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Everything posted by Kinetic
[color=darkblue] My friends and I do it all the time :p Not necessarily like the anime characters but we have fun with it. Like when we lay down Relinquished or something we'll make a silent scream just loud enough to hear, like a crowd going wild sort of. Now, doing it at tournaments just to be like a character is excessive, but these people are probably small children. Am I right? [/color]
[color=darkblue] Your deck has a lot of good cards, but you need to concentrate your theme a lot more. You have Suijin and Sanga, but no Gate Guardian or Kazejin. You have BEWD but no other dragons. You have Summoned Skull, but not the right cards to support it all. You have a lot of great cards, but they just don't fit together. [/color]
[color=darkblue] In my opinion, Mirror Wall and Imperial Order are extremely good cards. Solemn Judgement is good too, but it's a huge cost. Maybe if it were a continuous trap, it would be better, but it's just a 1 turn card. Imperial Order is great, even if you pay. 700 life points is nothing. You could prevent magic cards for many turns and not take too much cost. Mirror Wall is great because your opponent's monsters usually die, and if you pay, the cost is a little excessive, but well worth it. [/color]
[color=darkblue] It's good that you have established a theme. You have a good beginning deck, all you need to do now is buy some booster packs and get those La Jinns or some Neo The Magic Swordsmen. Try to get higher-attacking 4-stars and drop the Gaia the Fierce Knight. Also try to get Mystic Plasma Zone instead of Yami and some good ATK boosters like Malevolent Nuzzler and Horn of the Unicorn (Sword of Deep-Seated works good for beginners too). Get a few more traps. You've got good Magics, some really good cards in there. You're doing good, just make sure to buy more booster packs. [quote][i]Posted by Wufei Chang[/i][b] I have never lost with that deck.[/b][/quote] Thus you have never [i]played[/i] with that deck. [/color]
[strike][color=white] [size=1]2nd[/size][/strike][/color][color=darkblue] Best graphics designer! Well, congratulations to everyone who won awards, and thanks to the people who held them :) [/color]
[color=darkblue] I'm still applying, but there are few jobs open for me at my age. All I can find are Chik-Fil-A and Minyards (grocery store). One of the Minyards isn't taking applications, so I might try the other one, and Chik-Fil-A is just too far away. When I turn 15 though, I'm applying for a job at Six Flags. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I've seen the commercial, and I just don't think it's going to be right without the original characters that were actually alive at the end of the movie. I'll still see it, but I just don't know if it's going to have the same kind of effect on me. [/color]
[color=darkblue] That deck is overall pretty bad. Seriously. You just threw in a bunch of cards and called it a deck. If you're going for the Gate Guardian thing, build a deck around it. If you're going for a REBD deck, make one for that. Also, you've got waaaaaay too many cards, and you're lacking a lot of staples. You need a theme. This might sound harsh, but the only thing I would use that deck for is to take the Gate Guardian and a few other cards, then hand the rest back to you. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=ff00cc] [size=1]My grandfather has one. ^_^ It's a samurai sword, and it has a few words in Japanese on it. He got it when he became General in the Navy sometime in the 60's... I don't own any swords. ^_^; I have a pair of sai at my house in Korea. ^_^ It's fun twirling them, but I'm terrible at them. @_@;[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] I have sais! I forgot about those, geez it's been so long. I guess I forgot about them because I brought one out of my backpack at school once on accident and someone "tattletold" on me. Ah well, I still have the other :toothy: They're rounded off though, that's the only downside. I had a couple pairs of nunchucks too, but my brother lost the one with the chain, now I just have the wimpy rope one. E D I T: It's funny that the karate instructors give these weapons to little kids :p I got the sais when I was 8 or 9 I think, lol. I have to hide those from my brothers too. I wonder why my parents let me have those and not the swords. I'll have to bring that up :toothy: [/color]
