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Everything posted by Kinetic
[color=royalblue] I still haven't seen spiderman, but my vote will still probably be episode 2!! I love that movie soooo much. I don't think Spiderman could out-do it for me. [/color]
[color=royalblue] I wanna go to that concert!! I love Green Day, and Blink is cool too. That would have been awesome if you got to go on stage. Where do you live? If anywhere southern, tell me where! Maybe I can catch them some time. Geez, I am slow with these things lol. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B] #7 What were the odds of Han successfully navigating through the asteroid field in ESB, according to C-3PO? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Lol, I don't know the answer to any of the questions, but this is a funny story. My dad's friend went to the premier, and there was some guy asking trivia questions, and he asked the same one, and he stood up and knew it right off hand, then some people were like "What a geek!" lol, I just thought it was funny. [/color]
[color=royalblue] The movie was great, it had great graphics, and a good plot, and decent amount of action, but it just seemed to follow no where near the storyline of Final Fantasy. If it were named something else, I would love it more than anything, but it didn't have anything to do with FF. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Yes, but that just made the plot even better. Anyway, yes, that is one of my favorite movies. I watched it again recently, and was just as impressed as ever. It also has good gfx, especially when the fragments pelt NY at the beginning. [/color]
[color=royalblue] The ending was kinda stupid, but the fight scene rocked. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]I don't like commercials as a whole, even though they [i]are[/i] necessary -__-. Ooh, one I like is when there's a scene on a street where this guy has a booth and he's calling out random phrases..... "'Don't go there.' 'Don't go there', one dollar" "'Get a life', one dollar" and then a person will come up and ask if he has, "Don't worry, it happens to all guys", and the seller says, sure. So he takes the dollar and gives them a wind-up talking doll, and then the person puts it on the ground and stomps on it 'til it's smashed to pieces. It's a Snickers commercial I think. I don't mind commercials as long as they're funny/weird. I hate local car dealer commercials..... >_< [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] I like that commercial :D And I as well HATE local car dealer, and lawyer commercials! "I'm Jim Adler the Texas hammer" "I'm Aries, and I'm gonna kick your ***" Anyone watch the "Funniest commercials you've never seen and some you have"? I love that show. [/color]
[color=royalblue] By electronica, you mean techno? I've been trying to get into techno lately...I don't know why. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Oh god no!! Please no. I don't know, but I'll watch that show when it's 12 AM and I can't get to sleep, and my cable's out, but it is sooooo cheesy. [/color]
[color=royalblue] OOC: Actually, I like your character, but I can't save him :p Setsuna noticed the speed in Kain, and focused his energy for an attack. He threw the light sword at him, and it was easily deflected. Yet it was only a distraction. Setsuna: Void drift! The green light shot once more from his hands, injuring Kain. Yet Kain continued to fight. Kain threw his sword at Setsuna, and it was blocked with a wing. But when Setsuna revealed himself, a purple light shot through his stomach. Setsuna kneeled over in pain. Kain created another sword, and slashed at Setsuna's head. His sword went right through him as if it were air! Setsuna reappeared behind Kain, holding his stomach. Setsuna: Teleportation. It's a wonderful thing. See you soon, brother. Setsuna backed up and was concealed in his wings, then vanished. [/color]
[color=royalblue] That's true. And although I say I hate CN, I love that they put OS and CB on, those are two of my favorites. Also, why [i]is[/i] it so popular? The animation is alright, except at times like when Gohan got stabbed by that "energy drainer" by Yamu and Spopovitch. But still, there is [i]no[/i] plot! It drives me crazy when I say there is no plot and whoever I am debating with goes "yes huh! There is a difference between Cell and Frieza! Gohan went SSJ!" Then I cut them off and say "And yes, it was just like the Saiyan Saga, Frieza Saga, Buu saga, Bebi Saga, Super 17" and so on and so forth. [/color]
[color=royalblue] This is one of my favorite series, I really love Vash's faces, and the goofiness, but yes, it does get better in the last 11 episodes. Especially 25, but I won't give any spoilers. [/color]
[color=royalblue] The battle between the demons raged on. Each one slicing the other viscously, yet each wound seemed to heal within seconds. Setsuna: A battle of this calibur will not solve anything. With that, Setsuna hung his double-bladed scimitar on his side and a green light came from his hands. Kain's wings shielded his body against the blast, and when the wings re-opened, a purple light shot at Setsuna, hitting him in the side. Setsuna stuck his hand out, and the green light showed up, the light came slowly out, and formed a green blade, the handle being pure light. Kain did the same. They attacked each other with these weapons, and the wounds from these didn't seem to heal. [/color]
RPG StarWars Episode 10: The Return of The Dark Side
Kinetic replied to SiTh_LoRd724M's topic in Theater
[color=royalblue] I thought I was going easy...Sorry if I was being too harsh Sith [/color] -
[color=royalblue] Wow, that episode was freaky...confusing and scary... [/color]
[color=royalblue] Far away, yet still visible was the outline of Setsuna, watching the troops of Vampires and Banshees taking on the villagers and warriors. Setsuna: You'll need all the help you can get...you pathetic fools! A grin on his face. Kain: Setsuna! I'll kill you for what you've done! Kain ran through the crowd of Vampires, jumping over them every now and then. He got to Setsuna and they started with battle number two. Setsuna: I'll finish you quickly He said laughing. Setsuna: Void Drift! A shot of lightning spurt from his hands. Kain dodged and shot an arrow at Setsuna. It grazed his arm and Setsuna kept slashing at him with his double-edged scimitar. [/color] [color=darkred] BTW, you can do what ever you want with my character in your posts, just don't kill him :demon: [/color]
