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Everything posted by Liquidus_Snake

  1. Same thing happened at my school...except he was put near death just because he said he was gay. Life's a *****. Transic can help you, he's gone though things just like you.
  2. Well, if it's approved, i have a feeling OB would kick butt. Most of the things Ob is advanced in. and if so, the winner would get the next season of Deerami at that place for the next year. (which means more but kicking events too)
  3. Dear Administrators of Otaku Boards, I would like to host a month long series of events concerning different subjects that i think might open this forum up more to the world. Two other's will be taking part in Deerami and i would like for OB to be the third. Several of these events will be putting members up against eachother in different games as well as putting on their singing skills in an all out music competition as well as a Movie Awards Ceremony on the Opening week with many other events. I would like you to take this into deep concideration and if you have any questions please contact me via pm or the president of Deerami Inc. at kylemason05@hotmail.com, or contact D.E.E.R at Square Source. www.squaresource.com Thank you for your time and patience. Liquidus Vice-President of Deerami Inc. P.S. If approved, in my signiture is the proposed line up for the ending of March though April. Thank you.
  4. He did? That pushes it even more to that direction...but i need to know if it is or isnt. not a maybe. if i dont figure this out, it might drive me nuts like these odd "dreams" ive been having. Deerami- Premeres on OB in 1 week!
  5. I dont know from what part, but i could have swore it was from ff8...the start of it i know is from mgs2 intro, but the rest i swear is from ff8...
  6. I mean the movie the rock with sean connery. The song at the naval weapons base, i could have swore it's from metal gear solid 2 or ff 8 if it even was...it's driving me nuts. tell me which it's from if any.
  7. I no longer have ff8 and when i saw this movie, in the start it seemed as if that songs from ff8 and/or metal gear solid 2...i dopnt know why, but can anyone tell me?
  8. This rpg takes place after the events in Return of the Jedi, Episode VI by 18 years. Leia and Han were married, then took the position of High Chancellor in the new Republic. At their side was Luke, who had became the Jedi Council's High Commander. With Corusant now repopulated with thousands of people, it had became the center of the Republic. But, deep inside the new Republic there are a select few who traveled the path of darkness and are scheming to overthrow the Princess and destroy the new Republic as what happened during the Clone Wars which started the Dark Empire. ------------------------------------------- Ok. There are 5 others on the Jedi Council which can be anyone, first come first serve i always say...then, for the side of evil there is 8 or more if nessisary, but we need one person who can write [i]evily[/i] to be the leader of (whatever he names the dark side). Then, for the side of good we need someone who can write [b]godly[/b] to be the one above Leia, head of the Republic. (Can be Han Solo if wanted.) You can also start out as a trader, fighter pilot, a fleet commander, general...etc. out in space or anywhere. Use the first part here as reference if needs be to get a good start. If you have questions about the story, people, or positions pm me. ------------------------------------------- The quietness of space...it still haunts me after the accident 14 years ago that killed my parents...even now i still regret returning to the one place i said i wouldnt...where everything started all those years ago... "Sir?" A soft voice is heard from behind a curtain. A man with long brown hair, tied behind his head, wearing a brown jedi suit with a black cloan on top of it, a moustashe and beard across his face, showing he's about 30 or more. He turns around as a red-headed girl walks out of the back of the ship in a red uniform. "Yes Naomi, what is it?" As the man says it, Naomi walks over to the seat next to him and sits down. "I just heard about what happened..." The man turns away, looking out into space as she says that. "it's perfecticully understandable...I mean, my parents were killed too." As naomi says that, he turns around, looking at her. "Oh. I'm sorry. Anyhow, there's something you wanted to tell me?" "Hmm? Oh yeah. We'll be arring at Corusant withen the next few minutes." he nods to her as he sits back, sighing a bit. She smiles a bit, standing up and walking back into the back as the planet starts to come into view. "There it is...my homeworld..." The ship continues to race across space, slowing down slightly as it enters the atmosphere, a valent red glow appearing in front of it as the nose of the ship glows red slightly before it passes though the atmosphere into the clouds. Several miles below as the ship