[color=darkblue] I don't have any swords, but I have wanted some for a long time. I always imagined that I wouldn't bee that great at wielding a sword, although I've practiced all my life with long sticks and other things and I thought that I would be afraid to wield one so carelesly, because it was sharp. That's not the case, however, because last week my Art teacher brought his swords, axes, and even a spear to school. I picked up his dagger and started spinning it around myself. . .then I got in trouble, but still :p I hope that some day my brothers will learn not to break into my room, that way my parents will let me collect swords, because that's the only reason they don't. They love swords, I love swords, and I'm sure they would like to collect swords too, but my brothers are little brats :p [/color]
[color=darkblue] So if we get Booster Chronicle, would there be a higher chance of getting Morphing Jar, or is that just going to be completely out of print forever. I'm pretty sure that's the most valuable card there is, even on Ebay it's getting up to $150.00. [/color]
[color=darkblue] My favorite cards to use in play are Goblin Attack Force (of course, he's so fun to play with if you have equip cards. Just one and he's at 3000 ATK). There are also the Gate Guardian pieces. My friends always brag about how great their monsters are then I note that I might have Sanga, Suijin or Kazejin on the field and their ATK is useless :) They almost helped me beat a guy in a tournament, he's pretty much the best one there. I also like Relinquished, but I really need to build a deck out of it. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I have been told a bunch of times that I look like Keanu Reeves, but I still fail to see the resemblance. And now, I got the trench coat for Christmas so the ridicule will never end at PE :p Anyway, I do see a lot of resemblances in most of these pictures you are all posting but BabyGirl's picture takes the cake. You look just like her, but better :) [/color]
[color=darkblue] The luck keeps on coming. I love going to tournaments merely for trading. I got a Goblin Attack Force and a Relinquished, and a few really good cards from Magic Ruler. I bought the Relinquished for a dollar, but it was bent up, but not that bad. If I had only stayed 30 minutes longer I would have gotten Pot of Greed and a mint-condition Relinquished, straight from a PSV pack (PSV? No, more screw-ups by the manufactuars) for a Hyozanryu like my friend did. [/color]
[color=darkblue] If I got a tattoo, it would probably be in a small area on my back or on my upper arm. It wouldn't be big, just some small design of a sharp object or something dark and depressing. Probably no text, just the black and white picture. It wouldn't be a skull or anything, just a small design of some sort that I'll make in a graphics program and print out for them, lol. I'll also probably get a few piercings some day. [/color]
My last post. BTW, ever heard of Nazi Germany?
Kinetic replied to BandWidth's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkblue] "I feel that they are incredibly leniant." And that they are. The moderators and administrators of this board are very leniant, as you put it, and give you a fair share of second-chances before banishment. I have seen Cloricus' remarks and don't agree that it's his place, and that it is a job for the moderators, although I have no personal vendetta with Cloricus. All that was asked of the members was to read the rules and abide by them. I have seen a few of your posts that did not, but I have seen a few that were clean. That is expected of most new members, but it's not that hard to keep all of your posts clean. I know some of mine are short and could contain extra thought, but I usually put my point across clearly and don't even post that often, I mostly read everything. Before you go and call these boards the "Nazi Germany," you should take a better look at your actions. You are the one who made a topic complaining, you are the one who posted poorly (not including this post, you did well). All I have to say is what has been said many times before. You come here under your own will, and you may leave under your own will. If you don't enjoy these boards, leave. If you do, try your best to abide by the rules. [/color] -
[color=darkblue] I believe that it's a possibility. There are enough strange occurances for it to be real. Once, my mother was at home alone around christmas time. A bulb on the tree started shaking and then stopped. One of them that was closer to her started shaking and then stopped. This happened a lot of times and got closer each time. Another thing that happened, was a lampshade in my house started shaking for no reason. And there's always the occasional voice coming from the unplugged speaker. [/color]
