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Everything posted by Kinetic

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NorykoAngelcry [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]. Many times I have taken long road trips, and gone to sleep in rather uncomfortable laying positions. Well, on a few occasions, I have woken up, UNABLE to move. . I mean, I could not move my mouth, my toungue, or anything else for that matter (besides my eyelids, and I was able to breath). It was the most terrifying experience I have ever had *shudders* . . scary! [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] That happens to my dad sometimes... Anyway, Snail, I'm sorry, that situation is really bad. and I'm sorry about your loved one. Hope you get better. And get some rest:sleep:
  2. 1: Sephiroth or Transtic Nerv left the boards? they've both been here for as long as anybody can remember, wondering around the boards to keep things intact, why I remember the days when Safer was admin and made TN general discussions moderator now those were the days [color=royalblue]Oh my god, it would be total havoc! j/k, but it would be alot less fun.[/color] 2: The Yaoi forum was created, would it be popular? non-existant because people just want to please those that wanted it and so said they wanted it too? I personally would love having the yaoi forum and would visit it quite often, for those who know me know that I've been pretty scarce around the boards [color=royalblue]I'm a supporter of it, because there are a lot of people who want it, and some that [b]really[/b] want it *cough*TN*cough* but I wouldn't visit it.[/color] 3: If thimoc came back? old time members know exactly who he is [color=royalblue]Haha, I can't beleive I used to be friend with that fool. It was a long time before he got banned though. (I've been here a real long time, with different SN's)[/color] 4: if big poppa hump, undoubtedly the most hated member in the history of otaku came back [color=royalblue]Haha, I think he would get banned Really Fast[/color]
  3. [color=royalblue] Jet wondered if Spike would ever come to. He also wondered how they were going to pay for the medical bills. Jet: D*mn, it's always something, isn't it?! There was a movement. Jet: Spike? Spike: Jet... Jet: Spike, how are you feeling? Spike: Where am I? Jet: We're in the hospital wing. OOC: Stopping now, gotta get to sleep [/color]
  4. [color=royalblue] You make a good point there. I wasn't thinking, and was just really thinking about movie #8's crappy ending. But I think Brolli could still probably take an SSJ3 [/color]
  5. [color=royalblue][size=1] I was too computer illiterate to use it when it was running. Heck, I didn't even know what it was! Now it's kazaa....good old kazaa...I had 75 songs but deleted them. They all got boring :demon: [/color][/size]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]f you are talking about DragonBall Z, then yes, Buu would be their toughest opponent, Furiza still remains the most feared. I doubt Janemba has a history of blowing of the Planet Vegeta and killed all but a handful of the Saiya-jin race, and then also taking over and pirating many other planets throughout the universe. Furiza would strike greater fear into the hearts of a Saiya-jin than would the name Janemba. Even [i]after[/i] they thought they killed Furiza, once they felt his power signal again, they were about ready to soil themselves. Though in what I said, I was referring to the whole DragonBall series, throughout GT. Ii Shenron is the toughest, Furiza was the most feared.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=royalblue][size=1] I half agree, half disagree. I do believe Ii is strong, but I think Brolli is the strongest in the whole series (and movies) because: The endings to movies 8 and 10 suck (haven't seen 11) I think if it were SSJ4 Gogeta versus Brolli, then the Z Fighters might win, but if just one ssj4 (even fused with bebi vegeta which almost=ssj3) wouldn't beat him, because he was the ultimate warrior. The ending to movie 8 should've been him sending one organ at a time home in the mail to their families, because he was so strong and Viscious. Ii on the other hand was stronger, I have to admit. But besides him, Brolli could've beat all the villains fused together. [/color][/size]
  7. [color=royalblue][size=1] I thought the was joking about the total domination (Muahahahahaha), but I could be wrong. [/color][/size]
  8. [color=royalblue][size=1] Actually, they don't coincide with each other because Akira Toriyama didn't make the movies, but I don't know which came first, the movies, or the series, but whoever came second, just totally screwed it up. [/color][/size]
  9. [color=royalblue][size=1] I think she's Faye Valentine, isn't she? [/color][/size]