goes back on a straight course, hundereds of smaller ships can be seen flying around, far off in the distance, the Senate chambers with the Home Office. It's late evening with the sun nearly gone, but the pathways of the city highly illuminated by it. The man looks around outside as the ship lowers down into the many pathways of the city, moving slowly up until it reaches a floating platform with a golden ship, outside standing 4 other people in red unifroms standing behind a dark-brownheaded princess Leia, and a blonish brown headed Han. As the ship locks on, the man stands up, pushing his cloak back, a Jedi Saber flashing a tiny bit as he steps forward though the passenger compartment up to the airlock. As it slides open, he lifts up his hand to block the sun for a second before he steps out, around the height that Qui Gon Jinn was during the times of the Trade Federation. He stops directly off the ship as the door slowly slides shut, pulling away. As it clears the platform he takes several steps forward, kneeling down the coming back up. Han takes a step forward, extending his hand to the man. He reaches out and shakes it carefully, as if he was slightly fearfull. "What's wrong kid? You seem a bit strange." says Han in his usual cocky voice. "Nothing sir." "Hey, i dont want none of that sir stuff. I didnt join up with this so I could ju-" before he finishes Leia steps forward and puts her hand over his mouth, shaking her head. "Han, dont start..." She lowers her hand as he speaks again. "Well, sorry princess! you know i dont like that!" Leia points over to the ship as han growls, turning around and walking off. Leia then looks at the man. "Sorry about that, Han can be...strange at some times." "That's just fine Princess." She cocks her head some looking at him. "By the way...i never caught your name or why your here...Luke never told me." "Oh...I'm Nau Tri Jinn. Desendant of Qui Gon Jinn Princess." "Oh, so your the one coming to replace Luke as Council leader...you know you have to pass his tests first, he doesnt give into things as easy as he used to...but, I think you might have a good chance, coming from the Jinn House Nau." "Just call me Nananki or Trin Princess." She nods some as she extends her hand towards the ship. "Anyhow Trin...I think it's time we got going. You can get cleaned up and rested before your meeting with Luke in the morning." "Yes Princess." he puts his hand up to his head as she nods, then him and the princess walk onto the ship, the 4 soldiers following behind them as the ship lifts off slowly, then heading off towards the Home Office. ----------------------------------------- ok, this here's the point where we need the council members. we can have 3 minimum, but as many as we can would be better.
  9. I speak little bits of Japanese and am taking classes so i guess that counts...
  10. Being a FF Veteran, this is very, VERY good news! Now i wont have to send my GCN back for my money so i can get a PS2 and FFX! Ooh i hope they come out with X on GCN...heh heh, Just wait...i know this is the turning point for Nintendo, when FF hits the shelves, Sony and Microsoft are gonna be put down. FF is what saved the PSX and got all the sales. back on Nintendo? Finally it's gonna help pull Nintendo from the fight and up into the winner's circle, i guerentee it.
  11. Back at the spaceport in the main chamber, we see Roger standing at the panel, watching how the girls and gordon escaped as the doors slide open, Remmington in the same uniform as Adrien was, along with Marcus, walk into the chamber. "Sir, you requested to see us?" says Marcus in a low voice. "You let them get away..." "But sir, i can explai-" before Marcus can finish, Roger turns around, grabbing Marcus' thought and lifting him up off the ground several inches. "You deleberately disobeyed a [b]direct[/b] order Marcus...Adrien lost his life due to that, and so will you if you dont straighten it up, is that clear?" "y-yeees siiir..." as he says that, Roger drops him, turning to remington. "I'm leaving you in charge of this operation. You seem more fit than Marcus, even though you are now nothing more than a drone." "Yes, your almighty Lordship. I will pursue the girls and kill them on sight." "Good. They are heading for the planet in the Galanatos system to seek supplies and help before advancing to Alpha Tango. If they get there, my plans will be ruined. I want you to wait there...sabotage their ship and then launch an attack upon the planet, preventing any escape, but let them leave." "Yes Master." He turns and walks out, slowly followed by Marcus. Roger pulls out a small gun, firing it at Marcus, the bullet going though his back, remmington slinging his arm out, catching it, as Marcus falls to the ground. he continues out as Roger smirks some. "At last...the Final Genesis has begin..."[i]father[/i] against [i]daughters[/i]...it's almost too perfect....Mwa, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha..."
