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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. God, this program is so cool. Ok, this piece I made in about an hour and it took 7+ hours to render, tell me what you think :)
  2. Heh, yeah, it's supposed to be a 3Dimensional Abstract piece. Usually I'll put this in just the 3D category though. Thanks for the comments :)
  3. Dawn approached quickly. Time was against him, and he was aware of that. He had already checked his cell, attempting to discover weaknesses in the walls or even the door. There were none. He knew that the only chance he had of escape was during the period of time that he was to be hung. He waited wearily for that moment. There was an enormous thud on the thick stone door, the executioner telling him that he had five minutes to pray, and then he would take the walk. Auron sat on the ground against the wall, one knee bent and the other leg straight out, while he stared at the ceiling, plotting his escape, but the expression upon his face was not a pleasant one. He could not find a way to get out of this predicament. He was going to die today. . . The door grinded as it was pulled open by two guards. Auron cocked his head as they ordered him to get up. "Why not kill me now? End this tension and find that I am not the culprit. Are you afraid?" Auron asked, mocking the guards. "We are following orders, and those are to hang you at the break of dawn, causing you to pay for the crimes you have commited," the guard said, as if it were a rehearsed line. Auron stood up, but could not move, for he was shackled to the wall. A team of five archers came to the door, as the two guards unlocked the burden upon his wrists. "Clever idea. . .for once," Auron laughed at the officers. He came quietly, without trouble, to the post where the noose hung before him. "Any last words, you worthless scum?" The executioner spat. "You shall all burn in hell for your vile actions!" Auron yelled at the heavyset man who covered his face within a hood. "Ready the noose!" The executioner yelled, outraged by Auron's words. Sweat dripped from Auron's brow as the guards tied the noose tightly around his throat. "On the count of three!" One guard shouted. "One. . .Two. . .Thr-" The guard was interrupted as the rope was cut in half. The tension upon Auron's neck fell away, and he ducked as he knew a barrage of arrows would fly his way. Before they had time to reload, he looked back to see a familiar face. "Elsyan?" He thought to himself as she flew back and he jumped off of the platform. He heard the bowstrings stretch and ducked behind a building. He ran through the crowd of citizens toward the city gate. He reached his humble house and grabbed his swords. He noticed Elsyan scaling the walls of the city, and he quickly followed suit. He also spotted Runeth. "Damn that dragon," He laughed as he continued to sprint for the wall. A guard crept behind Auron, and as he was about to strike, Auron turned around, slashing him, as an arrow ran through his chest. "Hah, elegance along with quick reactions, an elf at its best." Auron reached the top of the wall, bowing before Elsyan. "I am forever at your service, kind Elsyan," Auron said as he stared at the elf's beauty. "We must hurry." The two adventurers quickly climbed over onto the other side of the wall and headed off into the forest.
  4. Kinetix charges under the dog's legs and hits the hound, losing the axe. Kinetix: Karate chop! Hah! Kinetix hits the dog, stubbing his fingers and wandering off to pout. Dragon Warrior continues to charge. Kinetix comes back with yet another axe! He jumps in the air, only to be knocked back by the dog's immense strength. Kinetix: Ahhhhhhhh..... Dragon Warrior is still charging. Kinetix: hhhhhh...... DW still charging... Dog: Oh my god, give me a break! You two are ridiculous. *lays down* Kinetix: hhh...*noise fades down* DW is still charing. The dog walks away, rolling his eyes. DW continued charging... Kinetix continued up the mountain, wondering what just happened.
