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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=darkblue] OOC: Remember, Auron doesn't talk like that :p "Oh crap!" :laugh: But yeah, I've already started my plot in the story...his past, his dream, all of that cr-stuff ^_^;; ----------------------------- Auron drew his long-sword, knowing that his katana was useless against such a monster. Kain, Tyron, and the others with weapons follow suit. "Wait....wouldn't there be..mass destruction if there was a dragon in the town?", Kain said, staring around at the peace. "Yes, it was a trap from the beginning", Auron said, staring at the dragon. He took a step forward. "Do not be afraid, if we die...we die honorably", Kain said, following Auron. They both agreed, and dashed off to the right, leaving the others confused, and following. "What's going on?!", Relee shouted at Kain. "It's called a strategy", Kain said. "You're a black mage, right Miko?". "Well, yes...", Miko replied, looking at the dragon. "Well, do something! We can't get close enough with our swords", Kain said, staring down Miko. "You've got the ring, Miko", Auron said, reassuring him. "I don't even know if this works!", Miko said, staring at it. Mara stepped up. "We both have the stones. We can use them to defeat the dragon". [/color]
  2. [color=darkblue] What I don't get (And I heard this on Ebert and Roeper) is how [b]SPOILERS[/b] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that once they kill the main dragon, all the other ones get up and leave?? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [b]END SPOILERS[/b] That just confused me. [/color]
  3. [color=darkblue] It's a very good drawing, but it's so small on the 'Net, I can't really see much. [/color]
  4. [color=darkblue] Hehe, good :) I don't like the BG color, but it suits the image. [/color]
  5. [color=darkblue] Haha, I love that picture, the avatar is the best though. [/color]
  6. [color=darkblue] Wow, that is awesome BG, I think he'll like it alot :) [/color]
  7. [color=darkblue] Lol, that would work, but it would make what little plot there is in DBZ even worse. Plus, the Z-fighters are too stupid to do something like that. [/color]
  8. Kinetic


