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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] That's what I've always said, but a lot of my friends disagree. They think it's good to have a humongous deck with good cards, but that's not necessarily true, because you have a greater chance of [i]not[/i] getting the card you need. Me, I've always have an extremely small deck, but have gone up to 54, and probably won't go up any further. [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] This will actually probably lead into a contest to see who has the most pitiful life, although, it will all be very untrue. I have done it before, and it's a bunch of crap. All of us have lives, but we just enjoy this sort of thing. I mean, even I have a life. I actually have friends outside of the internet, but I still like to spend some leisure (sp?) time on the boards with other people I know and to interact with people who aren't just everyday humans. Sure, alot of people are geeks and have nothing better to do, but many of the people here have great social lives and also just like to spend some free time here. Seeing this, you should know that you have no right to come in here and insult these many, many people for doing something that they enjoy. If they're doing something that they like, than that must mean they do have a life, because they know what they like. Even if it's not a very social life, it's a life and they can do what they want. There is also a large number of people attracted to the boards because of anime and gaming and a number of other attractions, and if they are interested in those, they have the right to visit these boards and enjoy them. Once again, you cannot insult people for doing something they enjoy. Some people even come here just to show others their graphics, gaming skills, anime knowledge or their great literary works, and get feedback and commentary from them. And there are many people I know with great social lives that like to just sit down and chat on AIM or even visit message boards. I'm a big geek, I spend a ton of time on the computer. One reason being that I don't have anyone who lives near me nor a car and my mother is far too overprotective. So, I talk on the phone with friends or come here and talk with other friends. Once again, although you are probably very tired of my rant, you have no right to sign up and just come in here to insult innocent individuals (whether they are truly innocent or not) for doing something that they are interested in. [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] I heard about it on Friday. I thought my friend was being another insane DBZ addict who believes in DBAF, but I do believe him, and am not really interested in it, although, for some strange reason, I'm actually watching the new episodes. I've thouhgt for a while that DBZ was too redundant and I bashed it alot, but I still watch it. E D I T: What a hypocrite I am :p [/color]
  4. [color=darkblue] If I was still taking Latin, I would give you all I knew, but now they are making me take Spanish because Latin doesn't count towards college credits anymore. Other than that, sorry, I can never find Enlish-anything dictionaries. [/color]
  5. [color=darkblue] And the rulebook definately does not explain everything in the game. It gets much more complex. If you want a better understanding of the game, get Yu-Gi-Oh 5 for the Gameboy Advance or the ROM. You'd still need to know more about the game before you play Yu-Gi-Oh 5 though. [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] I have a question. Where are these tournaments held? I might be interested in joining one once I get much better. [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] I was originally making a Dark Beatdown deck, but now I'm just making a dark power-up deck sort of. I just got Labyrinth Wall, Magical Labyrinth and Wall Shadow today for 25 cents each (as well as Griggle and Spear Cretin, awesome cards) for 25 cents as well. Anyway, I use the Labyrinth and Magical Labyrinth cards to get out Wall Shadow since it's dark and I can get its defense pretty high with all of my power-ups for dark. I also have Summoned Skull, Dark Magician (I'm going to regret it, but I'm taking BEWD out, since it sucks inside my deck because of all of the light card power-downs), Curse of Dragon (not great though, anyone have a good replacement?), and many dark sacrifices. I can get Summoned Skull to nearly 6,000 and I love how easy he is to get out. Oh yeah, I also got Mystic Plasma Zone to power it up even more, but I can't use that with Wall Shadow, since it lowers defense. Another card I love is the Witch's Apprentice. [/color]
  8. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] Yeah, we can get our permits at 15, and 16 for the liscence I believe. But in Texas, I think they made some idiotic rule where you still have to be with a driver over 21 until you're 18, then you can drive alone. [/color]
  9. [color=darkblue] And the great thing about My Otaku is that if another question ever arises, it will be easily updatable. I've seen something sort of like this at another board where they have the help forum and it has the FAQ, bugs and their fixes (it's a forum where they give you a board like EZBoard but much better), and many other things that would be helpful to new members. [/color]
  10. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] Driving a manual is easy to understand, it's just performing it that is so hard :p I had it going good (although, I was on a road that nearly [i]no one[/i] drives on and I was probably going 35 in 2nd gear :p I was extremely nervous, yet extremely excited. It's when I switched over to 3rd gear that I messed up. I didn't work the clutch right and the gears started clanking, so my mom grabbed the wheel and I eased on the breaks, stepping out of the car :p But yeah, it was a great experience, and sometimes my mom will tell me to grab the wheel (while I'm in the passenger's seat) and steer, but that's kind of hard because I'm not the ideal height and can't see how close I am to the curb :p [/color]
