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[color=darkblue] I said that I could accept nothing this year, but with me being young, that's impossible in this family, so I asked for a trench coat and cards. I do know one thing I'm getting though. My mom said not to feel up my presents because they were very obvious, and she hid one behind the tree so that I couldn't find it. Well, the first thing any 14-year-old american (well, not really, just people like me) will go and do is feel things. And she's right, it was pretty obvious, a skateboard, even though I suck, it's cool :p It does take away the surprise, though, and so that I don't make a look that is obviously fake, I'll make a joke (heh, I have one, but I wish I had used it when I got my PS2 on my birthday, that was extremely fake, because my dad hinted at PS2). [/color]
[color=darkblue] The thing is, I can't use any japanese cards in this program, only cards that have been released in the LOB, MRD, MRL, PSV, SDK, SDY, TP1, and TP2 packs. This limits my capabilities, because in other games, many of my cards are Japanese. [/color]
[color=darkblue] This is a defensive/direct-damage deck that I've assembled and would like some help with. I don't have all of these cards, it's mostly for programs where you create the deck you want and duel others with their ideal decks. [b]Monsters:[/b] [i]Level 5+[/i] Gate Guardian x2 Sanga of the Thunder x2 Suijin x2 Kazejin x2 Summoned Skull x3 Labyrinth Wall x2 [i]Level 4-[/i] Giant Soldier of Stone x3 Mystical Elf x3 Wall of Illusion x3 Spirit of the Harp x3 Man-Eater Bug Spear Cretin Princess of Tsurugi [b]Magic:[/b] Dark Hole Monster Reborn Tribute to the Doomed Change of Heart Chorus of Sanctuary Horn of Light Gravekeeper's Servant Malevolent Nuzzler De-Spell Soul Exchange Axe of Despair x2 Raigeki Pot of Greed Remove Trap [b]Traps:[/b] Trap Hole Shift Shadow of Eyes Waboku Enchanted Javelin x2 Just Desserts x2 Mirror Force Now obviously this is not a great deck, so that's why I posted it here to see what I can change. I know I need to take out some monsters, but I just wanted to see what you think. [/color]
[color=darkblue] [i]The soviet soldiers arrived at the compound, Zylics in their arms. They were proceeding through the corridor to the area where they held captives. On the way they ran into Arano and Christov.[/i] [b]Soldier #1:[/b] We've caught another one, sir. [b]Christov:[/b] That's fine. [i]Christov barely took notice, after reading Zylics' mind and finding that he was utterly useless. Arano looked back in curiosity but then followed his brother down the corridor. The soldiers threw him into a cell with another man, slamming his head against the wall. His vision was coming back and he saw the shadowy figure in the corner.[/i] [b]--:[/b] Don't worry, they won't treat you like that if you don't put up a fight. [b]Zylics:[/b] Who th- [i]he coughed up some blood.[/i] [b]Zylics:[/b] Damnit! This wasn't supposed to happen. [i]He searched frantically to find something to take his own life with.[/i] [b]--:[/b] It won't help, taking your life, you have a better chance of escaping then finding a weapon in here. [b]Zylics:[/b] Who the hell are you anyway? [b]--:[/b] Names aren't important. [i]He stepped out of the light, revealing a small and skinny man, not much larger than a teenager.[/i] [b]Zylics:[/b] Where are we anyway? [b]--:[/b] Mexico. I'm not sure where, but we're not that far from the American border. It's safer here anyway. [b]Zylics:[/b] What do you mean by that? [b]--:[/b] They're planning to take over Texas and Virginia, heading on from there, possibly taking over the capitol. [b]Zylics:[/b] They couldn't do that. Our forces are too strong. [b]--:[/b] Obviously not, seeing as how their plan is flourishing. [b]Zylics:[/b] Damnit all! [i]He slammed his fist on the table, making it slide some. He sank to the floor, sweat dropping from his brow. He moved his hand across the floor.[/i] [b]Zylics:[/b] There's no chance . . . is there? [b]--:[/b] Not much. Little hope remains. Small groups of soldiers are trying to fend off the minimal troops they are sending over. Other countries are sending milital forces as well. [i]Zylics came across something with his hand. It was a small handle on the floor. His eyes widened.[/i] [b]--:[/b] What? [b]Zylics:[/b] A handle . . . a handle, as in a door. It must be a way out! [i]He stood up, tugging on it. The other man joined in, they managed to pull it open some, prying it the rest of the way. There was a ladder leading down into even more darkness than there was now. [/i] [b]Zylics:[/b] I knew it! Are you coming? [b]--:[/b] No, I'd rather spend my time here then to go snooping around in a military compound. [i]The man backed into the corner once more.[/i] [b]--:[/b] If they ask for you, I'll say that you were relocated. [i]Zylics smirked and headed down the ladder, bringing the door down as he went. It was pitch black, he couldn't see anything at all. It got cold and he was nearing the end of the ladder. He slid down, landing in a small puddle of water. There was minimal light, only enough to see that this was a safety bunker that they didn't hide the door to well enough. He decided to explore, foolishly, seeing as how he didn't have any weapons upon him.[/i] [/color]
