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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [color=royalblue] The one with Kaoru (thanks for reminding me of her name), anyway, I have no clue what an OVA is...I'm kinda slow...j/k, but anyway, if you get the one with Kaoru, watch episode 4!! [/color]
  2. [color=royalblue] I still can't find that channel on cable!!! Anyway, when I take down Bill Gates, after I study C++, and get all his money, I will invest it in Rick Hunter's anime channel! There's your source of money Kevin ;) [/color]
  3. [color=royalblue] Lol, one of my favorite characters is the guy who had jaw surgery, or the time they hired the guy to take care of some stuff in the stock trade, and they told him he lost the company 15 million dollars...that was grand. [/color]
  4. Kinetic


    [color=royalblue] I just checked into them, and I'm more into punk rock, but they ruled :D [/color]
  5. Kinetic

    Now What?

    [color=royalblue] You are awful! Go away! Shoo! Shoo! J/K You're good, and I agree with Asuka, saying you should do episode reviews. [/color]
  6. [color=royalblue] lol, that's great, I read alot, but GEEZ!! @_@ Eyes...melting... [/color]
  7. [color=royalblue] Umbrella?? Okay...anyway, it's about a traveling person, Kenshin, who is a great swordsman (samurai setting) He stops in one town, and saves a person from the fake "Battousai the Manslayer" when in fact, Kenshin himself was Battousai the Manslayer, yet he has a calm soul. In the next episode Kenshin and the girl he saved (can't remember her name right now!) run into a pickpocket, who is pickpocketing because he owes a fake debt to a syndicate, when he was really paying that off as their puppet. The girl tries to save him from the syndicate, and after a while there is a fight and she take many down, but the Gansuke the Manslayer comes along and is about to kill her when Kenshin comes in and knocks him out without even attacking. They take the boy, Himaru, on as an apprentice, and that's about all I know. [/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Washu [/i] [B ...And the fact that every girl would say "I HOPE LEONARDO IS TRUNKS!!!" Pleh ~.~ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] It's funny that you say that, because in the original (LIVE DBZ MOVIE) topic, whatever it was named..., there was someone who said it would be awesome if DeCaprio was Trunks! and everyone started laying into her laughing for the next 15 posts lol. [/color]
  9. [color=royalblue] That's where you're wrong. Misinformation is TOTALLY the dubbers fault. Kids don't like the jokes...well, no, they do...and Piccolo was bad at the beginning of DBZ and all through DB. And yes, misinformation is all the dubbers fault, because they watch the series who knows how many times before dubbing it to get it right. [/color]
  10. [color=royalblue] I love Trigun :D Name: Vash the Stampede Age: 135 (I beleive) Affiliation: Vash, naturally :p Weapons: The gun Frank marlin made(the one Knives made was thrown away), and the gun built into his left arm. Appearance: Tall, Spiked, blonde hair. Red trench coat. Green eyes, and occasionally wears yellow tinted sunglasses. He is VERY tall. Background: He was created on a mission. His brother, knives ended up destroying the mission, and killing the crew, what people left, escaped to the nearest planet. Where Vash and Knives were. Knives vowed to destroy all humans. Vash spent years following him and trying to convince him otherwise. After some time, Knives destroyed the last link of Vash's long-lost love (who was killed in the mission). Vash went ballistic, and after he tried to shoot Knives, Knives showed Vash their ability of forming a super-natural gun from the .41 callibur gun (which are now, sadly lost). Vash accidentally destroyed the city and lost his memory from before that (later regaining it). Vash later earned a 60 billion dollar bounty, and wandered having many adventures. He later had a showdown with Knives and Vash won, but instead of killing him, took him back to convert him to good. And Kouberei explained the rest. [/color]
  11. [color=royalblue] I just yesterday started watching this series, and have seen the first two episodes...and I have to say it is hillarious! I already like the setting more than evangelion. I really like the comedy level too. Anyone share my views? [/color]
  12. [color=royalblue] Has anyone seen this show? I can't beleive I've never posted about it! It is sooo freaking hillarious! I was always watching it, and telling her about the hillarity. She was always skeptical about it, but then one night she sat down and watched tv (not knowing what it was), and called me in there to come watch, because she was laughing so hard. [/color]
  13. Kinetic

