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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] I see that, I forgot about how Chibi Goku went SSJ with a tail. And as someone said earlier, Vegeta probably envisioned the Legendary SSJ from some thousand years ago like that. [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] They decided that Elsyan and Relee would go together, while Mara and Kain paired up. They headed off in different directions. Mara and Kain headed off into the middle of the forest, which was a bad idea, for soon they were lost. "We'll be ok. We just need to find a tree with moss on it.", Mara noted, looking at the trees. Right at that moment, a shadowy figure fell before them. "Auron?", Kain asked, squinting at the man. "Yes...stay away", Auron replied, looking at them with bloodshot eyes. "Auron, we're here to help", Kain said, stepping towards him. "I said stay back!", Auron said, drawing his long-sword, and slashing at Kain. Kain dodged, drawing his katana. "Auron, we're not going to hurt you. We just want to know what's going on", Mara said, watching Kain step into a stance. "If you resist, we will take you by force", Kain said, readying his katana. "There's no need for that.", Mara said, watching the two men about to clash. "Then take me by force", Auron said, striking at Kain, knocking his sword to the ground with one blow. He pointed his hidden katana at Kain's throat with one hand, his long-sword about his head in the other hand. "Move, or die", Auron said, pointed the long-sword at Mara. Kain refused, and Auron stepped forward, knocking him unconscious instead of killing him. Auron sheathed his swords, and ran off, past Elsyan and Relee, past Miko and Ryan. He was gone in a flash, leaving the others in confusion. [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] Two hours had passed, and the group was growing weary. Some of them growing paranoid, and thinking the dragon was making noises. "I'm finished", Relee said, looking exhausted. "Fine. Now let's get out of this godforsaken place", Kain said, looking down the road. "Let's", said Elsyan. They jumped on their horses, and rode off, cautious, for who knows what would happen next. They were about a mile down the road when "Auron?", Miko said, looking at the man holding his stomach. "What's wrong?", Kain said, staring at him. "Nothing...", Auron said, clutching his stomach. The group continued riding on the dirt-filled road, with the thick forest on their left. They were afraid something was wrong, but didn't want to bother with Auron's business. Yet, Mara knew something was wrong, when his face grew pale. There was a thud, he had fallen to the ground, nearly trampled by the horses. He was sweating awfully. Kain and Mara jumped off of there horses, but before they could reach him, he dashed off into the forest, as if he were possessed. "What's going on", Miko asked, not understanding what had just happened. Yet...none of them did. "We must find him", Kain said, re-mounting his horse. He sped into the forest, the others close behind. What they did not know...is that they would not find him on foot. He was going through a change, and they would not understand. "That's it!", Mara exclaimed. "What?", Miko asked, wondering about Auron. "The full moon...", she said. "A werewolf?", Kain asked, knowing what the consequences would be if he was a werewolf. "It could be anything...it might not even be the moon...I doubt he's a werewolf, for he has shown no signs of it. There's something else wrong with him", she noted, the group searching cautiously now. He was not a werewolf, but even he did not know what was going on. He was in a tree, hiding, because he was lonely, and afraid. There were so many things rushing through his head. [i]What was happening to him? What is the truth about his past? Where would he end up? How would his life be?[/i] These, and many other questions troubled his mind. He was afraid...afraid of dying alone...afraid of being abnormal..even more abnormal. He jumped out of the tree, landing on the ground and rushing through the forest. The group would never find him at his speed, and for the fact that they were far off trail. "It's all his fault...It's all his fault!", Auron thought, dodging trees as he ran. He ran past the group, confusing them. They took off after him, but he was too far gone. "Best not to meddle...He will turn up", Kain noted, still worrying about him. Auron climbed into another tree, he didn't know what was going on. He was lost now...lost in this godforsaken forest. Where would he go? What would he see? Would he die, without answering all of his questions? There was no transformation. He wasn't a werewolf. He was just a worried man. This event could change his life forever...he could be turned into an insane maniac. Where would his life lead? Would he find the Aniar Stones, and return peace to Gaia? Or would he be converted to a madman, and haunt the dreams of people for the rest of his life? [/color]
  4. [color=darkblue] Note that I said it was a [b]theory[/b]. [/color]
  5. [color=darkblue] Thanks for noting that FFXII will be single player. I was afraid that they would screw FF up by making the rest of their games online, and ruin it for me when I'm just getting into the series. As for FFXI, I will probably get it, as long as I don't have to pay so-much per month. [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] This has troubled me, and confused me to death. And all I can say is that maybe Vegeta doesn't need air to breathe, since he's got royal blood? I dunno. [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] Same here. I remember little bits [i]sometimes[/i]. I remember one time...I was in Australia, and I was talking to Squashed Snail, and we were in this minority group, I don't even know what the group was meant to achieve. It was wierd o_O;; [/color]
