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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] I've got 2 Ushi Onis, 2 Megasonic Eyes, Goddess of Whim, Trakiminos, and that's all I think. I might have 2 of the very puny ones. Their cards aren't that great (except for the Cosmo Queen) and I only want Millenium Shield because it's a cool card, but it wouldn't go with my deck now. Anyway, I can just trade to get better cards at a local tournament I go to now (and I think I did quite well, seeing how I just got knocked out by the person considered the best there), and I'm getting Harpy's Feather Duster from him next week. Well, that's if I can get a Goblin Attack Force, since he wouldn't trade for Toon World. So I get Goblin Attack Force from the kid I beat in the first round somehow, then I've got a Harpy's Feather Duster. Pretty cool to me :toothy: [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] You also have to take into consideration that it's a limited offer. If there was already a rush of people trying to get the cards, they probably cleaned your local McDonalds out. I will go eventually, but for the time being, I can live without it. I got Time Wizard for Christmas and that will hold me over until I get some new cards :p I got some other good cards for Christmas, but that's not the point of the topic. Just keep trying, but they're probably all out of the cards. [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] I live in Texas. I live in Fort Worth, but right on the edge of Arlington, where I've lived all of my life. My mom hates Texas but I think it's a great state, especially where I used to live. I've been to a lot of states that I didn't like, and I just hated Oklahoma. I didn't like a lot of our bordering states, but I love Texas. If I were to move, it would be to either Mackinaw (Great city in Michigan), California, or Florida. [/color]
  4. [color=darkblue] I'm not rich, actually, not at all, but I have a humongous family and they all live close. I'll use Piro's list. . .thing. . . [b]Christmas Eve[/b] Clothes $30 and Reindeer doll ($30 :p) Austin Powers in Goldmember [b]Christmas[/b] Trench Coat (all I asked for) Yu-Gi-Oh cards Wallet to put money received Christmas Eve in Basketball Goal (surprises me too) Laser Pen Flashlight (o.O) Football/Basketball Cologne and Aftershave balm (heh, not even shaving yet. . .although I could, I just don't) Electronic Toothbrush Skateboard I think that's all, there might be more. All I wanted was the trench coat though. . . [/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]plus that magic card, its like Shadow of Eyes except you can play it instead of having to play it face down first. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] Does anyone happen to have the name of that card? My friends and I (I'm the only one with Shadow of Eyes) always seem to get Labyrinth Walls onto the field, but I never happen to have Shadow of Eyes. Now, a magic card, that would work great because then I would just be able to flip it over whenever I actually have a suitable monster on the field to destroy it, taking away a good chunk of their lifepoints. [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] One aspect of this show that I really enjoy are the character designs. They are so uniquely diverse, and the person who thought them up is brilliant. One of my favorite characters is Sora. He is such a great character, seeing as how he has maxed out stats, so he can be as cocky and obnoxious as he wants. Subaru and Tsukasa seem really alike, since they are both quiet and mysterious towards the other characters. The landscapes, as you talked about earlier, are also amazing, and there are so many of them. In my opinion, this is one of my favorite animes. E D I T: I also have to add that the video game for the PS2 looks to be pretty good, I'll definately invest in that. And now I know where James' desktop image comes from :p (Of course you might have already said so in Semjaza's thread, but I forgot if you did, lol) [/color]
  7. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] I personally think reality T.V. is a waste of time. Except for maybe that Joe Millionaire, that could be humorous. I'd only watch the episode when they find out he's not rich, though. [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue] [i]The rumble of the tanks tearing through the dessert was tremendous. Zylics awoke in a cave not far from where the chase had happened. There was a fire in the corner. Zylics wearily got up to investigate. It was barely started, the wood still not singed. A man came out from the shadows, startling Zylics, preparing him to fight.[/i] [b]--:[/b] Don't worry, it's just me. [b]Zylics:[/b] From the prison. How'd you escape? [b]--:[/b] There's no need to worry about that right now. What you do need to think about are the oncoming tanks that are about to help in the siege of America. [b]Zylics:[/b] Damnit, so they did start it! [b]--:[/b] I watched the whole time as you tried to escape in that Apocalypse Tank. You were very good, and you helped weaken their forces, however minimal the damage was. Those Apocalypse Tanks are not easily built. [b]Zylics:[/b] It's still not enough, the siege has begun and there's nothing anyone can do about it. [i]Zylics stood up and started to walk away, stopping briefly.[/i] [b]Zylics:[/b] There really is nothing we can do, is there? [b]--:[/b] I'm afraid not. . . [i]Zylics sat down again, sulking against the wall of the dark and dusty cave. They stayed like this for a good while, silent, listening to the tanks roar by. A rainstorm had started in the desert, it was surprising that the sky hadn't turned red or something phenomenal like that hadn't happened. What the people in America must have been thinking, the horror they would be soon going through. Mostly just Texas today, though. America would build up their forces, keeping great security around the White House and the President himself, wherever he may be located. The Soviets had really won. Zylics wasn't able to take it like that though. There was always a sign of hope. . .until now. Zylics started to walk out again. The rain was pouring down his face. He ran down the slope of the hill where the cave was, the man who had saved Zylics calling after him.[/i] [b]--:[/b] Be careful! It's not safe now, you'll surely die! [b]Zylics:[/b] Thanks for all of the help! [i]Zylics tore off into the desert once more.[/i] [/color]
