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Everything posted by Kinetic
[color=royalblue] Ignore sith lord's post, he's spamming. Lalaith: Master [i]pants[/i] Windu, Ryowa...is planning[i]pants[/i] Ginco: Ryowa is planning an attack with advanced droids! Mace: How did you find this information? Ginco: He told me from his own mouth, sir. Yoda: Good, this is not... [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1] Why don't C3PO and Artoo remember Tatooine? They were both there and Threepio LIVED there, right there on the moisture farm with Owen and Beru, but when they go back there and meet Luke and everything, it's like they've never seen the planet at all. Did they get their memories erased somewhere in between there? [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I was wondering the [i]exact[/i] same thing as I was going to sleep last night. I wonder if he's just stupid...
[color=royalblue] What he saw in the reflection was a vampire about to jump on him. He drank the ale, and cut the vampires head right off as he was turning around. Yuugi: Foolish vampires. What was happening outside was not pleasant either, a brigade of vampires was heading into town. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Ginco comes running back in, lightsaber ready. Ginco: Go now! Get in the speeder. I'll hold him off! Lauren: But...Go! I'll be there soon! The three run off, Lalaith looking regretful. Ginco: You'll pay for all you've done. But first, you still haven't told us why you're here. Ryowa: I thought that was pretty obvious. I have come here to battle Lauren, and you other pathetic padawans. Then, when my droids are ready, then will the clone wars begin. Ginco: No...not again, our forces are...diminishing. Ryowa: Exactly, I will finish off the Jedi for good! And with that Ryowa strikes at Ginco, nearly hitting him, but Ginco dodged, and re-ingnited his lightsaber. They fought for a while, and when Ginco found an opening, he punched the man into the wall, and ran outside, to jump in the speeder. Ginco: [i]jumps in[/i] Go now! Zach steps on the pedal, and they speed off toward the Jedi Temple. Ginco tells them about the droids on the way there, and when they found the Jedi masters, they came in panting. [/color]
[color=royalblue] I don't dislike it, but it's my least favorite of the three series (favorite being universe), it's my least favorite because of the animation, and I don't like the plot as much. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Screams are heard from the other side of the object. Ginco: Lauren! No! Zach: Lauren... Ginco sticks his hand out, pushing the door with all the anger in his heart. Ginco: I won't...let her...DIE!! The door flies open nearly unhinging it. Ginco: DIE! You...you fool! Ginco jumps through the air, lightsaber drawn, and takes Ryowa into a one on one battle. He was suceeding until he made one mistake and want flying. He jumped back up, and found that Zach and Lalaith were attacking as well. Ginco: I'll get the speeder. Ginco runs down the hall, to get the speeder on the outside ready. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Ginco: Right. Man: I don't need a lightsaber to beat you! The man concentrates, lightning shoots from his hands in three directions. He knocks all three unconscious. Man: I will have to put you in different cells, where you cannot escape... The three wake up in three different cells right next to each other. Ginco: What happened?! Lalaith: He's strong...too strong. He may be a sith lord. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Ginco: [i]telepathically[/i] I'm not leaving you here to die! Ginco bends the bars on his cell with the force, and gets Lauren out. Ginco: Follow me! They rush down the halls, to where the man and Lalaith were. Ginco and Lauren ignite their lightsabers, and go into battle with the man. Man: I've beat you once, I'll beat you again! The man waves his hand, and they go flying for the...1..2..3..Ginco was too tired to count right now. Ginco jumps back up, Lalaith and Lauren follow. The continue to battle. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Ginco: *telepathically* Stay back Lalaith, no good can come from you being captured as well. Lalaith: But, no good can come from me not helping. Ginco: But also, not bad can come from that. Think of the odds. Lalaith: But- Ginco: No! Don't come Lalaith! We will figure out an escape plan. There was silence, and Lalaith did not stop following the ship. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Lauren sneaks silently through the corridors in the ship. All of a sudden there is a rustling in the corner. Man: Ahh...another padawan prisoner. Lauren: Who are- Before she could finish she was being carried off to a cell. Some how Obi-Wan had lost the ship, while searching frantically. He returned to the other jedi masters and Lalaith. Obi-Wan: I have failed. Yoda: Not good this is. Captives, Lauren and Ginco are. Obi-Wan: Lauren?! Yoda: Flew off, she did. Mace: The dark side of the force is gaining power again. We must be alert. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Lalaith: No! I'm tired of this! Obi-Wan: Stay here padawan, I will retrieve him. Obi-Wan jumped on the speeder and set off. [/color]