  12. Suddenly, Lidian looks up as she looks over at Sethi and Gordon. "duck!" yells Lidian as she quickly gets down onto the floor, followed by sethi and gordon as bullets fly though the room, bouncing off the walls for several minutes until it stops. The, Sethi looks up as she uncovers her face. "Is it over?" as she finishes, the door flies open, Remmington standing there, holding a gun, pointing it right at Sethi's head, Roger out in the parking lot looking at them. "Good job remmington...now, kill her!" yells Roger. Sethi looks down as she closes her eys, curling up into a ball as he starts to squeeze the trigger. His eyes widen as he starts to have a flashback to the days on Bizmin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gunfire and screams are heard all thought the plains on the planet, two giant armies going at it as up on a nearby hill we see Roger and Maximus going at it and nearby, remmington. Maximus quickly lifts up his sword as Roger comes down with a slash, the swords emiting sparks as he smirks. "You know you cannot defeat me..." "Yeah...is that so? Whe'll see about that!" Maximus pushes Roger away as he pulls back his sword slashing it forward into Rogers shoulder, Roger quickly jumping back, both of them in defencive postures, their eyes locked, their hair blowing savagely with the wind as they walk in circles before Roger rushes forward, his sword high in the air as he brings it down upon Maximus, Maximus quickly turning his sword sideways, the two swords clashing hard as he quickly twists it around trying to go fo ra jab as Roger slams his sword from the top, slamming Maximus in the face with his elbow, sending him down to the ground, Roger quickly putting his sword to his thought. "Now...you will die..." As he says that, he lifts up his sword sideways in the air. A valient scream is heard as Roger turns around to see a fist slamming into his face, dropping his sword as he smashes into the ground near Maximus. "R-Remmington!" "Stay away from my father!!" As he yells that, he picks up his fathers sword, running towards the downed Roger. Roger then quickly turns around as Remmington tries to go for the kill, quickly throwing a dagger, the dagger piercing the middle of his chest, Remmington stopping on the spot as Maximus yells. "NOOOOOO!!!!!" As he yells that, Remmington drops the sword, falling to his knees then to his face as Roger stands up. "Stupid Boy." He then turns around and as Maximus gets up, running after him,. Roger leaps off the side of the cliff, seconds later a helicopter flying up and away as Maximus runs to Remmington. "My god...what has he done to you...?" He shakes his lifeless body growling as he reaches for the sky yelling bloody murder. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As he starts to pull the trigger he growls some hesitating. "Well!? Obey your master, KILL THE GIRLS!" "...." he drops the gun before turning around towards Roger, walking directly outside the building, turning his eyes to look at the girls, then Gordon speaking is a powerful, bold familier Voice. "Alex, Get my daughters out of here. I'll take care of Roger..." "D-daughters!?" says Gordon is a strange voice. "I'll explain later...now go!" Alex nods as he grabs Sethi and Lidian, all three of them jetting out of there as Maximus and Roger face each other. "You shouldnt have done that...I let your mind return n the condition that you would serve me!" "Never Roger...not after what you did to Remmington!!" (Ok, the last fight Maximus v.s. Roger I'll do. I write perfecto battles and i want this one to be long.)
