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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. Kinetic

    Fav Scary Movie!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B] the only other scary movie I can think of at the moment was Bring It On, I couldn't sleep for weeks after that one. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] lol, haha, that was the crappiest movie ever. Back to topic...My favorite scary movie would have to be... God I can't remember the name, but something like 5 people were invited to this house for "studies" and the house was haunted or something of that sort...it wasn't house on haunted hill, but sort of like it. One scary movie I hated was thirteen ghosts...that movie was stupid...the only thing that made it stupid was the guy who played in Scream 1. He might have been good in Scream, but in this (and Probably Scooby-Doo) he sucks lol [/color]
  2. [color=royalblue] I got dragon, even when I did it truthfully lol...that's telling ya something [/color]
  3. [color=royalblue]I'm pretty sure I heard that GT will be shown in 2003, the same year the GC game comes out...but it might be a rumor...[/color]
  4. [color=royalblue]I sorta got this idea from the Fun Stuff topic, but here is a link to find out what mythical creature you are. It gives you a pic of the creature (cool pictures), but they are more than 100 pixel height...maybe you can crop them for an avatar.... anyway, here's the link:[/color] [url]http://mysite.freeserve.com/Intereo_Liberi/test3.htm[/url]
  5. [color=royalblue] I beleive that they can exist, but I don't really care if they do. We all die eventually [/color]
  6. I got this: Didn't expect this one: Ooh...voo-doo dolls: Hey!: I like all but the last one lol
  7. [color=royalblue] Hey, yeah...never thought of that...just have them but some bubblegum :p But anyway, I've bought things online a few times, my parents had no problem. Oh, and tell them that my grandfather is a collecter, and with his hundreds of trades, he's never had a bad transaction. [/color]
  8. [color=royalblue] They had cleared the den, or at least this part of the cave. Where had Setsuna been dragged off to? What were those creatures? There were many questions, but no time to solve them. Kain: Follow me... The group of fighters followed Kain into a passage. They could hear voices, and screams at the end of the tunnel. Did they have other prisoners? They moved silently through the cave, cautiously, for the fact was, that this was no small den. These winding caves were filled with vampires, and who knows what. [/color]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i] [B] can't be, bulma isn't 4 years older than goku, more like 8 years older. she was 16 when she first met him, and i read somewhere on these boards a loooooong time ago that he was 5. I'm not sure about how old goku was, but bulma was 16 when she first met him, and goku was 8 or younger. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Actually, there is a 4 year difference, because it is mentioned, as you said that bulma is 16. Yet it is also mentioned many times in the series, that when Goku met bulma, he was twelve. You were just guessing by his size. It even mentions his age in the dubbed version >shivers< ooh dubbies >shivers< [/color]
  10. [color=royalblue] lol, I've seen tons of Krillin's, Bulma's, oh, did anyone see that shirt in the cell games that said "the super saiyan" what idiot at funimation did that> [/color]
  11. [color=royalblue] I'd wish for...a fortune and a happy life, with tons of monkeys :D [/color]
  12. I used to have to do year round school. Cept it was 6 weeks on 1 week off and my mom would sometimes "forget" that it had been 6 weeks, and when I reminded her, she got mad at me. It was torture lol
  13. Kinetic


    lol, and I love the ones that ramble on then say: "But wait there's more. If you buy this noodle grader, we'll throw in a free pizza gun, and we'll also add a teaspoon of water. So for only four payments of 19.99 you'll get a noodle grader, a pizza gun, AND a teaspoon of water. But wait, there's more!" lol, those crack me up
  14. [color=royalblue] Ok, I haven't been watching cuz I just moved, so what are the stats on all the titles? I know regal has european, taker has undisputed (how in he--??), and hardcore is stephen richards, and I forgot who that is... [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] My EVA Unit 01 could take the whole gang of PPG at once, anyway. :smirk: -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue] Either that or my custom Unit 5!! But anyway...I don't watch it much...mainly because I hate CN, and am not into this show...but my brother watches it and annoys me with it and that's what it is probably going to be about. Lol, be funny if it were a bust cuz everyone knew it would come on CN on a saturday sometime lol [/color]
  16. Kinetic


    [color=royalblue] lol, I hate it when it's one of the one's that's two hours long and they basically repeat the same thing over and over. [/color]
  17. [color=royalblue] lol, this is kinda wierd, but when I was real young, I used to start saying "that's the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it uh huh uh huh" and some times I would get loud lol....that's kinda embarassing... [/color]
  18. Kinetic


    [color=royalblue] I thought it was funny, but definately not one of my favorites. My favorite part was at the end when they were talking about the three roommates, how one ended up in jail, and one couldn't tie his shoes. I thought that part was pretty funny, [/color]
  19. Kinetic


