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Everything posted by PiroMunkie

  1. [SIZE=1]:flaming: Hah! They can charge me all they want but I'm not paying!! They sold out just like Homestead :angry2: :angry2: :angry2: Oh well I'll just never check my email there again and they'll close it eventually, theyve done it before... the :angry2:[/SIZE]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]You are in a war with your best friend. After a battle, you decided to take a break and fall asleep by a tree. When you wake up, you see a man with a knife walking up to your friend (who's sleeping on a rock nearby). On the other side, you see 2 little kids playing and a soldier of the enemy walking towards them with a machine gun ready to shoot them. What do you do? [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]I'd have to pull out my .45 colt long barrel and bust a cap on their behinds :D I'd shoot the guy with the gun first, so he couldn't here mine go off and shoot me from there, then I'd shoot the guy with the knife... and then I'd shoot the guy with the gun again for good measure and because he shouldn't kill innocent chlidren. Ya, if his was a war, I'd be armed at all times :p[/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]Umm I know! a erm car drives by and the light leaves a trail, like when you take a picture of a highway! I have nooo idea :help:[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Nah, we'd be able to see that car too, purely mind-boggling...[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Whoa... neato! How'd you pull that off???[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]Ok, I'm seeing some familiar names but none of it is making sense :confuse2: Lol.. though the only place I recognize Musashi from is from the PS game [u]Brave Fencer Musashi[/u]:therock:[/SIZE]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]And here I thought I was the only person who didn't like Steinbeck and Dickens. "Of Mice and Men' was such a stupid book, I must be the only person on Earth who didn't like it.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Hehe, never got a chance to "read" that one. *snaps fingers* Darn! 'Tis a shame :rolleyes:[/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1]:confuse2: Er.. your families must be kinda well off.. I could never get a gaming system off my parental units, lol. I dunno, my mom had to force me to make a xmas list this year, I had no idea what I wanted. SO I just put down some CDs, some movies, some clothes(xmas and my bday is like my annual shop for clothes, lol), and a book or two that I'm actually interested in reading, and one that ive read before and thought it was great :p Sidenote: Shibatku, awesome avatar..(IMO) baaad pick of character though, lol :p[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]Well, I have a 1/2 brother, he doesn't bother me at all, he's the only of my sibllings that I get along with. He's 21, a father, but not a husband(yet) Lol, there's my quickie lil bio on him. He's about the only person that likes rap thatI get along with here,m ainly because I can tolerate ONLY Bone Thugs n' Harmony, so we kick back to that sometimes, and other times he'll let me listen to my stuff, lol. And then there's my sister...:angry2: Ya, I'm still waiting for the genetic results to come back on this one.. I probably could go on but I'd probably get warned on bannishment by every Admin'God person here.. And then there's my other "sister".. she's not really my sister at all, lol, just a friend of mine that doesn't have any siblings, so I told her I'd be her older bro, and we keep the whole borther sister thing going, it's funny cause a lot of people believe that we actually are brother and sister :p Ya, I'd rather have her for my sis than this other hell spawn that somehow might be related to me :confuse2: :mad:[/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1]Hehe, Seph, you're funny in a intellectual way.. kinda like Calvin's parents in Calvin&Hobbes. I could just see you saying suffering and hard work builds character :rotflmao: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]The large groupd of warriors continues to follow Dai Kaio when he stops at a large double door..[/i] Dai Kaio: Well well, y'all here we are! Now if you'll just follow me through these doors and to the planet we can get to the tourny.. [i]Dai Kaio opens the doors to a large room filled with seemingly endless space where they then lift off to fly to the small planet where a large enough arena is set and ready for the tournament..[/i] Dai Kaio: Now, as we officials get ready, you warriors can do your final prepping.. [i]Dai Kaio walks off and the group of warriors breaks up and begin individual stretches and slight training.. Pyro, stands leaning against a wall watching Nikui as he stands where he was... not moving a muscle..[/i][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1]No, I'm fraid not.. at least not that I know of.. she could be under an alias. But to my knowledge, no she isn't. It's sad I know :([/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1]*singing* It's the eye of the world and you know it and I feel fiiiiiiiine. Six o clock tv hour *trails off not knowing the rest of the words...