    [color=darkblue] Lol, I never believed Australians were like that because of the movie. I do, however, think that people think Texans are 'cowboys' all of the time...I'm paranoid. Well, it looks like an alright movie, I might see it with my little cousin. [/color]
  9. [color=darkblue] Haha, that's awesome. Hope you have fun being famous all over the world...err...internet...maybe you can make a career out of it (maybe someone important will hear you). Shout-out that "Katie will always love Aaron" (request from a friend) :p [/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B]Hm.. Its not possible, Atleast If the kangaroo is a bunch of times bigger its impossible. Aries, my graphical skillz are better than theirs but I'm not gonna brag, I just don't like to show my gfx much. Ask Herman, he has seen some of my work, but it was early stuff, and I'm too lazy to make new graphics now. I dunno why, I just don't want to make 'em anymore. DON'T HURT ME! I'M INNOUNCENT!!! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue] Meant to say you too :D And TN, and wrist cutter. I suck compared to all these people :nervous: [/color]
  11. [color=darkblue] No clue. But I'm really pissed off right now because I got to the Temple of Macalania (with no new aeon :flaming: ) and defeated Seymour's guards, and aeon, and I was [b]so[/b] close to defeating him that it wasn't funny, and then he used his multi-fira,multi-watera,and multi-thundara, and wiped me out >.< [/color]
  12. [color=darkblue] Well, first instinct would be for it to never end. But that would get boring...so...45? Nah...25 at the most. [/color]
  13. [color=darkblue] Lol, yes, too many stones, too fast. ---------------------------------- Auron jumped on his horse, and took off, not knowing where to go. He looked back at Mara, and she shrugged. "That village, remember?", Kain said, looking at the expression on Auron's face. "Ah, yes, we can take refuge there", Mara said, cutting in for Auron. They turned around, knowing where to go now. Auron was fingering his hidden katana, sensing that something would go wrong in that town. They arrived at yet another sign that said five miles until the next village, and the horses looked tired. "Only a little way to go", Relee said, petting her horse's mane. Auron took off, heading for the town, the others following him, and everyone slowed down because of fatigue. [/color]
  14. [color=darkblue] I agree wholeheartedly. If I watched Trigun or Kenshin in English, it would kill me. Now VHD: Bloodlust, that's a different story. I haven't seen the subbed, but the dubbing was great! The voices were perfect, the animation was untouched, and the voice actors actually matched the words to the mouths (an upstep for alot of dubs *cough*). But I still prefer subs for most anime, seeing as how it's uncut, I like the Japanese voices, and the animation is left alone. [/color]
  15. [color=darkblue] I honestly would like to see Jason go to hell (again), I mean, he's been killed countless times. He was finally gone once, but some idiotic girl used telechenesis (sp?) and brought him back to life...and he was gone that other time, but brought back by lightning...and he's got what, 20 movies? DIE JASON DIE! [/color]
  16. [color=darkblue] OOC:Actually, Krillen's post coincides with the story more, so I'll go with that... Auron woke up, staring at Ryan, who seemed to be having a nightmare. Ryan's eyes opened, and he felt his jaw. Ryan ran off, looking for Mara. (OOC: Fixed that :p) Auron motioned to Kain, Tyron, and the others, and they walked out into the forest, following Ryan. OOC: Short, because I want to post this before anyone, so that everything will be cleared up. [/color]
  17. [color=darkblue] Obviously, it should have been the finale. Jamie Lee Curtis.... *spoilers* DIES?!?! Wow, that was a shocker. Shouldn't have read the spoilers. But wow, that's wierd. [/color]
  18. [color=darkblue] "Yes", he said, still staring at the sky. "My mother was an elf, and my father a warrior who died in search of the Aniar stones. I hope that on my journey, I will learn some about my past", he told her, wondering how they sent a fireball from the sky. Mara just sat there, bewildered, because she hadn't heard him talk this much since...ever. "How would they help you find out about yourself?", she asked curiously. "I don't know...", he replied, signaling for rest. [/color]
  19. [color=darkblue] I haven't been on many, but the ones that I've been on, I have loved. My favorite would have to be the Batman at Six Flags Over Texas. I still need to ride the Mr.Freeze, and the Titan though. Also the Texas Giant. [/color]
  20. [color=darkblue] I know it's probably not possible, but I would still love to ride a kangaroo :D I still wouldn't mind being PiroMunkie...or Herman/Neil/Vegitto4/Amphion/Anyone But Me for their graphic skills :D [/color]
  21. [color=darkblue] Auron didn't hesitate to stride into the forest. He had his hand on his hidden katana in case a creature jumped out with speed. His long-sword lay sheathed on his back. Without knowing it, a man was watching them, half-blinded, and unable to speak for over-exurtion. Relee sensed him. "Look...", she said, motioning towards the man. "It's Ryan!", Mara said, the group riding over to him. "Who is this?", Relee asked, looking at the man on his knees. "We met him...in the town...", Mara said, knowing what had happened. "Are you alright?", Kain asked, noticing the burns on his arms. "Share a horse. We must be going", Auron said, noticing something behind the clouds. Auron turned away, Mara letting Ryan on her horse. "We must hurry", Auron spat, as his horse broke into a run. He had to dodge a low tree limb, as another ball of fire broke into the forest. "They know we're here", Kain shouted, trying to catch up to Auron. The whole group was following Auron, not knowing where he was going. He took a sharp turn to the left, making the others turn around, and the horses stumbled. "We'll take refuge here", he said, walking into a small cove. "Their attacks shall not hurt us here", he said leaning his head on a wall. [/color]
  22. [color=darkblue] I agree with TN about My Own Prison, that was a great album. But my favorite song on any of their CD's would have to be either "Higher" or "With Arms Wide Open". [/color]
  23. [color=darkblue] Auron didn't turn around, he stared straight at the area in the sky where the ball of fire had come from. "They're in the clouds", he spat, riding off into the trees. OOC: Short, but I have a friend on the phone. [/color]
  24. [color=darkred] OOC: Yes, far too late now [/color] [color=darkblue] Auron walked past a tree,with a lady hiding behind it. "Mara!", the voice came from behind the tree. "Relee?", replied Mara, staring at the figure in the shadow. While Relee and Mara re-acquainted themselves, Auron sat in wonder about his dream. "What are you doing?", Kain said, staring at Relee. "Thinking", Auron replied, looking at the sky. "About what?",Kain asked, getting no reply from Auron. A large ball of fire came hurdling at the town, destroying many buildings. "Malius", said Auron, continuing to walk along the path. Everyone was staring at him, and the town. "Where are you going?!", Kain said, signaling toward the town. "We cannot help them now", Auron said, continuing to walk. "This isn't right! We must help them! They are helpless, and innocent!", Elsyan said, gleaming at Auron. He stopped in his tracks, not turning around. "Then I shall go alone. You may be naive, and save the few people that you can. I, however, will continue on my journey, and you can do whatever you want", Auron said, mounting a horse. He took off, leaving the others bewildered. [/color]
  25. Kinetic

    Like Mike

    [color=darkblue] The funny thing is, Ebert and Roeper gave it two thumbs up, yet gave the powerpuff girls movie two thumbs down :laugh: I would've given them both two trips to hell. [/color]
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