    The Shield

    [color=royalblue] I have heard about it, but have no clue what it's about? What is it? [/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo] Then for all guys there is the feared low blow :twitch:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] You don't wanna know how many times I've been hit there...it's my brothers favorite target :twitch: Anyway, I'm lucky that other than that, I've not really had anything :D I'm just really luck :laugh: [/color]
  15. [color=royalblue] Haha! You just explained every day for me in the summer :D I usually eat cereal at the table, but I stay online when I eat lunch in the kitchen (cuz I use cable), the TV is right behind me. Lol, anyway... [/color]
  16. [color=royalblue] Hahaha! That was hillarious. Anyway, I think Courtney-Cox Arquette could play Chi-Chi perfect! Whatever it was Piro said, I read it and thought, "That's exactly what I was thinking" But I'm rambling now so.... [/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GoldScorpion78 [/i] [B]that was in the fake movie, Gohan defeated Cell, even if hercule DID fall, it wouldn't be defeating Cell. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Haha, it was hillarious looking at your posts cuz you didn't understand it was a joke. Anyway, he is AWFUL, but he is there for a reason. Everyone needs someone to hate that isn't an enemy, and he is there to take the position. [/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] My, isn't he modest? :D Kidding, kidding... In any case, I'm a moderatly "well-educated dubbie". I just choose to not study the subs...seeing as how I have no sound. And yes, dubbed episodes suck. I can't wait to see what they do when Gotenks flips Buu off. Jeez... I [b]hate[/b] cencoring...-___-;; [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Lol, they will probably skip over that scene. I wish they would just blur it and bleep out the cuss words like any normal station would. [/color]
  19. [color=royalblue] I am pretty sure they are all German tanks, but ya never know, I could be wrong... [/color]
  20. [color=royalblue] Setsuna: Where's Anima? Jet: I dunno, probably out battling with Faye somewhere. Setsuna: Heh... Jet: You're hiding something....what is it? Setsuna: Nothing... Jet: What? Come on, you can tell me... Spike: Tell you what? Setsuna: Nothing. Spike: Ooh, I see. Setsuna: Is there a cloaking device on the bebop? Jet: Nope...we just have to hope they don't come looking for us again. With that, there was a loud noise outside. A ship landed on the Bebop, they didn't know who it was...not Seto...(OOC: James) [/color]
  21. [color=royalblue] Lol, this is pretty much the only show I will watch on CN, unless I'm really bored and nothing else is on. I like Ed "I like chickens Eddy", it actually makes me laugh (which alot of shows don't do, cept for Trigun) [/color]
  22. Kinetic

    Green Day

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B] [color=red][b]I agree. There older stuff is better. At the show they played one song from each album if not more. I also agree that people who JUST discover Green Day should be hurt. lol.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Just hurt? Maybe tortured.... Anyway, yeah, the songs on Dookie are way better, especially "Basket Case" and "When I Come Around". I always have those in my head....But I also like "Minority" on their most recent CD. [/color]
  23. [color=royalblue] There are already a few topics about this...please go post in them. [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Addicted? I wouldn't say I'm [i]addicted[/i], for I could withdraw myself with only minimal pain, but I'm certainly [i]dependent[/i] on the internet. Without it, I wouldn't have met all the great people here that I've known for...eep...a year![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] You took the words right out of my mouth :D I am not addicted, but it's what I spend most of my free time on (cuz somehow, wherever I move, it's always in the middle of an old peoples area :laugh: ) But anyway, I spend most of my time here. [/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]How often do you see a person who watches the subbed episodes give false information about the show? ::I'm going to let you think a bit:: ................. Ok, now how often have you seen a dubbie give false information about the show? The answers are: [b]Not too often if never,[/b] and [b]most always.[/b] Now, not all dubbies are alike. For example, I am what some may call a "dubbie". This is because I don't have the money to buy fansubs, I don't live in Japan so I could never have seen the original thing, and my computer modem is too slow for me to download pirated episodes offline(which technically is illegal). [i]But[/i], even though I am a "dubbie", I still know a lot about the series in its original form. How you ask? Research, my friend. I have a credible magazine that has a lot of info on it concerning characters, which I use to help witgh things dealing with characters. It also has a complete listing of all the original Japanese names for the episodes, which can also be useful. It also has other miscellaneous other information. And that information that I [i]don't[/i] know, I look up online. So I am a "well-informed dubbie", lol. Then you always have those dubbies who think they know it all, but don't, and annoy us all. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] That basically explains me right there...except you probably know more than me. If you want to know the real storyline, just visit really popular fansites (like DBGT.net), and their affiliates, and you could find most things you need. I myself used to be a guru of info on my websites...but I have lost my touch, and seen better anime. [/color]
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