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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] "-Oh, realy now? If I had a dime for every time I'd heard something along those lines, not only could I prove to everyone just how massive my brain is but I could also re-stabalize several Third World nations." [b] All you're proving there is that everyone thinks you're an idiot ;) [/b] "-You forgot a dot. It's not ".." It's ". . ." Spaces between each dot, and there's three. Granted, my spelling and grammar leaves something to be desired, but come on. That's a third-grade mistake." [b] Ooh, I really care. 1. I've never seen anyone type it like that. 2. Even if I did know that, I'd be too lazy to type it like that, anyway. 3. My third grade teacher sucked, and I was an idiot (still am).[/b] "-Have you heard of COMEDY?!" [b] Yes, and what you said isn't comedy, it's an insult.[/b] "-Ever stop to think of why they might have edited those episodes out? by the time they reached them, DBZ was probably well underway in America."[b] What? If it was underway, why would they edit them? Either you confused me, or you prove once again that you're an idiot.[/b] "-I have been in more discussions, online and offline, with myself and with others, then you could possible dare to dream, Aeries. I am single-handedly responsible for many, many people on another board stopping, thinking, and deciding that Hiyako (Hikari/Yolei lesbian relationship in Digimon) isn't sick, that newbies aren't out to ruin boards, and that I am the greatest. Okay, I lie about the last one. But the other two are ture." [b]I don't think that's sick, I don't think newbies are out to ruin boards, and I don't think that you're the greatest ;)[/b] "-I dunno, I looked around quite a bit. Say, if you're such a smart guy, then show me where the last threat about your most favorite DBZ villain is." [b]I'll go find that for you :)[/b] "-Well, I never. What right do you have? In case you didn't notice, there are no laws as of yet governing the Internet specificly. I'm free to come and go on most sites as I please. How dare you kick me out? What kind of Philistine are you?" [b]I'm not kicking you out. I'm saying that if you don't want to come, you don't have to. And that if you are going to come in, and one of your first posts say how bad the boards are, we don't want you here.[/b] "-You think I don't know this? Did you actualy READ my above topic? Let me go over the story again... -Once upon a time, there was a little girl who everyone loved. She had a red cape, and...GREAT FLAMING EYEBROWS! Oh, wait, that's Samurai Jack. -Once upon a time, there was an American-made anime called Invasion: America, that aired on the WB. It lasted for less then one season. The story was great, if it had aired as a live-action show, then it probably would have lasted. But guess what it aired as? A cartoon. HMMM... -Even some very dark animated movies are underrated due to the fact that they're animated. Titan: AE has more blood in it then the whole of the dubbed DBZ, but it's rated PG. DBZ would be lucky to be rated that. -Hell, even live action movies get no respect. Was Jurrasic Park made for little kids? No. But, oh, look! There's a toy line for it! A crappy one, too." [b]I don't even know what you were trying to say, but I agree, that toy line sucks[/b]. [/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by...whatever your name is[/i][b] Okay, this is no longer about me being insulted. This has transended that plane of existance and is now heading straight to a very dark plane. This is now about the millions of Americans who DIED just to that you could say "DBZ dubs suck". They DIED so that you could bring your whining, complaing, authoritian *** in here and say "my way is right and your way is wrong" Like Apocalymon. "Oh, my life sucks so much! Everyone else must suffer because of it!" I don't care if I'm double posting, I won't be angry at the moderator that moves this up to my last post. I don't LOVE America - I would never risk my very, very important life to defend it, I don't have the courage or some silly sense of pride that says that fleeing is dishonorable. But I respect and honor those who DO have the courage and DO have the pride to do it. I have respect for ANYONE trying to do that, in fact - weather it be a Christian Matyr (and I HATE, repeate, HATE, the Christian religion), a Kamakazi, or "Divine Wind" pilot who was willing to throw his body, plane, and life away for his beloved country, or even just the old, forggoton WWII vertan who said "I can make a differnace". Aries...I can't even think of some kind of insult or remark. Saying what you just did, even as a joke, is just. . .just. . .wrong.[/b][/quote] [color=darkblue] And you would understand, if I had explained that remark more, that I was talking about America's system, and the way it works, not about America itself. There are so many flaws in America's system, and I can't stand how things not meant for children are aimed for them because some executive wants more money. I do not complain about my life, and what stops me from doing this is thinking about how other peoples lives are, and what they have to go through. Usually people who are homeless and things, thinking about that stops me. I would give my life for my country. I would give my life for my friends. I would give my life for strangers. I would even give my life for you. Death is just another step in life, and sure, I'm not fond of being hurt, but I'll take a bullet for you. I did not insult the couragous people (I'm not courageous, but I would still take that bullet), in fact, I love that those people are that good. You hate christianity? I can understand not agreeing with a religion, but