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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]No, really. . trust me on this. . you would have to know me to know the extent of my. . wierdness. . I just hide it well on forums, cause I can type whatever I want, and edit it later ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]:therock: Obviously you've never met me in person, hehe. The level of my weirdity(or something) is off the charts, and that's without a catalyst helping me out. Now if you fill me up with pink lemonade on the other hand, there's a HUGE difference :wigout: But yeah... GO ASUKA!!!!!![/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I love everybody. . so I suppose you could make that five. . unless I don't count (trust me. . normally people don't count me - cause I am too wierd sometimes) But - YEAH!![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]:therock: There is no such thing as "too weird" Lol, You have much to learn young grasshopper :bow:[/SIZE]
  3. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]o_O; good grief you're going to scare the poor boy! LOL! :rotflmao: hey, I'm invited right? Maid of honor, [i]right[/i]??? heheheh... :devil: (j/k Piro & Tori ^_^;; ) [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hehe, ya, we'll be King PiroMunkie and Queen Asuka :p As I said before, fate brought me here, destiny will make me a legend :)[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I have many Star Wars books... I've never read 'em though, they just sit on my shleves collecting dust. Though I do not have the one you speak of.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]:rotflmao: Oh my, that's great funny. *wipes tears from laughter from eye*Man, those all spark my interest :devil: Mwuahahahahahahaha![/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Eh, I don't really mind school, it's the only place where I can really see my friends and such people. School is pretty easy for me though, the teachers like me for some reason. You'd think promoting anarchy and overthrowing of the general goverment on all my school supplies would scare them away, but I guess not. But that's public school teachers for ya. *sigh* Oh well, it's just a simple phase in life.[/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][b]Thanks so much!!!!!!!!! I already feel like the outcast angel and we JUST started that! I can tell that LM is the most popular, but everyone loves BG, too! At least I have one fan! *cheers for herself!*[/b][/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hehe, I'm a fan of yours too :p After all, you're the only one of the three angels who voted for me, lol. Eh, thats not my only reasoning though. But ya.. Nice pics everyone :drunk::D[/SIZE]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B]Ever got a gift you reeeeeeeally didn't like.. but the person who gave it to you was right there so you couldn't say anything?[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]No not really, I always make a list(for whatever occasion it may be) and tell them to stick to it or else.. :demon: :D[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Well congrats Renee, for putting up with this place for so long :D Oh man, all I know is that I joined near the end of February I dont rembeber exactly what day. I think it WAS the end, Feb. 28th Who knows.. :p[/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]My my.. this is an awfully sexist thread.. what about girls??? :p Anyways, if I [i]was[/i] a girl, I'd pick Vegeta.. I think, I dunno who I'd really pick, because I'm not a girl :drunk:[/SIZE]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Dude, I downloaded "Total Immortal" -AFI just about two weeks ago! Awesome song..... that guys got some lungs :D[/B][/QUOTE][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans[/i] [b]Download: AFI- Morning Star ohhhhh, how I love that song! it's slooow too![/b][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Wow, more AFI fans than I thought on this board.. Or you could just go buy their CDs :p They're all really good. "Morning Star" can be found on [i]The Art of Drowning[/i], and "Totalimmortal" (one word :D) is on [i]All Hallows EP[/i] Anyways, I also got this DragonBall Z/GT magazine thing, it's pretty good except that some of the spelling and info is off :p[/SIZE]
  12. PiroMunkie


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]I sort of believe in it. Or maybe something, because I think it's weird that almost EVERY SINGLE GUY I've dated or liked his name started with a J and/or was 4 letters long...what's up with that? But I HOPE there is such a thing as fate because I want fate to bring me a LOVER...so I can get married and be happy and have a family...[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Lol, wow, next thing you know you and I will be dating if that's how it is... :shifty: .... not that that'll really ever happen though.. or maybe it will? Maybe [i]fate[/i] will somehow work it? :rotflmao: Ok, I really need to shut up now, don't mind any of this.. :shifty:[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Announcer: All right! let's get this Other Worls Tournament off to a good start! You know the rules so I won't waste your time with that! Dai Kaio: Ready?! Go! [i]Dai Kaio whacks a gong signaling the start of the fight. Pyro and Pikuhan both step toward each other in the ring..[/i] Pikuhan: I lost this thing last time, I lost my title, I was left in shame.. Pyro: I'm sorry, but you won't make it past this fight. Pikuhan: We'll see. [i]Pikuhan charges Pyro throwing a devastating punch only to be easily caught single handedly.[/i] Pyro: Sorry, but this ends now. I don't have time to waste on you. [i]Pyro knees Pikuhan in the stomach taking any and all inds out of him, leaving his body completely limp, but still very much alive. Pyro then throws Pikuhan's body into the wall outside the ring.. the crowd stares, astonished.[/i] Announcer: Uuuhhh... Well!! It looks like the newcomer, Pyro! is the winner! And Pikuhan, well it seems he needs to train a lot harder from now on! [i]Pyro exits the rings and stands back where he was, Nikui now looking at him..[/i] Nikui: (to himself)[i]It seems I may hv underestimated this one...[/i][/SIZE]
