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Everything posted by PiroMunkie
[SIZE=1]:rotflmao: That's some funny stuff!!! Well... I don't drink and I don't plan ever doing such a thing, but my dad [i]did[/i] send me a forwarded email this morning I think it's fitting to the topic. It goes as such: [b]Moral Stories[/b] Teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kid came back and one by one began to tell their stories. Ashley said, "My father is a farmer and we have a lot of egg-laying hens. One time we were taking our eggs to market in a basket on the front seat of the pickup when we hit a big bump in the road and all the eggs went flying and broke and made a mess." "And what's the moral of the story?" asked the teacher. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket! "Very good," said the teacher. Next little Sarah raised her hand and said, "Our family are farmers too. But we raise chickens for the meat market. We had a dozen eggs one time, but when they hatched we only got ten live chicks, and the moral to this story is, "don't count your chickens before they've hatched." That was a fine story Sarah. Michael, do you have a story to share?" "Yes, ma'am, my daddy told me this story about my Aunt Karen. Aunt Karen was a flight engineer in Desert Storm and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory and all she had was a bottle of whiskey, a machine gun and a machete. She drank the whiskey on the way down so it wouldn't break and then she landed right in the middle of 100 enemy troops. She killed seventy of them with the machine gun until she ran out of bullets. Then she killed twenty more with the machete till the blade broke. And then she killed the last ten with her bare hands." "Good heavens," said the horrified teacher, "what kind of moral did your daddy tell you from that horrible story?" "Stay away from Aunt Karen when she's been drinking."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]The only reason I've ever watch the PPGs is for Mojo Jojo!! He's one crazy mofo, lol. Oh gawd im rhyming again:drunk:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Go here: [url]http://www.maxpages.com/bardock5[/url] It'l give you the basic info on Bardock and his crew :p And then for the gals who think Bardock is dead sexy there's always this place: [url]http://www.geocties.com/vivabardock[/url] Enjoy! :wave:[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Only three??? Poor dog. :([/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]:rotflmao: No no no! He [i]normally[/i] has four legs!!! Lol, but some times one of them isn't working correctly I guess, so he lifts it up and walks around on three. But that kinda good for him, because half the works done if he has to pee :rotflmao: And Noodles, quiet! Lol (no offense) Some of us prefer to have lil imaginary friends while we are grown up or growing up, it keeps our young side with us so we dont become uptight squares or anything[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]:therock: Piro I must say that, although I adore capuchin monkies myself........... the feces-throwing just doesn't do it for me. :whoops: and cats........................:shifty: well, um, some are okay......:blulaugh: :blueshift [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Well then you have nothing to worry about! Because he's a [color=red][b]FLAMING[/color][/b] poo flinger :D Self-combusting ballistic missiles from god he calls em, lol. And yes, cats..... NONE are okay, they're all very evil... grrr.. that's why I like dogs, specially mine, he can walk on three legs! :freak:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Krikey.. I haven't been here in a while!!! Can ONE PERSON(so as not to spam the topic up) summarize the past few events?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Hehe, that's pretty funny.. Though I must say that the whole "Then and Not Now Theory" is nothing new, I've been saying that for a long time, not on the boards, but in real life. Some people think I'm weird, others find it intriguing :freak: :genius:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well we both have our strong points no one is really better. But girls are good because without them I wouldnt be here.. unless reproduction came about asexually which would just be weird :freak: Lol, but ya, I'm really impartial, I treat girls no diffierently from guys, and guys no differently from girls[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Of course!! I have Piro, my flaming-poo flinging munkie!!!!! :D :flaming: :devil:[/SIZE]
Check this out, and just in time for christmas!