  13. [COLOR=firebrick]Yep. It's a fake. I beat 47 of those fools and got nothing concerning s&T. Mondo Bogus if you ask me, they shouldnt play tricks on loyal people like this. It hurt's their respect for them ya know. This is why i stopped buying their magazine...too many lies.[/COLOR]
  14. Adrien steps out from the shadows, looking at the girls, a smile on his face. "There's no sence in fighting you know." "Oh? and why the **** not?" "Because...there will be enough fighting soon..." As he says that, a message comes over his radio. "Enemy has breached final Level A Security door! All forces to Wing Gate 1S! He must not penetrate into the core!" "Enemy...?" Sethi looks over at Lidian wondering. "But...who could break the trict so hard without being...?" "...your brother of cource." As Adrien says that, both Sethi and lidian look at Adrien. "Liar! We were the only two who survived when our mother dies having birth!" "No. There was a third. He was "deformed" and had to have extensive surgery before being separated from you two." "Just like....Flynn said..." "Ahh yes...the Traitor Flynn. Pity Vice-President Gordon killed him in that explosion." "V-Vice President!? Gordons the vice president!?!?!?" "Why else do you think you all got out of there so easily? The only one who didnt help us was your bastard brother who wouldnt obey our commands, but instead centrals, who is actually the Council Seven!" "Gordon....you bastard..." A familier voice then comes out of a dark corner. "Dont feel so bad girls..." "Huh?" says Lidian as Gordon walks out of the shadows along with a tall man with a blue crystal cane and in a suit. "...the money was too good to pass up, and also being one of the highest people around, i figured...why not?" "and...who's your friend Traitor??" yells out Sethi. As she does Gordon looks up at the man. "Who do you think? He's the one who's been running everything under everyones nose. President Roger Lenion, also nicknamed T5 as well as "Master" by the lower ranks." Once again, another voice comes over the radio. "Wing Sector 1S has been breached! Final Security door danger!" "I feel it is time for my exit girls...once Remmington kills you two, my reign of terror will begin..." says Roger. He turns around, walking out, with Adrien and Gordon behind him, but, he lisfs up his hand, the door slamming shut with Adrien and Gordon in there. "THE HELL!? Master, what are you doing??" "I dont need the lowlikes of you along with me...I have Remmigton now...hahaha...have a happy afterlife..." The man walks out of sight as Adrien bangs on the door as well as Gordon. "Cheap Bastard! Why didnt I see this coming?" Sethi and Lidian look at eachother, whondering who's on whose side as it gets more confusing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, in a giant silo type room, we see thousands of soldiers firing at Remmington, his clothes torn off nearly completely as he lifts up his arms yelling as another shockwave bursts from them, imploding their bodies as well. He then starts to approach a giant sised door, well over 500 times the sise of the others as a voice is heard behind him. "Immpressive..." Remmington turns around to see Roger. He growls as he starts to run for him. Roger holds up his hand as a type of psychic beam shoots from it, and hits Remmington, stopping him in his tracks as he grabs his head. "Now...you will obey me..." says Roger as Remmington begins to run about, smashing into walls, the beam still on him as he finally collopses in the middle of the floor. "Since his mind is hiding itself, with a new loyal mind...the god of darkness is mine at last!" Remmington stands up, looking at Roger as he speaks. "...Roger...it's been a long time..." "That it has...now, i will open the gate for you, and you kill the four pathetic excuses for beings in there and complete my mission." "Very well." as he says that, Roger smirks some, an evil laugh starting to come out as they approach the door.
  15. "All units proceed to area 42B! Target is advancing towards A Wing, stop him at any cost!" As that booms inside the building, we see over 50 soldiers scrambling down the hallway, getting down, while others kneel and stand over the others, their guns pointed outward at the triway at the end of the hall. another explosion is heard as 4 soldiers go flying though the hallway, down the other as smoke comes from the right side. Remmington, with torn clothes, his hair all messed up, blood coming from his cheek turns the corner, coming down the hallway as the soldiers start to open fire with bullets and missiles. He lifts up his hand, throwing it across his front, the missile exploding, and when the smoke clears, only the area around him is damaged, the floor where he stands is not. As they continue to open fire, the bullet's just repel off his body, into the walls and back at the soldiers. "Keep firing!! Dont let him get past!" As the one soldier yells that, Remmington leaps forward, his fist pulled back as he screams, im-pacting with the soliders, his fist slamming into one of their faces, his head completely dis-attatching from his body as his foot also slams into another solders face as they start to scatter, still firing. Remmington his his hands above him as a powerful shockwave emits from his body, and as it touches the guards, their bodies desinigrate like nothing, blood all over the walls as the lights go out. he stands there for several moments until they come back on, he continues to advance forward until he reaches a large thick door with "Area A" on it. He holds up his hand, the door separating frm it's magnetic locks, flying though the next hallway, slamming into the soliders, taking them with it as it slams hinto the wall at the end, smashing them flat, blood and guts going everywhere. meanwhile, in another area of the building we see a giant control room, Adrien, the leader of the five, is standing with Marcus at the main control panel showing the building's layout as the area with the sector a door begins to flash. "He-he just got though into Area A like it was a wall of dirt!!!" "I realise that you idiot! What I dont understand, is how this basta*d can have this much power!" yells Adrion as he slams his fist down on the control panel. "I think I can answer that..." Adrien and Marcus turn around to see the Council Seven Leader, Unharmed. "S-sir...your ali-" as Adrien says that, the leader begins to speak. "Do you think I would actually be in the same chamber as the God of Desruction?" "What!? You dont mean to tell me..." asks Marcus as the building begins to shake once more, the Area A5 door flashing on the screen. "Yes. And unless we stop him, everything is doomed. His mind is gone due to the fact that the girls and gordon are dead." "They're not dead sir..." says Adrien in a low voice. "They're not? Then get everyone out there to find them, we have to stop Remmington NOW!" "But..if we pull back the troops, we'll be defenceless!" "He's taking them out like ragdolls, now do it Commander Adrien." "...very well sir." Adrien turns and walks out of the room, the man looking at Marcus. "Very well devised plan sir...a perfect way to get rid of Adrien and bring forth the next Apocolypse..." "Yes. With this going on, i can easily control Remmington...when he kills the girls, all will end." "Heh heh...even though he is their biological brother?" "Yes." The man turns and looks at a strange writing on the wall. "...upon the death of the Sisters of Light by the Brother of Darkness, all will enter an eternal Apocolipse...but, if the Dark is thrown by the light, all will enter eternal peace. We must not let that happen!"