  9. [color=darkblue] I don't even know most of those cards, but I saw the commercial. I will still go, but I'm hoping to get a Millenium Eye to go with my defensive deck. [/color]
  10. [color=darkblue] Imagine if you used Ra's effect, where you go down to one life point. Now, your life points would definately be lower than your opponent's, so strap on a megamore and there you go, like 16,000 attack. [/color]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]... along with those ridiculous clans. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] And that could happen, too, someone put a thing in their sig saying, "Join the New World Order and help us take over the boards!" Now, when the first clans started, that was right after I left the boards so long ago, so I missed a lot of it, but it definately sounds like it was just a bunch of spam. [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] I think that's a great idea, and could be considered, but you have to remember that the reason the Adventure Arena has a recruitment forum is because it's fun to get to play with new people and see who signs up, plus there are many more involved. The reason I don't think it would work is because there would only be a few people in a thread, and you could easily handle it in PMs. The other thing, is that a lot of threads seem to have a title like, "Na'Dou! I'm callin' you out!" or something to that effect, so why couldn't you just say, "Juu and Mist vs Na'Dou and Harlequin." And just in case they didn't agree to the battle, that's why you would use PMs to take care of it beforehand, although they'd probably join in without any notice. Although your idea is very thoughtful, and a good one, the battles are just so small that I don't think it would matter. [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] I have answered a few of these myself -.-; Well, I have had four names on these boards, but 2 of them were on V2 and were just DBZ characters. Anyway. . . When I came back in V4 (or was it the end of 3??), I signed up under Chibi-Trunks (My V2 handle), but screwed up the account and signed up again under the name of Aries. Now, you may confuse this with Aerith from FF7, but don't be confused, I am a male. Aries was just a name that I remembered, but I couldn't figure out where I remembered it from. Well, I thought it sounded sort of cool, so I used it as my handle. Later, I learned it was an astrological figure (you know, the horoscope thing you always see in the newspaper. . .if you read it. . .which I don't), and thought, ah well, it's still cool. Later, everyone kept confusing it for Aerith (or Aeris, whichever you prefer), and assumed I was a girl [size=1](damn my sensitivity, although I don't show it often here)[/size], so when James announced the name changes, I jumped on the opportunity. Now Kinetic is something I heard on the internet, and I named my website(s) after it (Kinetix), later, this year, I took Physics class and learned that Kinetic Energy is energy dealing with movement. The faster an object moves, the more Kinetic Energy it has. Well, it still sounds cool, so I used it. Now, this has been a very long and useless post, and I should save it, in case any more of these topics come up :p Thank you for reading, if you took the time to. [/color]
  14. [color=darkblue] I agree with both sides on this matter. I do believe that some of the topics closed were closed too quickly, but I also believe that there is almost always some reasoning behind it and although it may seem unfair and hasty, moderators, I believe, have some experience with these things. Sure, they could have let them stay open for a while, but they usually would turn out as predicted. One thing I see that no one has mentioned, is TN's closing of several (if my memory serves me right) threads in the DBZ forum. Most of those have been just because they turned into spam or were obviously turning into spam. One example: Many threads were newbies asking questions about DBZ where the answer could have been found on Yahoo or many other search engines. Once the answer was given, the thread's purpose was diminished. I have seen many of these, but only a few have gotten past TN and the DBZ moderators, and the ones that did turned into a topic for newbie's to raise their post count by repeating the answer in their own words. Some of these topics actually brought a great discussion, I have participated in a few myself. But eventually, around the second page, these turn into a spam fest as well. [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]I'm not on anyones list.:( Oh well. Heres mine(no particular order of course). Desert Shadow(Bucket man!) Topaz Spikey Nerdsy Adam James Kenji Egyptgirl Will2x Oblivion(does he even come here anymore?) ShyGuy Warlock Voodookanaka Rico Final Flash Sailor Meike Cecil DragonBallZMan Thats all I can think of at the moment. Though there are tons more! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] You were on my list (I hope :bluesweat) Anyway, I would be up for that road trip, as long as my mom didn't know about it :p [/color]
