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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=royalblue] Seeing this, Setsuna closed the portal. Setsuna: Alright, if you wish to die on this planet, so be it. Even if you kill me, this planet will become a dessert of nothingness within minutes...you should have come through the portal, that way, you could have died there. Davien: You have such a large ego, I could have already killed you three times. Setsuna: Is that so? The green light sword shot out from Setsuna into his hand. Setsuna: Let me...test your abilities. With that, Davien leaped at Setsuna, he struck at Setsuna with his twin-viper, but it was knocked away by the energy eminating from Setsuna's sword. Setsuna: No steal could match up to the power of energy! Davien: Than we shall be alike. Black light shot from Davien's hand, forming the shape of a blade. They fought on, ravagely, unweary that the planet would corrupt within minutes. Every moment, they had a knew wound that healed up immediately. Setsuna: Is that the best you can give me? In a battle of this calibur, no one will die. Kain jumped in as Davien leaped at Setsuna. A second sword of green light shot from Setsuna's other hand. Setsuna: Two on two, fair, isn't it. The hatred in Kain and Davien's eyes was unfathomable. They attacked so visciously, with so much anger. They all three rose up into the air. It was happening. The ground was tearing apart. Within moment, they would all be gone. [/color]
  2. [color=royalblue] Setsuna: Not yet A devilish grin on his face. The earth starts to rise from underneath him, and out flows a black mist. The mist forms into shapless beings...spectres. They merge with Setsuna, giving him a black aura. Setsuna rises into the air, not flying with his wings, but levitating. Davien jumps into the air, stabbing Setsuna, and ripping down his body. Setsuna lowers back to the ground, his wounds sealing back together. Davien: Who are you?! Setsuna: The apocolypse! A look of horror comes upon Kain's face as the sky swirls black and red. Lightning crashed right next to them, the others were revived. Setsuna rose into the air, a few feet above the ground, floating into a vortex. Setsuna: Come, if you cherish your lives. [/color]
  3. [color=royalblue] Setsuna dodged the arrows, but could not dodge the blows of the blades attacking him. He was slashed a few times before Kain got to him, and then he rolled through the crowd. He stood up, and the wounds healed. Kain slashed at him, yet hit nothing but air. Setsuna: I told you, you cannot attack me like that. With that, the light shot from his hands yet again. It his Kain dead on, yet it did not move him. Kain had an aura of light around him, and the rain suddenly stopped. The sky cleared up and there was an immense wind, knocking everyone to their feet. Setsuna, Davien and Kain stood up, and started fighting yet again. [/color]
  4. [color=royalblue] The others attack Setsuna in an organized formation, tearing at his flesh. And no matter how strong he seemed, or how big his ego was, he did not stand a chance at these odds. With this, he flew up into the air, and threw a ball of energy to the ground, causing an earthquake. Kain flew up, striking at Setsuna visciously. With one swift blow, he sent Setsuna flying to the ground. The group got back to their feet and started to battle Setsuna. These were bad odds, but Setsuna held his ground. He activated a shield around himself, but that was crushed immediately by Kain and Davien. Yuugi had started a chi spell, and Anethema was attacking insanely, without caution for that matter. Kain also had become more confident, and less weary. Setsuna noticed this, and hit him with his light sword knocking him into a wall. [/color]
  5. [color=royalblue] OOC: I'm gonna pick this RPG back up too... Setsuna opened the hatch for James. Setsuna: Now what's all this about ice cream? James: Nothing, I just said that to get in. Jet: Hmph. Spike: I'm heading out...Anima and Faye have been gone too long. Jet: I'm sure they're just out screwing with each other. Spike: Not for this long... Setsuna: I'm coming too! Jet: Uh-uh, you'll stay here and watch the Bebop. Setsuna: But!- Jet: I'm going out with Spike. Setsuna: Ugh >.< Setsuna and James walk inside the bebop. Once Jet and Spike were out of range, Setsuna ran out to his Aries (OOC: my ship in case you forgot). James: They told you to stay here! Setsuna: You think I'm gonna let them have all the fun? A slight grin on his face. James: I'm coming too then! Setsuna: Alright then... [/color]
  6. [color=darkred] Okay, I am gonna pick this back up... [/color] [color=royalblue] While the rag-tag team of warriors rested, more viscious plans were being brought together by Setsuna. Setsuna: I will kill you...brother. Setsuna's eyes gleamed bright red, and he transformed once more into a demon. He flew off into the night...in search for, himself. Back at the town...what town was it? Kain: Bartender... Bartender: Yes, sir? Kain: What is the name of this place anyway? Bartender: Jake's pub. Kain: Not the pub, the town. Bartender: Sequla. Kain: That's odd... There was a noise outside, and all of the adventurers jumped up, even Yuugi in the doctor's office, winning his bet. Kain walked outside into the thundering rain, mud splattering with each heartpounding step. Kain: Who goes there?! Setsuna: Guess... Kain spun to the direction of the voice: Setsuna?! Setsuna reappeared behind Kain. Setsuna: Haven't you learned anything yet? [i]Brother[/i] Setsuna struck his scimitar through Kain. The scimitar vanished, and the wound healed as Kain transformed into a demon yet again. Setsuna: That's it...let the hatred inside you burn! Kill me! With that, Kain took his sword and stuck it through Setsuna. Kain: The heart, no way you can live without it. Setsuna: You forget one thing [i]brother[/i]...I have no heart. Green light shot from Setsuna's hands, and it was deflected by an aura around Kain. The aura turned into a sword, and Setsuna formed a sword of light as well. It was turning about to be the same battle as the last time. The others stood their ground, and watched every, thundering movement. The battle raged on through the night. Each one picking up a new wound every minute. The rain was still engulfing them. [/color]
  7. [color=royalblue] Well, Amiboshi thinks she sees a resemblance of Orphen in me, but I don't think I look like anyone I've seen in an anime...maybe the slightest bit of...nope, not even Shinji [/color]
  8. [color=royalblue] I haven't heard of it, but it is a great cause, and I support them fully. If I ever see a charity for it, I will definately donate, because suicide is very serious, and one of the things I hate most in life. [/color]
  9. Kinetic