  10. [color=royalblue][size=1]I'll join: Name: Setsuna Legato Alias: None Job/Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Hacker Weapon of Choice: .9 mm pistols Method of Fighting: Street Fighting Ship: Aries: A cargo ship, much like the Bebop, but a small fighter on board. Equipment: Laptop, extra artillery Personality: He's not very sociable, but likes a good laugh every now and then. Apperance: Tall, with blonde, spiked hair, a red trench cloak, and occasionally, green tinted sunglasses. Backround: Setsuna is a wanderer, picking up bounties as he goes. He has been without family since before he can remember. He is good at hacking, but not an expert. He's a great fighter, but doesn't like fighting when he doesn't have to. He is friendly, when he wants to be, but don't get the wrong idea, he can be viscious. [/color][/size]
  11. [color=royalblue][size=1] My dad wasn't sure about buying a domain for me at first, but I guess, since my grandfather is on e-bay all the time (huge collector, when he sells his stuff, he will be rich), but anyway, he went through and everything was fine.[/color][/size]
  12. [color=royalblue][size=1] I'm not a big fan of my name lol Ginco Pearl Or Tinco Pearl (last name used to be austin) Cole Feagin- Real name Arlington - Town Mom's maiden name - Peters I think I got that right, if not, someone please correct me. Anyway, I agree, Jar jar is one of the most awful creatures I've ever seen lol. It's funny when he screws up though. Go chewbacca! Chewy rocks man...I forgot I was gonna say that in my sig... [/color][/size]
  13. awesome, can't wait for it to finally come out
  14. lol,it's fun to laugh at the macerena. I remember they brought that back recently on TRL (MTV), just for a memory, and everyone booed at it. It was hillarious
  15. [size=1][color=royalblue] I wanna make a comment... I don't see why you dislike Bush and Texas >lives in Texas, but hates cowboys< Anyway, you said we need to get over 9/11, it's not like we're milking that for all it's worth, I barely meet anyone that talks about that. As for bush, I don't think he is the greatest president, not nearly, but he has stood his ground and done good for the country. As for America, we are not great, our economy sucks (trust me), we have an overwhelming crime factor, but when the smaller countries are in trouble against terrorism, or military threat, we arrive to defend them, and they do the same for us. I don't see why you hate America. [/color][/size]
  16. I almost got my brother and I killed once. I was retrieving him from school, and I looked for cars (not well enough) and I jumped into the street. Luckily he stopped, or he would have been hit by the 18 wheeler, and I jumped so far, plus the guys brakes, I got past it. I was shaking all the way home
  17. [size=1][color=royalblue] Yuugi: I'm not so sure about this, how big is this...hideout? Kain: Big Terran: Meaning? Kain: You have no clue. The four keep on walking, no clue what lies before them, except for Kain of course. [/size][/color]
  18. lol, was baha men on there?
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=royalblue] The three (or should we say four) start walking North. Yuugi: How far is it to this town you were talking about? Kain: About two miles. Yuugi: Alright, lets go. There is a rustling of leaves. Setsuna: Wait. Yuugi: What? Something jumps at Yuugi. It was a vampire. Setsuna: Get down! Setsuna throws himself at Yuugi and Kain steps backward. The vampire missed them and was in front of Kain. Kain took out his steak and pounded it through the heart of the vampire. The three kept on walking, waiting to see what might happen next. [/size][/COLOR]
  20. I've seen one on Trigun, which was "Why Don't You Get a Job" by the offspring, and it was hillarious, Metallica "No Leaf Clover" for DBZ, "In the end" by Linkin Park for Vegeta, "The Dolphins Cry" by Live for Vegeta/Goku fights, anyway, all of them are good, I've seen more, just can't remember them right now lol
  21. lol, I've seen that one alot, it's a cool one, my favorite one is probably the one with the old man in that lawless ship in space, chessmaster something. And Ed plays against him in chess forever, I forgot the name, but I loved that one
  22. Yuugi and Kain stand up with weapons drawn. Alone in the corner however was a young man, paying no attention. The vampires charged at Yuugi and Kain, fangs bared. Kain: Sh*t Kain dashes off to the left while Yuugi goes to the right. Kain is cornered, but stabs a steak through the closest one. Yuugi however, only had one on him, it was a strong one, but he held his ground. He took it out, and looked dazed. Kain had killed another, but was about to be attacked from behind when the man appears suddenly stabbing the vampire through the heart. Kain: Thanks stranger. ???: ... Yuugi: What's your name? ???: Setsuna Yuugi: Thanks Setsuna Kain: Wait...where'd the bartender go?
  23. I'll join Name: Setsuna Age: 25 Appearance: Tall, short blue hair, and eyes, red trench coat, green tinted sunglasses Personality: Not sociable, but friendly Magic User: no Weapon: Double-Bladed, black-bladed sword, hidden dagger, normal bow Extra Items: none
  24. I didn't know there was one before bloodlust, but I've seen bloodlust, and yes, it is the best I've seen yet. I will watch it again and again, anyway, is the original as good as bloodlust?
  25. Ya, and you couldn't make it any better, the main villain is gone, and everything, Julia is found, all of the mystery is gone. It just wouldn't be right to bring it back
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