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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] I took it again and got The Harlequin, then went back and changed the answer to one question and got Deedlit (Kool_Aid13) and changed the question 3 more times and got Harlequin each time. [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] Thimoc was a legendary spammer :p I used to be friends with him, before he went bad, but when I left, he went really bad :p We used to have 5 people conversations in MSN and drive Amiboshi crazy. We'd also have Will2x, Shenlong (where have you gone? ::cries:: ), Zidane11, Griff, and a few others sometimes. [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] It really is pointless. And it does show "Former Username: Oogly-Boogly-Boo" in their signatures anyway. [/color]
  4. [color=darkblue] Normal, in my opinion, is an easy way of saying the standard you have for an individual entity, object, or any other thing. There is a different standard you see for everything. It really depends on what your standards are. [/color]
  5. Kinetic

    Jackass The Movie

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Well the British equvalent isn't... the same. It's the same idea, just it's one guy (sometimes more) that do funny weird things, not funny stupid things like Jackass does. The British guy does harm himself or others in the process, he just does really weird things. (ie: he'll be standing in a park with alot of people who are quiet and just enjoying the sun, and then his phone will ring. Well his phone is like 4 feet tall and he yells into it talking to the other person. Then he walks away. Thats it.) Trigger Happy TV is on Comedy Central every now and then. It's really quite funny, check it out. His humor is both witty and funny, unlike Jackass's which is just plain stupidity. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] I must agree, I love that hosw much more than Jackass. I especially like the skits with the snowman outfit where people will be looking at him in the costume and he'll jump out, frightening them. Many of his skits are hillariously enjoyable. [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] My grandmother once had cancer and had to go into Kemo, but the lived so I only slightly know how you are feeling. I am very sorry for this turn of events and hope it all works out for the better. It must be devastating, to know that someone you love so much could leave, but I hope sincerely that she gets better and if she doesn't you're in my thoughts. [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] Auron deflected the attack, but only by a small bit. "I never said I was going to help you out," Auron said, glimpsing at the stones. He took a dive at the ones in the center of the room, only to be stopped by Malius. "Naughty little boy." Malius used the back of his hand to pulverize Auron into the ground. He was knocked unconscious. [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue] Yeah, it's s.CRY.ed but in the eyecatch they actually word it as Scryed, so that was good enough for me. I do like Kazuma, but Ryuhou and Straight Cougar are just plain awesome. [/color]
  9. [color=darkblue] While the group was nearing the door, Auron stood up once more. His katana was shattered, so he needed to use his long sword. He was so weak that the sword fell limp in his hands. Nevertheless, he continued to approach Malius, dragging the sword. He was feet away from Malius and swung the sword. Malius blocked it with his arm, shocking Auron. Auron's eyes widened. He realized that it was impossible. Even if they had 4 stones, one was still missing. He had not yet realized that the Aniar stone was concealed within himself. Malius once again flung Auron against the wall, nearly knocking him unconscious. Kain burst in, sword drawn. He saw Auron lying on the floor. "Ah, more victims I see," Malius laughed. Mara, Elsyan and Tyron were close behind. Mara had stolen the stones back from the creature that had taken them captive, and now had a necklace with one on it. Kain and Tyron rushed at Malius, only to be thrown against the wall with Auron. Mara started to raise her wrist, Malius stopping her in an instant. A barrage of arrows flew at him from Elsyan's direction. [/color]
  10. [color=darkblue][size=1] I agree with Semjaza. I believe that stereotypes have the slightest truth to them and you can laugh at them, but I'm not going to go and poke fun. I simply believe that it depends on the individual person you are talking about. [/color][/size]
  11. Kinetic

    Jackass The Movie

    [color=darkblue][size=1] Lol, don't you ever read the warnings? J/k :p Off Topic: I'm just getting in to Nirvana once again, and it sounds good :p [/color][/size]
  12. [color=darkblue][size=1] Awesome, I would love to read the manga. I didn't even know there was one, but that sounds good. Oh yeah, I finished the series a few months ago, but it is still a great one in my opinion. Not the best, but a great one. [/color][/size]
  13. Kinetic