  5. OOC: I'll be the companion :toothy: Kinetix stumbled out of the bush, nearly landing on his face. Kinetix: Yes sir! *salutes his master* Kinetix followed Dragon Warrior, his tall and lanky legs tripping each other as he carried the heavy baggage. Kinetix: Um, sir. . .why am [i]I[/i] the one carrying everything when I don't get most of the treasure? Dragon Warrior: Well, it's simple really, for one, I could obliterate you with ease, and second of all, I am your one and only master. *Dragon Warrior grins* Kinetix: Oh, ok master. . . Kinetix and Dragon Warrior reached the base of the mountain, sliding down, and Kinetix flew off of a rock, landing in a thorn bush. He jumped out and sat down, crossing his legs, pulling the thorns out of every area of his body. Dragon Warrior laughed at his stupidity and continued. There was a rustling in the bushes. Kinetix: Ah! It's a monster *screams like a little girl* Dragon Warrior: It's a little puppy. . . The little canine trotted along over to Kinetix. Dragon Warrior continued down the path. By the time Dragon Warrior was down the road a ways, the dog had started to play with Kinetix, but once of of earshot, the not so innocent dog turned on Kinetix. It grew to the size of a rhinocerous and threw Kinetix into a thorn bush! Would this be the end of the clumsy companion? No, he climbed into the tree, wetting himself, and screaming some more.
  6. Thanks. Yeah, the lava is coming from the volcanoes, and it's supposed to have an Apocolypse/Armageddon type feel to it. Thanks for the compliments :)
  7. This is a nice idea :) I don't know, I used to be sort of popular on OtakuBoards, but since my absence, noone seems to really know who I am. Because of this turn of events, I suppose I shall dub myself, "The Famous, yet Unkown One." Or maybe something not as stupid or childish such as, "The Depressing One," which is still quite silly. I don't know, someone else title me. I would like to know what other people think of me ;)
  8. I'm really surprised at how many people have cases of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder on OtakuBoards. I figured that it would be a minority of people, or maybe it's just a coincidence that a lot of people on OB have it. Anyway, Chou Long Kai, it seems that you have OCD, but once again, I'm not sure, but that's definately what it seems like.
  9. [quote][i]Deedlit[/i][b] I had no idea that was a disease. I think I have that....o0;; When I'm scrolling down pages with the wheel on the mouse, it MUST land on the line at the top of someone's post. If it's any shorter or any higher than that, I keep doing it over and over again. Then usually when I'm flipping through my yearbook and close the cover, it MUST make the "whump" sound, or I try to do it again. And when I'm playing little tunes on the piano, if I make one mistake, even if one finger hit two accidentally, I start over and wind up playing it about five more times, and if I make another mistake during those five times, I wind up playing it even more times![/b][/quote] Yep, from what I see, I would say that's OCD, but I'm no expert or anything of the sort. I used to have the same problem with my mouse when I was scrolling down, and I still do, it's just not as bad as it used to be. [quote][i]Tasrai, I think[/i][b] always HAVE to be chewing on something[/b][/quote] I think I have "Oral Fixation," but not seriously. I used to do all of that, chew on pencils, pens, shirts, everything, but I don't do that anymore. I used to have it as seriously as you did, even paper, as you mentioned, but now I just bite my nails, which I would like to stop but I do it subconciously. I really disgust biting my nails too, because it just makes my hands look ugly. [quote][i]wrist cutter[/i][b] I have scoliosis. And bad eyesight but that's not really a disease.[/b][/quote] I believe that wrist cutter has topped us here. Sure, most of us have OCD, depression or other little annoying habits, but scoliosis is a serious thing. My heart goes out to you.
  10. [quote][i]Posted by KOTR[/i] [b]Well when I was young, like three to ten, I used to get re-occuring earaches. It got so bad at one point that I would have one almost every week. I would be fine one minute and then the next my ear would hurt like hell. And it would never be a flase alarm. I would always eaither have a single earache or a double earache. As a drawback, I am now immune to most standard antibiotics. That's about it other than my grandmother on my moms side had colon cancer.[/b][/quote] I forgot, I had to go in for surgery and get tubes put inside of my ears due to constant ear infections. I remember slightly, but I was merely a toddler. [quote][i]Posted by Solo[/i] [b]Oh, apart from low blood pressure. If I get up from anywhere too quickly I pass out.[/b][/quote] So [i]that's[/i] what causes that. Any time I stand up to fast, I get a head rush, but I've never passed out. I almost did one time though. I got off of my bed and rush out of my room, being caught by a head rush and slamming into the wall and stumbling around my hallway, to slam back into my bed until it passed over. That's the worst I've ever had it I think. I also have an ingrown toenail. I've gone in for surgery twice, but I try to keep it trimmed back now. It's kind of gross thinking about it, and it certainly doesn't make my feet look nice, but hey, if it keeps the pain away, I'm all for it.