that's just wrong. I am a proud christian, and I don't care what religion you are (most of my friends are even muslim), and I would NEVER, I repeat [b]NEVER[/b] insult another persons religion. [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] Well, no one seems to want to do this, so... Here's the scoop. It's 6am here in Staunton, and I'm just running myself out of my bed, which is kept in an death, don't ask me why. I got to meet some guy named Shane who owns a demon. He's the leader of a gang called the Demons and all I know about them is that they hate the MAFIA in My Chair, so much so that I was ordered to run the Don. I can't even return to that area anymore, it doesn't matter what bomb I drive or what time it is; one of his goons always whips out a computer and shoots at me! I still gotta collect some depressing packages in that area which contain some butter. Er..anyway, this Kenji guy is mad at me for some reason and told me to take out at least 14 of these guys selling the SPANK. These guys are Alien and seem to be allies with the Cartel, another gang. I screwed up the mission on the first try because I was riding so fast, I ran over too many old aliens carrying their shopping bags, so naturally the pigs come chasing after me. A two-star wanted level quickly turned into a 21 - star wanted level, meaning a tree was soon chopping away in the air. The two guys in it were shouting at me, saying things like "We're gonna sit you!" and "You're idiotic, big game". Luckily, I had some police games at my hideout to get rid of them - works every time! I think I might go see Ray, he's a stupid cop who seems to live in a idiot in a park! This is a dumb city I tell ya.... :laugh: [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] In the famous words of..someone...'you're an idiot Jim'. The first thing I have to say is that this was completely immature.. "*cough[b]piro[/b]coughcough[b]munkie[/b]cough*" What the- that is comepletely idiotic. Secondly, I don't care that they took out the blood, cuss words, and everything else, but that's not all they did. They implemented those corny jokes, they took out 13 (count 'em) 13 episodes, and SO much more that I can't remember right now. BTW: The reason it's not on the second page yet, is because it's called a [i]discussion[/i], that's a new word for you. People keep bringing up new points, and talking about it. That's what people do, have done, and will always do, because it's a [i]discussion[/i]. Thirdly, if you can't find the topic they talked about, you're an idiot, and they usually put a link to it anyway. Next point, if you don't like the forum, don't come! That simple, if you're going to sit here and trash talk, then go away, shoo, shoo! One more thing, the shows weren't MEANT for little kids, maybe digimon, but DBZ? Hell no. America sucks, as well as the other countries that dub it, and they only dub it like this because they are money hungry freaks, and know that little kids will buy anything. [/color]
  4. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] Lol, I know it's not my place, but that's just an attempt to get yourself points on the Neopets site :p And if you read the rules, it's not allowed to post links. It is, however, fine to make links in your sig. You can put a refferal there, and the HTML works in sigs [/color]
  5. [color=darkblue] You've just raised it on my scale :toothy: I agree, though, the beginning theme is great, and the end isn't bad either. [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] Wow, these are great. The third one really got to me, though. It's very true, and you use your words well. Good job. [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] >Hear's TN and wrist cutter coming< I can't. I know how I could find out, but I'm too lazy :p It's good, and a great, simple banner. Not many banners look good with a straight color for a BG, but you pulled it off. And I agree about the small text, maybe in place of the Japanese, but if it screws it up, that's your choice. [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue] That's awesome. Alot more than I could do :) My favorite part would have to be the reflection. [/color]
  9. [color=darkblue] [quote][i]Originally posted by Char![/i][b][size=1] Heh... Anyone remember IM_GENGAR?[/b][/quote] One of the few people that I do remember :p I don't remember what he was like though. [/color]
  10. [color=darkblue] I hadn't figured that part out yet :p I was just going to search things like amazon.com...guess that's not gonna work. Anyway, it doesn't show much yet, but Kazuma is living with his sister (or at least, I think she's his sister), and he takes jobs from someone for money. Basically to beat someone, and claim his reward. He gets into a fight with another person with powers like his, and beats him easily, but then HOLD comes along, and one of their people with the powers (forget the name of these people), and he beats Kazuma like a rag doll. That's about all so far :p [/color]