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
Kinetic replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkblue] It evens out though, because someone stole my Sanga of the Thunder and a few other cards. [/color] -
[color=darkblue] I've recently gotten enough cards to build a decent second deck. I left behind the whole Gravity Bind scheme and made a basic beatdown. Then I got those cards and made another Gravity Bind deck. Here's the basic beatdown: [b]Tribute Monsters[/b] Suijin Kazejin Summoned Skull x2 Relinquished (out of place) [b]Non-Tributes[/b] Spear Cretin x2 La Jinn x2 Witch's Apprentice x3 Magician of Faith x2 Giant Soldier of Stone x2 Wall of Illusion x2 Goblin Attack Force Dark Elf Man-Eater Bug Spirit of the Harp Neo the Magic Swordsman Time Wizard Hane-Hane [b]Magic[/b] Malevolent Nuzzler x2 Horn of the Unicorn x2 Ground Collapse x2 Fissure x2 Share the Pain Black Illusion Ritual Rush Recklessly Monster Reborn Tailor of the Fickle Giant Trunade De-Spell Remove Trap Dark Hole Change of Heart Soul Exchange Mystic Plasma Zone [b]Traps[/b] Trap Hole x3 Magic Drain x2 Enchanted Javelin Michizure Solemn Wishes Shift There are some cards out of place, I know, but I want to know what you all think and then I'll post my Gravity Bind deck. [/color]
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
Kinetic replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkblue] I've beat you to it! Nyah! I bought Relinquished for $1.00 on Saturday. What a fool. It's bent some but I could care less, it was a dollar, and even with the bends it's worth a lot. And then I got the ritual card in a booster minutes later after I left the tournament. I also got many cards, such as another Toon World, Snatch Steal, Toon Mermaid, Banisher of the Light, Invader of the Throne, and some more. Very nice to have Magic Ruler :p [/color] -
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
Kinetic replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkblue] Hopefully I'll get that Japanese one I've been trying to get for a few weeks but that kid hasn't been showing up to the tournament. [/color] -
[color=darkblue] Damn you Piro, you took the words I was thinking of and posted them as I scrolled down this page :p I would do it even if I did not know the person, I mean, death is inevitable, why not just die there and save that person instead of sending them to their death. I mean, their life must be worth much more than mine. [/color]
Anime Big Starter/Structure Updates - Take a look at this!
Kinetic replied to Hyper's topic in Otaku Central
[color=darkblue] That's actually not bad, I can now get my Seven Tools back, since someone stole mine. An English Magic Jammer would be nice too, so that I could use it in tournaments. Stupid "No Japanese" cards rule. I've already got Island Turtle and Penguin Knight, so the Joey deck seems kind of crappy, besides the Polymerization, but I'll probably end up buying both of them :p [/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sunde [/i] [B]I love Legato's coat. In fact I just love Legato's style all of it. He made black trutlenecks and black fingerless gloves cool and considering I love both articles I feel stylish. His unibang is nifty. Unibangs are nifty. All the coolest people have them; Trowa, Noin, Zelgadis, Sano's father figure, all those stylish types. I mean how many evil villans wear white. White is awesome. And how many have a skull on their shoulder? Chests, seen it. Carrying diembodied heads, seen it. But on their shoulder? He is the only one. Those spikes are cool. If I had those spikes I would put things on them, like roasting marshmellows using that or hanging my stuff on em. Legato should design clothes. Uh, yeah, guess who Sunde cosplays in her free time. love, peace, eternal pain, and suffering, Sunde [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] I agree with you completely. Legato's whole character is great and his personality is amazing as well. I have a Unibang and am getting blue hair dye (not to cosplay as Legato, just because I wanted to dye my hair blue). And I have a trench coat. Now, if I spray-paint that white, that'd be perfect :p I wouldn't mind looking like Vash either. His sunglasses and trench coat are awesome, and his hair is cool too, although I'd much rather look like Legato. I wouldn't really want to look like Knives, I never really liked his outfit or hair. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I got pretty much the exact same answers as Piro but I didn't take the DB Girl or the last two quizzes. Once again, you have done a great job constructing these Adam. [/color]