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Mrs. Camui

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Everything posted by Mrs. Camui

  1. Hello! I'm Mrs. Camui! Droppin' in to say hello and introduce myself. *bows*
  2. The worst movie I've ever seen was a horror film from the 70's called Bloodfreak. Acting was horrid, effects were terrible, and the man with a turkey head was so obviously fake it was laughable. In fact, the plot was laughable. A drug addicted biker eats radioactive turkey to earn some money, and gets a turkey head. He can't smoke through his beak, and starts killing people who are high so he can drink their blood and get high off of that. Totally humourous. [URL]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq9A3kZdy00[/URL]
  3. Hello! I'm Mrs. Camui. Anyone here from the southern regions of the US? Well then, I think you'd be interested is A2F: Arkansas Anime Festival. It's Arkansas's only anime convention. We've been going on for about 2 years now. I'm here spreading to those who don't know of it. If you'd like to learn more, visit [URL]http://arkansasanimefestival.com/[/URL] And do visit our forums for any questions. We'd be happy to answer if we can. We've just recently had a con in March, but another one isn't but 3 or 4 months away. Check the website I gave for updates on when, where and who. Hope to see you there! Ja Ne! :wave:
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