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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] I would say a Gate Guardian defensive/offensive deck, since I've been trying to build one lately. [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] Well, I know someone who has it and I used to have it, and there are a ton of them on E-bay (you can get Suijin, Kazejin, Sanga and Gate Guardian pretty cheap in some areas there if you search around). If you wanted to get Suijin on there, it'd be around 5-10 and Gate Guardian would be a bit more expensive. It's a good card, though, and when you get all of them, you have a great addition to your deck. [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] That's true :p I just wanted to see other people's opinions. If they would do it or not. I can tell tigeroscar wouldn't, but who else? :p [/color]
  4. [color=darkblue] Keep in mind that the cards I'm trading are a complete waste of time and that I can get Suijin on Ebay and get Gate Guardian, which is dark, which would fit perfectly with my Dark Beatdown deck. [/color]
  5. [color=darkblue] I've had some extras lying around for a good while now and I found someone with a Kazijin (sp?) and Sanga the Dark Thunder (and I [i]used[/i] to have Suijin but someone stole it). Anyway, there's about 50 extras and the strongest one (besides a ton of fusions) is Flame Cerebrus (really crappy extras, except for some magic/traps). Anyway, he said he would give me Kazijin and Sanga the Dark Thunder for all of them. I was wondering if this would be a good trade. I myself think so. I mean, I could sell all of the cards and possibly get something better (don't know what these cards are worth online), but what's your opinion? [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] There aren't any that turn SSJ (No, DBAF is not real), and Mr. Toriyama himself said that they couldn't turn SSJ (although, this is just what I have heard, it could be a rumor). [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] I don't know much about Zelda, at all, I've only rented it, but I found this quite amusing. When I attacked a Chicken (Orciana of Time I think the title of the game was), they all seemed to rain down from the sky on top of me and I had to jump down the well to get away. Even then they still followed me :p [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue] I'd have to say the lead singer of Metallica (I can't seem to find his name) or Kurt from Nirvana. They both have such unique voices. Not very meloic voices, but voices I have always loved. [/color]
  9. [color=darkblue] I'm pretty sure there are only male Nameks anyway. I think they mention that. Unless that's what you all meant by asexual. They just lay eggs or something along those lines. [/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]This is figured since the offspring of two people who are both 100% of a separate race cannot be 200%. So, being that only two people were involved in the conception of the offspring, and the product of the hereditary percentage much equal 100, one can deduce that dividing one hundred by 2 (the number of people involved in the conception) you will get half of your answer.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] And you're just going to [i]assume[/i] that only two people were involved in conceiving each of these children :p But, back on subject, that's all true, but TN explained it the short way, which I just learned about in my Physics/Chemistry class, although that seems a little more like Biology, but I guess you can relate it to Physics because of the simple Algebra. [/color]
  11. [color=darkblue] Auron started to awake once more. A blue light started glowing before him. He thought it was all a dream and was bewildered. He stood up, the light vanishing. He drew his sword. He rushed at Malius once again, only to be knocked back once more. "It's no use without the fifth stone. We have absolutely no idea where it is," Auron noted. "Have you not realized yet? You're a fool. The fifth stone is concealed within one with a confused mind." Auron realized the truth. . . He leapt for the other stones, Malius raising his hand and a bolt of lightning shooting from it. [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] Neither do I, but I learn a lot more every day, and some from Altron and HyperShadow. [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] Adding Exodia to this deck wouldn't be very good probably. Just stalling with powerful cards until you get it. Maybe a deck like Altron's defensive Exodia deck would be good but not with this deck. It really depends on what type of deck you want. Stalling until you get the powerful cards you need, just getting many strong ones out there are fast as you can (like Summoned Skull for instance), or what. Also, do you want an earth-based deck, dark-based, light-based, dragon-based? It all depends on what kind of deck you want. [/color]
  14. [color=darkblue] My dad has always been very big on gaming, so I get some cool systems. I have a PS2 and a computer, but that's about all. I get good grades in school, so that's probably a good sign too. I have A's in each class except for one where the teacher hates me because I sent in a letter about him verbally abusing my life-long friend. So I got a lower grade than everyone in Physics, even though I'm about 4 chapters ahead of everyone and do the most work in the class. [/color]