  11. Well, I got a new program dealing with 3 Dimensional modeling, and have been playing around with it. Well, here is my first work. The sky could be better and the quality isn't that great, but I like the reflective look on the orb. [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/2371747[/url] Terrain is very simple in this program. I created a quick lava terrain with a nice sky and polluted lake next to it. You can see this in the attatchment. Please tell me what you think :) [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=429286[/img] E D I T: Once again, sorry for the terrible image quality. I'll try and figure out how to fix that ;)
  12. Cancer runs in my family as well. My grandmother had cancer a while back, and my mother had early signs of cancer, but I think they prevented it somehow. I was young, so I'm not very sure. But males in my family have also had a history of hernia's, so I don't look forward to getting one of those. But, other people can join in this conversation too, don't be scared :p
  13. Very nice work Majin. You use the stocks well in the banners, as shown in the banner that you put in your signature. I look forward to more work from you, because you've got great potential :) By the way, can I use the last Invader Zim avatar? that dog is awesome :)
  14. Yeah that's exactly what it is. It's just little things like that. I used to have a problem with the wheel between the two buttons. But yes, that's pretty much the problem. It's not a disease, it's just a chemical imbalance I think, sort of like depression.
  15. I was just wondering. I saw the pet peeves thread and got to wondering what kind of actual problems people have relating to their health? Things like depression and cancer or whatnot. Such as my mother who has Kronic Depression and it's causing a chemical imbalance in her brain. I, myself suffer from a case of obsessive compulsive disorder. It's kind of hard to explain for those of you that don't already know what it is. I guess you could say that if you do something, like turn off the lightswitch, you might feel that you have to do it again, but if your hand isn't in exactly the right position, you might feel that you have to do it yet again two more times and make them exactly like the other two. Like I said, hard to explain. The problem I have with my obsessive compulsive disorder is that when I heard someone say something, like if I'm watching a movie, I might repeat the phrase in my head while breathing in and out, 1 breath per syllable. If I feel that I have to end and start with an outward breath, I might change the words some so that it comes out that way and it might take a few tries, and it's really hard to stop. I do it without thinking also, that's the problem, so I don't know exactly how to stop it. Anyway, what are your serious health problems?
  16. I said no offense because I was just using newbies as an example, not saying that you're one, which you obviously aren't because of your good grammar and spelling. I was just saying that some people tend to come here and post a lot of senseless, incoherent things. I should know, I used to be one of them. Back in V2, when I first came here, that's how I was. I would post something completely irrelevent and try to get as many posts as I could in one day. So, I say again, No Offense.
