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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=royalblue] It's probably either Goten or Gohan, but anyway, start up the video, and when you see the character you're talking about in the screen, really quickly press the "Print Screen SysRq" button, before the video changes to something else, and than post it in photoshop (Or MS Paint/Appleworks), and save the picture, then attatch it here. [/color]
  2. [color=royalblue] I like it...you have a very...unique style to your banner making. Good job. [/color]
  3. [color=royalblue] There are no other Saiyans in DBGT, besides the ones you see. You might have seen Bebi Vegeta (vegeta possessed by Bebi, who was a Tuffle [Tsufuru-Jin]), but no, there are no other saiyans. [/color]
  4. Kinetic

    Jay Leno

    [color=royalblue] Please don't spam, a smilie in each post will just get you banned. [/color]
  5. Kinetic


    [color=royalblue] Lol, haha, I am not gonna see this movie...it's aimed too much for kids. (younger kids) [/color]
  6. [color=royalblue] It's decided then. We shall make a sequel. We just needed your approval :D [/color]
  7. Kinetic

    Mr. Deeds

    [color=royalblue] I wanna see it, I love all Adam Sandler movies. Waterboy being the best. [/color]
  8. [color=royalblue] The cartoon's cool (although repetitive), and my favorite character was Shaggy, he was a good comedic relief. [/color]
  9. [color=royalblue] Thanks for clearing that up...they confoosed me. [/color]
  10. Kinetic

    Tom Hanks

    [color=royalblue] Yeah, like wrist cutter said, just see if he has a fan club. Oh yeah, you can put that quote in your signature instead of copying it into every post...click on "Profile" on the image at the top, then go to "Edit Profile", and it will have a large box, and to the left it will say "Signature", copy the quote in there, then scroll to the bottom, and hit okay....sorry, but it's been bugging me [/color]
  11. [color=royalblue] Exactly! There's more than 100 pages, maybe even 150 of that! I looked on "Last page" too see where my post count was, and I was surprised that there were so many pages, and that I actually wasn't at the bottom of it. Then I kept going forward, and was like WTF?! Why do people sign up and not post?? [/color]
  12. [color=royalblue] That would really be something to ask Mist, because she started the RPG in the first place. We were just the pawns adding to it :demon: [/color]
  13. [color=royalblue] I thought it was because Kakarrot whined so much as a baby, it drove Brolli insane, and Brolli held that grudge, or am I missing the point of this conversation? [/color]
  14. [color=royalblue] Yeah, a few months ago we hit 2000, but we get like 5 new members a day :p [/color]
  15. [color=royalblue] I'm really sorry about your moms dog Vegitto :( I know how it can be to lose a pet, but it's worse when the pet is really old, and you've had them for a long time. Hope your mom gets better :( [/color]
  16. [color=royalblue] Seto Reborn?? I dunno, I'm not very good with titles....heh, I just noticed it ended on 150th post, and 11th page (board default) [/color]
  17. [color=royalblue] Lol, I went through and said yes to every question (there are alot more questions when you say yes to some of them), and you can actually get 0%:p [/color]
  18. [color=royalblue] We're not like that ;) At least....not most of us. [/color]
  19. [color=royalblue] I'd say Eva, and then GW, cuz I've never seen BGC, and I actually liked GW [/color]
  20. Kinetic

    Dream Cast

    [color=royalblue] I'm not sure if this has been created, but I'll put in my two cents. I personally would prefer a whole new cast, with no one we've heard of. If it's someone really popular for one person(lets say Roshi), and whoever plays Gohan sucks, it would really ruin it. I'm probably not gonna see it unless it comes on cable anyway. [/color]
  21. [color=royalblue] Vash: Ooooh... Piro: What's wrong? Vash: [i]in a pathetic voice[/i] I want some donuts.. Piro: Would you stop with the donuts? [i]sweatdrops formed on his head[/i] They walked into the town, to find alot of people exchanging suspicious glances. Vash: ::to a bystander:: What's going on here? Bystander: That woman... Vash: Oooh, I see. Vash and Piro continued to the nearest restaurant. Vash: Donuts... Store owner: $12.00 Vash: But that's so much...Okay. [/color]
  22. [color=royalblue] I did the same thing (cuz I only have one novel, and it is NJO Conquest), but BG beat me to it... [/color]
  23. [color=darkred] OOC: I'm gonna try and end it on the 150th post (which is this one) [/color] [color=royalblue] It was a sad day, very sad. They had a ceremonial burning of Setsuna, and they all wished for him to have a happy life...wherever he went. They were now back in the Bebop, keeping their thoughts to theirselves. Spike: I- Anima: It's best you get some sleep Spike... Spike: Yes... Jet: I'm going to do the same. Anima: I'll stay out here for tonight. The others walked away to their rooms, and once they were all gone, Anima turned on the television. News caster: In other news, today, the leader of the Red Dragon Clan was spotted fleeing from the police. He escaped, but the police are producing a vigorous search for the syndicate leader. Anima: Seto... Without Anima knowing, a pair of red eyes peered out of the corner. [size=3]The End[/size] [/color] [color=darkred] And yes, I was trying to trigger a sequel :D But it's up to you three whether or not we should. [/color]
  24. [color=royalblue] The one I took wasn't only like this, but at least 75 of the questions were :p I'll search for the link... [/color]
  25. [color=royalblue] Lol, Lilo and Stitch looks funny. My brothers gave me this Stitch bobblehead from McDonalds, and it looks awesomely evil :D [/color]
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