OOC: The padawan's escaped, Ryowas ship blew up, and they found another Jedi named Zach hiding on Ryowa's ship. You are with the Jedi Council, and we (the padawans) just reported in about the advanced droids ryowa (the enemy) is creating for war. [color=royalblue] Yoda: Troops, we must gather. Mace: But master Yoda, do we really want a war on our hands? Yoda: Inevitable, it is. On the loose, Ryowa is. Missing, Dooku and Darth Sidious are. Obi-wan: Then they could join forces, and we would have the war to end all wars on our hands. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Setsuna: D*MNIT SETO!! Setsuna attacked Seto's ship furiously. Such hatred he had never shown before. Setsuna: Jet, I said to take Anima away from the battle! Jet: She called her ship and jumped out. Setsuna: Will that woman ever learn?! Spike: What do you mean? You've never even met her. Setsuna: I was in that expirement she was in. You have no clue how old I really am. I'm about 45, and even though Anima cannot be killed easily, I can, we had different side effects. She got the lucky one...I got..a disease that slowly eats away at you. Anima: Stop your whining and fight! Setsuna turned his ship around as a missle headed for him. Setsuna: 3 on 1, we can take out Seto's ship with ease. Look at the devil, he's grinning. With that, Setsuna shot a missle blowing up the ship, little did they know that Seto had escaped in a pod from the side of the ship. Later that night... Spike: I say we celebrate that he's gone! Setsuna: I can't tonight...I need some...rest. Jet: Setsuna? That's not like you...you've never missed a party in your life. Setsuna: Alot of things have changed about me... Setsuna waved goodbye and crept to his room. [/color]
RPG StarWars Episode 10: The Return of The Dark Side
Kinetic replied to SiTh_LoRd724M's topic in Theater
[color=royalblue] Uhh...RPG's don't work like that here. Here's how they go: You go to the "Sign up" subforum, and post the plot of the RPG, then list a sign up form for the people who want to join. Example: This story starts in the era of blah blah blah, whatever you want from there on. To join, list these characteristics: Name: Personality: Etc: then when you have enough members, start the story in here like you have it, then the people who joined will reply. [/color] -
[quote] EVERYBODIES immature at 13[/quote] [color=royalblue] I'm not... But anyway, on the topic earlier, I believe that it should be 50-50 for each person...I mean, I'm a nice guy, or at least I think so, and I don't like the idea that [i]anyone[/i] should be pleasured for money, it's just wrong, and it's a sin. And all guys are not stupid, only the chosen few. *cough*My brother*cough* But back on the original topic, I'm homeschooled, and it doesn't really matter, I just wear what's comfortable. Oh, and Mystical Dark Elf, that's the funniest post I've seen in a while. It was kind hard to read though. [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B]The thing that really bothers me the most about this dbz craze is that the show is just so old, DB, DBZ, and DBGT are practicially 12-14 years old already in Japan! Whenever someone tells me I can't wait to see the [b]"new"[/b] dbz episodes I just roll my eyes like so!:rolleyes: Its about time these psuedo anime fans that are still hung up on an anime series that is 12 years old, and lacking plot, mature and watch better anime series out there! I'm not saying I hate dbz but to me its really old news! ;) [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Wise words! I am going to print that and show it to my cousin and brother, because they drive me crazy. And DBZ is very old to me too. It used to be cool, but I have moved on, and I am almost to the point of disliking it because it is so overrated, and lacks plot SO much, that it's almost the same exact thing over and over again. Example: There is always a new enemy, more feared than the last one. Every saga, someone goes up in power (drastically) The moves get even moooore boring. Last, but not least (well maybe it is): They always somehow manage to overcome the enemy by sacrifice, or becoming a new SSJ level. I don't dislike DBZ yet, and it is still fun to watch every now and then. But come on... [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick Hunter [/i] [B] [b]Super Dimensional Fortress Macross[/b]--The first Macross series and the best out there! [b]Macross the movie: Do you remember love[/b]--At one point was the highest grossing anime movie in Japan! [b]Macross Flashback 2012[/b]--This was the official fairwell to the original characters of Macross/ potrayed in a music video that last 30mins! Last but not Least [b]Macross 7[/b]--One of the newer Macross story lines, in which Max and Miriya make cameo's! A must see for Macross fans! The only Macross incarnation I will not recommend is the crappy Macross 2: Lover's again! This movie was set in an alternate universe and was rather crappy! [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Wow, you sound like a door to door salesman :laugh: But anyway, I heard this is good, what is it about? [/color]
[color=royalblue] Your Type is ISFJ Introverted(33) Sensing(33) Feeling(22) Judging(22) You are: moderately expressed introvert moderately expressed sensing personality slightly expressed feeling personality slightly expressed judging personality I'm such a wierd person...
[color=royalblue] I was thinking about that yesterday, and how cool it would be to go water skiing. This summer I might, or at least I want to. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Outside there was a commotion. Someone was firing at the bebop! Setsuna left Spike with Anima, and ran off to find Jet. Setsuna: Jet, who is it?! Jet: Seto! Setsuna: You get Spike and Anima out of here, but first, I'll take out Aries(OOC:my ship), and lure them away. Setsuna runs off, while Faye gets her ship ready. Outside, the Setsuna fires a missile at Seto's fighter to lure him off. Meanwhile, Spike and Anime are taking off in Jet's fighter. Seto sees this and turns around to pursue them. [/color]