  17. I agree, grandparents are some of the most loving people that you can get to know. I'm around my grandparents all of the time. Every weekend nearly, my grandmother comes around and I stay at her house for the few days, until she has to go back to work. My grandmother has also helped my family out in the past financially, since she has no children to take care of, she has a little extra cash all the time. But yes, I agree, grandparents are great :)
  18. 'Twas a dark night in the town of Quellious. The leader of the small town had been slain and the uptight, authoritive figures were inspecting every house and building searching for the culprit. The wind blew strong and rain pounded the roof of Auron's small hut. He was awake, staring at the sky through the holes in his roof, water driping onto his face. He heard footsteps outside of his window. a loud thump was heard as the officers knocked on his door. Auron peered out of his dusty window to see who would come around to the outskirts of town at this hour. "Who's the putrid scum brave enough to bother me at this time of the night," Auron roared with grief. The first officer answered, "The mayor has been slain! We have reason to believe that you are a culprit." Auron sighed and unclocked the door, slowly opening it. The door creaked and light from the officers' torches shone through more for every inch the door swung open. Auron had his hidden katana at ready, just in case. "I have no reason to harm any soul in this community," Auron told the officers with a stern voice. "Don't feed us that load of crap Auron! We have your record and know of your plots to kill the mayor many times. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed and we would like you to come down to the town center with us where we shall hold you captive until further noti- "Hah! Hold me captive?!" Auron interrupted the officers. "You know very well that the undead have done this deed. You shall not take me without a fight, and even so, you won't escape with your lives!" Auron drew his katana, slashing at the first officer. He reached behind the door, grabbing his custom sword, almost as tall as Auron himself and very thick and heavy. He spun around, knocking another officer into the air and then recovering and slashing him to the ground. During this period of time, another officer unsheathed his blade and slashed at Auron's back, knocking the breath out of him. Auron jumped into the air, aiming his blade toward the ground. He landed with full force causing the ground to shake and knock the other officers down. One survived the tremor and stood to continue the fight. Many footsteps were heard. "Reinforcements? You filthy bastards!" Auron shouted as he killed the last officer without hesitation. The entire force of the town had come to take him down, or so it seemed. Auron fought with all his might, but it was no use, there were too many. Eventually the crowd of men had taken him down, bounding his arms and legs. Auron awoke in a cell, he was being held captive for the murder of multiple officers and suspected of killing the mayor. The local officials knew very well that the undead from the land of Kinyo had assasinated the emperor, but they were just looking for a reason to convict Auron. It was nearly daybreak, Auron noticed. "Soon," Auron thought to himself. "Soon I shall have my revenge and obliterate the damn authority of this town, purging the bounds of this city.
  19. The reason the flood control is in place is because new people (such as yourself) tend to come in and make short, incoherent posts and want to get their post count as high as possible (no offense). I think this all started in V2 or V3 when there was a new post in every thread, practically every 5 seconds. At that point a 60 second time limit was put in. I'm not sure when it was upgraded to 70 seconds, but I encourage the flood control.
  20. Once you make the banner, you have to get a host. A good beginning host is [url]http://250free.com.[/url] All you have to do is visit that page. Click on the link or image that says sign-up. Fill out the registration form and make sure you give them an e-mail that you can log into. Once you submit your registration you'll have a waiting period, just a few minutes. Visit your e-mail and you'll have a verification e-mail, just like OtakuBoards. Click the supplied link and your account will be set up. Once done with that, go back to 250free and log in. There will be a vertical line of images that take you to different places. Click on the one that says "Upload Files." When that page loads, there will be three columns of little spaces with a button with the text "Browse" on it. Click on one of those browse buttons in the left column. Search for your image and select it. Text will appear in the empty box. At the bottom it says "Upload." Click that and it will load for a moment. When it's done it should say that the upload was successful and give you a link to your image. Copy that link and put it between the IMG tags in your signature.
  21. That's pretty good for a first attempt. What program do you use? The only thing I can say is that you need more frames. If you're using photoshop, make the letters fade 10% each time and let the frames go pretty fast.
  22. Don't use paint. There's really nothing good looking that can come from that except maybe sprites and a little 3D secret in it that I haven't shared with anyone but really isn't that great.
  23. Well, first of all, you have to have a graphics program such as Adobe Photoshop 6.0 or higher (recommended) or Paint Shop Pro. If you obtain one of these programs, then you can scour the internet looking for tutorials and just explore the utilities in the program.
  24. Well, my mom has a kronic depression problem and mostly all she does all day is sit down and play a game named EverQuest. She has many friends online and really spends more time with them then she does with us, her children. It's not really weird, just sad and sort of depressing. But that's about all, I don't notice any strange behavior.
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