  16. Deep inside the Rune spacestation there is a room that is solid black, where nothing can be seen. a light suddenly comes on and a type of senate chamber appears, along with Remmington tied to a chair, looking down, before looking up at the 7 strange people. "Gordion Macavoy (whatever the girls last name is)" "...." "You have been charged with Disobeying direct command orders." "...so, my own comrades are with the Trict secretly...Gordon was right about you" "Silence your tongue. Your in enough trouble as it is mutant..." "Dont you mean half human/android you stupid arsehole!?" "...in 2 hours time, you will be executed like Gordon and the sisters." "W-what...? You...you didnt!" "Yes. Gordon and the girls...are dead.." Upon hearing that, the spacestation begins to shake slightly, Remmington's eyes glowing as his muscles bulge out, snapping the ropes as he stands up yelling. "God damn you Rona!!" yells Remmington as he lunges up into the air at her. A type of magic barrier blocks his punch, also sending out a powerufl wave of energy, sending him flying backwards. "That will be quite enough out of you..." As Rona says that, another of the seven looks up at her. "Mam, something's not right here!" "What are you talking about Harkanus?" "Hi-his androidic side's gone...this power's coming from something deeper." "Deeper...?" Rona looks down at him, the entire station still shaking. "but how can that be!?" "You killed my sisters...my brother...and now, so will you..." He yells as he begins to glow, a strange energy wave emiting from him. "my god...what have we done...?" the energy wave grows until it finally explodes, the entire station rocking with the force of a level 5 earthquake, the entire chamber destroid as the man turns around, walking out into the lower parts of the station, seeking revenge.
  17. Flynn growls as he looks at her. "If i tell you I die." "If you dont tell...i'll rip them off." says Sethi. "You wouldnt dare." "Ok...then i'll tear them off" replies Sethi again. "Why not cut them off?" says Lidian as she pushes her blade down on him. "...It was Adrien. Adrien sent me." "That's better...now, why do you want Gordon dead?" "Because...he betrayed the Trict all those years ago, not that..."android"." "Android..?" "So...you didnt know. Your friend...who was just captured because of a plan by me, is part android, created from Alexander's Genes, but something went wrong....that's all i say." Lidian pushes the blade harder on his thigh. "Tell me...where the hell he is" "I would rather kiss a moose's fat but than ever tell you!" Lidian growls and pushes it a bit harder, slightly piercing Flynn's skin "ow ow...he's at the Council Seven's HQ here on the spacestation...They knew you were coming..." "But...who knew?" Lidian looks at Sethi before they look over at Gordon. "You cheap bastard..." "Wait a minute...you mean he's playing both sides!?" wonders Sethi. Lidian lowers the blade from Flynn before looking at Flynn once more. "Something's odd here..."
  18. Groans as he opens his eyes, in a strange empty room, tied to a chair in the back, a light above him, his face severely beaten, his bullet wounds patched up, dried blood all over him, his clothes torn. Sounds of the door unlocking are heard as three men in suits walk in, stepping up to remmington. he looks up at them, one of his eyes swolen so bad he cant look out of it. "Now listen...your going to tell us where your comrades are..." "I told you mother fockers...i'm not one of the trict!" yells remmington. as he does, the one man in front of him, slams him in the face hard, blood flying from his mouth. "Fine...if you wont tell us, maybe you will when we execute you at dawn trict leader!" The man snaps his fingers as he tunrs, walking ou, the two guards comming up to him, starting to punch and kick him, he growls as he screams, blood coming from his wounds as everytrhing starts to go black.