    Jay Leno

    [color=royalblue] She doesn't live overseas :p Anyway, I love Jay Walking, it's when he goes out on the street and asks the STUPIDEST, easy questions, and they film the people who actually get it wrong. "Who rode on the 'Mayflower'" random person: "uhh.....Bill Clinton?" or something stupid like that :p [/color]
  10. [color=royalblue] Most of us here are well-educated dubbies anyway Gohan! Prio, me, maybe TN (I don't know), all I'm trying to say is that, it might not have been enough to change the overall saga's, but geez, they changed ALOT! I don't care if they take away the cuss words and blood, we're talking about bigger things. [/color]
  11. Kinetic

    Jay Leno

    [color=royalblue] I was just thinking about him, and remembered how funny he is. Does anyone watch hi show? I especially like it when he brings animals on or does "Jay Walking" [/color]
  12. [color=royalblue] Well, Vegetto is formed from the potarra earrings, each puts on on, and they merge together. Gogeta on the other hand, is formed by the fusion dance, the same dance Gotenks if formed from. [/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B]A live-action DBZ movie? I've nevr heard anything so LAME! Tell me when they find an actor to play Goku, i'd like to see how they ganna do his hair... As for the rating, i'm ganna hav to go with...er...pg13. Deffinitely not R because of the popularity dbz has among a younger audience. G and PG would more likely than not, not allow the kind of violence they show, so there's only one senible answer, PG-13. Frankly, i don't give a [enter bad word here] who plays as who, because it's going to be lame. Toriyama particularly made this anime so there could be no live-action immatations. To try one after all his hard word is ludicrous. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Thank you! There is no way this movie can be good. Live-action? Gimme a break. 1) It won't look real, even if the creator of [i]The Matrix[/i] made it. 2) They won't be able to relive the storyline, and they will have crappy actors. This movie will be crap, mark my words...and anyone who goes and sees it...bwahahahaha...I will watch it, but only if it comes on TV, and then I will make fun of it :) [/color]
  14. [color=royalblue] We weren't talking about Liger, we were talking about Panzer, Schmider, and Jager. They are pretty much all German tanks, but I could be wrong, and yes, we know what a liger is :D All you have to do it watch Jay Leno :p (I love when he brings animals on) [/color]
  15. [color=royalblue] Yes, the movie rocks!! It's awesome...Anyway, thanks for the title. I've never heard of Papa Plastic, what's it like? Soft, jazz, rock??? [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] I'm surprised they didn't change the title to Dragon Round-spheres-with-stars-in-them. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Thanks for clearing all of that up for the dubbies TN :D That last sentence was hillarious, but sadly, very, very true. [/color]
  17. [color=royalblue] Yoko Kanno is a great person, and they fit the music so perfectly! BTW, does anyone know the name of Ed's Theme song? [/color]
  18. [color=royalblue] Wow, Rain is a great song, it's touching....and Tank just sets the perfect mood for the anime. Also, Rain is a great song for Spike's past and his battle with Viscious. [/color]
  19. [color=royalblue] Lol, I never thought about him like that....am I still allowed to hate his guts...oh new master?? >gets on hands and knees< [/color]
  20. Kinetic

    Family Guy

    [color=royalblue] Lol, I saw an episode of this once and it was hillarious! But then I forgot one day and time and never saw it again....does it still come on? If so, what time? [/color]
  21. Kinetic


    [color=royalblue] Just move to Arlington, Texas....there are the occasional teeny boppers, but Arlington Rocks....anyway, did I hear someone say smashing pumpkins?! I LOVE smashing pumpkins, I don't have any CD's and don't remember many song names, but whenever I can I listen to them...they draw me in..... [/color]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]Well, it's not on regular cable, it's on digital cable. You have to have all the extended movie channels. I believe that the Action Channel is one of the Encore movie channels, if my memory serves me correctly. So yah, I hope that is somewhat helpful to you.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] I do have digital :( I just can't find it anywhere :bawl: [/color]
  23. [color=royalblue] Evangelion was confusing to me because I couldn't get a hold of eps 23-26, and I didn't understand anything in the movie except Shinji became the source of life (Lillith) and they had wierd live footage...:p So that's why I like it better, and I like the style, I like the style of it...I don't know how ot explain it. [/color]
  24. [color=royalblue] Sanosuke's cool, but Kenshin and Yahiko rule!! [/color]
  25. [color=royalblue] Hahaha, this is great, keep them coming!!! [/color]
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