[color=darkblue] Zylics hadn't noticed it yet, but he was being followed by enemy soldiers in a milital truck. They would chase him through the barren dessert until he got to Mexico and would follow him even then. Not letting him go until he was dead and beyond, until he was mutilated in the most horrible ways imaginable. He really had no hope of surviving unless he found good cover. He had nothing at his side but an FN-MAG, two small firearms that he couldn't name and a katana that was of no use. They shot at his tires, missing nearly every time, but the blew one out and his truck went rolling along the desert terrain. The chaos stopped and he finally regained his senses, his truck catching on fire. He grabbed his weapons and jumped out, just before it exploded. The flames tore at his skin, the heat unimaginable. He lay on the ground lifeless as the guards came and retrieved him. They loaded him in the truck and headed for the nearest military compound, where Les frères d'Armageddon was located with Lethe and the mindless soviet soldiers in the compound. He started to awake, noticing that he was unarmed and that there were about ten guards in the truck with him. He decided to keep a low profile, that way he would be taken into the compound and might be able to find things out. However, that could take a turn for the worst. He closed his eyes and took a rest. [/color]
[color=darkblue] After leaving the office, Zylics had headed home, equiping himself with small arms and a katana, although he was not very experienced with it. He strapped on his weapons, covering them with his trench coat, and headed out the door. He was located far down in Texas, near the Mexican border. He had heard rumors of the Soviets being spotted down there and would investigate for himself. He knew he had no chance against such a force, but if he died, that would be his own fault. He didn't care at this point. Life was just a gift that he did not welcome. He walked out of the apartment, the abandoned apartment. There wasn't much left in the small town, except for minimal fires, looted shops and the enlistment office. He jumped into his truck and headed for the Mexican border. He had just started the engine traveling very little when gunshots were heard from afar. About ten to twenty Russian soldiers were approaching the town. They weren't heavily armed, only with automatic rifles that he couldn't identify, thanks to his minimal gun knowledge. He rushed out of the truck, heading back into the apartment, searching for a good spot to snipe at. Sure, he didn't have a sniper rifle, but he was an excellent marksman. He would just wait for them to get closer. He rushed up the stairs to one of the top floors, opening the window slightly. They were 50 yards away, not excpecting much rebellion from the few people left in the town. They would just take them as captives and head back quickly, a small mission. Zylics removed his coat, revealing an FN-MAG and a few pistols. The trench coat added too much extra weight anyway. He unholstered the mag and positioned it in the window. The soldiers were unsuspecting, and being the unstrategic fool that he is, he took a shot at them, wounding one in the chest, falling dead shortly after. Zylics realizing this mistake closed the window and backed against the wall, hoping that they didn't know where he was. That was obviously too late. They rushed toward the building, two of them guarding each exit. He crept down the stairs, drawing his small arms. He took out three soldiers heading up the stairs, more approaching cautiously. He ran back up the stairs grabbing the FN MAG once more. He sat in the corner, shooting down each one that popped his head in. It was too much for him and he was running low on ammo. He wasn't that high from the ground outside, he could make it if he jumped. He strapped the guns back on, breaking through the window. He landed, nearly shattering his legs but rolling out in time. He caught the soldiers at the exit by surprise, drawing his katana and piercing one in the chest then spinning to slash the other ones intestines. The other guards shot down from the window, he pulled out his handgun once more and shot him in the head. Grabbing his trench coat, he jumped into the truck and roared off, being shot at from behind. He would go to Mexico and encounter anything there. [/color]