[color=royalblue] The man stands back up and raises his hand, sending all his opposition flying into a wall. He then carries Ginco into his ship and leaves as the Jedi struggle to stand. Man: Goodbye...for now. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Ginco gets up and ignites his lightsaber. Lalaith: ...Now! The three padawans jump at the man, striking wrecklessly. Yoda: No! Stay back, you must. Lauren: But Master Yoda! Man: Yoda said stay back! The man waves his hand and they go flying back into the wall. Ginco was knocked unconscious. [/color]
[color=royalblue] Mace jumped through the air, he and Yoda were on each side of the man,they struck, but they hit nothing but air. The man reappeared next to Ginco. Ginco re-drew his lightsaber. He blocked the man's first blow, but after that he was hit on the wrist. Luckily nothing was severed and Obi-Wan got there in time to defend Ginco. Ob-wan: [i]while at a stalemate with the man[/i] Who are you and what do you want?! [/color]
[color=royalblue] The man reaches Master Yoda and in the blink of an eye, they engaged in battle. The man swung his lightsaber violently, while Yoda defended, not wanting to wound him. [/color]
[color=royalblue] The padawans ignite theirs too. Mace: Stay back young ones. Obi-Wan: Who are you? The man proceeds to walk silently towards Yoda. [/color]
[color=royalblue] They were all there. The shuttle exit opened up. Out came a Man, tall. Ginco: Who is that master Kenobi? Obi-Wan: I don't know young Padawan, let us see. Obi-Wan and Ginco walked over to the man. Obi-Wan: And to what do we owe this visit, kind sir? Obi-Wan backed off, holding his throat for a few seconds, and then letting go. The man proceeded to walk toward Master Yoda. [/color]
if you won 10000 dollars...what would you buy first?
Kinetic replied to Raquel's topic in General Discussion
[color=royalblue] Well, I would buy the ultimate computer, game consoles (all), and a few more things, and I would put the rest in the bank for living expenses and emergencies. [/color] -
[color=royalblue] Spike: Wh- Anima: No, he needs his rest. Anima took Spike's hand and led him to the living room. Anima: Rest on the couch. Spike: But - Before he could finish his sentence he was pushed over the arm of the couch and had pills in his mouth. Anima: Swallow those an sleep. I have some...business to take care of. Anima walked over to Faye. Anima: Follow me... They walked a ways off into the ship. Faye: Tell him who you are! Anima: I will tell him when it is time! Faye: Now is the time! He deserves to know. Faye slapped Anima across the face. Anima: No...he cannot know yet... Setsuna: Know what? Before anyone could speak, Anima ran off. Faye: She is Spikes...mother. Setsuna: What? Faye: But she doesn't want to tell him. Setsuna: Why not? Faye: I don't know! Setsuna: Well, it's best not to meddle in such matters... [/color]
[color=royalblue] Ahhhh! I hate this godforesaken gamecube! I really need an Xbox or PS2, anyway, this game looks awesome. Any clue as to whether it will come to the computer some day? [/color]
[color=royalblue] I agree with you wholeheartedly QA. My little cousin is just like that, and when I try to tell her about other anime, she just ignores me. She thinks she's a huge anime fan, when all she watches is dubbed DBZ. I really grow tired of the Dragonball series. It is waaay to overrated, and it is not even near the "greatest anime there is" any true anime fan would know that. And I know I am not an otaku, not nearly, but I do know that DBZ comes no where in comparison with other things like Evangelion and Vampire Hunter D. Ok, I'm rambling now, so I'm gonna go ;) [/color]
[color=royalblue] Sorry, but that is called Spam. :therock::therock::therock::therock: [/color]
[color=royalblue] Ginco: Master Kenobi... Obi-Wan: Yes, young one? Ginco: Why can't those two control their emotions? It seems they had none whatsoever. Obi-Wan: You are very pecuilure (sp?) young apprentice. Most people your age are like that... Ginco: I'm not like most people... Obi-Wan: [i]After a long silence[/i] Let's go check out that ship. They walk off to the loading deck. [/color]
[color=royalblue] OOC: Actually we planned I would be accepted by Obi-Wan...unless that's what you meant... Ginco and Obi-Wan walk out of the room. Ginco: Thank you Master Kenobi! Obi-Wan: Sure, but you do understand that I will not go light on you? Ginco: Yes sir! [i]Ginco walks over to Lalaith.[/i] How's your arm, Lalaith? Lalaith: It's going to be fine. Are you an apprentice now? Ginco: According to Master Kenobi. Lalaith: That's great. Lauren walks in. [/color]
[color=royalblue] They get to the hospital wing and get a bed for Lalaith. Lalaith: I'm fine, I tell you. Yoda: Looked at, you will be. Lalaith: Fine, Master Yoda. Obi-Wan: Ginco, may I have a word with you? Ginco: Sure, I'll be right back Lalaith. Ginco and Obi-Wan walk into a closed off room. [/color]