable Force is the Power, the Momentum, the Inertia, that this Immovable Object is creating while it is moving at the speed of light. It's all becoming clear now. Just because something is Immovable doesn't mean that it isn't moving itself, it just can't be moved from its position or path. By george, I think we've got it. The Unstoppable Force [i]is[/i] the Immovable Object! :genius:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Technically, yes, i did stay up all night. I went to sleep at about 1am, and by then it was morning :p[/SIZE]
Your Harbinger of Fire Has Deemed You Worthy...
PiroMunkie replied to PiroMunkie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]*Stares hard at the second picture of him and almost faints* You are so good looking...perfect perfect perfect...it's a good thing me and you are getting married...a sexy guy like you and a beautiful girl like me...we're the perfect couple! :D And we're going to have the CUTEST kids! *laughs*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]:eek::wow: Umm...... *faints*[/SIZE] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Okay evryone, here fgor the first time ever is Shyguy! Please keep your insults to yourself, or at least until I leave the room.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, you kinda look like this other guy I know :p He's pretty cool and such. He's also a total nutcase which is just hilarious :rotflmao: But ya, you have a decent look to ya. Asuka.. you aren't marrying me for my looks are you? Lol, j/k :D[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anime Elf [/i] [B]I think that they would transfer their energy to each other like in pool. The cue ball rolls and hit another ball. The cue ball stays because it transfered it's momentum to the other ball, and teh other ball would have gone on forver, and it not been for gravity, friction, and fluid friction. So, the immovable object is now unstobable and the unstopable object is now immovable. This is only in theory though. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Yes that does make some sense, but this here is only assuming that this Force and this Object are going to follow these laws of nature (gravity, friction, etc.) My point here is, if one can't be stopped and one can't be moved then they have to be extraordinary and possibly not follow these laws. In order for one to become the other, some kind of chemical reaction would have to take place. With your example of the pool balls. Even though the que ball transfered it's momentum to (let's say) the 9 ball, and the uqe ball becomes stopped and the 9 ball continues on, the 9 ball is still the 9 ball, it hadn't become the que ball. So what I'm saying here is the if something is Immovable by it's basic nature it's going to remain immovable. And same with Unstoppable. If and when the Force and Object would meet, the Force [i]could[/i] transfer it's momentum, but the Object may not accept it, it'll just repel it. And that's when this supposed chemical reaction would occur. Where -2 + 2 = 0 And you get that void as forementioned.[/SIZE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh[/i] [b]i agree w/ justin. you can't stop something that's unstoppable.[/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Just as anything that's Immovable is Immovable. And who says that this Immovable Object can be grinded through? Nowhere along the line did it say that.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]That's the only thing that make since, really... all others are just confusing. That, on the other hand makes perfect since. [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, I believe you mean "sense" not "since" but ya, it seemed to make [i]sense[/i] to me, though it wasn't too hard to figure out in my odd little mind :freak:[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]I've been in a cartoon frenzy, drawing cartoon characters. (not counting anime 'cause i do that on a daily basis). Here's my newest work. Emperor Kuzco from The Emperor's New Groove. tell me what u think :D [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Booyah DW!! Lol, that's awesome! Man, that has to be the greatest movie that Disney has ever put out.[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander[/i] [b]Pyromunkie: How could it go on forever? If it did, that would mean that either the force was slowly pushing the object, or that the object had stopped the force, because time is passing.[/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Then ya, they would cancel each other out. The Object and the Force are polar opposites on a certain perpecstive. It's like the "N" and "S" poles of a magnet, except this time on a much bigger scale. Anything that cannot be stopped, no matter how big or small it is, must hold a [i][b]lot[/i][/b] of energy, more than the human mind could possibly imagine. The Object is the same the Force, just the complete opposite. It has such negative energy that it can't even move if hit by something, let alone move itself. Ya, they would cancel out and probably cause this huge explosion of some sort and create a massive void of nothing, because that's what the final sum of there power. The Force with its what can only be described as infinite unstoppable power, and the Object with its infinite immovable power. If you put those together you get nothing. Just like taking -2 + 2. You get 0.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Neither would win. If such things did exist and this event did happen where one met the other it would either: (1) go on forever since one can't defeat the other, or (2) they would cancel each other out on impact. That's my thought anyways.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]"I see your schwartz is as big as mine..." Hehe, Star Wars, definitley, it can be parodized in the best of ways :p[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]"I've got a dalmation, I can still get high, I can play the guitar like a mother ****in' riot." Sublime [i]What I Got[/i] Well, I can't play it like that but I do play :p[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by tetsuo [/i] [B]:devil: :flaming: :demon: i think im a four possibly a five. i know imnot great looking but im not BUTT UGLY. like twisted face is. i am attatching my pic so you can see. i dont care what you rate me im happy with how i look[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]OOO!!! The shirt!!! I love the shirt!!! One of my friends has the shirt, it's great! I don't think I'll follow it's instructions though :shifty: That'd just be kinda weird. But you get a [b]10[/b] from me, purely for the shirt :D[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B]How would you react if you lost your pet? I was in shmables crying, I mean I was a MESS! How'd you react?[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I would cry like a little baby monkey. I love my dog more than any one else in the family I bet. :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][i]Pyro and Nikui face each other off, still not doing anything, the crowd just sits throwing jeers every so often. "Start the fight already!" they say... but Pyro and Nikui continue to just stand.. A few minutes later, Nikui finally steps to the center of the ring.. Pyro follows this course of action and now they both are centered, still staring..[/i][/SIZE]
The face behind The Enigma, Bubble Boy, and Flying Panda..
PiroMunkie replied to Flying Panda's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]Erk! That's a pretty dark picture, I can't see ya very well :p[/SIZE] -
Your Harbinger of Fire Has Deemed You Worthy...
PiroMunkie replied to PiroMunkie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Were you in front of a mirror or something? Anyway, cool pic. And you do look older than 15...... I think I've said it before, but yeah...... :blah: [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, ya I was in front of a mirror, it's hanging over here right off to the left of me, so ya. I don't think I have the talent to have the camera facing away from me and still be able to pull of a decent pic :p Well, [i]without[/i] a mirror that is. I look older than 15 huh? How so? Anyways.. here's a pointless picture :p (after deleting previous post indentical to this) Hehe, itmight help if I actually attached the pic :D[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]WOOHOO!!! I have...*looks at clock* 12 hours and 26minutes until 2001! *blows horn* This is great! :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
Your Harbinger of Fire Has Deemed You Worthy...
PiroMunkie replied to PiroMunkie's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Aww, what a cute doggie! ^_^ Here's a pic of [i]my[/i] dog. It was taken a while back... and for some reason I was outside... with a camera no less. ?? [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, that's a neat dog. He/she looks hopeful, lol Looking out a window and into the future :p Here's another pic I just took, lol. You can see a bit more of me.. not in that way you sickos!!! :D[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]Hey, you're pretty ;) Very nice pic and stuff. :)[/SIZE]