[color=darkblue] [b]15: 32 PM[/b] [i]A man walks into a building full of young men wearing newly acquired camoflouge. The enlistment office was full of people from many ethnicities and characteristics. He walks over to the counter where a man is typing rapidly on an ancient computer.[/i] [b]Enlistment officer:[/b] How may I help you? [b]Zylics:[/b] I would like to enroll in the army. [b]Enlistment officer:[/b] First of all, what's your name? [b]Zylics:[/b] They called me Zylics whilst I was in there. [i]The enlistment officer looks at him oddly, typing 'Zylics' onto the computer. The engine turns up no responses.[/i] [b]Enlistment officer:[/b] There is no record of a 'Zylics' in here. [b]Zylics:[/b] Well, of course you silly boy, it was a nickname given to me in there. I thought people had some sense, really. My real name is Jonathon Griffin. [i]The enlistment officer runs the search once more and many records and files show up. He pulls up one and starts reading the screen. His eyes widen.[/i] [b]Enlistment officer:[/b] I'm sorry, but I cannot allow you to join here, at least not today. [b]Zylics:[/b] And why is that? [i]The officer's hand tighten's on his pistol and his eyes narrow.[/i] [b]Enlistment officer:[/b] I think you know why, sir . . . now if you would kindly leave without any trouble. [i]Zylics nodded and picked up his heavy bag, walking out the door. He had no clue what to do from here on.[/i] [/color]
[color=darkblue] I go to a small school, and small schools are the best because there is more freedom, you know everyone (but this can be bad in some ways), and it's just easier to socialize. I guess that there are some aspects of school that I like and some that I dislike. Some things I dislike are my Science teacher who doesn't even give us work really, my World Geography teacher who is an imbecil and doesn't know how to teach, doing something stupid, because in a small school, when you do something stupid, [i]everyone[/i] comments on it. Some aspects that I like are that I get to socialize with friends, it's necessary, I learn new things, although I don't necessarily want to all of the time, I learn to appreciate the arts and literature more, and that it is a good way to take up some time, because who knows how many hours of my life I spent on these boards and the internet itself on the internet this summer. So, in short, I like school, but there are some things about it that I just can't stand. [/color]
[color=darkblue] Exactly. If they invent these and Yu-Gi-Oh goes out of style, there are so many other card games that will be created that will be able to be used, such as Magic. You could do it with anything really, and if they do make them the makers of the dueling stations will probably make their own TCG with codes hidden in the cards to be scanned so that the holographic images would show up. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by electra [/i] [B]He has a daughter, so he= not gay. But since you mean stupid... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] Just because he has a daughter doesn't mean that he is heterosexual. He could have adopted, or just had her with a woman but was still gay. Mr. Satan is a vital character, no matter how much everyone hates him. He is there for comedy relief and he fulfills that role greatly. Now, can you look me straight in the eye and tell me that the show would be any better without him? Now, that's actually quite impossible, but you get the drift. [/color]
[color=darkblue] [b]Name - [/b]Zylics [b]Allegiance -[/b] the Allies [b]Military -[/b] Former U.S. infantry, now an agent for hire. [b]Age - [/b]25 [b]Description - [/b]Zylics is average height, with a young face, brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a black trench coat and sunglasses when out of camoflouge uniform. He wears one silver earring on each ear and is slightly muscular, more than the average man. [b]Bio/History -[/b] Zylics was born into the average family. They didn't make so much money that they were wealthy, yet they were not poor. He was conceived in Michigan, but born in Texas. He grew up loving the U.S. army and hoping to join their powerful ranks some day. When he dropped out of high school, he enlisted in the army, only to leave few years later. When he first heard of the Soviet Union's attacks, he became an agent for hire and is undergoing heavy traveling at the moment. His is in the U.S. but might be leaving soon. His mother died shortly after he left, and his father is extremely ill. He hopes that his father will make it through the battles and that he can visit him once again some day. [b]Supplemental -[/b] Zylics is an average soldier, excelling in small arms/close-range combat. He is not the ideal sniper but he knows his way around. He is extremely silent when drifting through the terrain, much less the enemy's base. He speaks no other languages, but knows a slight bit of Spanish, thanks to growing up in Texas. E D I T: Changed a few things . . . [/color]