  19. He growls as he starts to stand back up, the bullet in his leg as they fire another, this time, piercing his lower left side of his chest. he lets out a loud scream heard thought the spaceport. "SETHIIIIIII!!!!" as remington yells that, they fire again and again, pulletsw going into his arm, and his upper leg before falling down to the ground, baddly injured. Guards swarm him as they check his pulse. "He's still alive...take him to hq. the other guards grab him forcibly as an ambulance pulls up, them putting him in it and zooming off. meanwhile, the tv's inside the spaceport come up with an urgent bulleten. "The legendary Trict Leader has been captuered just minutes ago by the security forces here in this spacestation. He has been confirmed as Remmingron Matrix, ex-renegade and conductor of the destruction of area 14, just two months ago. He is currently being held in Larda Police Facility on the west side...in other news..."
  20. *yawns some as he starts to pull out a cigarette, getting ready to light it as his cel phone starts to ring. "Now gosh dang it..." Remington mutters as he reaches over and grabs it. "Remington here..." "Remington. This is the Minister of Defence." "What can i do for ya?" "Gordon, he's the Trict Leader." as the man says that, Remmington's cigaretta falls from his mouth as he sits up. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Listen, we got a report from one of our inside sources. The trict are already on the Spaceport at the customs office waiting." "Sethi...Lidian...they went with him." "Then...where the hell are you?" "I'm at the ship watching it." "Get into the customs office...stop Gordon. If the Trict get their hands on them and combine their souls, the universe is doomed." "I'm on it." Remmington sits the cell phone down, jumping up and running into the spaceort as a man walks out from behind the ship, holding a phone, dialing something, the same voice as the "minister". "Yes, Spaceport Security? This is President McDugal...i've located the Trict Leader...yes, he's heading towards the customs office now to try and kill Gordon and capture the girls. His name is Remmington Matrix. He's armed and Dangerous." mcdugal hangs up the phone and smirks some as the exits of the spaceport begin to close, security guards coming out of no where, running towards the customs office where Remmington is now arrving.
  21. As they start to land, Remington looks at Lidian and Sethi as Gordon jumps out early, landing on the hangar floor. "Dont worry, he's not gonna abandon you or kill you. Not while i'm around..." says remington as he also jumps out onto the platform, next to gordon, looking around as he sits down on the ship as it touches down. "I'll stay here...protect the ship. They'll be after us you know." "Ok." says Sethi. Both her and Lidian jump out of the ship, following gordon into the spaceport as he suddenly has a flashback. _____________ In a crystal like chamber, high in the clouds of a strange planet, we see a giant round chamber like star wars' senate chambers, a platform in the middle with three people, a platform in front of it, a smaller floating platform, with Remmington. "Remmington Matrix." "I am" "You have been designated with the mission of stopping the Trict from getting vital information from the two girls. Lidian and Sethi. Gordon will be your superior for this mission." "I understand. am i to kill the trict?" "No. You are to break in to their compound and get captured. But, give this transmitter to the girls and it will bring them to us where we can get the information and stop the trict forever." "But, what about me?" "Your life is expendable due to the fact that you are an ex-member of the trict. That will be all." "Yes your Emperialness." ________________ He sighs as he shakes his head, holding the blade which has saved his life twice already next to him, looking around for trict minions.
  22. Everythings too expencive, too much hacking, too many people...I liked it 4 years ago when there was only a few hunded. not a few MILLION.
