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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] It's still a nice picture, though. I like how you faded the text and everything. Nice :) [/color]
  2. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] Yes, your parents are just trying to do what they think is right, and what any parents would do, but I feel where your coming from. I agree with Amibasuki, maybe you could persuade them somehow, by making them not do it around you, or something. Sorry Chloe :( [/color]
  3. [quote][i]Originally posted by GinnyLyn[/i][b] I'll still go talk to someone[/b][/quote] Whew, thought you said [i]Stalk[/i] someone...anyway, that's good that you're getting better, and I think you'll be fine ;) Just try to remember that the world is not out to get you...I did the opposite, and...well...just try to have fun :)
  4. [color=darkblue] There are four, but it would be better to just research, seeing as how this thread will probably be closed since you have been answered, giving it no merit to begin with. [/color]
  5. [color=darkblue] I like that idea. I don't know how popular each board would be, and it would be alot to handle, but using the same software is a good idea, I think, because I know that I myself hate registering at places, especially ones on the same network, because alot of places send me junk-mail -.-;; I wouldn't mind re-registering, but I like the idea of using the same software. [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] I agree with Neil about IB, it is really slow, and I wouldn't really reccommend (sp?) it. I think YaBB, WBB (although, I've never heard of it, he says it's good), or something else would be better. [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] I am not the biggest fan, but I love their music. I listen to it whenever I get the chance, and my favorite songs of theirs are "Lightning Crashes", "The Dolphins Cry", and, of course, "All Over Me", or was it "All Over You"? Eh, they're still cool. [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue] Was that the T-Shirt you wore in the picture you showed us? Or am I thinking of someone else? [/color]
  9. [color=darkblue] I think that it might be a good idea, but I'm not sure. Two boards would be hard to handle, and I'm sure it would get attention from most of OB, making it large, but I'm not sure. I don't know anything about VB hacks, and my knowledge with boards doesn't advance beyone proboards, so I can't help you there, but yeah, I think it will be good. Will you still be admin on those boards? Just wondering, since you're resiging here, and we'll be sure you won't leave :p [/color]
  10. [color=darkblue] Wow, you're time zones are really different from ours. It's almost August here in the U.S. :blulaugh: But wow, that's not a very long break. [/color]
  11. [color=darkblue] I don't know if it could be more confusing than Evangelion, or not, but I am definately going to check this out, because it sounds good. I'll just have to finish Scryed first. [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] Half-hearted? Wow, that's better than I could do no matter how hard I tried. Very nice ;) [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] Don't think about it when people make fun of you. I've always been a social outcast, and made fun of, but I don't let it get to me, and if you don't let it get to you, then you'll be fine. Plus, not all ninth graders are bad :p
  14. [color=darkblue] I think everyone goes through this at some point, and I know I have, but trust me, you are very important, and loved. That's all you need to know, and don't think that the world would be any better without you, if that's what you're suggesting. I'm not very good with words, and I'm not very wise, but remember that everyone is special, and so are you ;) [/color]
  15. [color=darkblue] OOC: One question...Who's Kei? You mean Relee? ----------------------------- Auron looked up, his head leaning against the tree, it seemed like a dream...but the injuries were real, and he knew what had happened. He stood up, and walked towards the town, not looking as insane as of late...the battle had changed him...his pride was broken, and he was going to have to kill them all...for revenge...for his family...for his pride. First, though, he would deal with Malius, and after that, he would take out the group of warriors. Then, he would wreak havoc on the world of Gaia, with the power of the stones, causing the Apocalypse. He headed north, toward the castle that King Malius inhabited, from there, he would steal the stones, and destroy the king. [/color]
  16. [color=darkblue] That was written text :p So what if I get a little creative :blulaugh: And not all guys have the tendency to want to fight, but most do. *edit* I was replying to Mist BTW. [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] I agree with Vegitto4, but I do have to comment that men have this natural urge to fight, and if there were only men, then there would probably be more wars. I'm not like most guys, though, I don't have a lust for fighting...I just like peace. [/color]
  18. [color=darkblue] Don't worry, Algebra isn't too hard (although, I didn't finish the book, and am doing it for the second year in the row), and in Algebra (especially the beginning), they cover alot of things in pre-algebra, but as you progress, it's the same thing, just harder, and harder, and harder, and so on. As for History...I did U.S. History, but, eh... English...I love English, best subject in my opinion :) [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] I agree that some people take it overboard, and I don't care about shopping at Abercrombie or anything, I'll just go to some local store and buy them...although, I think clothes are very overpriced. I also don't follow fashion, and I wear what I'm comfortable in. I don't shop at thrift-stores, really, because I don't like used things...I guess it's a phobia of mine, and it's not because of the people that shop there, seeing as how I've shopped there too, just usually not for clothes. I also hate sterotypes, and everything about them, although, I guess sometimes I used to fall victim to them, but I hate them now. Very wise words Navi. [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] Lol, that'd be cool. I'd be taking every possible day I could...actually, I probably wouldn't, because I hate make-up work. [/color]
  21. [color=darkblue] Eh, Cole is my first name, but I prefer to be called Shane, which is really my name, just ordered around so that my 4 names don't sound messed up :p Cole William Shane Feagin...I'd rather drop Cole, and put Shane in front, but when the legal case happened (my mom got full custody with the dad I always knew, and I don't really care, since my biological dad abandoned us, anyway, she wouldn't let me have the name I wanted :p) [/color]
  22. [color=darkblue] Kazaa would be a better choice than BearShare, for the pure fact that BearShare doesn't have much for download. I don't download much, but I'd say go with Kazaa [/color]
  23. [color=darkblue] That's what I'm glad about. Finally in High School. Now I only have >counts< 12 more years of school if I want to get a Masters Degree in college >.< Man, that's too much school... [/color]
  24. [color=darkblue] Shane! shane! Not Cole! My name is Shane! For the love o'- Sorry, but yeah, that border isn't that great, didn't see it until I saw your sig. [/color]
  25. [color=darkblue] I agree with that, and I will continue to wear what I want. If they want to get rid of my clothes, they can, but I'll get new ones, and..yeah...And I agree with wrist cutter...that 'style' doesn't sound very good...And the cloths I got aren't really abnormal, because alot of people wear them, but she won't give up. One thing I do agree with is BabyGirl's point of view about young girls showing too much. I think they should be allowed to wear what they want, but not too far, and the same with guys...although I don't think many guys go around dressing very revealing :p At least, I don't see it much... [/color]
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