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Everything posted by Kinetic
That's actually alot better, but there's too much negative space. Duplicate the planet, change the size and color and stuff to add some variation. It's nice looking at a starfield, but it's just not enough. Great try so far though. The starfield looks [i]alot[/i] better.
I would really love to take some of those classes, but I go to a rather small school, and that's out of reach for me, as the only classes slightly relating to any of those topics are Art and Computer Literature, lol. I'm definately considering something like that for college though, as it's something I've been interested in for along time. I've just never taken the initiative step into the whole mess. Thanks alot for all of the tips :)
No problem, I actually enjoyed reading that, because it's helping me learn the ins and outs of web design. It feels good to get a constructive comment like that, especially from you, seeing as how you have made such successful websites. I guess that I was only thinking of making something for a small group of friends when I made this, and for myself. Sort of like the myOtaku thing. It's just a place to put my things and just relax in. Now that you put the career thing in perspective for me, I'm considering it, but I'd have to improve a great deal before I even considered making a portfolio. For the time being, I think I'll just play around with different ideas for a new layout and then take it from there. I'm definately going to take your post into consideration because there are so many points that I failed to see before. I never really thought it through I suppose. I feel kind of foolish because I was so ignorant to all of these points you made, but I'll definately think out every move ahead of time on my future attempts. Thank you.
How did you learn about sex?(Parental Advisory)
Kinetic replied to Pagan's topic in General Discussion
My parents sat down with me when I was 9 I think. We had the talk, about how many holes women have and what they do, and what I do with my penis (or "thing," as it was called at the time). This wasn't much of a shock to me, because I'd seen nude girls before, my age and adults. They gave me a slightly descriptive talk, but it was still [i]very[/i] vague. The rest, I learned from watching pornography and taking words out of context that I heard used at school, as you said. I was still learning some things until about a year ago (I was 14), which is pretty late, but at least I know, lol. My mom was going to get me a Playboy magazine for Christmas, but thankfully my dad didn't let her, because that would have been extremely odd. -
That's pretty good. At the risk of sounding redundant, I'd like to point out that it is small and the big stars are a bit unrealistic. Also, the aura around the little ones is a bit brown, which pulls me away from the piece a little. Maybe if you added a [i]very[/i] slight blue tint to them, they'd look more realistic and pleasing. Also, if you made it bigger, you could work on creating planets and really add some depth to the piece. [url="http://gallery.artofgregmartin.com/tutorials.html"]http://gallery.artofgregmartin.com/tutorials.html[/url] That's a link Hittokiri Zero put up not too long ago, and he has some great tutorials for space scenes. You might want to check it out :) Great starfield so far though, it just needs some more.
Thanks for all of the comments guys. I'll take everything you've said into consideration because they are all valid and crucial points to the layout. I'm thinking of just keeping it simple, but technical looking. Possibly a black and pink layout. I've loved that color scheme for a while now. Really, this was more of an experiment to see if I could pull off metal-ish look and I decided to make a layout out of it. I was worried about the size of the content box the entire time, and you guys did notice that, as I expected. I'm going to look at some of wrist cutter's layouts and study them, to see what looks good and convenient, since he is such a great designer. I'll probably look at Semjaza's too, although he doesn't do the centered layouts, like wrist cutter has done some of. That's the kind of layout I want for my portfolio because they look more professional (in my opinion), and they're just different. Thanks again guys :)
[url="http://www.hostultra.com/~euphoria/index2.html"]http://www.hostultra.com/~euphoria/index2.html[/url] As of right now, I'm working on a portfolio site to showcase my favorite works, and I'm pretty much done with the layout. I want to see what others think should be changed. I'm in the process of coding it/getting other people to do my work for me on it, lol. I'm also going to have random comics that I draw from time to time on there. That's for my friends at school mostly though, as it's usually an inside joke that I write about, or use in a similar situation to how it was really used. So what are your opinions?
[quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Hey this is some good stuff. I decided to check out your entire gallery and it's impressive. I like the lighting a great deal, and overall there is good flow to the piece. I'm not much of a 3D artist myself (even pseudo-3D) because I can't use 3DSMax or Maya worth a damn, but maybe I'll look into it sometime. I just draw and color; very simple. Well, I can't really offer much constructive criticism, other than that it looks neat, especially the staircases. Keep up the good work.[/quote] I hate having to use another person's render in the first place, but whenever I run 3DS Max, my computer locks up. I hate it -_- Thanks for the comments though :) And you can definately use it as your wallpaper Hatake. That's one reason I make these things, for other people's use :p
I've always loved the crispness of your images, but I can't help feeling that it's lacking color. Gray just turns me away I suppose. Amazing render, still, but like Hittokiri said, just work on the 2D. I really can't say it any better than him.