  16. [color=darkblue] Sure, it gets annoying to hear people telling you to get a life, but who cares? They don't like it, but they don't have to, right? People have different interests. I personally take Beezlebumon's side in this matter. And who cares if they call it pokemon? You can't tell me that nearly every single one of you never enjoyed Pokemon Cards. I know I did, and I grew out of it. I know I like these cards, and that I'll grow out of them as well. My point is, card games come and go, and you'll play them. People will have fun with you, but it doesn't matter, life goes on and you shouldn't care about these things. [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] Erudite Paladins all the way! :p I haven't played the game in a while, though, so that's why my character is still level 30. My mom has been addicted to it for about 4 years now, and she really needs to get out and get her social life back. She used to be that ideal "Soccer mom" type figure, but for the past 3-4 years, she's done nothing but play EQ, meet EQ friends in real life, and talk to EQ friends on the phone. It's a good game, but I've played better. [/color]
  18. [color=darkblue] They were just trying to give you advice, and probably the best there is. Unless someone I knew online for a long period of time (years) came to my school or my doorstep, I probably wouldn't go out of my way to meet them. Also, if you [i]really[/i] want to meet this person, go for it, it's your choice, but get to know them before you go on a [b]holiday[/b] with them. [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] [i]Zylics lay in the flames, trapped by the intense heat. He was barely concious and with no energy left within himself. He stared at the flames, and the tank in shambles. He wanted to give up, he knew that he had no chance against those beasts. He stood up, his arms wavering and his back bent. The blood and sweat poured down his singed and gruffy face, his hair filled with dust. He found an opening in the fire, but the area was quickly consumed, the flames licking his face. He figured he could jump, sacrificing his legs, but he was too much of a coward. However, there was no other way. He searched for a breach in the fire, but there was none and he was too weak to search around. He jumped, rolling through the fire and thensome. He stood up, running through the dessert, away from the military base, he hoped. He lost all power, collapsing to the ground. A pair of arms was seen picking him up.[/i] [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] Well, you would put Sangan's and a Witch of the Black Forest(because the stupid restricted list only allows for one now) in your deck, no questions asked. Altron's site on theOtaku has good Exodia decks, you should check those out. [/color]
  21. [color=darkblue] [i]The alarm buzzed. Troops were getting ready to take off into the siege. Zylics had just entered the hangar, keeping low. He saw one of the Apocalypse Tanks, marveling at its beauty. A tank sped in, at amazing speed for such a large piece of weaponry. A man stepped out.[/i] [b]--:[/b] That was a good session, Raynor. [i]Zylics stepped back into the shadows, he had heard that name somewhere before. Well, it wouldn't matter now. He needed to do something, figuring the alarm wasn't for the fact that they spotted an intruder. He walked toward the cockpit of the Apocalypse Tank. There was a gruffy man coming toward it with the ignition card. Zylics jumped out of the shadows, silencing him and taking the card. He then proceeded to snap his neck and drag him off into the darkness. Zylics jumped into the seat, starting the ignition. The opening from Raynor's entry was still there, but he would still have to get through a few units to get there. He sped off, without much control of the tank.[/i] [/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Ceasefire apply to all monsters on the field, that's why it's nice. Get a Man-Eater Bug and a Wall of Illusion nextto some reborned GG pieces, then Ceasefire and do a lotsa a dammage. Later, flip over MoF and repeat. It's interesting because it's not really that hard to get nice effect mons on the field. Besides, maybe you should replace SS with Fiend Megacyber... just a though. Princess of Tsurugi would be just great if there were more cards to flip mons face-down. Also, I noticed your *defensive* deck doesn't have any SoRL? (SoRL+Princess of Tsurugi/Magician of Faith/Man-Eater Bug=instant effect!) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] I was actually thinking about adding SoRL, but haven't done it yet. And I was also thinking your opponent's effect cards :p That's why I need help :) [/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by enigma [/i] [B][COLOR=blue][I]I gots me the perfect idea that you can use. Buy them.....a rubber chicken. That's right, you heard me. Get a HUGE box, fill it with smaller boxes (or bubble wrap if you're short on time) and place the rubber chicken in the middle then wrap up the big box. Hehe, oh the look on their face when they find that chicken. Plus, no one gets offended.[/COLOR][/I] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] Heheh, I did that once, but not with a rubber chicken. My friend's dad also did it, and got boxes so huge that it was as big as a car (and he filled it with a ton of bricks cuz that's what she wanted was a car). Anyway, it's hillarious to see the look on their faces when they have to go through 10 boxes. [/color]
  24. [color=darkblue] That's exactly my dilemma. There are only a few stores that will let me work at 14, but they aren't accepting applications at the moment, so I can't get everyone gifts like I had planned. At least by next year I'll be 15 and it'll be somewhat easier. [/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Circéus [/i] [B]Actually, Man-Eater Bugs and Ceasefire are both English. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] Ah, I found ceasefire. But that's just depending on the fact that they have effect cards. ::adds it:: ah, well. I still think Princess of Tsurugi makes a great edition to a deck. Especially against a few of my friends who always lay out as many magic cards as possible. [/color]
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