* Lol, sorry that's just the first thing the popped in my head, though it IS end of the world, eye has three letters just ling end :p Ya... anyways I havn't read any of those.. Books are one of my least fav subjects, lol.. but my favorite book would prolly be 20000 Leagues Under the Sea ;)[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]If it was strictly online stuff I would say no, but like in James' post, if you meet the person it can be different and stuff. I don't believe in online relationships because I like to be able to see and touch the person of whom I'm interested in. You can't really do that online. And like BabyGirl said, most onliners do lie. It's not that hard to sound like a really nice person. Trying to find a mate online is basically gambling your emotions and whatnot. Though a special few are truthful to who they are :p take me for example, lol(not to boast or anything), what you see is what you get as the saying goes. You see these words that I'm typing, and you get what I'm like in person. Myself in the real world and myself online are the same person. And BabyGirl, I know you'll find that perfect guy some day! Don't worry, be happy :)[/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]AHA! Problem! :p the two love ones have the same code thing.. Bah, you got the purplelaugh workin.. get tired of JVF rubbin it in your face? Lol j/k Nicely done :)[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]I'm with galxy girl in that I make my own avatars. I mean, my current one now is just a shrunken picture of Mandown's new cd cover :p And then for other ones I just crop from other pictures of animes.. [url=http://www.hometown.aol.com/nrage13/index.html]Here[/url] are some that I have made :drunk: Feel free to use them if you like em ;)[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]:blulaugh: Those christians never stop do they!?? (no offense to any of you peoples out there) I'm mean come ON! GW??? Witchcraft??? That has to be the STUPIDEST thing I've ever heard! Don't they make references to "god" in that anime? Oh my goodness... that gave me a good laugh.. they've reached an all time low.. *sigh* ya that was great, lol :toothy:[/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1]:drunk: Er.. I don't really read books all that much.. well, like novel type books anyways.. But I [i]do[/i] read comic books!!!! Specially Calvin&Hobbes :p The best quote there is: "Are you're maladjusted antisocial tendencies the product of your berserk putuitary gland?" Calvin to Moe :rotflmao:It's funny cause it's true![/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]Ya I've played D[b]&[/b]D before, with my friends. It's funny because one of my friends was the game master and he'd always cheat and stuff, so we'd all be at level 20 after a while of playnig :D[/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1]Lol, thanks peoples!! Glad to know ya missed me to some extent.. but let's not spam up this RPG shall we? At least add something on to your charcters plot thing:drunk: Lol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [i]Pyro lands in front of Dai Kaio's palace where Dai Kaio himself is standing at the doors waiting to opn them as all the fighters for the tourny. Already, a good 20 fighters have assembled..[/i] Pyro: Whoa.. am I late? Dai Kaio: No no, dude, you're just in time :smirk:..... Alright people of this rad planet here! Are you ready for the tournament of the century!!! [i]The group of fighters cheer wildly with great anticipation..[/i] Dai Kaio: Alright then! Let's get going! Follow me! [i]Dai Kaio opens the doors behind him and walks in as everyone begins to follow, Pyro takes up tail end following the massive and ominous Nikui, the planets strongest fighter of whom he had bumped into earlier...[/i][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1]Holy shiznit.... I [i]really[/i] ned to get out more often, all these movies that I've never heard of before... :drunk:[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1]Umm...... I haven't even heard of it??? What the heck is it about and whatnot?[/SIZE]
  21. [SIZE=1]Erm.. I've never tried it before. I don'tk now, it just looks gross to me, I'm not even really sure whats in it o.O[/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][i]After a long time of training as Dai Kaio got his arena ready for the Other World Tourny, Pyro stops, now cut like a daimond, and power near to where he once was before he killed himself..[/i] Pyro: Wheeewwee! Now [i]THAT[/i] was a workout!! [i]Pyro takes off his small wrist bands and drops them to the ground where they shatter the ground immensly on impact.. he next discards his ankle bands causing more damage than the wrist bands did and then flies off to Dai Kaio's palace...[/i][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1]Eh, I'm not TOTALLY pumped to see it but I do plan on doing so. I've never actually READ the books, but I have kinda looked at 'em, and it's pretty intersting form what I have seen of 'em :p[/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]Hrmmm.... Ok, hold on for a sec while I let the point of this topic sink in............................................. hold on almost got it........................... almost there!!.................... aw shux!! Lost it, hold on some more.................................. YES that's it!!! Lol, ya I can be pretty dense sometimes :p[/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1]Me? I would grab my guitar, my CDs, my CD player(whats the point of having one without the other? lol) and my Hershey's Pot of Gold box which contains everything this girl that I am in like with has given to me :) I think that's all I'd care to get.[/SIZE]
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