You gotta remember guys, I didn't make the 3D structures. I was just reading through the comments and I thought to myself "Wow, they must not realize that I didn't do the 3D," lol. All I did was the brushing and the lighting, plus the background. Thanks for all of the wonderful comments though :)
How much do you pay to look good...
Kinetic replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I spent around $150 on my clothes at the beginning of the school-year and plan to wear these clothes for the rest of high school and most of college, until I grow out of them. They're mostly not name brand, I have a few JNCO pants, but that's all I think. I have 2 pairs of nice, normal jeans. I have 1 pair of baggy jeans. I have 1 pair of kakhi/baggi jeans, and I have 3 basketball outfits. My shirts consist of a few button-up shirts that I leave unbuttoned to show the white shirts underneath. My hair always has a different style. Not until my last haircut did I find something that I actually enjoyed. Long hair didn't look good on me, neither did spikes or a bush. Now I have a fade and blonde streaks, and that's the way it's going to stay, definately. I haven't worn gel in it for about 2 or 3 months though, because I ran out like 2 days after I got my hair done. I really should buy some more. -
[url="http://www.deviantart.com/view/6494171/"]http://www.deviantart.com/view/6494171/[/url] It seems as though noone here liked my last piece, the minimalistic one (except for Mimmi), even though the design groups I'm in loved it. Be that as it may, I decided to try some 3D renders on for size with brushing. I'd make my own renders, but my computer locks up when I run 3D Studio Max now, so I'm using a pack I downloaded. Hope you like. Renders: [url="http://smashmethod.deviantart.com"]http://smashmethod.deviantart.com[/url] Tech Brush: [url="http://nightingale01.deviantart.com"]http://nightingale01.deviantart.com[/url]
I hate that 250free is down. Everything's screwed -_- Anyway, the wallpaper is extremely small, but it's interesting so far. I liked the splash more. The best part of it is definately the texture on the background and how the hexagons are blended in, closely followed by the torn page effect you did. Great job on that. I'm not fond of the characters in there, I usually don't like anime stocks anyway, but the splash is still good. Nice job.
Thanks alot :) I really enjoyed working on this because I love the minimalistic style. It's just so much more aesthetically pleasing than any other style in my eyes. Great interpretations also. It reminded me of a more futuristic but not so futuristic piece. If that makes any sense anyway :p Thanks again :)
I have to agree with everyone, this is great. You managed to capture the small waves greatly with tiny value changes, which looks great, and then as Pyro mentioned, the foam on the water. It's all really amazing. The only things I would change are these: Make the sun and sky brighter so that it contrasts better and looks more realistic, And blend the large wave in with the rest of the water. Great work :)
[i][b]Name: [/b]Jimmy Zito [b]Gender: [/b]Male [b]Approximate Age:[/b] 26 [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] Short brown hair and brown eyes. Skinny and a rugged looking, yet shaved face. I'll give you a hint: Tim Roth. [url="http://awards.fennec.org/images/71-tim_roth.jpg"]http://awards.fennec.org/images/71-tim_roth.jpg[/url] (I was hoping that I could be the robber from the restaurant, who Tim Roth played. I think it would be interesting to see that character return, not having learned his lesson from the encounter with Jules Winnfield) [b]Personality: [/b]Jimmy talks as though he might have a slight lisp, but it's very undefined and barely noticeable. Almost a twisted accent of some sort. Jimmy is innovative but doesn't really think things through and is very rash in his actions. Jimmy is obsessive compulsive, so he always feels weird about his placement and the placement of other objects. It really irritates him. He also has a fascination with shoes. Any kind. Shoes really tickle his fancy. [b]Biography: [/b]Mr. Zito, Jimmy, was born to a family in LA, living in a cheap apartment downtown. His father, being a pizza delivery man, brought in a very low income. His mother, the neighborhood tramp, would have sex with anything that moved, unbeknown to Jimmy's unintelligent father. Jimmy grew up with a few friends, but they were all odd and didn't fit in to the crowd. Jimmy took a leader type position in the group, hungry for control over the other boys. By the time he was 14, he was arrested on multiple accounts of burglary, mostly involving pornographic magazines from the cornerstore down the street. Jimmy, who was always coming up with new schemes and plans, decided that life would be much better if he could further his skill in robbery. He moved out of his house at the age of 17, living out of his car. He met a girl named Ruby and they banded together passionately, robbing cornerstores and unsuspecting people on the street. Charismatic in their actions, they were fool-hearty and wound up tangled in many odd predicaments. Always weaving their way out of trouble, they continued on their journies. After their incident with Jules Winnfield at the restaurant, they moved out to New York, living in the outskirts of China Town (I think China Town's in New York. I'll change it if I'm wrong), and they've been struggling ever since.[/i]