  11. [color=darkblue] So you're saying that I can't change them to dark necessarily, but say I have Yami (or is it Book of Secret Arts?) that with DNA operation, I can change them to spellcaster/fiend? Is that an ultra-rare, or what? Because that seems like an amazing card. [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] I think you might have missed something or I might be missing something. I'm pretty sure he was saying that his teacher [i]knows[/i] one of the 4 people, not is one of them. [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] I myself have "played mod," before and think it's completely foolish. I think now that you should mind your own business and leave their job to them. If they actually ask you to help or something, you can step in, but how often does that happen? :p Anyway, one other think I see in Newbie Lounge that pretty much seems useless are the threads where someone notes that they are leaving for, oh say 4 days or something. I mean, that just seems like a waste of space (no offense, yet again, just using you as an example, if you know who you are). [/color]
  14. [color=darkblue] So if I use the effect, they lose 7500 LP? Amazing! I knew they lose some life points and I heard that the monster [i]might[/i] die, but wow, that's amazing. And only if Suijin/Kazejin/Sanga were dark :sigh: [/color]
  15. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] I was very nervous when I drove a stick-shift (that's all I've driven, unfortunately. And I know I'm 14, sue me :p). I still am nervous, but at least now I know that I am capable of it. I still had that trouble when I switched over to third gear, and that time when I nearly crashed, which would have totalled both of my cars, probably killing me, but other than that, I can't wait to drive! :blulaugh: E D I T: Geez, look how many people posted while I was typing :p [/color]
  16. [color=darkblue] The sad thing is, I have no clue what any of those monsters you just mentioned are :p But yeah, it would be so much better if it was a fusion. Also, it would be better to get Gate Guardian than BEUD, since BEUD is weaker and you have to do the same things to get it out, except you also need Polymerization. I heard that it will be a ritual in the English version, though. That would make it much easier, but cheap. If it is a fusion in English, I'll just keep on with the GG deck :p I'm not really going to base my deck on GG, but I will keep the 3 fusion cards in there because they are still strong, but if the chance comes and I actually do assemble it, imagine how awesome that would be. E D I T: Gah, I'm stupid. I just said Gate Guardian was stronger than BEUD :p I meant to say that GG was that much easier to bring out unless BEUD is a ritual in English. E D I T 2: Plus, I can make Gate Guardian much, much stronger than BEUD thanks to the fact that it's dark. Heck, I can probably make my Summoned Skull stronger than BEUD. I think I can get it to 4700. [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] That is quite true, but are you not sure that the governments of wherever these people live have close tabs on them? They probably have an extremely close watch on them. If they saw anything suspicious at all, they would probably send a swat team in immediately. But if somehow they did get away with it, we would all die. I mean, we will all die one day, why not save the pain and sorrow to die quickly. I know that sounds extremely selfish probably, but what right do we have to kill them because we don't want to die? That sounds even more selfish in my opinion. [/color]
  18. [color=darkblue] I don't believe so. I think that the more they know, the more power to them. If someone gets suspicious about them, they can notify the authorities and have them look into it. If something actually is going on, they would be arrested, or if bad enough, put to death. [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] I'm really pissed off about this Governor bullcrap. Both of the candidates, I would never, ever trust to keep Texas out of complete bankruptcy and disaster. These men are fools and have not said a single good thing about themselves, but only mudslinging about the other candidate. It has gone on forever, the same low-budget commercials over and over again. Anyway, they made us do some idiotic vote where they probably threw all of the ballots away after we handed them back. I said, "Do I have to vote? I think they both suck and I don't want either of them to be Governor," and the teacher said, "Many people died to give you the right to vote, now speak your voice." The first thing that came to mind was, "I already spoke my voice, I said they both suck, idiot." I of course didn't say this to his face because he is a power-hungry freak and I would have gotten suspended. [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] What do you mean by doing 7700 DD? I'm probably missing something, but I'm always like that :p [/color]
  21. [color=darkblue] That's true, I'll have to look at the Gate Guardian card again. I thought it was like Exodia where you can just assemble them in your hand instead of on the field. Thanks for correcting me :) [/color]
  22. [color=darkblue] That's true. There's some times when I end up with no cards left in my hand on the first turn (although, that's foolish to put so many cards out). But yes, the more cards you draw, the more you won't need to play, so it just evens out. [/color]
  23. [color=darkblue] I finally got around to reading this :p It's a great story! It is short, but it serves its purpose. The ending is good as well, but it seems like it could be a bit more dramatic. Or maybe you could express your fear more or add some more to the story. Great job besides that! [/color]
  24. [color=darkblue] Another voice I would love to have is Gavin Rosedale's from Bush. He has such a unique voice and his accent is awesome when he sings. [/color]
  25. [color=darkblue] I agree, but I say keep the picture forum, even though that has an excessive amount of spam, it still has better standards than the Newbie Lounge. I really have no earthly idea what you could put in its place, maybe an introduction forum where they can't post, but you leave messages for the newcomers to read to get a feel for the boards. A welcome message to all new members. But yes, it does contain a humongous amount of spam and the people who have been welcoming them have encouraged it greatly (no offense, I know you're just having fun and I have no problem with that, but it encourages the new members). So there it is, my reasons to take it down. [/color]
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