  15. [color=darkblue] I was just wondering, because it seemed a little much :) [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by red eyes metal [/i] [B]I dont think your deck is that good!! The only tribute card in your deck should be 2 summoned skulls! Take out all of the blue eyes white dragons, both dark magicians, and all the other tribute cards!! BUT NOT THE 2 SUMMONED SKULLS!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] That's pretty much the most stupid post I've seen in a while. What if they have two trap holes or fissures? Well then you're screwed, aren't ya? [/color] [quote][i]Posted by HyperShadow[/i][b] You shold at least have 8 traps. Mirror Force Magic Jammer Solemn Judgment Seven Tools of the Bandit Trap Hole x3 Any other card to back up your theme [/b][/quote] [color=darkblue] I've been wondering. Why do you always say Seven Tools of the Bandit? That card seems pretty useless thanks to the 1000 life points you have to pay. I was just wondering if there is some special way to use it that you know of. [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] I've never really pulled any pranks (and PiroMunkie is my new Godly figure), but what's really fun is watching the expression on people's faces when you jump down at them from the manikens (sp?) in the clothing stores. They never notice you, but unluckily, I jump out at a lot of staff members -.-; [/color]
  18. [color=darkblue] I love this show. I have 10 episodes, but I don't fell like sitting down and watching the 7 I have left to go. It is great, however, and the comedic side of it is hillarious. Scryed is great too, but this show is awesome. [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] Cole William Shane Feagin Former name: Cole Justin William Austin. It's a long story . . . but I'll tell you anyway. To start with my former name, my Grandfather's name was William Cole, and my mom just liked the name Justin, and put it in there. My biological father's last name was Austin. Now for the oh so sad part (not really). I never knew my dad because he abandoned us, but I do have another dad, and my mom and he wanted to get full custody. I agreed with this completely because 1) I never knew my biological father 2) I didn't care to know him 3) I loved the dad I had as my real father. Anyway, we had to take it to court twice (my biological father was letting them have full custody) because our lawyer is Satan herself. Anyway, they said I could change my name, but my mother, being the punk that she is said that I couldn't take William [i]or[/i] Cole out of my name. Although, I can't stand the name Cole. I wanted to be named Shane, although, I could have thought of MANY better names, so she arranged my name to be Cole William Shane Feagin (my other dad's last name). So there's my story. Now, I really dislike the name Cole, but I can stand William. [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] This has happened to me as well, I had like 3-5 people on me and I could have beat the living hell out of all of them but I don't like fighting and I knew them all. However, if it ever happened again, I would just stand up for myself and just start throwing punches. For not fighting, and easily being taken advantage of, I am considered a weakling by many, but I am on the verge, and even though I haven't seen these topics until now, I have been contemplating this for the past few days. I am on the verge of just walking up and beating the living hell out of all of these people that I know, but something's holding me back. [/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]I'm a republican. Hell yea I would. Infact I would let myself be the innocent to be killed. I wouldnt kill a loved one unless they said so, and even then, I wouldnt do it. But I might allow them to die. But fact of the matter is, for my one loved one, there are a thousand other loved ones dying of hunger. One for the rest, of course. Hands down, I would take the life of one, for the not just he lives of many, but for the end of a problem that is possible the worst ever. odd question though... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] I'm a republican but I don't share the same views, so don't go flaunting that around acting almighty. I hate the republican/democratic race for power, but won't go into that now. (I don't even really know the difference between republican and democrat, so don't even [i]try[/i] to talk politics with me . . . I'd be embarrassed :p) Anyway, I would not kill that person, but I would let them die if only by their own will. I would, myself, wish to be the one that they would kill, because I'd rather it be me than someone else. Especially a loved one. Imagine if you were related to that one innocent person. The anguish and animosity you would feel. [/color]
  22. [color=darkblue] I didn't go trick-or-treating, just followed my brothers around getting the candy they didn't get. I had temporary green dye in my hair and that was a costume enough for me to beg for candy :p [/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mike [/i] [B]It just beeps and then goes to a busy signal for me. o.O [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] That's exactly what I get o.O I was hoping to get insulted . . . [/color]
  24. [color=darkblue] I didn't take it, but being a true fan doesn't necessarily mean that you have to know all of these things. Being a true fan is just loving the anime you watch and nothing else. It's a good quiz, just had to point that out. [/color]
  25. [color=darkblue] There was, but it had gone completely inactive and was just taking up bandwidth/space so it was destroyed. To answer the other question, when a member gets banned, they can ban the e-mail, screen name or IP Address. When they ban your name/e-mail, I believe that you are erased from the database completely but are able to come back under a different name/e-mail (although you shouldn't). When they ban your IP, you're gone forever unless you get a new IP, which, I think you can only do by using another computer, but I'm not sure. [/color]
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