  8. [color=darkblue] I don't know much about poetry, but I really like this. Very much. My favorite would be the first, because it does seem like the eyes are the window to the soul. [/color]
  9. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] No, I believe it's coming out August 2nd in the U.S. This movie looks like it's going to be really good, alot because all of the crappy movies this summer. This summer really disappointed me. But anyway, this seens to be a must-see for me. "There's a monster outside my window, can I have a glass of water?" That just seems hillarious, yet thrilling... [/color]
  10. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] I agree with that whole-heartedly. (:laugh: I forgot about those pics :blulaugh: ) But I agree, if it looks good, that's all that matters. And yours looks good, but Spike just doesn't blend in with the background. IF it weren't for that, it would be perfect. [/color]
  11. [color=darkblue] Yes, although I hate Disney with a passion, I laugh at how they ruined most of their classics. I see commercials like: Little Mermaid 2 Cinderella 2 Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 Peter Pan 2 And I remember counting something like 11 at one time, and I think it's hillarious how some idiot at Disney thought he would be great for making a sequel to a classic, and screwing disney over :laugh: [/color]
  12. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] [quote]It's apparent you use them in some of your pieces[/quote] This is true, but I haven't used them in a while. Every now and then I will, just to see what it looks like on top of something, with the blending mode changed, but for the most part, it's all my work. [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] It's probably uncut, or something. I would imagine that if you buy the tapes/DVD's that it's not as edited as it is on Toonami. I don't know though, because I haven't bought any tapes or DVD's. [/color]
  14. [quote][i]Originally posted by ss2Serren[/i][b] Why does it seem like all the strong people loses there tails. Like Goku,Vegeta,Gohan, and Brioly. I wondered if they went SS with there tail would they look different. and ow much stronger would they be.[/b][/quote] [color=darkblue] If you read my theory, I said that I think that if they had their tails when they first went SSJ, they would be Golden Oozaru, just a theory. Then when they advanced in levels they would be like Golden Oozaru 2. Or maybe they would just go SSJ4, or something. Just a theory, though. And Piro's theory is better than mine. [/color]
  15. [color=darkblue] Yes, it's worse than even *shudders* thundercats, and justice league*shivers* I hated those shows too, but this one 'takes the cake'. [/color]
  16. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] Blasphemy! [i]The Giver[/i] was the BEST book in existence, if it weren't for the war in [i]The Hobbit[/i], that was great. [i]The Giver[/i] captivated me like no other book has. I didn't understand alot, since it was in sixth grade, and I was an idiot back then, but if I get my hands on it, I'm going to love it. [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] God, I hate this show. I sing with the theme song just to make fun of it :laugh: It is awful...and the only reason they started making GI Joes again, and put this show back on, was because of 9/11, and I hate how companies are taking advantage of 9/11 to make money. [/color]
  18. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] All you have to do is research, I mean, come on. The crappy angelfire sites all tell you (not all are crappy, but most are), but since you don't seem to want to type something in, in your address bar, it means Grand Tour. [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] I have produced a not-too-bad looking layout with MS Paint, but that's with lots of experience with it. Of course, I just used the normal tools, mostly the line tool. I'd give you a preview, but I forgot the link :p [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] I like that name. Of Water and Flame. That sounds good...mind if I put that in my sig? :p That sounds cool... [/color]
  21. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] Lol, looks like a shadowness tutorial...wait, it is. You probably didn't use the tutorial though. Good, but waay to big :p I like the small text. [/color]
  22. [color=darkblue] I think the font turned out good in this one. I like how you changed the color of the clouds, and although I'm not the biggest fan of purple lightning, that's good too ;) Great job. [/color]
  23. [color=darkblue] Well, what he said is right, Adobe photoshop is the standalone graphics program, ImageReady would be used more to make GIFs, like my banner. It used to be still, then I animated it. This is sort of the tutorial Amiboshi gave me: [list] [*]Say you want two, totally different images to pop up in your banner. [*]First, you paste the first one in. That's done. Now make a new frame on the animation table (the pallette on the bottom). [*]Paste the second banner, or changed banner that you want on there, and click on the first frame, then remove the eye symbol of the second layer. This makes it to where it shows the first layer, then second layer. [*]Do this repeatedly, and for each frame, only leave the eye symbols for the layers you want on it. [/list] Hope I didn't confuse you :p But I have 3.0, so I don't know how much difference there is. [/color]
  24. [color=darkblue] Yes, the only way you can save it in MS Paint is .bmp Sorry :( P.S. You took my quote!! :p [/color]
  25. [color=darkblue] Lol, that would be hillarious. Dr. Evil has to be the best character in Austin Powers. Either him, or Minime :toothy: [/color]
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