    Jackass The Movie

    [color=darkblue][size=1] I like the show, and look forward to seeing the movie. Was it just a bunch of clips or what? [/color][/size]
  14. [color=darkblue][size=1] I wouldn't mind seeing another quiz from Shy. I got Seph on his last one, I don't know if that's good or not, because I forgot what the quiz was about. Lol, just saw your signature Cera. Nice ;) [/color][/size]
  15. [color=darkblue][size=1] Probably because he felt that his own species (since it might as well be a new species) was superior, just like we see ourselves superior to insects and other things. Plus, he and Vash had the powers that normal humans didn't have, and that might be taken into account. [/color][/size]
  16. [color=darkblue][size=1] The whole series is actually for sale and has been for a while, but alot of people download them. E D I T: Although, that's illegal so don't go and do that. [/color][/size]
  17. [color=darkblue][size=1] Well, now that James has so kindly given me a name change (and a quick one at that), I might as well explain my new name. I used to have a website called Kinetix (coming back soon hopefully) and the word Kinetix sounded familiar so I looked it up in a dictionary. Sure enough, I had heard it. Kinetic Energy: Energy created by movement. And now that I'm in Physics class, I know all about kinetic energy and the name sounds awesome so there you have it :p [/color][/size]
  18. [color=darkblue][size=1] I took it and it said I was most like James. That surprises me, heh, I usually bother people whereas he can communicate with people :p E D I T: I took it two more times and got Anna each time :p [/color][/size]
  19. [color=darkblue][size=1] "It might be best to leave Miko and Ryan here for now. We should lay them on the bed," Mara said, picking up Miko, returning his favor. After they had taken care of the wounded best they could, they proceeded to leave through the corridor. "I hope they'll be alright," Elsyan whispered. They had come once again to the wall in which they fell through. It seemed there was no way out. It was as solid as a rock. -------------------- OOC: I'm going to try using Mara's powers. If I'm using them wrong, tell me to edit it. -------------------- Mara raised her hand, flipping it to where her palm faced the wall. A vain showed in her forehead, pulsating. Slowly, the wall started to open up, as it had some time ago. The others were bewildered now that they understood her time powers. The continued down the hall, drawing their weapons. It was a long, spiraling length of stairs until the King's chamber. [/color][/size]
  20. [color=darkblue][size=1] The series is great, and one of my favorites. I personally think it would be better if they didn't make a continuation to the series, and to answer your question, I believe he was: [spoiler-highlight to read][color=white]I think he was made by the crew of the ship he was on. Genetic splicing, between human genes and the genes of plants[/color][end spoiler] [/color][/size]
  21. [color=darkblue][b] Mara swiftly raised her hand and a blast of beautiful fire shot a hole right through the beast's chest. The Cerebrus yelped with agony, Kain rushing forward to finish it off with his sword. The heads fell limp and its body fell to the ground. They had won. Without any time to recover, they rushed off through the corridor, Tyron carrying Miko. They came to two great doors, 30 feet in height at least. They stood in awe at the craftsmanship. Try as they might, the doors wouldn't budge. Ryan held his arm, the others not knowing he had been wounded. The pain was awful, but he insisted they back away. His staff glowed with a green light. A bolt shot out at the door, and it started to open slowly. It didn't open far, however, only wide enough for one person to squeeze through at a time. Kain took the liberty of going in first. He entered the room and saw golden light everywhere. He looked in the corner and saw a bed, with Relee attatched and with something over her mouth. He took a step forward and Relee tried to warn him to go back but it was too late. From behind the door a dark and shadowy figure hit Kain on the head. Elsyan and Mara burst through, trying to fend him off, but he was too powerful. He took care of them individually, not killing them. Relee managed to get the bonds off of her mouth. "I thought you said you would kill us all." "Hah, you are a fool. This was only a trap to keep you from getting to the King's Chambers and stopping him from killing Auron." He walked over to Mara and took her stone, as well as the other one that the group had obtained. Miko was still outside, they had hidden him in the corner before coming in. He awoke slowly, wondering where he was. He peered into the room to see the group tied up and a large man . . . or whatever it was talking to Relee with a deep and dark voice. He mustered what little strength he had left and shot a bolt of black lightning at him. The blast barely hit him, but it had knocked him unconscious. He rushed to Relee and freed her from her chains. They proceeded to free the others. [/color][/b]
  22. [color=darkblue][b] While the others were in conflict with the Cerebrus, Auron had problems of his own. Malius was unstoppable. Auron kept coming and coming, but Malius just kept toying with him. Malius was the symbol of madness and Auron was the symbol of hopelessness. He had been defeated. The almighty Auron was brought to his knees without a sweat from his opponent. Auron sat there, panting, blood trickling down his body from various locations. A tear rolled down his cheek. "All is lost." [i]In the corridor with the Cerebrus[/i] "That thing is huge!" exclaimed Miko, staring at the three-headed hound. "We can never beat it." "There's always hope," Elsyan noted, drawing her bow. "We all need to attack at once. We are very dependant on Ryan and Miko for their dark magic. As well as Mara for her Aniar stone." Kain drew his sword, the group formed into aggressive stances. Kain rushed forward towards the beast, being knocked back as Ryan cast a spell wounding the beast's chest. Kain regained his composure and went back into battle. All the while Elsyan was firing countless Arrows and Mara was about to activate the stone on her bracelet. The Cerebrus noticed this and attacked her, Miko jumping in the way, sacrificing his body, allowing just enough time for Mara to thrust the stone forward and singe one of the hound's heads. [/color][/b]
  23. [color=darkblue][size=1] See how T.V. illiterate I am? I thought Smallville was after the original Superman. That clears alot of things up :p Also, Birds of Prey is actually good, I just don't like the actress they chose for Helena. She has the right look for it, but she could be better at acting, mostly with just some of the phrases she has. [/color][/size]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=green]Well, I used to be called ShadowGohan (SG), but was able to have that changed to Break. It's a long story, James was telling me about Shift (I think that's Herman) so I started going "Caps Lock, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Alt Gr, Print Screen, SysRq, Scroll Lock, Pause, [b]Break[/b], Insert, Home, Page Up, End, Page Down, Num Lock". I was just looking at all the keys on the keyboard, and I just thought "Hmm, Break sounds pretteh coolbeans." So I had it changed.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue][size=1] Ah so that's who you are. I knew you had to be an old mod because of your post count but couldn't figure out what mod was missing off the list. [/color][/size]
  25. [color=darkblue][size=1] Ah, I remember now. I was sitting on the couch and it said Aries and I was thinking "Hey! That's my name! Or is it. . .does it count? Hmm . . . I dunno," and led myself into deep thought until the first skit came on. [/color][/size]
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