  14. PiroMunkie


    [SIZE=1]Fate brought me here, destiny will make me a legend. :)[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Let's see... I got... [list] [*]CD: AFI "Answer That and Stay Fashionable" [*]CD: the Urge "Master of Styles" [*]CD: Tool "Lateralus" [*]CD: Eve 6 "Horrorscope" [*]CD: Punk-O-Rama vol. 3 [*]CD: Punk-O-Rama vol. 4 [*]CD: Punk-O-Rama vol. 6 [*]DVD: "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" [*]DVD: DragonBall Z movie "Lord Slug" (I can watch the original Japanese version with Eng subtitles, so I'm kinda excited about that part :D) [*]DBZ 2002 Calendar [*]DBZ long sleeve t-shirt [*]Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 for PS [*]$50 Gift certificate to the only mall I actually shop at whenever I do shop [*]$10 gift certificate to movie theater [*]A dark blue hooded sweatshirt [*]Book: "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" (Justin commented on it on a much earlier thread, and it sounded good to me and I asked for it :p) [/list] That's all that I can remember, I might have gotten a few other things, and some stocking stuffers, but thats the main stuff. :)[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]I like Adam Sandler's "Hannukah" songs.. though, those wouldn't really be chrismas carols.. hrmm... I dunno.. theres not really any xmas tunes i enjoy..[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]I keep just about everything to myself, the only time I really let things out to people is here on the net, cause I don't really know any of you people, and you don't know anyone that I woudn't want knowing anything, so it's like, how are you gonna tell that I can actually give a rat's rear end about? But ya, I'm a real loner when it comes to stuff like this.. :)[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]I'm really sorry to hear that LM, I send nothing but the best of my wishes to your brother, you, and your family. But hey, cheer up, don't let things get you down no matter how bad they are. You are far too good of a person to ever have to be so sad. Please keep us updated on his condition, I, myself, would like to know. :)[/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]:confuse2: To be honest I like the other one better.. I dunno, this one's a little too... [i]revealing[/i] for my tastes :blush: hehe[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Lol, you look funny in that picture. But ya, you have a nice natural look to ya, you kinda look like this other guy I know.. except he doesn't look stoned :p :laugh:[/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson]I hope you guys get all you want for Christmas! I wish I could give out gifts on the board because I love all these people..[/color][/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Aww.. that's so sweet of ya! Well well, we all love ya back.. or at least I do. Not in like a lovey dovey way, but.. ya, you know I mean, lol.. I hope everyone heres gets what they want :) You all deserve it![/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][i]Pyro intently continues to watch Nikui, and is suddenly suprised into alert..[/i] Nikui: You think you can beat me? Pyro: Hwha?? *looks around* Are you talking to me?? Nikui: Answer the question!!! Pyro: To be honest I'm not sure.. I'll give you an answer later.. Nikui: ... [i]Just then the Shroom-headed guys voice comes blaring over the speakers of the arena[/i] Announcer: Hey hey hey!! It's time for the Other World Tournament to begin! Now you matches have been pre-drawn so to save the time in you people drawing them yourselves! Our first match will be of our recently defeated champion Pikuhan, versus a new comer to this world, Pyro!!! Sit tight folks cause this could get interesting! [i]All warriors break up to different parts of the arena as the crowd settles in.. Pikuhan enters the ring and stnads in his respected corner.. Pyro walks forawrd and in front of Nikui who is in his way..[/i] Pyro: Step aside. [i]Pyro stares unwavering, and after a few moments, Nikui steps aside and Pyro enters the ring..[/i][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Hehe :devil: Sounds like a plan to me Akito *loads .45 Colt Long Barrel* Krikey I love [url=http://www.hometown.aol.com/nrage13/images/vash_gun_photo.jpg]this gun[/url] too bad the only real replica has been sold a long time ago :flaming: Anyways.. of to mr. gates house..[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Oh you poor thing.. did it hurt??? Lol, I can't stand to get my hair cut, and my mom is starting to threaten me about it again :confuse2: But anyways, you look like this one girl i kinda used to know :p[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Hehe, I like the one for that one kinda car, and it has the one dude from Crocodile Dundee. Ad that one guy is getting married and the wifes car breaks down or seomthing so she has to walk a dirt path and her dress gets dirty and then a car comes by and splashes all this mud up on her, and when she gets to the wedding her husband and the Croc. Dundee(Oh! Paul Hogan!) were up at the altar wait for her, and Paul Hogan says "Ah, the rugged out doorsy type. Nice choice." :rotflmao: That has to be the funniest commercial ad thing ive ever seen[/SIZE]
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