[color=darkblue] I've seen 5 episodes and hope to see more. You are right, however, the scenery is amazing and the animation is astonishing. There isn't much action really, but the plot definately makes up for it. I think everyone here knows how much I dislike animes with no plot and too much action like DBZ, so this really fits into my category. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I made it on 4 lists! Bwah! Take that all of you. . . Heh, anyway, there are so many people I would like to name, so I will name them all and hope I don't forget you. (in no particular order) Amiboshi - Known you for what, 3 years? Piro - Would just be really cool to meet Juu - Ok, no more reasons, they get annoying. Mist Lalaith James Kevin Stitch Sweetie_rei Harlequin/Ravenstorture/downlands otakuites Herman Medra Syk3 Psychotik Mitch Semjaza Azazel Mystic's Knight/all of the others like Sirven, Eterah's . . . HyperShadow Justin Baby Girl Anna and sisters Queen Asuka Sephiroth, although I've never really talked to him Rico Tranzrig/Raiha Genkai Dark_Apocalyps Matt Ginny Sara Shyguy TN wrist cutter Heaven's Cloud Raquel Roxie (forgot you until just now :p) Elite Shinobi The One Kain Honestly, that's all I can remember right now. If I actually think of someone, I'll just edit. E D I T: and there they are: Voodoo Final Flash Mnemolth SaiyanPrincessX Crazy White Boy & ZeroG214 (I could have sworn I put all of you down o.O) [/color]
[color=darkblue] That's great advice Noryko, and I agree with you in nearly (if not all) every aspect of your post. While I am young and may not have much wisdom or good advice, I see why you would care for your mother, and even though I will probably move out at an early age as you did, I would still care for her no matter how seperated we were from each other. The same case goes for any other members of the family as well, even my brother :p On Lisa's case, I am easily manipulated in a lot of ways (nearly every day) so I would have probably taken her in, but if she treated you poorly, then you should stand firm by your decision unless you really start to have strong feelings about her well-being. About being lonely, I know that it must be tough, but since I am still at the tender age of 14, I have never been very seperated from my family and have never felt lonely or distant from them. Sure, I get lonely outside of my family sometimes but I always have friends to rely on at school. All I can say is that I hope you get through your tough times without any tragedies or misfortunes. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj3gotenks2003 [/i] [B]I actually have a combo of cards that I like to use, its: DM with Book of Secret Arts, Sword of Dark Destruction and then Yami. Book of Secret Art increases Spellcasters ATK by i think 300. Sword of Dark Destruction increases Dark Types' Atl by 200. Yami increases Spellcasters/Fiends ATK by 200 and Decreases fairy by 200. I may have the numbers wrong. I dont have my deck on my right now. (And no i dont run a feind/spellcaster beatdown deck. :mad: ) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] And you also might take into consideration that there are [i]much[/i] better power-ups out there. Such as Mystic Plasma Zone (500 for Dark), Axe of Despair (good luck :p), Malevolent Nuzzler, Sword of Deep Seated (only 500 again, but still), and many more, including monster cards with effects, such as Hoshingen and Witch's Apprentice, however hard it is to actually keep those on the field. And if you don't run a fiend/spellcaster beatdown, why would you need fiend/spellcaster power-ups (a power-up deck [i]is[/i] a beatdown, if I am understanding correctly). Plus, no one would care :p [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HyperShadow [/i] [B][size=1] And I usually always finish with this card. Its the one to deliver the final blow.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] I know [i]exactly[/i] what you mean. Whenever I duel (mostly on games), I always have my Summoned Skulls (souped up, naturally) deliver the final blow, unless their dead, then it's BEWD or Barrel Dragon or something else. In this game that I play, it's not easy to develop a theme so my friends and I just go with whatever cards we can get. But yes, my favorite card is Summoned Skull, thanks to Black Forest Witch and the fact that it's a 6 star. Also because it's dark fiend and there are [i]so[/i] many powerups for dark cards and fiend/spellcaster cards. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I also thought, at first, that he wasn't a great choice for a vampire, but it wasn't that bad. I do agree, though, it does seem to drag on a bit like your book. [quote][i]Semjaza[/i][b] Anyway, all I really have to say is don't bother with the "sequel" Queen of the Damned... One of the worst vampire movies I've seen.[/b][/i][/quote] Although I agree with you, I still liked the movie. It was much better than Blade and Blade II (that just ruins the vampire image in my mind). [/color]