[url="http://www.deviantart.com/view/6450804/"]http://www.deviantart.com/view/6450804/[/url] Title's from a Bad Religion song. Best band ever, title kind of relates I guess. Anyway, first good looking try at minimalism from me. Render: [color=#636d63][url="http://smashmethod.deviantart.com"]http://smashmethod.deviantart.com[/url][/color] Inspiration: [color=#636d63][url="http://swankin.deviantart.com"]http://swankin.deviantart.com[/url][/color] I've always looked up to Swankin's work, and once I learn to vector, I want to go into the same field as him, but not just replicating his pieces and defining my own style, but similar to his because it's the best 2D work I've ever seen. I stole his colors for this I've been doing alot of work the past few days. Finding alot of techniques and stuff I guess, but I'm having fun. Hope you enjoy :)
Lol, I have no idea what happened to your screen Boo ^_^; Thanks Mimmi. I was thinking about taking out the poetry and spicing up the background as well because I thought it looked better than anything I've done lately, lol. Took me about 5 minutes to make, but it still looks good. The point was just to make something soft for the poetry though, lol.
[url="http://www.deviantart.com/view/6428091/"]http://www.deviantart.com/view/6428091/[/url] Wrote this for my girlfriend while we were still going out. It's still better than my other poetry so I thought I'd post it. I'm going to post some political poetry soon. The background consists of two of my favorite images as of late merged cheaply with a color overlay. Just something quick and fluid looking.
I made these quick because I'm about to go watch Chapelle's Show, lol. Don't hesitate to ask if you want anything changed.
You're the second person to call me "Energy formed by movement," unless it was you the first time, for I really don't remember. Glad someone understands though :D Anyway, thanks for the comments. It was worse earlier, because I didn't have the tech on the right, it was too blurry, not dark enough (gonna add some contrast in there later with the focal point), and a bunch of other things I changed, like the title. I'm still happy with it though. Thanks again :)
Lol, no problem, whether I merely inspired you delve into the world of Art or you only felt as though you should experiment, congratulations on your new image set ;)
It's a pretty good banner, but there are some changes that could be made. First being the top text. It's barely readable. The white text is the best font and effect of the whole piece. I don't know if you used the wind filter or what, but it looks great. Probably because the background has alot of horizontal motion in it. The blue text is alright, but doesn't really match the background color and the glow throws everything out. Plus, there's not enough negative space. Yes, negative space is usually a bad thing, but it's too cluttered here. Suggestions: Take out the blue text. Center the white text (or leave it off-center, it might work out, but it might throw your balance off), change the font at the top. I love the background though :)
[url="http://www.deviantart.com/view/6330782/"]http://www.deviantart.com/view/6330782/[/url] I had a basic idea of a tech piece I wanted to do, but it was unclear and I couldn't figure out how to pull it off, so I just played around and made a more organicly structured piece with a little tech off-center as the focal point. I'm pretty happy with it. I might clean up the smudging a bit though. [url="http://www.deviantart.com/view/6330782/"] [/url]
I suppose that this is the only place you really could post it, unless you PMed someone. Anyway, I've never heard of a place where you can resize an avatar online and I think that's pretty much impossible, but I don't know. To resize an avatar, you have to have a program to do it with, such as Adobe Photoshop. If you have that, then just open the avatar in it and click the "Image" menu at the top. Then click "Image Size," or something of the sort and put the size to whatever you want. You might be able to resize in MS Paint as well, but I'm unsure. Welcome to the forums :)