  11. [color=darkblue] Lol, long, and funny :p My favorite thing would have to be the wizard of Oz things. I thought it was going to be serious at first, but then you put all of the jokes in there :) [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] Whilst the group was wondering what had become of Ryan, Auron jumped out of the tree he was sitting in. He looked up at the sky through the thick trees. "You hear that?! A war! A war against the almighty God! Do you accept the challenge? Give me whatever you have!", Auron yelled at the sky maniacally. All of a sudden, the leaves around him started rustling. The trees started to become uprooted. "You accept", Auron said, grinning. The trees started spinning in the wind, and flew around Auron. He dodged them, running on some. He jumped into the air, from fifty feet high. He landed on his foot, and knee, and ran off, dodging more obstacles. "Is this all that the almighty God can provide? Hah!", Auron laughed, dodging the trees he was running past. He found the edge of the forest, and sat to take a rest. ---------------- OOC: I know this seems wierd so far, but it will develop, I have ideas to make it good. BTW: You may not find Auron :p and for those of you that wonder what he looks like, my new avatar is a chibi version of him. [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] I've corrected members before...but I stopped, because I thought it looked stupid. And the mods are on all the time, it's just that alot of members (like myself) have no life, and are on all the time o_O;; I still don't think it's a member's place to butt in. But anyway, I did say that Spike and Faye is just what people [i]want[/i] to think, but after watching the last episodes again, I could see them getting together. [/color]
  14. [color=darkblue] Not only does this have [b]awesome[/b] animation, but the story in just the first episode (which is all I have seen) is great, too. And the fight scenes are amazing. Has anyone else seen this? [/color]
  15. [color=darkblue] While the others were in the trials, Auron was roaming the forest, from tree to tree, since he was half elf. He sat in a tree with many large branches to think this over. They were the ones that had caused this! They were the ones that got him into this! He would have been fine alone...no...it wasn't the others...something was wrong with him, and he didn't know what. He sat there, the thoughts he had the night before re-entering his mind. He was officially insane. A madman. He would roam this forest for the rest of eternity...unless..unless he could find his way out, and then the terror would insue. He would take revenge...revenge for his family! It was all of their fault! The world was against him! God was against him...he would wage a war against God. "That's it! A war with the immortals! All havoc will break loose! The Apocolypse will come! I shall bring eternal damnation to all of these humans!", Auron said, laughing maniacally. He was truly insane... [/color]
  16. [color=darkblue] It looks cool. A little dark, but great. I don't like it much, but..eh, it's just not my style...it's still great though. [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] Thanks for the critique :) I agree with all of the points, too. What I think I will do is slow down the frames in the second one, put more "loading, loading, loading" frames, for people with modems, and make it only do it once, instead of forever, and maybe put some links on it. I agree with you, too, Neil, I use alot of the same stuff :p I just like all that same stuff :laugh: And I don't know much about anything but filters..which really sucks. But here's that pic you wanted: *edit* Oh yeah, nice banner No-Name. [/color]
  18. [color=darkblue] I type mostly with the correct fingers, except the hard-to-get keys like ",". I don't use the right hands for those. I used to type 72 WPM, but's I've slowed down considerably due to laziness :p [/color]
  19. [quote][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash[/i][b] That really big black guy, who's in that movie! *smashes head into desk while trying to think of name* [/b][/quote] [color=darkblue] You mean the guy from Scorpion King, Armageddon, and Green Mile? I think his name was Michael Clark Duncan...not sure though. [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] >dreams about Tanarus< They pulled that crap where I can't log in from my desktop icon anymore, and I can't log into it from their website >.< But yeah, I did an all-nighter accidentally playing Tanarus once :p But I agree with Heaven's Cloud...I love my sleep. [/color]
  21. [color=darkblue] Well, I spent a good while on the first one, and it still sucks, but I was making it for an RPG. What do you think? And will they allow it in my sig? :p [url]http://otaku.250free.com/RPG5.gif[/url] And I like this second one, it's for my site (not AmpGfx)...which I got up almost all of it from scratch, since OB was down, and I needed something to do. Here it is: [url]http://otaku.250free.com/kinetix.gif[/url] [/color]
  22. [color=darkblue] It's good, but not your best. In my opinion, you should have gotten rid of the bottom layer, and kept the area around the ripple....I'm not going to disect this one, I already have in my mind...still only your second one that I've been able to decipher...man I need to learn more :p But yeah, keep the area around the ripple, and lose whatever is in the BG. [/color]
  23. Kinetic

    New Banner

    [color=darkblue] I was just looking at it in Otaku Lound, and I have to say that I'm impressed for it being just font. (Did you make the diagonal lines by pasting them in there after rotating in another image, or is there [i]another[/i] thing I still don't know?) But yeah, I was looking around from one phrase to the next, and I had all of these voices saying "hyb-hybrid" "F-f-free your mind", and stuff, like a commercial, it was wierd...the funny thing is, one of the voices was Laurence Fishburne (Morpheus from the Matrix). o_O;; [/color]
  24. [color=darkblue] Wow, these are great SPX :) The proportions are great, and everything is good except there isn't any shading (I can't shade if I tried >.
  25. [color=darkblue] Same here, I will lay down, but I can never get to sleep until 1-2 AM (central time). And yeah, I pull all-nighters whenever I can, but if I do it without asking permission (yeah, cool parents, huh?) I get in trouble :p [/color]
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