PiroMunkie replied to Mike's topic in General Discussion
[SIZE=1]Lol, that's kinda funny.. I got [i]this[/i] in an email not too long ago, I think it's kinda fitting to the topic :) (see attachment)[/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1]5. Bring it On 4. Sugar and Spice 3. any other cheerleading movie 2. Pokemon 1. Pokemon 2 I've never actually SEEN any of these, Im just judging from commercials and what ive heard[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Well my parents are divorced so I don't have to worry about that first one do I? Lol, so obviously I choose the second, not to mention privacy is a big issue with me :p[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B]people fall in love because if they didn't then there would be no reasonable excuse for having pre-marrage sex. :D[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Ok, I completley disagree with that statement and I believe there is nothing to smile about with it. FRESHMEN at my school are pregnant because of this...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lol, I've never had to resort to a comp. tech.. if my computer starts to be weird then I just :cussing: about it until my mom or dad breaks and eventually gets a new one, lol. This is our second computer, we should have gotten a new one YEARS ago though.. lol, our old one was from about 92ish :eek:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]1. SLC Punk 2. The Shawshank Redemption 3. Holy Grail 4. The Matrix 5. Enemy of the State And I only own two of those movies, lol... :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I know all my friends very well, they wouldn't be my friends if I didn't. I tend to steer clear of my family, I only know so much about them, but ya, overall I know people I know pretty well.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lol, well according to Calvin (of Calvin & Hobbes) his theory is that [i]"Love is nothing but a biochemical reaction to make sure our genes get passed on."[/i] :laugh: But on a more serious note, I don't know, I honestly don't know. This whole "love" idea is starting to appear more and more in my life, and I'll tell ya, it's pretty confusing because everything starts to make sense. Ya, I don't believe I'm in love right now, more in like... but just thinking.. a punk like me? In love? Is that possible? I honestly never thought that I'd ever fall in love with anyone, but, hey, anything can happen...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I chose Other: All of the Above, lol. I hate school all together.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Lol, that's pretty funny lookin', but it's a good drawing or something to the means.. erm.... what [i]is[/i] it exactly now? It kinda looks like a pokemon getting ready to go snowboarding, lol.. anywho, ya, good luck on your game thing[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]HA! I don't study for anything. :p Yet I still manage to get good grades, I don't knowhow I do it o.O[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]stupid question... you post...errrmm... correct me if i'm wrong but 0-99-newbie 100-499-jr.member 500-999-member 1000-9999-otaku 2000 and up- extrem otaku (and that's as far as we know[/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]Correction made to the best of my knowledge :p :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]:nervous: I just realized Master O Beans' acronym is MOB in kuja's post :eek: Lol But ya, those are some neat avs! And we'll see you later dude.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]:blulaugh: Hehe, oh I have many :laugh: [b]Merry-go-round:[/b] It's those kind in little parks that you have to run around while holding onto it to get it started. So ya, I was running around it and spinning it to get it going, it I was going really really fast! And then I jumped to get on to it, but I undershot my jump and my foot slipped but I decided to hold on to the merry-go-round so I was just being draged around by this thing of a bunch of mulch, lmao :D I'm kinda proud of that one because it made these two girls giggle and I thought that was pretty cool :p [b]Moving Mini-Van:[/b] Okie dokie, this is what went down, my friend's mom had driven me home from doing something out with my friend and stuff, and they happen to drive a mini-van! So I got out very sluggishly, in fact I basically crawled out on my stomach, and then when I did get out they closed the door so then I went behind the mini-van and stepped up on the back and held on to the racks on the top of it. And so for fun my friend's mom starting driving off and stuff so I picked my feet up so I was only holding on with my arms, and then my genius self decided to let go! Yup, so I crashed to the street and kinda rolled off a bit. My friend's mom thought I was dead and freaked out, lol, it was funny, she said she was going at like 25mph, and I got off with minor scrapes :p I'm proud of this one too because it was just palin ol' fun. [b]Hands, Pants, and Ambiguous Words:[/b] Ok, I was at a movie theater seeing Planet of the Apes with my friends, and I had my hands in my pockets and felt that I had black electrical tape in the pocket on the other side of my pants(they're reversible). And my friends wanted me to get it so they could make bracelets and stuff, and I had a belt on so it was kinda hard to reach to the other side of my pants, and eventually I found the pocket on the other side (now keep in mind I had my hand IN my pants) but I couldn't get reach into the pocket, so without thnking of a double meaning to the phrase, I just said "I can't get in!" And we all realized the double meaning in what I said and just burst out laughing. Not much later I did succeed in getting the tape :) And then there's a bunch of smaller stuff like always forgetting to turn the handles on doors so I walk right into 'em, I've run into many concrete barracades while riding my bike and flipped over the handle bars, I've crashed on a bike in the middle of a three way intersection, I've crossed a busy highway and caused a lot of screeching tires (lol), I've purposely set myself on fire and trun crazily around in circles.... Oi, that's just scratching the surface here :blulaugh:[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn [/i] [B][COLOR=chocolate]Even though the book [i]Watership Down[/i] is long (400 pages) and about rabbits, it is definitely worth a read![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=1]OHH!! I've read that book!! Lol, it's one of the few I've actually ever read. It is a good book, but my favorite rabbit type book would be [u]Perloo the Bold[/u] by Avi, I liked it, I read it all in one night even though its about 30 chapters long.. though, each chapters only about 3-5 pages long :p Another good book is [u]And Then There Were None[/u] by Agatha Christie. I liked that one as well. And you can never leave out a classic like [u]20,000 Leagues Under the Sea[/u] :D[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]I'm the best at being myself, plain and simple. I'm proud of the way I stick to my beliefs, values, morals, whatever you wanna call 'em. I'm proud to make people happy by them merely seeing me. Believe me, I have a few girls whose days are brightened at the sight of me, they like me that much I guess, I only feel that way towards one of them, she just makes me happier than anything else in the world and she absolutley the greatest person in my life right now, and I hate being away from her. I know she feels the same way because we basically tell each other that everyday whenever we talk, we're on strike against time because it limits how long we can see each other, lol. Whenever we get done talking on the internet, of course it's really sad, but if sh'es the first to leave I always read over our conversation a few times more and it brings tears to my eyes cause she just makes me so darn happy. She makes me proud that I've chosen not to kill myself when I have contemplated that. I'm proud of that she's in my life, she's flawless in my eyes, she's just a great great person :)[/SIZE]