[color=darkblue] Mara stared at Auron, tears at the brim of her eye. He had sacrificed his life, never to come back. "'Twas a noble sacrifice, let it not be in vain," she said, wiping her eye. She faced Malius, her pendant glowing along with the others. The pendants seemed to be attracted toward Mara. They were tugging on the necks of the group. Regretfully, they removed them from their necks, realizing the point of this. Mara must defeat Malius and she must do it alone. Kain was the last to take his off, slowly handing it to Mara. Malius noticed this and took flight. "Kain!" Tyron shouted from behind. Kain turned around in time to see a large man flying at him. There was no time to retaliate. He dropped the pendant, shouting out in despair. Out of the corner of his eye, Malius was shot down. Kain turned around as he threw the pendant into Mara's hands. Elsyan was bent over in pain. She had delayed Malius for only a short enough time for Mara to gain control of the stones. There they lay in her hands, she placed them unto her neck. A great light shone throughout her. ------------------------- OOC: I have a serious case of writer's block, this isn't very detailed at all, but it's dying. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I just finished watching this movie, having not seen it since I was a child and my parents watched it. My family has always been interested in vampires (well, mostly my dad and I), but that's not the point. This is a great story, and the scene in the cemetery with Louis and LeStat was brilliant. LeStat seemed ruined and the setting was amazing. The movie was made a good while ago and could have been done a little better, but this story is captivating. What are your opinions on this movie? [/color]
[color=darkblue] Ah, I see. Not that great :p Thanks for elaborating :) [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Altron Gundam [/i] [B]My bad, lol. It is Champions of the Black Magicians. New Ruler contains all those Gravekeeper card.s [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] Could you name those off? I have Gravekeeper's Servant, and it's one of my favorite cards, since my friends always lose half of their deck since they don't believe in De-Spell. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B][color=teal]Forty-five dollars?!:eek: I can get the entire series of Trigun for less than that. Not to mention get the Spriggun movie for $11.50 (PM me to find out where!). In any case, I'm interested to find out which stores you can rent anime from, or if it's possible to do it online. o_O[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] There's always the option of using animeniacs.com. They have a large selection of exceptionally cheap anime and are a very good resource. I haven't used them, but am looking forward to. But, back on topic, I think this is a great idea and I'm in full support of it. I'm going to go search for Spriggan, since I've wanted to see it for a while anyway. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I myself am a republican, but that's only because I was born into a republican family. I have never really known the differences between the two parties, and I have never really cared. Politics are necessary, but I'd rather stay out of them. Some day I will look in to it, but until then, I'd rather not worry about it. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by VP-Master [/i] [B]Ok this topic is pretty old now but hopefully people are still coming here so here goes... I'm a newbie at the card game so I only have the Kaiba Starter Deck for now and 2 of my friends are really interested in Lord of D and The Flute of Summoning Dragon. One of them is offering Ookazi, Invigoration, La Jinn, Girochin Kuwagata, Battle Ox, and a Blue Eyes for my Lord of D, the flute, and fissure. The other kid is offering 3 Dark Magicians for my Lord of D, flute, la jinn, Hane-hane, and remove trap. I want to build up a deck with 3 blue eyes and I could get closer to my goal with one of these trades but at the same time, I wouldn't mind having 3 Dark Magicians. So I'm wondering which deal is better than the other or are they both ripping me off? Thx for the help. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] It all comes down to what theme you want. If you want a Dragon deck, Dark deck, Light deck, Warrior/Earth deck, it all comes down to what you want for a theme (theme is very important). I would personally hold on to it if you're thinking about a Dragon deck, because it's very usefull. If you don't really want a Dragon deck, but really want that Blue Eyes, then go for it. [/color]
[color=darkblue] I deal with this a lot in my life, and I think that many of my "friends" don't really like to have me around, but at the bottom of my gut, I have the feeling that I'm just fooling myself into being depressed. It happens nearly every day. All I can say, is that you should talk to them and see what was going on, and if it was because of their sour attitude, I would forget them, but if their close to you, I would say that you would need to find some way to make yourselves have better attitudes toward each other, but I wouldn't know how. I would usually give up, but that's just me and I hope that everything works out for you. [/color]