    Anyone here watch infomercials and laugh at them? Haha, I saw this one today, it was a spaghetti strainer that hooks onto the faucet called Yaffa, and they kept saying, in this cheesy voice: "Go Yaffa." It was hillarious. But seriously, I have bought a couple things off infomercials, only those touch lamps. Anyway, anyone else have a funny infomercial?
  20. [color=royalblue] Faye stood up and walked away for the third time. But this time she wasn't coming back. Setsuna: Hmm...I wonder what she's gotten herself into this time. Setsuna saw Jet's car outside and walked out. Apparently, when he got there, he saw key scratchings along the side of the car. Jet: D*mnit, I just got this thing repaired too! Setsuna: Let me guess, Faye saw you right before she left? *a grin on his face* Jet: Shut up and get in the car. Setsuna: How far away is the hospital? Jet: This is all your fault you know! Setsuna looked taken aback. Jet: If you hadn't pissed her off, she wouldn't have keyed my car. Setsuna: All I asked is why she couldn't come. Then she got pissed and stormed out. Jet: Heh, probably in trouble with some major casino. Setsuna: Knowing her, yeah. Jet: So, what's this Seto guy like?... Setsuna's grin turned into a serious look. Setsuna: I heard he is malicious, as if he had no heart. Jet: I said Seto, not Viscious... Setsuna: I don't see how you can joke about him. He killed his own family to get into the clan. That was his initiation. He could take a life in an instant, without hesitating. Jet: His own family...Do you know his last name? Setsuna's look turned to a desperate look. Setsuna: Spiegel... The car swerved off of the road. Jet regained control and looked very surprised. Jet: Does that mean... Setsuna: He's coming after Spike... Jet: We've gotta get to the hospital! The engine roared and Jet pushed the pedal down all the way. They arrived at the hospital and ran to Spike's room. Jet: Spike, wake up. We're leaving. Spike: Wha- Spike couldn't finish his sentence, he was picked up by Setsuna and thrown over a shoulder. They ran out, the doctor yelling at them about the bill. Jet: I'll pay you some other time! They jumped in the car and drove off. [/color]
  21. [color=royalblue] The man walked up and sat down next to Faye. Setsuna: That was a nice trick you pulled back there. I see you're back to your old ways. Faye: Yes...I am, thank you very much. Faye started to walk off. Setsuna: Spike's coming out of it. Faye: What? Faye took back her seat. Setsuna: He came out of a coma last night. Faye: Alright, but I'm done with them... Setsuna: I highly doubt that. You loved that way of life and you wouldn't give it up if you had the chance. Faye: I hated it on that ship! Setsuna: That's a lie and you know it! Faye: I've had enough of this... Faye stood up and walked away. Setsuna: 5...4...3...2... Faye: He's really coming out of it? Setsuna: According to Jet. We're going to see him in an hour. [/color]
  22. [color=royalblue] hahaha, I would love to see ssj3 Goku fight Yemma, that would be hillarious, the bug squishing the giant. [/color]
  23. [color=royalblue] Spike: That's good. Spike's eyes closed. He was going back to sleep. A man walked through the door. ???: How's he doing? Jet: He woke up. He just fell asleep again. ???: That's great. Should we tell the doctors? Jet: No, I think we should wait for him to heal, then escape while we can. That bill was enourmous. ???: Hahaha, that's just like you. Jet: So what's the news on the Red Dragon, Setsuna? Setsuna: They have a new leader. I think his name was...Seto, or something like that. Jet: Well, we'd better head home for the night. We can come and check on Spike in the morning. The two stand up and walk out. Little did they know that Spike was listening the whole time. Spike: Wow, Seto. That brings back memories. [/color]
  24. [color=royalblue]My brother recently. He pisses me off so much the way he teases our puppy (a German Shepherd). Anyway, now whenever he goes near her she growls. I'm telling him not to tease her cuz when she grows, bye-bye arm lol. But he still doesn't listen.[/color]
  25. [color=royalblue] Setsuna jumps into battle with his dark, double-bladed scimitar, then sees Terran taking on the creature by himself. Setsuna leaps over a pile of corpses and is nearly to the creature when another one bursts from underground in front of him. Setsuna: D*mn creatures! Setsuna slashes the creature across the chest and takes off the two front legs. The creature manages ot gash Setsuna's left arm before getting it's head cut off. Setsuna covers up the gash oozing green blood. Setsuna is then surrounded by three vampires. He manages to stab the sword through one's heart, before the other two knock him unconscious and drag him through a hole into the wall. [/color] [color=darkred] OOC: BTW, Arikel, when you were mentioning people, you forgot me! :p [/color]
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