  23. As he heards the all clear once more, he looks at Sethi nodding. "Your turn." Sethi nods and starts to climb out the window until a booming voice is heard behind them. "Not so fast..." Remington turns around to see Adrien, Marcus, Sanuka, Leopold and Jonas. The Trict Five, standing there. Remington looks up at Sethi. "You get out of here! I'll hold em off!" "But...you cant beat them!" yells Sethi as she's nudges out the window. Remington slams it shut as he nudges her out. "Dont worry! I'll meat up with you soon!" Sethi sighs as she climbs on up, Remington turning around looking at them. "You were a fool to give up all you had Remington...you could have ruled the universe..." bosts Adrien. Remington growls and points his blade at him. "Yeah, but not when it concerned capturing innocent people, and most of all killing my family!" Sethi hears that as she reaches the top where she sees Gordan finishing out a few Guards as Lidian starts the spaceshuttle. Gordan looks over at her as he runs to it. "Where's Remington!?" "The Trict got to us! He stayed behind to keep them away!" "Damn it!" Gordon runs into the spaceshuttle, Sethi behind him as they sit down. Gordon stays by the edge as he whispers to Lidian. She nods as she brings the shuttle up and about and soars around the building until they find the spot where they came out. They gasp as they se Remigton taking on all five of the trict, to no avail. "Give et up! You cannot beat ze all of uz!" "It's worth a shot tho-" yells remington. but before he can finish, the space shuttle stops by the side of the building, Sethi firing a gun to destroy the glass. Remington looks at her as she holds out her hand. "Remington!" Remington growls as he looks at Adrien and the other Trict before he turns around, leaping out of the building towards Sethi. He reaches out, but only the tips of their fingers touch as he misses, falling downward, the trict at the window watching. "Damn fool!" "R-Remingtonnnnnn!!!!!" Yells Sethi as Gordon pulls her into the spacecraft. "No! You'll fall out as well!" "Gordon please...." Sethi looks at him before leaning back, a tear coming from her eye. "Well well....i'll be an apes aunt..." Both Gordon and Sethi look up to see Remington in the air, twirling the blade like airplane flaps holding him up. "WHAAAAAAAT!?" booms Adrien as he pushes through the trict running though the building. Remington comes around the side as they reopen the hatch, him floating in landing as he sits there, phanting hard. "My...god....i never knew trying to fly could be so difficult..." Sethi jumps on top of him, hugging him as Gordon looks at them. "Good to have you back Remington..." "Good to see you as well Gordon..." Remington says in a low voice, being crushed by Sethi as they take off for space. Meanwhile, back in the Trict's base we see Adrien by the window once more, the others behind him. "Are yoiu zure aboot zis?" asks Leopold. "What if he does turn tail and traitor to us? We could lose all the data we need from those girls Adrien!" "Leopold, Jonas, dont worry...Remington's one of our best agents...he wont fail us..." says Adrien, knowing Gordon's superiors are psychic to try and frame Remington. Adrien lets out a booming laugh as they dissapear into the atmosphere.
  24. Runs over to the bars, looking around wondering whats going on, spotting the one guard with his blade to his back, from Lidian, unlocking the door and Remington steps out, nodding to Lidian as he starts to walk off, but then the suddenly turns around, slamming his fist into the guards face, causing him to fly though the cell area completely into the wall, leaving an imprint in the wall. "Darn fools..." he rubs his knuckles as alarms start to go off. "Oh great..." says Sethi as she closes the holdingroom door. "We got company!" Remington growls as he grabs the blade from Lidian, walking to Sethi as he looks at her, nodding. she nods back, moving out of the way as he opens the door, running outside at the approaching guards. Sethi and Lidian stand inside the door looking at him as he stops several feet from the guards. "Just one? C'mon boys! Let's get him!" Suddenly all the guards start running at him as he swings the blade in a circle, holding his palm out running forward, lunging into the air as one of the guards swings his swords outward, quickly slamming the blade into his chest, pulling it out and quickly ducks down as another guard jabs his sword forward. Remington swings his foot outward, taking down two of them as he jumps up onto them, swinging his blade in a circle cutting their throughts as the other guards turn around, running of screaming. Remington stands up, looking to the girls. "C'mon! we have to escape and meet up with Gordon!" He turns, running down the hall, sweat running down botht he girls faces. "d-did you just see what i thought i just saw...?" says Sethi as she looks over at Lidian. "Yeah...i think I did...?" finishes Lidian. They both nod as they quickly behind him, alarms going nuts thought the building as the loudspeaker booms. "Escaped Traitor's in Holding Sector approaching B section! Get them!"
  25. Remington looks down and hmms, leaning up against the wall. "Then it's up to Gordon...i didnt expect Adrien to know about the damned transmitter...if there werent magic restrictions here, i could easily get us out...looks like it's up to Gordon now.."
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